helm push http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
error· failed to do request : Head " https://172.xx.xx.24:8090/v2/cdci/voIcano/bIobs/ ] http: server gave HTTP response to HTTPS client
在使用helm push 命令向OCI 仓库推送helm chart 包时
helm push xxxx-1.0.0.tgz oci://<harbor_address>/<project>/<chart_name>
遇到上面的错误, 耽误了好一会儿
helm client 默认使用https 协议, 想使用http, 在推送镜像时, 将你的 <harbor_address>改为localhost:
helm push xxx-1.0.0.tgx oci://localhost:port/project
还有一种方式就是harbor 配置成https 的,虽然麻烦点,但是能解决问题,,,