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nwjs崩溃复现、 nwjs-控制台手动操纵、nwjs崩溃调用栈解码、剪切板例子中、nwjs混合模式、xdotool显示nwjs所有进程窗口列表

-1. nwjs在低版本ubuntu运行情况


uname -a
#Linux Asus 4.15.0-112-generic #113~16.04.1-Ubuntu SMP Fri Jul 10 04:37:08 UTC 2020 x86_64 x86_64 x86_64 GNU/Linux
cat /etc/issue
#Ubuntu 16.04.7 LTS \n \l

#nw: /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libnss3.so: version `NSS_3.30' not found (required by /app/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so)
#nw: /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.25' not found (required by /app/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so)



sudo apt install -y libatomic1

/app/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/nw  #nw-v0.93正常运行

/app/nwjs-sdk-v0.89.0-linux-x64/nw  #nw-v0.89运行: 不崩溃 但却不出界面


/app/nwjs-sdk-v0.89.0-linux-x64/nw --in-process-gpu  --disable-gpu-sandbox  --no-sandbox    --url="https://i.csdn.net/#/user-center/profile" 

#nw  ...  --disable-devtools 

ubuntu18.04.6 TODO

0. nwjs崩溃复现



/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/nw --disable-gpu --url="https://i.csdn.net/#/user-center/profile"
#/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.89.0-linux-x64/nw --disable-gpu --url="https://i.csdn.net/#/user-center/profile"
#即使添加 --ingore-gpu-blacklist 也会崩溃

#g:\nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-win-x64\nw.exe --url="https://i.csdn.net/#/user-center/profile"

右击 --> 检查背景页 --> 漰溃

win10下也崩溃,这说明 这是nwjs自身问题,难道是他不允许这样操作?

ubuntu18.04以下版本的nwjs都可复现此崩溃(已知道nwjs-v0.89在win10下同样操作 正常运行 不会崩溃)

  • nwjs-sdk-v0.39.3-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • nwjs-sdk-v0.59.1-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • nwjs-sdk-v0.79.1-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • nwjs-sdk-v0.49.2-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • nwjs-sdk-v0.69.1-linux-x64.tar.gz
  • nwjs-sdk-v0.89.0-linux-x64.tar.gz


ubuntu18.04.6安装不到该机器(笔记本asus k43sd), 因此未验证


猜测 崩溃原因是 ubuntu22的开源显卡驱动程序Nouveau被 google加入了黑名单, 但貌似--ingore-gpu-blacklist可以禁止黑名单(也许禁止不了)

