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文心一言 VS 讯飞星火 VS chatgpt (370)-- 算法导论24.4 2题


x 1 − x 2 ⩽ 4 x_1-x_2⩽4 x1x24

x 1 − x 5 ⩽ 5 x_1-x_5⩽5 x1x55

x 2 − x 4 ⩽ − 6 x_2-x_4⩽-6 x2x46

x 3 − x 2 ⩽ 1 x_3-x_2⩽1 x3x21

x 4 − x 1 ⩽ 3 x_4-x_1⩽3 x4x13

x 4 − x 3 ⩽ 5 x_4-x_3⩽5 x4x35

x 4 − x 5 ⩽ 10 x_4-x_5⩽10 x4x510

x 5 − x 3 ⩽ − 4 x_5-x_3⩽-4 x5x34

x 5 − x 4 ⩽ − 8 x_5-x_4⩽-8 x5x48





package main

import (

const (
	inf = math.MaxInt32
	V   = 6 // Number of variables (x1, x2, ..., x5)

// Edge represents a constraint in the difference constraint system
type Edge struct {
	u, v int    // Variables x_u and x_v
	weight int  // Constraint weight (x_u - x_v <= weight)

// bellmanFord checks for negative weight cycles in the graph
func bellmanFord(edges []Edge, src int) bool {
	// Initialize distances from src to all other vertices as infinite
	// and distance to src itself as 0
	dist := make([]int, V)
	for i := 0; i < V; i++ {
		dist[i] = inf
	dist[src] = 0

	// Relax all edges |V| - 1 times. A simple shortest path from src
	// to any other vertex can have at-most |V| - 1 edges
	for i := 0; i < V-1; i++ {
		for _, e := range edges {
			u, v, weight := e.u, e.v, e.weight
			if dist[u] != inf && dist[u]+weight < dist[v] {
				dist[v] = dist[u] + weight

	// Check for negative-weight cycles. The above step guarantees
	// shortest distances if the graph doesn't contain
	// negative weight cycle. If we get a shorter path, then
	// there is a cycle.
	for _, e := range edges {
		u, v, weight := e.u, e.v, e.weight
		if dist[u] != inf && dist[u]+weight < dist[v] {
			return false // Found a negative weight cycle

	return true // No negative weight cycle found

func main() {
	edges := []Edge{
		{1, 2, 4},  // x1 - x2 <= 4
		{1, 5, 5},  // x1 - x5 <= 5
		{2, 4, -6}, // x2 - x4 <= -6
		{3, 2, 1},  // x3 - x2 <= 1
		{4, 1, 3},  // x4 - x1 <= 3
		{4, 3, 5},  // x4 - x3 <= 5
		{4, 5, 10}, // x4 - x5 <= 10
		{5, 3, -4}, // x5 - x3 <= -4
		{5, 4, -8}, // x5 - x4 <= -8

	// We can choose any vertex as source, typically vertex 0 (x1)
	if bellmanFord(edges, 1-1) { // Note: Adjusting for 0-based indexing
		fmt.Println("The system has a feasible solution.")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("The system does not have a feasible solution.")


  1. 数据结构

    • Edge结构体表示差分约束系统中的一个约束,即 x_u - x_v <= weight
  2. Bellman-Ford算法

    • 初始化距离数组 dist,其中 dist[i] 表示从源点 src 到顶点 i 的最短距离。初始时,除了 dist[src] 设置为0外,其他所有距离都设置为无穷大。
    • 进行 V-1 次松弛操作。每次操作都遍历所有边,并尝试通过当前边更新距离。
    • 最后一次遍历检查是否存在负权环。如果存在通过某条边可以进一步缩短的距离,则意味着存在负权环。
  3. 主函数

    • 初始化所有边。
    • 调用 bellmanFord 函数检测是否存在负权环。
    • 根据结果输出系统是否有可行解。

运行这段代码,如果输出“The system has a feasible solution.”,则意味着差分约束系统有可行解;如果输出“The system does not have a feasible solution.”,则意味着系统没有可行解。








package main

import (


func main() {
	// 定义目标函数系数(这里没有给出具体的目标函数,所以我们假设目标函数为0)
	c := []float64{0, 0, 0, 0, 0}

