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【那些年踩过的坑-前端篇- Mac版本】Mac电脑如何升级node.js


      • 一 、mac可以用node.js的多版本管理器n来升级和切换
      • 二、使用Homebrew

一 、mac可以用node.js的多版本管理器n来升级和切换


  1. sudo npm cache clean -f //清除node.js的cache
Last login: Sat Nov  2 12:39:55 on console
beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % sudo npm cache clean -f 

npm warn using --force Recommended protections disabled.

  1. sudo npm install -g n //使用npm安装n模块
beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % sudo npm install -g n

changed 1 package in 655ms
  1. npm view node versions // 查看node所有版本 ,
    如果遇到报错,就是权限不够 ,加sudo 命令
beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % npm view node versions
npm error code EACCES
npm error syscall open
npm error path /Users/beiluo/.npm/_cacache/tmp/1ea86a7c
npm error errno EACCES
npm error
npm error Your cache folder contains root-owned files, due to a bug in
npm error previous versions of npm which has since been addressed.
npm error
npm error To permanently fix this problem, please run:
npm error   sudo chown -R 501:20 "/Users/beiluo/.npm"
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/beiluo/.npm/_logs/2024-11-02T13_55_50_158Z-debug-0.log

sudo npm view node versions

beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % sudo npm view node versions
  '0.0.0',    '0.1.14',   '0.1.15',   '0.1.16',  '0.1.17',  '0.1.18',
  '0.1.19',   '0.1.20',   '0.1.21',   '0.1.22',  '0.1.23',  '0.1.24',
  '0.1.25',   '0.1.26',   '0.1.27',   '0.1.28',  '0.1.29',  '0.1.30',
  '0.1.31',   '0.1.32',   '0.1.33',   '0.1.90',  '0.1.91',  '0.1.92',
  '0.1.93',   '0.1.94',   '0.1.95',   '0.1.96',  '0.1.97',  '0.1.98',
  '0.1.99',   '0.1.100',  '0.1.101',  '0.1.102', '0.1.103', '0.1.104',
  '0.2.0',    '0.2.1',    '0.2.2',    '0.2.3',   '0.2.4',   '0.2.5',
  '0.2.6',    '0.3.0',    '0.3.1',    '0.3.2',   '0.3.3',   '0.3.4',
  '0.3.5',    '0.3.6',    '0.3.7',    '0.3.8',   '0.4.0',   '0.4.1',
  '0.4.2',    '0.4.3',    '0.4.4',    '0.4.5',   '0.4.6',   '0.4.7',
  '0.4.8',    '0.4.9',    '0.4.10',   '0.4.11',  '0.4.12',  '0.5.0',
  '0.5.1',    '0.5.2',    '0.5.3',    '0.5.4',   '0.5.5',   '0.5.6',
  '0.5.7',    '0.5.8',    '0.5.9',    '0.5.10',  '0.6.0',   '0.6.1',
  '0.6.2',    '0.6.3',    '0.6.4',    '0.6.5',   '0.6.6',   '0.6.7',
  '0.6.8',    '0.6.9',    '0.6.10',   '0.6.11',  '0.6.12',  '0.6.13',
  '0.6.14',   '0.6.15',   '0.6.16',   '0.6.17',  '0.6.18',  '0.6.19',
  '0.6.20',   '0.6.21',   '0.7.0',    '0.7.1',   '0.7.2',   '0.7.3',
  '0.7.4',    '0.7.5',    '0.7.6',    '0.7.7',   '0.7.8',   '0.7.9',
  '0.7.10',   '0.7.11',   '0.7.12',   '0.8.0',   '0.8.1',   '0.8.2',
  '0.8.3',    '0.8.4',    '0.8.5',    '0.8.6',   '0.8.7',   '0.8.8',
  '0.8.9',    '0.8.10',   '0.8.11',   '0.8.12',  '0.8.13',  '0.8.14',
  '0.8.15',   '0.8.16',   '0.8.17',   '0.8.18',  '0.8.19',  '0.8.20',
  '0.8.21',   '0.8.22',   '0.8.23',   '0.8.24',  '0.8.25',  '0.8.26',
  '0.8.27',   '0.8.28',   '0.9.0',    '0.9.1',   '0.9.2',   '0.9.3',
  '0.9.4',    '0.9.5',    '0.9.6',    '0.9.7',   '0.9.8',   '0.9.9',
  '0.9.10',   '0.9.11',   '0.9.12',   '0.10.0',  '0.10.1',  '0.10.2',
  '0.10.3',   '0.10.4',   '0.10.5',   '0.10.6',  '0.10.7',  '0.10.8',
  '0.10.9',   '0.10.10',  '0.10.11',  '0.10.12', '0.10.13', '0.10.14',