google搜索: Google 决定直接在 Chromium/Chrome 71 将 Nouveau 列入黑名单

漰溃时 控制台输出

 [1119/201403.819553:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[142199:142199:1119/201403.985775:ERROR:object_proxy.cc(576)] Failed to call method: org.freedesktop.ScreenSaver.GetActive: object_path= /org/freedesktop/ScreenSaver: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: This method is not implemented
[1119/201414.914243:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
[1119/201414.914699:ERROR:elf_dynamic_array_reader.h(64)] tag not found
Received signal 11 SEGV_MAPERR 000000000258
#0 0x7893942d46be (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x76d46bd)
#1 0x7893942e5601 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x76e5600)
#2 0x78938c842520 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6+0x4251f)
#3 0x789392e834da (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x62834d9)
#4 0x789394ec5050 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x82c504f)
#5 0x78939671c3b7 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x9b1c3b6)
#6 0x78939671d487 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x9b1d486)
#7 0x78939670ba71 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x9b0ba70)
#8 0x78939670d3a3 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x9b0d3a2)
#9 0x78939670d0dd (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x9b0d0dc)
#10 0x7893967a5dcc (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x9ba5dcb)
#11 0x7893967d38be (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x9bd38bd)
#12 0x789394fba99e (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x83ba99d)
#13 0x789394fba751 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x83ba750)
#14 0x789394fbb473 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x83bb472)
#15 0x789394fbb8cc (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x83bb8cb)
#16 0x789394fbb7a6 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x83bb7a5)
#17 0x7893965b5f2d (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x99b5f2c)
#18 0x7893967d61b6 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x9bd61b5)
#19 0x789394fbf455 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x83bf454)
#20 0x78938fef98c8 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x32f98c7)
#21 0x78938fef95d7 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x32f95d6)
#22 0x78938fef993d (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x32f993c)
#23 0x789394f8bfe9 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x838bfe8)
#24 0x789395c67707 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x9067706)
#25 0x789394f93284 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x8393283)
#26 0x789394f93071 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x8393070)
#27 0x789394f92c10 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x8392c0f)
#28 0x789395c6ab82 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x906ab81)
#29 0x78938cabbc44 g_main_context_dispatch
#30 0x0000000000fe <unknown>
#31 0x789394299130 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x769912f)
#32 0x78939425f80f (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x765f80e)
#33 0x789391d2fbea (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x512fbe9)
#34 0x789391d317d2 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x51317d1)
#35 0x789391d2d358 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x512d357)
#36 0x7893936f89f3 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x6af89f2)
#37 0x7893936f9efe (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x6af9efd)
#38 0x7893936f9d46 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x6af9d45)
#39 0x7893936f7643 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x6af7642)
#40 0x7893936f7c47 (/app5/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/lib/libnw.so+0x6af7c46)
#41 0x78938f35d30f ChromeMain
#42 0x78938c829d90 (/usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libc.so.6+0x29d8f)
  r8: 000000000000001f  r9: 00005928041a64d8 r10: 0000000000000005 r11: 000000000000000a
 r12: 0000592804719ca0 r13: 000059280520fd40 r14: 0000000000000000 r15: 00005928041cf940
  di: 0000000000000000  si: 0000000000000000  bp: 00007ffe19ec1390  bx: 0000000000000003
  dx: 0000000000000000  ax: 0000592804719ca0  cx: 00005928042ecf68  sp: 00007ffe19ec1390
  ip: 000078938fd0d4f4 efl: 0000000000010202 cgf: 002b000000000033 erf: 0000000000000004
 trp: 000000000000000e msk: 0000000000000000 cr2: 0000000000000258
[end of stack trace]

1 nwjs-控制台手动操纵


下载页面/Previous Downloads(旧版下载)/v0.89.0/nwjs-sdk-v0.89.0-linux-x64.tar.gz


( cd /app5/pack/ && wget $FUrl ;)

tar -xf  /app5/pack/nwjs-sdk-v0.89.0-linux-x64.tar.gz  -C /app/
#产物形式 /app/nwjs-sdk-v0.89.0-linux-x64/bin/nw








const nodeLsA = Array.from({ length: snap.snapshotLength }, (_, k) => snap.snapshotItem(k));
const nodeLsB = [...Array(snap.snapshotLength).keys()].map(k=>snap.snapshotItem(k));
//A B写法是等效的

//it.invalidIteratorState==true : 不合法的遍历器状态?



function xp(doc,xpath_str){
	const snap=doc.evaluate(xpath_str,doc,null,XPathResult.ORDERED_NODE_SNAPSHOT_TYPE,null);
	const nodeLs = [...Array(snap.snapshotLength).keys()].map(k=>snap.snapshotItem(k));
	return nodeLs;


const allNode=xp(nw.Window.get().window.document,"//*");


const allNode=xp(window.document,"//*");



function cntGrpByTagName(doc){
const tagLs=xp(doc,"//*").map(e=>e.tagName);
const grp=Object.groupBy(tagLs,x=>x);

const entry_ls=Object.entries(grp).map((tuple)=>[tuple[0],tuple[1].length]);
const entry_ls_sorted=entry_ls.sort( (a,b) => b[1] - a[1] );

const _grpCnt=new Map(entry_ls_sorted);
const grpCnt=Object.fromEntries(_grpCnt);
return grpCnt;


function backend_console_printJson_url_cntGrpByTagName(url_str){
	const doc=nw.Window.get().window.document;
	doc.location=url_str;  // "https://editor.csdn.net/md/?not_checkout=1"
	const cnt_grp_by_tagName=cntGrpByTagName(doc);
	console.log(JSON.stringify( cnt_grp_by_tagName,null,2 ));




写 剪切板例子(navigator.clipboard)

