道路车辆功能安全 ISO 26262标准(4-3)—系统级产品开发
1. 道路车辆功能安全ISO 26262标准
4. ISO 26262-4 系统级产品开发
集成过程的第一个目标是根据 ASIL 等级和安全需求规范测试符合各项安全要求。第二个目的是验证“系统设计”覆盖的安全要求正确地由整个项实施。项目元件的集成是在从软件硬件集成,系统集成到整车集成系统。 集成测试会在每个阶段的执行来证明系统元件正确交互。根据 ISO26262-5 和 ISO26262-6 完成硬件和软件的开发,然后按照第 8 条款(项目集成和测试)开始进行系统集成。
1. 集成测试计划制定
为了证明该系统设计符合功能和技术安全要求,集成测试活动应按照 ISO26262-8:2011,第 9 条款进行。
- 功能安全和技术安全要求的正确实现
- 功能特别、精确度和安全机制时序的正确
- 接口一致性的正确实现
- 安全机制诊断和故障覆盖度的有效性
- 鲁棒性
- 集成和测试计划应细化为软硬件集成和测试;
- 项目集成和测试计划应细化到包括系统和车辆级别的集成测试规范。应确保硬件软件验证来解决开放问题;
- 系统及整车级别的项目集成和测试计划应考虑车辆之间的接口、子系统(内部和外部有关项)和环境。
Methods | ASIL | ||||
A | B | C | D | ||
1a | Analysis of requirements(需求分析) | ++ | ++ | ++ | ++ |
1b | Analysis of external and internal interfaces (外部和内部接口分析) | + | ++ | ++ | ++ |
1c | Generation and analysis of equivalence classes for hardware-software integration (软硬件集成等价类分析) | + | + | ++ | ++ |
1d | Analysis of boundary values(边界值分析) | + | + | ++ | ++ |
1e | Error guessing based on knowledge or experience(基于经验的错误推测法) | + | + | ++ | ++ |
1f | Analysis of functional dependencies (功能依赖分析) | + | + | ++ | ++ |
1g | Analysis of common limit conditions, sequences, and sources of dependent failures (公共限制条件,时间序列和故障源分析) | + | + | ++ | ++ |
1h | Analysis of environmental conditions and operational use cases (环境条件和操作运行分析) | + | ++ | ++ | ++ |
1i | Analysis of field experience(现场经验分析) | + | ++ | ++ | ++ |
2. 软硬件集成
ASILs C 和 D 规定:软硬件接口(HSI)需求应在适当范围进行测试,并考虑到 ASIL或相关的人机接口存在的问题。
3. 软硬件测试过程中的测试目标和方法
- 软硬件级的技术安全需求的正确执行应使用下表给出可行的测试方法来证明。
Methods | ASIL | ||||
A | B | C | D | ||
1a | Requirements-based test(基于需求的测试) | ++ | ++ | ++ | ++ |
1b | Fault injection test(故障注入测试) | + | ++ | ++ | ++ |
1c | Back-to-back test(背靠背测试(比较测试)) | + | + | ++ | ++ |
a:A requirements-based test denotes a test against functional and non-functional requirements. b:A fault injection test uses special means to introduce faults into the test object during runtime. This can be done within the software via a special test interface or specially prepared hardware. The method is often used to improve the test coverage of the safety requirements, because during normal operation safety mechanisms are not invoked. c:A back-to-back test compares the responses of the test object with the responses of a simulation model to the same stimuli,to detect differences between the behaviour of the model and its implementation. |
- 软硬件级的功能性能,精度和安全机制的时序的正确性,应使用下表给出可行的测试方法证明。
Methods | ASIL | ||||
A | B | C | D | ||
1a | Back-to-back test(背靠背测试(比较测试)) | + | + | ++ | ++ |
1b | Performance test(性能测试) | + | ++ | ++ | ++ |
a:A back-to-back test compares the responses of the test object with the responses of a simulation model to the same stimuli,to detect differences between the behaviour of the model and its implementation. b:A perfomance test can verify the performance (e.g. task scheduling, timing, power output) in the context of the whole test object,and can verify the ability of the intended control software to run with the hardware. |
- 软硬件级的外部和内部接口的一致性和正确性应采用下表给出可行的测试方法来证明。
Methods | ASIL | ||||
A | B | C | D | ||
1a | Test of external interfaces(外部接口测试) | + | ++ | ++ | ++ |
1b | Test of internal interfaces(内部接口测试) | + | ++ | ++ | ++ |
1c | Interface consistency check(接口一致性检査) | + | ++ | ++ | ++ |
a:Interface tests of the test object include tests of analogue and digital inputs and outputs, boundary tests and equivalence-class tests to completely test the specified interfaces, compaiblity, timings and other specified ratings for the test object. Internal interfaces of an ECU can be tested by static tests for the compatibility of software and hardware as well as dynamic tests of Serial Periphera Interface- (SPl) or Integrated Circuit- (lC) communications or any other interface between elements of an ECU. |
a:测试对象的接口测试,包括模拟和数字输入和输出测试,边界测试和等价类测试,以完全测试测试对象的具体接口,兼容性,定时和其它指定的测试项。ECU 的内部接口可以通过软硬件兼容性的静态测试和串行外设接口-(SPI)或集成电路 - (集成电路)通信或 ECU 的元件之间的任何其他接口的动态测试实现。
- 对于故障模式,软硬件级的安全机制的诊断覆盖率的有效性,应使用下表给出可行的测试方法证明。
Methods | ASIL | ||||
A | B | C | D | ||
1a | Fault injection test(故障注入测试) | + | + | ++ | ++ |
1b | Error guessing test(错误猜测测试) | + | + | ++ | ++ |
a:A fault injection test uses special means to introduce faults into the test object during runtime. This can be done within the software via a special test interface or specially prepared hardware. The method is often used to improve the test coverage of the safety requirements, because during normal operation safety mechanisms are not invoked. b:An error guessing test uses expert knowedge and data colected through lessons learned to anticipate errors in the test object. Then a set of tests along with adequate test facilities is designed to check for these errors. Error guessing is an effective method given a tester who has previous experience with similar test objects. |
a: 故障注入测试使用特殊的手段在运行时引入故障到测试对象。这可以通过在软件中设置一个特殊的测试接口或专门准备的硬件来完成。该方法经常被用于提高安全性的测试覆盖率的要求,因为在正常运行期间的安全机制不会被调用。
- 软硬件级的鲁棒性依据下表来实现
Methods | ASIL | ||||
A | B | C | D | ||
1a | Resource usage test(资源使用率测试) | + | + | + | ++ |
1b | Stress test(负荷测试) | + | + | + | ++ |
a:A resources usage test can be done statically (e.g. by checking for code sizes or analyzing the code regarding interrupt usage, in order to verify that worst-case scenarios do not run out of resources), or dynamically by runtime monitoring. b:A stress test verifies the test obiect for correct operation under high operational loads or high demands from the environment.Therefore, tests under high loads on the test obiect, or with exceptional inteace loads, or values (bus loads, electrical shocks, etc., as well as tests with extreme temperatures, humidity or mechanical shocks, can be applied. |
b: 负荷测试验证测试对象高负荷情况,或从高要求环境下的正确运行情况。因此,高负荷情况下测试测试对象,或用特殊接口的负载,或变量(总线负载,电击等),以及在极端温度,湿度或机械冲击测试中,都可以应用。
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