  '0.10.15',  '0.10.16',  '0.10.17',  '0.10.18', '0.10.19', '0.10.20',
  '0.10.21',  '0.10.22',  '0.10.23',  '0.10.24', '0.10.25', '0.10.26',
  '0.10.27',  '0.10.28',  '0.10.29',  '0.10.30', '0.10.31', '0.10.32',
  '0.10.33',  '0.10.34',  '0.10.35',  '0.10.36', '0.10.37', '0.10.38',
  '0.10.39',  '0.10.40',  '0.10.41',  '0.10.42', '0.10.43', '0.10.44',
  '0.10.45',  '0.10.46',  '0.10.47',  '0.10.48', '0.11.0',  '0.11.1',
  '0.11.2',   '0.11.3',   '0.11.4',   '0.11.5',  '0.11.6',  '0.11.7',
  '0.11.8',   '0.11.9',   '0.11.10',  '0.11.11', '0.11.12', '0.11.13',
  '0.11.14',  '0.11.15',  '0.11.16',  '0.12.0',  '0.12.1',  '0.12.2',
  '0.12.3',   '0.12.4',   '0.12.5',   '0.12.6',  '0.12.7',  '0.12.8',
  '0.12.9',   '0.12.10',  '0.12.11',  '0.12.12', '0.12.13', '0.12.14',
  '0.12.15',  '0.12.16',  '0.12.17',  '0.12.18', '4.0.0',   '4.1.0',
  '4.1.1',    '4.1.2',    '4.2.0',    '4.2.1',   '4.2.2',   '4.2.3',
  '4.2.4',    '4.2.5',    '4.2.6',    '4.3.0',   '4.3.1',   '4.3.2',
  '4.4.0',    '4.4.1',    '4.4.2',    '4.4.3',   '4.4.4',   '4.4.5',
  '4.4.6',    '4.4.7',    '4.5.0',    '4.6.0',   '4.6.1',   '4.6.2',
  '4.7.0',    '4.7.1',    '4.7.2',    '4.7.3',   '4.8.0',   '4.8.1',
  '4.8.2',    '4.8.3',    '4.8.4',    '4.8.6',   '4.8.7',   '4.9.0',
  '4.9.1',    '5.0.0',    '5.1.0',    '5.1.1',   '5.2.0',   '5.3.0',
  '5.4.0',    '5.4.1',    '5.5.0',    '5.6.0',   '5.7.0',   '5.7.1',
  '5.8.0',    '5.9.0',    '5.9.1',    '5.10.0',  '5.10.1',  '5.11.0',
  '5.11.1',   '5.12.0',   '6.0.0',    '6.1.0',   '6.2.0',   '6.2.1',
  '6.2.2',    '6.3.0',    '6.3.1',    '6.4.0',   '6.5.0',   '6.6.0',
  '6.7.0',    '6.8.0',    '6.8.1',    '6.9.0',   '6.9.1',   '6.9.2',
  '6.9.3',    '6.9.4',    '6.9.5',    '6.10.0',  '6.10.1',  '6.10.2',
  '6.10.3',   '6.11.0',   '6.11.1',   '6.11.5',  '6.12.0',  '6.12.1',
  '6.12.2',   '6.12.3',   '6.13.0',   '6.14.0',  '6.14.1',  '6.14.2',
  '6.14.3',   '6.14.4',   '6.15.1',   '6.16.0',  '6.17.0',  '6.17.1',
  '7.0.0',    '7.1.0',    '7.2.0',    '7.2.1',   '7.3.0',   '7.4.0',
  '7.5.0',    '7.6.0',    '7.7.0',    '7.7.1',   '7.7.2',   '7.7.3',
  '7.7.4',    '7.8.0',    '7.9.0',    '7.10.0',  '7.10.1',  '8.0.0',
  '8.1.0',    '8.1.1',    '8.1.2',    '8.1.3',   '8.1.4',   '8.2.0',
  '8.2.1',    '8.3.0',    '8.4.0',    '8.5.0',   '8.6.0',   '8.7.0',
  '8.8.0',    '8.8.1',    '8.9.0',    '8.9.1',   '8.9.2',   '8.9.4',
  '8.10.0',   '8.11.0',   '8.11.1',   '8.11.2',  '8.11.3',  '8.11.4',
  '8.12.0',   '8.13.0',   '8.14.0',   '8.14.1',  '8.15.0',  '8.15.1',
  '8.16.0',   '8.16.1',   '8.16.2',   '8.17.0',  '9.0.0',   '9.1.0',
  '9.2.0',    '9.3.0',    '9.4.0',    '9.5.0',   '9.6.0',   '9.6.1',
  '9.7.0',    '9.8.0',    '9.9.0',    '9.10.0',  '9.10.1',  '9.11.0',
  '9.11.2',   '10.0.0',   '10.1.0',   '10.2.0',  '10.3.0',  '10.4.0',
  '10.4.1',   '10.5.0',   '10.6.0',   '10.7.0',  '10.8.0',  '10.9.0',
  '10.10.0',  '10.11.0',  '10.12.0',  '10.13.0', '10.14.0', '10.14.1',
  '10.14.2',  '10.15.0',  '10.15.1',  '10.15.2', '10.15.3', '10.16.0',
  '10.16.1',  '10.16.2',  '10.16.3',  '10.17.0', '10.18.0', '10.18.1',
  '10.19.0',  '10.20.0',  '10.20.1',  '10.21.0', '10.22.0', '10.22.1',
  '10.23.0',  '10.23.2',  '10.24.0',  '10.24.1', '11.0.0',  '11.1.0',
  '11.2.0',   '11.3.0',   '11.4.0',   '11.5.0',  '11.6.0',  '11.7.0',