//nwjs背景页面控制台下 迫使 浏览器打开给定url
const win=nw.Window.get().window;

//nwjs背景页面控制台下 执行以下语句后, 3秒内 立即人工将焦点给到  nwjs浏览器窗口.  
async function write_clip()  { 
	const txt="HelloWorld";
	await win.navigator.clipboard.writeText(txt) ;
	console.log(`已向剪切板navigator.clipboard写入字符串 '${txt}' `);
  //此时,在浏览器页面内,若 人工 ctrl+v , 则 将粘贴出 'HelloWorld'
setTimeout(  write_clip , 3000)  ;


function test_which_elem_can_paste(){
const allNode=xp(win.document,"//*");
elem.focus() ;  //聚焦该元素
elem.select() ; //全选该元素文本
win.document.execCommand('paste'); //粘贴(无效)

setTimeout(  test_which_elem_can_paste , 7000)  ;


剪切板内容转移(失败): 造input–>目标input

const flag_input_id="id_flag_input_";
const flag_input=document.createElement("input");
// flag_input =document.getElementById(flag_input_id);

setTimeout( () => {
flag_input.focus(); //人造input 聚焦
flag_input.select();//人造input 全选文本
document.execCommand("copy"); //复制 人造iput的 文本 (不确定是否有效)

const input_ls=xp(window.document,"//input");
const input0=input_ls[0];
input0.focus();//目标input 聚焦
input0.select();//目标input 全选文本
//直到这里是正常的, 标题输入框获得了焦点 并且 被选中了
//但是 并没有执行粘贴
}, 1000);

参考1(粘贴 无效 来自此)


一般模式下 nwjs 只有 背景页控制台 能访问nw.*,
--mixed-mode 混合模式下 nwjs的 普通页控制台 也能访问nw.*

/app/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/nw  --mixed-mode

写os剪切板 、 将焦点给 普通页面(编辑器) 、 对该普通页面内的焦点处做按键粘贴(ctrl+v) (bash)


/app/nwjs-sdk-v0.93.0-linux-x64/nw  --mixed-mode


右击–>检查, 进入 普通页控制台
执行js 打开csdn的编辑器页面



pidof nw | tr ' '   '\n' | while read j ; do { xdotool search --onlyvisible --pid $j   | while read k ; do ( xdotool getwindowname $k ;) ; done   ;} done

  • 写文章-CSDN博客 : 普通页面(编辑器)
  • DevTools - editor.csdn.net/md/?not_checkout=1 : 普通页面的控制台

写os剪切板 、 将焦点给 普通页面(编辑器) 、 对该普通页面内的焦点处做按键粘贴(ctrl+v) (shell写法)

echo "HelloOoo" | xclip -selection clipboard   &&   xdotool search --onlyvisible "写文章-CSDN博客" windowactivate && xdotool key ctrl+V

写os剪切板 、 将焦点给 普通页面(编辑器) 、 对该普通页面内的焦点处做按键粘贴(ctrl+v) (nodejs)


2. nw.js打开新窗口

let login_win:NWJS_Helpers.win|undefined=undefined;
//nw.Window.open不是async的 且 不返回构造的窗口 , 因此想要获得构造的窗口 只能等待
(new_win?: NWJS_Helpers.win) => {
);//end_call open

//循环等待 直到 login_win 非空

let login_win=undefined;
//nw.Window.open不是async的 且 不返回构造的窗口 , 因此想要获得构造的窗口 只能等待
(new_win) => {
);//end_call open

//循环等待 直到 login_win 非undefined

apiFunctions.setHandleRequest('open', function(url, params, callback) {

nw.Window.open(url: string, option?: NWJS_Helpers.WindowOpenOption, callback?: (new_win: NWJS_Helpers.win) => void, ): void;

3. nw运行记录过程

/app/nwjs-sdk-v0.89.0-linux-x64/bin/nw 启动nwjs --> 检查背景页


在 背景页的console下执行nw.Window.get().window.location="http://blog.csdn.net"


4. nwjs崩溃调用栈解码

TODO: 同样的js代码,此版本的nwjs在ubuntu22.04下经常崩溃退出,但是换成win10却不会崩溃


file $symD/nw.sym #  /app/nwjs-sdk-symbol-v0.89.0-linux-x64/nw.sym: ASCII text

dmpD="/home/z/.config/nwjs/Crash Reports/completed/"

