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因为DcokerDesktop占用内存较大, 并且拉去镜像后占用本地空间较多,所以建议安装时就更改默认安装路径镜像存储路径


  1. 首先下载DcokerDesktop;
  2. 找到Docker Desktop Installer.exe 并重命名为 dockerdesk.exe , 并建议将其移动到全英文路径下(我这里放在了J:/dockerdesk.exe);
  3. 阅读官方安装指南docker desktop从命令行安装install-from-the-command-line 按需要添加参数,更改默认安装目录.
    可以看到, 文档中官方给出的命令行参数说明很详细;

可以在本地powershell中使用 如下方式查看dockerdesk.exe都有哪些参数: (记得重命名, .exe名称有空格,用cmd执行起来比较麻烦)

PS J:\> ./dockerdesk.exe --help
PS J:\> 
Installs Docker Desktop

"dockerdesk.exe" install [--quiet] [--accept-license] [--backend=wsl-2 | --backend=hyper-v | --backend=windows] [--allowed-org=<org name>]

--quiet                   Suppresses information output when running the installer
--accept-license          Accepts the Docker Subscription Service Agreement now, rather than requiring it to be accepted when the application is first run
--no-windows-containers   Disables Windows containers integration
--allowed-org=<org name>  Requires the user to sign in and be part of the specified Docker Hub organization when running the application
--backend=<backend name>  Selects the default backend to use for Docker Desktop, hyper-v, windows or wsl-2 (default)
--always-run-service  Keep service always running, so regular users can switch to windows containers or hyper-v without being prompted for admin rights
--installation-dir=<path> Changes the default installation location (C:\Program Files\Docker\Docker)     
--hyper-v-default-data-root=<path> Changes the default hyper-v VM disk location
--windows-containers-default-data-root=<path> Changes the default windows containers data root
--wsl-default-data-root=<path> Changes the default wsl data location
--admin-settings=<json> Used as admin settings for hardened desktop (needs to use --allowed-org and specify a business tier org)
--proxy-http-mode=<mode> HTTP Proxy mode, system (default) or manual
--override-proxy-http=<URL> URL of the HTTP proxy that must be used for outgoing HTTP requests
--override-proxy-https=<URL> URL of the HTTP proxy that must be used for outgoing HTTPS requests
--override-proxy-exclude=<hosts/domains> Bypass proxy settings for these hosts & domains, comma-separated list
--proxy-enable-kerberosntlm Enables Kerberos/NTLM proxy authentication
  1. 要做什么? 我的需求是

    • 指定 docker-desktop 安装位置(软件本体), 为 H:\program\DockerDesktop
    • 指定 docker-desktop-data 安装位置(本地镜像等存储路径,即为 Settings->Resources Advanced-> Disk image location的路径),为H:\program\DockerDesktopWSL
  2. 编写命令行(用powershellJ:/dockerdesk.exe同级目录执行)

./dockerdesk.exe install
–accept-license --backend=wsl-2

命令执行前,请创建好 H:\program\DockerDesktopWSL H:\program\DockerDesktop这两个安装文件夹,不然可能出现意外的错误.

我使用的安装命令为: (使用powershell执行)

./dockerdesk.exe install --accept-license --backend=wsl-2 --installation-dir='H:\program\DockerDesktop' --wsl-default-data-root='H:\program\DockerDesktopWSL' 
  1. 稍等片刻, 按照提示安装下一步next,安装完成.
  2. 打开软件,查看安装设置无误:


  • Win11 安装 Docker Desktop 和 WSL2 并进行安装位置迁移



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