  '11.8.0',   '11.9.0',   '11.10.0',  '11.11.0', '11.12.0', '11.13.0',
  '11.14.0',  '11.15.0',  '12.0.0',   '12.1.0',  '12.2.0',  '12.3.0',
  '12.3.1',   '12.4.0',   '12.5.0',   '12.6.0',  '12.7.0',  '12.8.0',
  '12.8.1',   '12.9.0',   '12.9.1',   '12.10.0', '12.11.0', '12.11.1',
  '12.12.0',  '12.13.0',  '12.13.1',  '12.14.0', '12.14.1', '12.15.0',
  '12.16.0',  '12.16.1',  '12.16.2',  '12.16.3', '12.17.0', '12.18.0',
  '12.18.1',  '12.18.2',  '12.18.3',  '12.18.4', '12.19.0', '12.19.1',
  '12.20.0',  '12.20.1',  '12.21.0',  '12.22.1', '12.22.2', '12.22.3',
  '12.22.4',  '12.22.5',  '12.22.6',  '12.22.7', '12.22.8', '12.22.9',
  '12.22.10', '12.22.11', '12.22.12', '13.0.0',  '13.0.1',  '13.1.0',
  '13.2.0',   '13.3.0',   '13.4.0',   '13.5.0',  '13.6.0',  '13.7.0',
  '13.8.0',   '13.9.0',   '13.10.0',  '13.10.1', '13.11.0', '13.12.0',
  '13.13.0',  '13.14.0',  '14.0.0',   '14.1.0',  '14.2.0',  '14.3.0',
  '14.4.0',   '14.5.0',   '14.6.0',   '14.7.0',  '14.8.0',  '14.9.0',
  '14.10.0',  '14.10.1',  '14.11.0',  '14.12.0', '14.13.0', '14.13.1',
  '14.14.0',  '14.15.0',  '14.15.1',  '14.15.2', '14.16.0', '14.16.1',
  '14.17.1',  '14.17.2',  '14.17.3',  '14.17.4', '14.17.5', '14.17.6',
  '14.18.0',  '14.18.1',  '14.18.2',  '14.18.3', '14.19.0', '14.19.1',
  '14.19.2',  '14.19.3',  '14.20.0',  '14.20.1', '14.21.0', '14.21.2',
  '14.21.3',  '15.0.0',   '15.0.1',   '15.1.0',  '15.2.0',  '15.2.1',
  '15.3.0',   '15.4.0',   '15.7.0',   '15.8.0',  '15.10.0', '15.12.0',
  '15.14.0',  '16.0.0',   '16.1.0',   '16.3.0',  '16.4.0',  '16.4.1',
  '16.5.0',   '16.6.0',   '16.6.1',   '16.6.2',  '16.7.0',  '16.8.0',
  '16.9.0',   '16.9.1',   '16.10.0',  '16.11.0', '16.11.1', '16.12.0',
  '16.13.0',  '16.13.1',  '16.13.2',  '16.14.0', '16.14.1', '16.14.2',
  '16.15.0',  '16.15.1',  '16.16.0',  '16.17.0', '16.17.1', '16.18.0',
  '16.18.1',  '16.19.0',  '16.19.1',  '16.20.0', '16.20.1', '16.20.2',
  '17.0.0',   '17.0.1',   '17.1.0',   '17.2.0',  '17.3.0',  '17.3.1',
  '17.4.0',   '17.5.0',   '17.6.0',   '17.7.0',  '17.7.1',  '17.7.2',
  '17.9.1',   '18.0.0',   '18.1.0',   '18.2.0',  '18.3.0',  '18.4.0',
  '18.5.0',   '18.6.0',   '18.7.0',   '18.8.0',  '18.9.0',  '18.9.1',
  '18.10.0',  '18.11.0',  '18.12.0',  '18.12.1', '18.13.0', '18.14.0',
  '18.14.1',  '18.14.2',  '18.15.0',  '18.16.0', '18.16.1', '18.17.0',
  '18.17.1',  '18.18.0',  '18.18.1',  '18.18.2', '18.19.0', '18.19.1',
  '18.20.0',  '18.20.1',  '18.20.2',  '18.20.3', '18.20.4', '19.0.0',
  '19.0.1',   '19.1.0',   '19.2.0',   '19.3.0',  '19.4.0',  '19.5.0',
  '19.6.0',   '19.6.1',   '19.7.0',   '19.8.0',  '19.8.1',  '20.0.0',
  '20.1.0',   '20.2.0',   '20.3.0',   '20.3.1',  '20.4.0',  '20.5.0',
  '20.5.1',   '20.6.0',   '20.6.1',   '20.7.0',  '20.8.0',  '20.8.1',
  '20.9.0',   '20.10.0',  '20.11.0',  '20.11.1', '20.12.0', '20.12.1',
  '20.12.2',  '20.13.0',  '20.13.1',  '20.14.0', '20.15.0', '20.15.1',
  '20.16.0',  '20.17.0',  '20.18.0',  '21.0.0',  '21.1.0',  '21.2.0',
  '21.3.0',   '21.4.0',   '21.5.0',   '21.6.0',  '21.6.1',  '21.6.2',
  '21.7.0',   '21.7.1',   '21.7.2',   '21.7.3',  '22.0.0',  '22.1.0',
  '22.2.0',   '22.3.0',   '22.4.0',   '22.4.1',  '22.5.0',  '22.5.1',
  '22.6.0',   '22.7.0',   '22.8.0',   '22.9.0',  '22.10.0', '22.11.0',
  '23.0.0',   '23.1.0'
  1. sudo n latest // 升级到最新版本
sudo n latest