$Minidump_stackwalk  "$dmpF1"  $symD

(cd "$dmpD" && ls *.dmp | while read k ; do ( ls -lh  "$k" &&  $Minidump_stackwalk  "$k"  $symD | gedit -  ;) ; done )

参考 nwjs崩溃机制


file  "30719bae-1856-4152-adf1-fd847e8ff8c1.dmp"  
#30719bae-1856-4152-adf1-fd847e8ff8c1.dmp: Mini DuMP crash report, 9 streams, Tue Nov 19 06:14:33 2024, 0 type

$Minidump_stackwalk  "30719bae-1856-4152-adf1-fd847e8ff8c1.dmp"  $symD
Operating system: Linux
                  6.8.0 -48-generic #48~22.04.1-Ubuntu SMP PREEMPT_DYNAMIC Mon Oct  7 11:24:13 UTC 2 x86_64
CPU: amd64
     family 6 model 154 stepping 3
     16 CPUs


Crash reason:  SIGTRAP
Crash address: 0x0
Process uptime: 2541 seconds

Thread 0 (crashed)
 0  libnw.so + 0x6e9d718
    rax = 0x0000000000000000   rdx = 0x0000000000000001
    rcx = 0x0000000000000000   rbx = 0x00007ffe64dc19e0
    rsi = 0x0000000000000000   rdi = 0x000075614fe55d60
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc1e10   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc1990
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000000
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x00007ffe64dc1e20   r13 = 0x000000000000006f
    r14 = 0x00007ffe64dc1e21   r15 = 0x00007ffe64dc2e98
    rip = 0x000075614909d718
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0x6e9d25d
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc2e70   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc1e20
    rip = 0x000075614909d25d
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  libnw.so + 0x6e9d7f9
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc2e80   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc2e80
    rip = 0x000075614909d7f9
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 3  libnw.so + 0x4f48237
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc2fd0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc2e90
    rip = 0x0000756147148237
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 4  libnw.so + 0x4f45301
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc2fe0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc2fe0
    rip = 0x0000756147145301
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 5  libnw.so + 0x4f43e5b
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3000   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc2ff0
    rip = 0x0000756147143e5b
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 6  libnw.so + 0x4f50109
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3170   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3010
    rip = 0x0000756147150109
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 7  libnw.so + 0x4f51707
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc32d0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3180
    rip = 0x0000756147151707
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 8  libnw.so + 0x4d40108
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3390   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc32e0
    rip = 0x0000756146f40108
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 9  libnw.so + 0x7b309a3
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc33d0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc33a0
    rip = 0x0000756149d309a3
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
10  libnw.so + 0x763fe75
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3580   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc33e0
    rip = 0x000075614983fe75
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
11  libnw.so + 0x7b34a6c
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc35f0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3590
    rip = 0x0000756149d34a6c
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
12  libnw.so + 0x7b35fbd
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3680   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3600
    rip = 0x0000756149d35fbd
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
13  libnw.so + 0x763acde
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc36e0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3690
    rip = 0x000075614983acde
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
14  libnw.so + 0x763b693
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3710   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc36f0
    rip = 0x000075614983b693
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
15  libnw.so + 0x302a7c9
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3770   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3720
    rip = 0x000075614522a7c9
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
16  libnw.so + 0x2790113
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc37d0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3780
    rip = 0x0000756144990113
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
17  libnw.so + 0x765949a
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3850   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc37e0
    rip = 0x000075614985949a
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
18  libnw.so + 0x7659805
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc38b0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3860
    rip = 0x0000756149859805
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
19  libnw.so + 0x6ee9d4f
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3960   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc38c0
    rip = 0x00007561490e9d4f
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
20  libnw.so + 0x6f036b5
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3b40   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3970
    rip = 0x00007561491036b5
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
21  libnw.so + 0x6f03122
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3bc0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3b50
    rip = 0x0000756149103122
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
22  libnw.so + 0x6f03b45
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3be0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3bd0
