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vue3 + ts + element-plus 二次封装 el-table








(1)components / CustomTable / index.vue


  <div class="custom-table-dialog">

    <el-table :data="paginatedData" border :span-method="spanMethod"
              highlight-current-row @row-click="rowClick" @cell-dblclick="cellDbClick"
              @selection-change="handleSelection" :header-row-style="props?.headerRowStyle"
              :row-style="props?.rowStyle" :cell-style="props?.cellStyle" :empty-text="props.emptyText">

      <!-- 多选 -->
      <el-table-column v-if="isSelection" type="selection" width="55" align="center"></el-table-column>

      <template v-for="column in columnList" :key="column.label">

        <custom-table-column :column="column">

          <template v-slot:[`header-${column.prop}`]="scope">
            <slot :name="`header-${column.prop}`" v-bind="scope"></slot>

          <template v-slot:[`default-${column.prop}`]="scope">
            <slot :name="`default-${column.prop}`" v-bind="scope"/>




        layout="prev, pager, next"



<script setup lang="ts">

import CustomTableColumn from "@/components/CustomTable/components/CustomTableColumn.vue";
import {computed, ref} from "vue";
import type {ColumnItem} from "@/types/table";
import EventBus from "@/plugins/event-bus";

const props = defineProps<{
  tableData: any[] // 表格数据
  columnList: ColumnItem[] // 表头数据
  pageSize: number // 每页显示条数
  selection?: boolean // 是否多选
  merge?: boolean // 是否合并
  mergeColumns?: string[] // 哪些列中的单元格需要合并
  distinguishColumns?: string[] // 哪些列中单元格的值不一样,就不合并
  headerRowStyle?: any // 表头行样式
  headerCellStyle?: any // 表头单元格样式
  rowStyle?: any // 行样式
  cellStyle?: any // 单元格样式
  emptyText?: string // 空数据时显示的文本内容

const currentPage = ref(1)
const pageSize = ref(props.pageSize)

const paginatedData = computed(() => { // 分页数据
  const start = (currentPage.value - 1) * pageSize.value
  const end = start + pageSize.value
  return props.tableData.slice(start, end)

const isSelection = computed(() => { // 是否多选(勾选行)
  let selection = false
  if (props.selection) {
    selection = props.selection
  return selection

const colFields = computed(() => { // 所有列的 props
  let fields: string[] = []
  const properties = props.columnList.map((item: any) => {
    return item.prop
  if (props.selection) {
  } else {
    fields = properties
  return fields
let spanArr: any[] = [] //存储合并单元格的开始位置

const handlePageChange = (page: number) => {
  currentPage.value = page

/* 行点击事件 */
const rowClick = (row: any, column: any) => {
  EventBus.emit('row-click', {row, column})

/* 单元格双击事件 */
const cellDbClick = (row: any, column: any) => {
  EventBus.emit('cell-dbClick', {row, column})

/* 行选择事件 */
const handleSelection = (data: any) => { // data 为所有处于勾选状态的行的数组
  EventBus.emit('row-selection', data)