sudo n stable // 升级到稳定版本

sudo n stable

sudo n xx.xx // 升级到具体版本号

sudo n xx.xx
  1. node -v //查看当前安装的版本号
node -v
  1. n //检查目前安装了哪些版本的node,会出现已安装的node版本,选一个就可以直接切换了
beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % node -v
beiluo@beiluodeMBP ~ % n

  ο node/22.11.0

Use up/down arrow keys to select a version, return key to install, d to delete, q to quit


  1. 如果尚未安装Homebrew,请安装:
/bin/bash -c "$(curl -fsSL https://raw.githubusercontent.com/Homebrew/install/HEAD/install.sh)"
  1. 使用Homebrew更新Node.js:
brew updatebrew upgrade node

另一个报错:报错信息提示你在尝试使用npm init vite初始化一个Vite项目时遇到了权限错误。EACCES错误表明你没有足够的权限去写入指定的文件路径。

beiluo@beiluodeMBP readit-demo % npm init vite
npm error code EACCES
npm error syscall open
npm error path /Users/beiluo/.npm/_cacache/tmp/88a817fe
npm error errno EACCES
npm error
npm error Your cache folder contains root-owned files, due to a bug in
npm error previous versions of npm which has since been addressed.
npm error
npm error To permanently fix this problem, please run:
npm error   sudo chown -R 501:20 "/Users/beiluo/.npm"
npm error A complete log of this run can be found in: /Users/beiluo/.npm/_logs/2024-11-02T15_37_14_948Z-debug-0.log


sudo chown -R 501:20 "/Users/beiluo/.npm"



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