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《Django 5 By Example》阅读笔记:p1-p16

《Django 5 By Example》学习第1天,p1-p16总结,总计16页。



(1)创建 project & 创建 app

django-admin startproject mysite

django-admin startapp blog



python manage.py runserver



abbreviation for financial technology: the business of using technology to offer financial services in new ways。


He joined Backbase in 2023, following its acquisition of Nucoro, a digital wealth management platform that he co-founded.

之前一直记得“acquisition”是“the process of getting sth(获得)”的意思,今天又掌握了一个新的用法“the process of a company that is bought by another company(收购)”。


Antonio Melé holds an MSc in Computer Science from Universidad Pontificia Comillas and completed the Advanced Management Program at MIT Sloan.

(1)MSC: master(硕士) of science(理科)。


(3)pontificia: 西班牙语,对应英语中的“pontificial”.




I couldn’t have done this without an incredible group of Python enthusiasts and experts who took the time to dive into the early versions of this book.

(1)incredible: in-(“not”) + credible。

(2)credible: cred-(“believe, trust”)。


He then branched out into DevOps, load testing, and securing applications for penetration testing.

(1)pentrate: pen-(go into, enter)。vi/vt. to move into sth.

penetration test意为“渗透测试”。


Over the years Mark has become a maintainer for several packages and a navigator of the Djangonaut space program, which aims to mentor developers who want to become contributors in the Django ecosystem.

在英语里,mentor, direct, guide常用于表示“指导”,mentor倾向于“to help and give advice to a younger or less experienced person, especially in a job or at school”。


p1, Consider this chapter as your roadmap for constructing a fully-fledged Django application.

本意是:vi. (of a young bird)to grow feathers and learn to fly。比喻意义是:“fledge” is connected to growth, readiness, and the development of the feathers needed for flight。在这里“fully-fledged”可以理解为“完整的,完善的”。


(1)chronological: chronology + -ical(形容词后缀)。

adj. Chronological describes the arrangement of events in the order of their occurrence in time.

(2)chronology: choro-(“time”) + -logy(“study/science”)。study of time, science of time,年代学,年表。


本人的工作方向为Python Web方向,想了解下今年该方向有哪些新书出版,紧跟行业发展。于是上packt出版社网站上看了看,发现这本书出版时间比较新(2024年9月),那就它了。

首次阅读下来的第一感觉就是作者有点啰嗦。举些例子:“This will offer you a solid introduction to Django’s capabilities and functionalities.”——这些话在我看来显得可有可无,去掉了对阅读完全没有影响。又如“Blogging is the perfect starting point to build a complete Django project, given its wide range of required features, from basic content management to advanced functionalities like commenting, post sharing, search, and post recommendations. ”——作者用了很多形容词:perfect,wid,required等,如果为了吸引读者在序言中使用可以理解,但都已经开始coding了,属实无法理解。

Don’t be concerned if some components or concepts appear unclear at first. The different framework components will be explored in detail throughout this book.如果一开始对一些组件的或者概念的讲解不清楚,请不要担心。因为对这些组件或者概念的详细探讨会贯穿整本书,可能看到后面就清楚了。——这句话很有道理,也是本人看书或者学习时经常使用的一种方法,一遍看不懂就看两遍,还是看不懂先往下看。在这里摘录出来送给大家。


1. 编程

(1) Antonio Melé,《Django 5 By Example》:https://book.douban.com/subject/37007362/

2. 英语

(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com

(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org





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