// 分析每一列,找出相同的
const getSpanArr = () => {
  let mergeColumns: string[] = []
  let distinguishColumns: string[] = []
  if (props.mergeColumns) {
    mergeColumns = props.mergeColumns
  if (props.distinguishColumns) {
    distinguishColumns = props.distinguishColumns
  for (let i = 0; i < paginatedData.value.length; i++) {
    let row = i;
    // let col = i % this.colCount;
    if (row === 0) {
      // i 表示行 j表示列
      for (let j = 0; j < colFields.value.length; j++) {
        spanArr[i * colFields.value.length + j] = {
          rowspan: 1,
          colspan: 1,
    } else {
      for (let j = 0; j < colFields.value.length; j++) {
        // 当前和上一次的一样
        //  合并所有列的相同数据单元格
        if (mergeColumns.includes(colFields.value[j])) { // Check if the column is in mergeColumns
          if (distinguishColumns.some(col => paginatedData.value[row][col] !== paginatedData.value[row - 1][col])) {
            // If any distinguish column is different, do not merge
            spanArr[row * colFields.value.length + j] = {
              rowspan: 1,
              colspan: 1,
          } else if (paginatedData.value[row][colFields.value[j]] === paginatedData.value[row - 1][colFields.value[j]]) {
            let beforeItem =
                spanArr[(row - 1) * colFields.value.length + j]
            spanArr[row * colFields.value.length + j] = {
              rowspan: 1 + beforeItem.rowspan, // Merge rows
              colspan: 1, // Merge columns
            beforeItem.rowspan = 0
            beforeItem.colspan = 0
          } else {
            // No merge
            spanArr[row * colFields.value.length + j] = {
              rowspan: 1,
              colspan: 1,
  // 对数据进行倒序
  let stack = []
  for (let i = 0; i < colFields.value.length; i++) {
    for (let j = 0; j < paginatedData.value.length; j++) {
      // console.log("i=" + i + " j=" + j);
      // i 表示列 j表示行
      if (j === 0) {
        if (spanArr[j * colFields.value.length + i].rowspan === 0) {
          stack.push(spanArr[j * colFields.value.length + i])
      } else {
        if (spanArr[j * colFields.value.length + i]?.rowspan === 0) {
          stack.push(spanArr[j * colFields.value.length + i])
        } else {
          stack.push(spanArr[j * colFields.value.length + i])
          while (stack.length > 0) {
            let pop = stack.pop()
            let len = stack.length
            spanArr[(j - len) * colFields.value.length + i] = pop

const spanMethod = (data: { row: any, column: any, rowIndex: any, columnIndex: any }) => {
  if (props.merge) {
    return spanArr[data.rowIndex * colFields.value.length + data.columnIndex]
  } else {

/*// 合并固定列
const spanMethod = (data: { row: any, column: any, rowIndex: any, columnIndex: any }) => {
  if (data.column.property === 'column1') { // 指定列相邻单元格的值相等就合并
    const currentValue = data.row[data.column.property] // 当前单元格的值
    const preRow = props.tableData[data.rowIndex - 1] // 上一行
    const preValue = preRow ? preRow[data.column.property] : null // 上一行相同列的值
    if (currentValue === preValue) { // 将当前单元格隐藏
      return {
        rowspan: 0,
        colspan: 0
    } else { // 合并 —— 计算当前单元格应该跨多少行
      let rowSpan = 1 // 初始跨 1 行
      for (let i = data.rowIndex + 1; i < props.tableData.length; i++) {
        const nextRow = props.tableData[i] // 下一行
        const nextValue = nextRow ? nextRow[data.column.property] : null // 下一行相同列的值
        if (nextValue === currentValue) {
        } else {
      return {
        rowspan: rowSpan,
        colspan: 1


<style lang="scss">

.custom-table-dialog {

  //height: 100%;
  height: fit-content;
  display: flex;
  flex-direction: column;
  align-items: center;
  justify-content: center;
  //border: 1px solid red;

  .el-table {
    --el-table-border-color: rgba(218, 226, 237); // 边框颜色
    --el-table-bg-color: transparent;
    --el-table-text-color: rgba(165, 176, 193); // 表格数据部分文字颜色
    --el-table-header-text-color: rgba(251, 251, 251); // 表头文字颜色
    --el-table-row-hover-bg-color: rgba(252, 250, 255); // 鼠标悬浮时表行的背景色
    --el-table-header-bg-color: rgba(201, 213, 229); // 表头背景色
    --el-table-tr-bg-color: rgba(255, 255, 255); // 表格数据部分表行背景色
    background-color: transparent;

    .el-table__body tr.current-row > td.el-table__cell { // 高亮行单元格的背景色
      background: rgba(252, 250, 255);

    .el-table__empty-block { // 数据为空时 表格 body 的样式
      background-color: #FFFFFF;


  .el-checkbox__input.is-checked .el-checkbox__inner {
    background-color: rgba(192, 172, 233);
    border-color: rgba(192, 172, 233);

  .el-checkbox__input.is-indeterminate .el-checkbox__inner {
    background-color: rgba(192, 172, 233);
    border-color: rgba(192, 172, 233);

  .el-checkbox__inner:hover {
    border-color: rgba(192, 172, 233);