	// 定义约束条件矩阵A和向量b
	A := [][]float64{
		{-1, 1, 0, 0, 0}, // x1 - x2 <= 4
		{-1, 0, 0, 0, 1}, // x1 - x5 <= 5
		{0, -1, 1, 0, 0}, // x2 - x4 <= -6
		{0, -1, 0, 1, 0}, // x3 - x2 <= 1
		{1, 0, 0, -1, 0}, // x4 - x1 <= 3
		{0, 0, -1, 1, 0}, // x4 - x3 <= 5
		{0, 0, 0, 0, -1}, // x4 - x5 <= 10
		{0, 1, 0, -1, 0}, // x5 - x3 <= -4
		{0, 0, 1, 0, -1}, // x5 - x4 <= -8
	b := []float64{4, 5, -6, 1, 3, 5, 10, -4, -8}

	// 定义优化问题
	problem := optimize.Problem{
		Objective: optimize.NewLinear(c, 0),
		Constraints: []*optimize.LinearConstraint{
			optimize.NewLinearConstraint(A[0], b[0], floats.Inf, floats.Inf),
			optimize.NewLinearConstraint(A[1], b[1], floats.Inf, floats.Inf),
			optimize.NewLinearConstraint(A[2], b[2], floats.Inf, floats.Inf),
			optimize.NewLinearConstraint(A[3], b[3], floats.Inf, floats.Inf),
			optimize.NewLinearConstraint(A[4], b[4], floats.Inf, floats.Inf),
			optimize.NewLinearConstraint(A[5], b[5], floats.Inf, floats.Inf),
			optimize.NewLinearConstraint(A[6], b[6], floats.Inf, floats.Inf),
			optimize.NewLinearConstraint(A[7], b[7], floats.Inf, floats.Inf),
			optimize.NewLinearConstraint(A[8], b[8], floats.Inf, floats.Inf),

	// 求解优化问题
	solution := optimize.Solve(problem)

	// 输出结果
	if solution.Status == optimize.Optimal {
		fmt.Println("可行解:", solution.X)
	} else {





package main

import (

type Edge struct {
	from, to int
	weight   int

func BellmanFord(edges []Edge, n int, start int) ([]int, bool) {
	dist := make([]int, n)
	for i := range dist {
		dist[i] = 1<<31 - 1
	dist[start] = 0

	for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
		for _, edge := range edges {
			if dist[edge.from]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
				dist[edge.to] = dist[edge.from] + edge.weight

	for _, edge := range edges {
		if dist[edge.from]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
			return nil, false // Negative cycle detected

	return dist, true

func main() {
	// Construct the graph from the given constraints
	edges := []Edge{
		{0, 1, -4}, {0, 4, -5}, {1, 3, 6}, {2, 1, -1},
		{3, 0, -3}, {3, 2, -5}, {3, 4, -10}, {4, 2, 4}, {4, 3, 8},

	n := 5
	dist, feasible := BellmanFord(edges, n, 0)
	if !feasible {
		fmt.Println("The system has no feasible solution due to a negative cycle.")
	} else {
		fmt.Println("A feasible solution is found:", dist)





差分约束系统是一组形如 x i − x j ≤ c k x_i - x_j \leq c_k xixjck 的不等式,其中 x i x_i xi x j x_j xj 是变量, c k c_k ck 是常数。这样的系统可以通过图论的方法来解决。我们可以将每个变量 x i x_i xi 视为一个顶点,对于每个不等式 x i − x j ≤ c k x_i - x_j \leq c_k xixjck,我们可以添加一条从 x j x_j xj x i x_i xi 的有向边,并且边的权重为 c k c_k ck

