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Android 应用申请 Google MBA权限

Google Case链接:89 > 34810 > 30025 > 155353 > Handheld > MBA Policies


This bug is for the approval of MBAs under [13.2.2 Pregrant permissions


  • Please carefully read Pre-grant Permissions Policy: https://docs.partner.android.com/gms/policies/domains/mba#mba-pregrant-permissions
    to understand what this application is for.
  • This template is only for handheld. Please DO NOT use this pregrant request template for Google Automotive
    / Wear
    / Android TV.
  • If you observe a possible warning from BTS for your app preloaded on a China GCore (Latchsky) build, please make sure to upload your GTS
    report to the portal. The MBA pregrant warning should be exempted
    automatically for the China GCore build.

You can find the detailed instructions for the steps below in the
User Guide for MBA Pregrant Permissions Policy
We highly recommend you to follow the guide if this is the first time
you are creating a MBA Pregrant Policy Intake Form Google Sheet.

  1. Please make a copy of MBA Pregrant Policy Intake Form.

  2. Answer all the questions and share your Google Sheet URL in this bug once ready for review.

  3. Please make sure to attach all the supplemental materials (e.g., GTS report / BTS links etc) requested in the intake form inside this

IMPORTANT: All the questions are required. Questions left unanswered
or incomplete can delay our ability to respond to your request in a
timely manner.

ID: d655a3086c611b153fe3b859c3d8a103b52d904d <-- don’t remove this

  1. 现在只需要填写模板表格内容即可(Please make a copy of MBA Pregrant Policy Intake Form的链接,自行复制后修改)。
    Copy of [Make a copy] MBA Pregrant Permissions Policy Intake Form TemplateCopy of [Make a copy] MBA Pregrant Permissions Policy Intake Form Template

  2. 常需要附件BTS Report 链接,找测试人员获取。

  3. 其他按Google 同事的问题反馈应答。



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