  //:deep(.custom-table-dialog .el-pagination) {
  //  //margin-top: 100px;
  //  position: absolute;
  //  left: 50%;
  //  transform: translateX(-50%);
  //  bottom: 20px;
  .el-pagination { /* 如要固定分页器的位置在容器底部,在父组件中使用:deep(.custom-table-dialog .el-pagination) {}修改,示例如上 */
    margin-top: 10px;

  .el-pagination.is-background .btn-next, .el-pagination.is-background .btn-prev, .el-pagination.is-background .el-pager li {
    background-color: rgba(201, 213, 229);
    color: rgba(251, 251, 251);

  .el-pagination.is-background .btn-next.is-active, .el-pagination.is-background .btn-prev.is-active, .el-pagination.is-background .el-pager li.is-active {
    background: rgba(192, 172, 233);



(2)components / CustomTable / components / CustomTableColumn.vue


  <el-table-column v-if="column.children?.length" v-bind="getColumnProps(column)">

    <template #header="scope">
      <slot :name="`header-${column.prop}`" v-bind="scope">
        <span>{{ column.label }}</span>

    <template v-for="child in column.children" :key="child.label">
      <custom-table-column :column="child"/>


  <el-table-column v-else v-bind="getColumnProps(column)">

    <template #header="scope">
      <slot :name="`header-${column.prop}`" v-bind="scope">
        <span>{{ column.label }}</span>

    <template #default="scope">
      <slot :name="`default-${column.prop}`" v-bind="scope">
        <span>{{ scope.row[column.prop] }}</span>



<script setup lang="ts">

import type {ColumnItem} from "@/types/table";

  column: ColumnItem

const getColumnProps = (column: ColumnItem) => {
  const {children, ...props} = column
  return props


<style scoped lang="scss">


(3)types / table.ts

* 表列属性【 ?. 代表非必传,否则必传】
* */
export interface ColumnItem {
    label: string,
    prop: string,
    children?: ColumnItem[],
    align?: string, // 对齐方式
    width?: string | number, // 宽度
    sortable?: boolean | string, // 对应列是否可以排序,如果设置为 'custom',则代表用户希望远程排序,需要监听 Table 的 sort-change 事件

    /* 对象可以具有任意数量的键,这些键的类型为 string,对应的值的类型为 any */
    [key: string]: any

export enum TableSize {
    Large = 'large',
    Default = 'default',
    Small = 'small',

(4) plugins / event-bus.ts

import mitt from 'mitt' // 首先 npm install mitt
const EventBus = mitt()
export default EventBus




  <!-- 二次封装 el-table -->
  <div class="custom-table-container">
    <div class="table-header">
      <div class="table-buttons">
        <div class="table-button" @click="addRow">
        <div class="table-button" @click="deleteRows">
    <custom-table :column-list="columnList" :page-size="15" :table-data="tableData" :selection="true" :merge="true"
                  :merge-columns="mergeColumns" :distinguish-columns="distinguishColumns" empty-text="Please set Data">
      <!-- 自定义表头单元格内容示例 -->
      <template #header-id="{row, column}">
        {{ column.label }} Here
      <!-- 自定义列内容示例 -->
      <template #default-column1="{row, column}">
        <el-input ref="inputRef" v-model="row.column1"
                  v-if="editRow === row.id && editColumn === column.id" @blur="stopEdit"
        <span v-else>{{ row.column1 }}</span>
      <template #default-number1="{row, column}">
        <el-input ref="inputRef" v-model="row.number1"
                  v-if="editRow === row.id && editColumn === column.id" @blur="stopEdit"
        <span v-else>{{ row.number1 }}</span>
      <template #default-select1="{row, column}">
        <el-select ref="inputRef" v-model="row.select1"
                   v-if="editRow === row.id && editColumn === column.id" @blur="stopEdit"
              v-for="item in options"
        <span v-else>{{ row.select1 }}</span>