package main
import (
// 边结构体
type Edge struct {
	from   int
	to     int
	weight int
// 检查差分约束系统是否有解
func bellmanFord(edges []Edge, numVertices int) ([]int, bool) {
	// 初始化距离数组,所有顶点的距离设置为无穷大
	dist := make([]int, numVertices)
	for i := range dist {
		dist[i] = math.MaxInt32
	// 选择一个顶点作为源点,这里选择顶点0,通常差分约束系统中可以选择任意顶点
	dist[0] = 0
	// 进行numVertices-1次迭代,每次迭代尝试放松所有边
	for i := 0; i < numVertices-1; i++ {
		for _, edge := range edges {
			if dist[edge.from] != math.MaxInt32 && dist[edge.from]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
				dist[edge.to] = dist[edge.from] + edge.weight
	// 检测负权重循环
	for _, edge := range edges {
		if dist[edge.from] != math.MaxInt32 && dist[edge.from]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
			// 发现负权重循环,系统无解
			return nil, false
	// 系统有解,返回距离数组
	return dist, true
func main() {
	// 定义边
	edges := []Edge{
		{1, 2, 4},
		{1, 5, 5},
		{2, 4, -6},
		{3, 2, 1},
		{4, 1, 3},
		{4, 3, 5},
		{4, 5, 10},
		{5, 3, -4},
		{5, 4, -8},
	// 添加额外的边以构建完整的图
	for i := 1; i <= 5; i++ {
		edges = append(edges, Edge{0, i, 0})
	// 求解差分约束系统
	dist, feasible := bellmanFord(edges, 6)
	if !feasible {
	} else {
		for i := 1; i < len(dist); i++ {
			fmt.Printf("x%d = %d\n", i, dist[i])






package main

import (

func bellmanFord(edges [][]int, numVars int) []int {
	// 初始化所有顶点的距离为无穷大,除了源点为0
	dist := make([]int, numVars)
	for i := range dist {
		dist[i] = 10000 // 用一个大数表示无穷
	dist[0] = 0 // 假设x_1为起点,距离为0

	// 进行numVars-1次迭代,每次更新所有边
	for i := 0; i < numVars-1; i++ {
		for _, edge := range edges {
			u, v, w := edge[0], edge[1], edge[2]
			if dist[u] != 10000 && dist[u]+w < dist[v] {
				dist[v] = dist[u] + w

	// 检查是否存在负权重环
	for _, edge := range edges {
		u, v, w := edge[0], edge[1], edge[2]
		if dist[u] != 10000 && dist[u]+w < dist[v] {
			return nil

	// 输出可行解
	for i, d := range dist {
		fmt.Printf("x_%d = %d\n", i+1, d)
	return dist

func main() {
	edges := [][]int{
		{0, 1, 4},
		{0, 4, 5},
		{1, 3, -6},
		{2, 1, 1},
		{3, 0, 3},
		{3, 2, 5},
		{3, 4, 10},
		{4, 2, -4},
		{4, 3, -8},
	numVars := 5

	// 调用贝尔曼-福特算法
	bellmanFord(edges, numVars)






package main

import (

type Edge struct {
	start, end, weight int

func main() {
	edges := []Edge{
		{0, 1, 4},
		{0, 4, 5},
		{1, 3, -6},
		{2, 1, 1},
		{3, 0, 3},
		{3, 2, 5},
		{3, 4, 10},
		{4, 2, -4},
		{4, 3, -8},

	n := 5
	dist := make([]int, n)
	for i := range dist {
		dist[i] = math.MaxInt32
	dist[0] = 0

	// Bellman-Ford algorithm
	for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
		for _, edge := range edges {
			if dist[edge.start]+edge.weight < dist[edge.end] {
				dist[edge.end] = dist[edge.start] + edge.weight

	// Check for negative cycles
	negativeCycle := false
	for _, edge := range edges {
		if dist[edge.start]+edge.weight < dist[edge.end] {
			negativeCycle = true

	if negativeCycle {
	} else {
		for i, d := range dist {
			fmt.Printf("x%d = %d\n", i+1, d)





  1. ( x_1 - x_2 \leq 4 )
  2. ( x_1 - x_5 \leq 5 )
  3. ( x_2 - x_4 \leq -6 ) 或等价于 ( x_4 - x_2 \geq 6 )
  4. ( x_3 - x_2 \leq 1 )
  5. ( x_4 - x_1 \leq 3 )
  6. ( x_4 - x_3 \leq 5 )
  7. ( x_4 - x_5 \leq 10 )
  8. ( x_5 - x_3 \leq -4 ) 或等价于 ( x_3 - x_5 \geq 4 )
  9. ( x_5 - x_4 \leq -8 ) 或等价于 ( x_4 - x_5 \geq 8 )



