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今天介绍一款国产Flux LORA模型:Flux-绮梦流光-灵蛇守护-2025生肖蛇年,这是一款以2025年中国生肖蛇年-灵蛇守护为主题的写实年庆flux-lora模型,模型表以强烈的灵蛇电影视觉震撼力为核心主题,模型具备很好的泛化能力。基础触发词:pl;推荐LORA权重:1。正面人物图建议使用Flux任意分辨率能力1536:2048分辨率直出,避免人物脸崩坏。其他场景推荐9:16768:1344)分辨率。



01. 灵蛇守护

pl, This is a highly detailed digital illustration depicting a dramatic scene between a figure and a large, awe-inspiring snake. The central theme is a woman standing with her back to the audience, facing a giant white snake with a vivid, finely textured shape. The snake’s scales are depicted in intricate, almost realistic patterns, and its eyes are intense, with glowing golden hues. The snake’s mouth was open, revealing sharp fangs, and a thin blood-red tongue protrudes forward. The woman stood in a flowing sleeveless sky blue dress, her hair pulled up in an elegant updo. The background is a surreal, ethereal setting with a clear blue sky filled with soft, fluffy clouds. The sky was lit up with a bright and warm light, probably from the sun, casting a golden glow throughout the scene. The ground beneath the woman and snake appears to be a smooth, reflective surface that enhances the grandeur and otherworldly beauty. The overall composition is striking and strikes a balance between the immense power of the snake and the delicate elegance of the woman, creating a powerful visual contrast.



02. 青绿灵蛇

pl, This is a highly detailed digital illustration depicting a dramatic scene between a figure and a large, awe-inspiring snake. The central theme is a woman standing facing the audience, facing a huge turquoise snake with a vivid, finely grained texture. The snake’s scales are depicted in intricate, almost realistic patterns, and its eyes are intense, with glowing golden hues. The snake’s mouth was open, revealing sharp fangs, and a thin blood-red tongue protrudes forward. The woman stood there in a flowing sleeveless Snow White dress, her hair pulled up in an elegant updo. The background is a surreal, ethereal setting with a clear blue sky filled with soft, fluffy clouds. The sky was lit up with a bright and warm light, probably from the sun, casting a golden glow throughout the scene. The ground beneath the woman and snake appears to be a smooth, reflective surface that enhances the grandeur and otherworldly beauty. The overall composition is striking and strikes a balance between the immense power of the snake and the delicate elegance of the woman, creating a powerful visual contrast.



03. 白色灵蛇

pl, in the form of a high-resolution CGI digital illustration. This hyper-realistic digital artwork portrays a serene and ethereal scene featuring a young woman and a massive snake. The woman stands at the center, clad in a traditional Chinese-style outfit adorned with intricate, embroidered patterns in white and gold. Her outfit includes a deep V-neck, revealing her ample cleavage, and long, flowing sleeves that drape elegantly. She wears a delicate white hairpin adorned with flowers and a small, elegant crown, suggesting an otherworldly or mythological theme. Her skin is pale and smooth, with a slight blush on her cheeks. Her eyes are large and expressive, with a soft, dreamy gaze. The snake, positioned behind and slightly above her, dominates the scene with its immense size and intricate texture. Its scales are detailed, with a glossy, almost wet look, and its eyes are focused intently on the woman. The snake’s head is near the woman’s, with its tongue extended slightly, creating a sense of tension and intimacy. The background is a soft, light blue, enhancing the ethereal and mystical atmosphere of the image.



04. 暗色风

pl, of a serene yet dramatic scene. This is a high-resolution photograph capturing a surreal encounter between a human woman and a giant snake. The woman, likely of East Asian descent, stands confidently in the foreground, dressed in a traditional, ethereal white robe adorned with intricate gold and silver embroidery. Her dark hair is elaborately styled, secured with an ornate hairpin. She gazes directly at the camera with a serene expression, exuding an aura of calmness and mystique. Behind her, the snake, which appears to be a blue morph, dominates the background with its imposing presence. The snake’s scales gleam with a hypnotic blue hue, its body twisting gracefully to form a protective arc around the woman. The snake’s red tongue is slightly extended, adding a touch of danger to the scene. The setting is dimly lit, with a blue-tinted, ethereal quality, suggesting a mystical or fantasy realm. The background is a mix of darkness and subtle hints of architectural details, possibly a temple or ancient structure, further enhancing the mysterious and otherworldly ambiance. The overall composition is harmonious, with the woman and snake forming a striking visual contrast, blending elements of beauty, serenity, and the unknown.



05. 黄金蛇

pl, The image is a close up of the head of a snake. The snake is gold and silver in color. The eyes of the snake are brown and shiny.



06. 戏水

pl, A painting of a woman holding a large snake. The snake is black and has water droplets on it. The woman has dark hair that is wet. There are green leaves surrounding the woman. The water is splashing around the woman and the snake.,

07. 白蛇

pl, A woman with wet hair is holding a snake. The woman is wearing a dress that is blue. The snake is white and has water droplets on it.,



08. 火中共舞

pl, A woman is wearing a long pink dress. She is standing in front of a large snake. The snake is white and has a red tongue coming out of it’s mouth.,



09. 灵蛇

pl, A woman in a white dress is standing in front of a large snake. The snake is green and has large eyes. There are white clouds in the sky behind the woman.,

10. 灵蛇

pl, A woman is sitting in the water with a large snake. The snake spit out a long red tongue. The snake is white and has a yellow stripe on it's head. The woman has long black hair that is wet.,



学好 AI绘画 不论是就业还是做副业赚钱都不错,但要学会 AI绘画 还是要有一个学习规划。最后大家分享一份全套的 AI绘画 学习资料,给那些想学习 AI绘画 的小伙伴们一点帮助!



















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