<script setup lang="ts">

import CustomTable from "@/components/CustomTable/index.vue";
import type {ColumnItem} from "@/types/table";
import {nextTick, onMounted, ref} from "vue";
import EventBus from "@/plugins/event-bus";
import {Delete, Plus} from "@element-plus/icons-vue";
import {ElMessage} from "element-plus";

const columnList: ColumnItem[] = [
    label: 'id',
    prop: 'id',
    align: 'center'
    label: 'column1',
    prop: 'column1',
    align: 'center',
    width: 100
    label: 'number1',
    prop: 'number1',
    align: 'center',
    width: 100
    label: 'select1',
    prop: 'select1',
    align: 'center'
    label: 'time1',
    prop: 'time1',
    align: 'center'
    label: 'time2',
    prop: 'time2',
    align: 'center'

const mergeColumns = ['column1', 'select1'] // Specify merge columns
const distinguishColumns = ['column1'] // Specify distinguish columns

const headerCellStyle = (row: any) => { // 表头单元格样式示例
  return {
    backgroundColor: 'lightpink'

const rowStyle = (data: any) => { // 行样式示例
  if (data.row.column1 === 'row1') {
    return {
      backgroundColor: 'lightpink'
  } else {
    return {
      backgroundColor: 'lightgreen'

const tableData = ref<any[]>([ // 表格数据
    id: 1,
    column1: 'row1',
    number1: 1,
    select1: 'option1',
    time1: 'test',
    time2: 'test'
    id: 2,
    column1: 'row1',
    number1: 2,
    select1: 'option1',
    time1: 'test',
    time2: 'test'
    id: 3,
    column1: 'row2',
    number1: 3,
    select1: 'option1',
    time1: 'test',
    time2: 'test'
    id: 4,
    column1: 'row2',
    number1: 4,
    select1: 'option1',
    time1: 'test',
    time2: 'test'
    id: 5,
    column1: 'row3',
    number1: 4,
    select1: 'option1',
    time1: 'test',
    time2: 'test'
    id: 6,
    column1: 'row4',
    number1: 5,
    select1: 'option1',
    time1: 'test',
    time2: 'test'

const options = [
    value: 'option1',
    label: 'option1'
    value: 'option2',
    label: 'option2'

const editRow = ref<any>(null) // 正在编辑的行
const editColumn = ref<any>(null) // 正在编辑的列
const inputRef = ref<any>(null)

const selectedRows = ref<any[]>([]) // 选中的行

onMounted(() => {
  EventBus.on('cell-dbClick', (data: any) => { // 单元格双击事件
    editRow.value = null
    editColumn.value = null
    editRow.value = data.row.id
    editColumn.value = data.column.id
    nextTick(() => {
      inputRef.value.focus() // 输入框自动聚焦

const stopEdit = () => { // 停止编辑
  editRow.value = null
  editColumn.value = null
  inputRef.value = null
  /* 每次编辑后根据 column1 的内容重新排序 */
  const groupedTableData = tableData.value.reduce((acc, curr) => {
    (acc[curr.column1] = acc[curr.column1] || []).push(curr)
    return acc
  }, {})
  tableData.value = []
  Object.keys(groupedTableData).forEach((key: any) => {

onMounted(() => {
  EventBus.on('row-selection', (data: any) => { // 行选择事件
    selectedRows.value = data

const addRow = async () => { // 新增行
  const rowData = {
    id: tableData.value.length + 1,
    column1: '',
    number1: '',
    select1: '',
    time1: '',
    time2: ''

const deleteRows = () => { // 删除行
  if (selectedRows.value.length > 0) {
    selectedRows.value.forEach((item: any) => {
      tableData.value = tableData.value.filter((data: any) => data.id !== item.id)
  } else {
    ElMessage.error('Please select the row to delete')


<style scoped lang="scss">

.custom-table-container {
  position: absolute;
  top: 50%;
  left: 50%;
  transform: translate(-50%, -50%);
  background: rgba(233, 237, 246);
  padding: 20px;

  .table-header {
    background: rgba(200, 180, 243);
    color: rgba(254, 255, 253);
    font-family: Consolas;
    font-size: 20px;
    font-weight: bolder;
    display: flex;
    justify-content: space-between;
    align-items: center;
    padding: 10px 15px;

  .table-buttons {
    display: flex;

    .table-button {
      color: rgba(255, 254, 254);
      background: rgba(192, 172, 233);
      font-size: 20px;
      font-family: Consolas;
      width: fit-content;
      padding: 10px;
      margin-right: 10px;
      cursor: pointer;

    .table-button:last-child { // 最右边的按钮 margin-right = 0
      margin-right: 0;




el-table表格动态合并相同数据单元格(可指定列+自定义合并)_el-table 合并单元格动态-CSDN博客



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