package main

import (

func main() {
	p := linear.Problem{
		Objective: linearObjective{},
		Constraints: []linear.Constraint{
			{linear.LessThanOrEqual, 4, []int{0, 1}, []float64{1, -1}},
			{linear.LessThanOrEqual, 5, []int{0, 4}, []float64{1, -1}},
			{linear.GreaterThanOrEqual, 6, []int{1, 3}, []float64{-1, 1}},
			{linear.LessThanOrEqual, 1, []int{2, 1}, []float64{-1, 1}},
			{linear.LessThanOrEqual, 3, []int{3, 0}, []float64{-1, 1}},
			{linear.LessThanOrEqual, 5, []int{3, 2}, []float64{-1, 1}},
			{linear.LessThanOrEqual, 10, []int{3, 4}, []float64{-1, 1}},
			{linear.GreaterThanOrEqual, 4, []int{2, 4}, []float64{1, -1}},
			{linear.GreaterThanOrEqual, 8, []int{3, 4}, []float64{1, -1}},

	solver := linear.DefaultSolver(p)
	result, err := solver.Solve(nil)
	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("No feasible solution found.")

	fmt.Printf("Feasible solution found: %v\n", result.X)

type linearObjective struct{}

func (linearObjective) ValueAt(x []float64) float64 {
	// This is a dummy objective function since we are only interested in finding a feasible solution.
	return 0



go get -u gonum.org/v1/gonum/optimize

运行这段代码后,如果存在可行解,它将打印出解向量。如果没有可行解,它将打印出"No feasible solution found."。


要解决差分约束系统是否有可行解的问题,我们可以将其转化为图论中的最短路径问题。具体来说,我们可以构建一个有向图,其中每个变量 ( x_i ) 对应一个顶点,每条不等式 ( x_i - x_j \leq c ) 对应一条从顶点 ( j ) 到顶点 ( i ) 的边,权重为 ( c )。



package main

import (

type Edge struct {
	to     int
	weight int

func BellmanFord(edges [][]Edge, start int, n int) ([]int, bool) {
	dist := make([]int, n)
	for i := range dist {
		dist[i] = math.MaxInt32
	dist[start] = 0

	for i := 0; i < n-1; i++ {
		for u := 0; u < n; u++ {
			for _, edge := range edges[u] {
				if dist[u]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
					dist[edge.to] = dist[u] + edge.weight

	for u := 0; u < n; u++ {
		for _, edge := range edges[u] {
			if dist[u]+edge.weight < dist[edge.to] {
				return nil, true // 存在负权重环

	return dist, false

func main() {
	n := 6 // 变量的数量
	edges := make([][]Edge, n)

	// 添加边
	edges[1] = append(edges[1], Edge{0, 4})  // x1 - x2 <= 4
	edges[0] = append(edges[0], Edge{4, 5})  // x1 - x5 <= 5
	edges[2] = append(edges[2], Edge{3, -6}) // x2 - x4 <= -6
	edges[3] = append(edges[3], Edge{2, 1})  // x3 - x2 <= 1
	edges[4] = append(edges[4], Edge{0, 3})  // x4 - x1 <= 3
	edges[4] = append(edges[4], Edge{3, 5})  // x4 - x3 <= 5
	edges[4] = append(edges[4], Edge{5, 10}) // x4 - x5 <= 10
	edges[5] = append(edges[5], Edge{3, -4}) // x5 - x3 <= -4
	edges[5] = append(edges[5], Edge{4, -8}) // x5 - x4 <= -8

	// 添加虚拟源点
	source := n
	edges[source] = append(edges[source], Edge{0, 0})
	edges[source] = append(edges[source], Edge{1, 0})
	edges[source] = append(edges[source], Edge{2, 0})
	edges[source] = append(edges[source], Edge{3, 0})
	edges[source] = append(edges[source], Edge{4, 0})
	edges[source] = append(edges[source], Edge{5, 0})

	dist, hasNegativeCycle := BellmanFord(edges, source, n+1)
	if hasNegativeCycle {
	} else {
		for i := 0; i < n; i++ {
			fmt.Printf("x%d = %d\n", i+1, dist[i])

在这个代码中,我们首先定义了一个 Edge 结构体来表示图中的边。然后,我们实现了Bellman-Ford算法来检查是否存在负权重环。最后,我们在 main 函数中构建了差分约束系统的图,并调用Bellman-Ford算法来判断是否有可行解。

运行这个程序,如果输出 “该差分约束系统没有可行解”,则表示系统没有可行解;否则,输出每个变量的值。



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