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BOLA Vulnerabilities

Challenge 1 - Access details of another user’s vehicle

Challenge 2 - Access mechanic reports of other users

Broken User Authentication

Challenge 3 - Reset the password of a different user

Excessive Data Exposure

Challenge 4 - Find an API endpoint that leaks sensitive information of other users

Challenge 5 - Find an API endpoint that leaks an internal property of a video

Rate Limiting

Challenge 6 - Perform a layer 7 DoS using ‘contact mechanic’ feature


Challenge 7 - Delete a video of another user

Mass Assignment

Challenge 8 - Get an item for free

Challenge 9 - Increase your balance by $1,000 or more


Challenge 10 - Update internal video properties


Challenge 11 - Make crAPI send an HTTP call to "www.google.com" and return the HTTP response.

NoSQL Injection

Challenge 12 - Find a way to get free coupons without knowing the coupon code.

SQL Injection

Challenge 13 - Find a way to redeem a coupon that you have already claimed by modifying the database

Unauthenticated Access

Challenge 14 - Find an endpoint that does not perform authentication checks for a user.

JWT Vulnerabilities

Challenge 15 - Find a way to forge valid JWT Tokens


GitHub - OWASP/crAPI: completely ridiculous API (crAPI)

BOLA Vulnerabilities

Challenge 1 - Access details of another user’s vehicle

To solve the challenge, you need to leak sensitive information of another user’s vehicle.

  • Since vehicle IDs are not sequential numbers, but GUIDs, you need to find a way to expose the vehicle ID of another user.

  • Find an API endpoint that receives a vehicle ID and returns information about it.





nickname: "Robot", email: "robot001@example.com", vehicleid: "ec9c90c0-8647-47f7-960e-4d0012cec600"
nickname: "Pogba", email: "pogba006@example.com", vehicleid: "8104792f-a7a2-44ae-ba99-d8a5de8ae8f6"
nickname: "Adam", email: "adam007@example.com", vehicleid: "887eb746-2d93-4373-8b93-56f1cd7dbd51"





Challenge 2 - Access mechanic reports of other users

crAPI allows vehicle owners to contact their mechanics by submitting a "contact mechanic" form. This challenge is about accessing mechanic reports that were submitted by other users.

  • Analyze the report submission process

  • Find an hidden API endpoint that exposes details of a mechanic report

  • Change the report ID to access other reports






Broken User Authentication

Challenge 3 - Reset the password of a different user

  • Find an email address of another user on crAPI

  • Brute forcing might be the answer. If you face any protection mechanisms, remember to leverage the predictable nature of REST APIs to find more similar API endpoints.








Excessive Data Exposure

Challenge 4 - Find an API endpoint that leaks sensitive information of other users




Challenge 5 - Find an API endpoint that leaks an internal property of a video

In this challenge, you need to find an internal property of the video resource that shouldn’t be exposed to the user. This property name and value can help you to exploit other vulnerabilities.





Rate Limiting

Challenge 6 - Perform a layer 7 DoS using ‘contact mechanic’ feature





Challenge 7 - Delete a video of another user

  • Leverage the predictable nature of REST APIs to find an admin endpoint to delete videos

  • Delete a video of someone else


将challenge 6视频信息泄露的GET方法改成DELETE方法,发现需要admin



Mass Assignment

Challenge 8 - Get an item for free

crAPI allows users to return items they have ordered. You simply click the "return order" button, receive a QR code and show it in a USPS store. To solve this challenge, you need to find a way to get refunded for an item that you haven’t actually returned.

  • Leverage the predictable nature of REST APIs to find a shadow API endpoint that allows you to edit properties of a specific order.









Challenge 9 - Increase your balance by $1,000 or more

After solving the "Get an item for free" challenge, be creative and find a way to get refunded for an item you never returned, but this time try to get a bigger refund.






Challenge 10 - Update internal video properties

After solving the "Find an API endpoint that leaks an internal property of videos" challenge, try to find an endpoint that would allow you to change the internal property of the video. Changing the value can help you to exploit another vulnerability.




Challenge 11 - Make crAPI send an HTTP call to "www.google.com" and return the HTTP response.

和challenge 6的接口一样

将 mechanic_api 的值改为http://google.com


NoSQL Injection

Challenge 12 - Find a way to get free coupons without knowing the coupon code.




{"coupon_code": {"$ne": "test"}}

返回所有 coupon_code 值不为 test的数据,拿到优惠券的code为TRAC075

SQL Injection

Challenge 13 - Find a way to redeem a coupon that you have already claimed by modifying the database


先验证 TRAC075



{"coupon_code":"1'or '1'='1","amount":75}


Unauthenticated Access

Challenge 14 - Find an endpoint that does not perform authentication checks for a user.



JWT Vulnerabilities

Challenge 15 - Find a way to forge valid JWT Tokens

JWT Authentication in crAPI is vulnerable to various attacks. Find any one way to forge a valid JWT token and get full access to the platform.

jdk21环境下下载JWT Editor插件



repeater中可以看到JSON WEB TOKEN选项






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