    rip = 0x0000756149103b45
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
23  libnw.so + 0x6f66f6c
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3ca0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3bf0
    rip = 0x0000756149166f6c
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
24  libnw.so + 0x6f03ee0
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3d40   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3cb0
    rip = 0x0000756149103ee0
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
25  libnw.so + 0x6ecb9ff
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3dc0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3d50
    rip = 0x00007561490cb9ff
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
26  libnw.so + 0x4d5bc4a
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3e10   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3dd0
    rip = 0x0000756146f5bc4a
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
27  libnw.so + 0x4d5d842
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3e30   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3e20
    rip = 0x0000756146f5d842
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
28  libnw.so + 0x4d594b8
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3eb0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3e40
    rip = 0x0000756146f594b8
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
29  libnw.so + 0x63af6ad
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc3fb0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3ec0
    rip = 0x00007561485af6ad
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
30  libnw.so + 0x63b0c66
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc40a0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc3fc0
    rip = 0x00007561485b0c66
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
31  libnw.so + 0x63b0a60
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc41d0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc40b0
    rip = 0x00007561485b0a60
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
32  libnw.so + 0x63ae1f1
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4470   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc41e0
    rip = 0x00007561485ae1f1
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
33  libnw.so + 0x63ae817
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc44d0   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4480
    rip = 0x00007561485ae817
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
34  libnw.so + 0x25992e6
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc44e0
    rip = 0x00007561447992e6
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
35  nw + 0x3b320
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4548
    rip = 0x0000556e631e8320
    Found by: stack scanning
36  nw + 0x3aa28
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4550
    rip = 0x0000556e631e7a28
    Found by: stack scanning
37  libgobject-2.0.so.0 + 0x3f4d0
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4628
    rip = 0x00007561421df4d0
    Found by: stack scanning
38  nw + 0x3c1a0
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4648
    rip = 0x0000556e631e91a0
    Found by: stack scanning
39  nw + 0x38060
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4650
    rip = 0x0000556e631e5060
    Found by: stack scanning
40  nw + 0x3b480
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4660
    rip = 0x0000556e631e8480
    Found by: stack scanning
41  nw + 0x2d829
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4670
    rip = 0x0000556e631da829
    Found by: stack scanning
42  libnw.so + 0xd21b7c0
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4678
    rip = 0x000075614f41b7c0
    Found by: stack scanning
43  libnw.so + 0xd68c7d8
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4698
    rip = 0x000075614f88c7d8
    Found by: stack scanning
44  ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 + 0x3a040
    rbp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740   rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4740
    rip = 0x000075614fee4040
    Found by: stack scanning
45  libc.so.6 + 0x29d90
    rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4750   rip = 0x0000756141e29d90
    Found by: stack scanning
46  libc.so.6 + 0x21bee8
    rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4758   rip = 0x000075614201bee8
    Found by: stack scanning
47  nw + 0x11580
    rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4760   rip = 0x0000556e631be580
    Found by: stack scanning
48  nw + 0x11580
    rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4790   rip = 0x0000556e631be580
    Found by: stack scanning
49  ld-linux-x86-64.so.2 + 0x3a040
    rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc47a0   rip = 0x000075614fee4040
    Found by: stack scanning
50  libc.so.6 + 0x29e40
    rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc47f0   rip = 0x0000756141e29e40
    Found by: stack scanning
51  nw + 0x11490
    rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4820   rip = 0x0000556e631be490
    Found by: stack scanning
52  nw + 0x114ba
    rsp = 0x00007ffe64dc4840   rip = 0x0000556e631be4ba
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 1
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x118bcf
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffdfc   rdx = 0x00000000ffffffff
    rcx = 0x0000756141f18bcf   rbx = 0x0000556e63e645e0
    rsi = 0x0000000000000002   rdi = 0x000075613e5fe060
    rbp = 0x000075613e5fe0a0   rsp = 0x000075613e5fdf00
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00007ffe64dc3df0
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x000075613e5fdf30
    r14 = 0x00007561438ad640   r15 = 0x000075613e5fe060
    rip = 0x0000756141f18bcf
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rbp = 0x000075613e5fe0d0   rsp = 0x000075613e5fe0b0
    rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rbp = 0x000075613e5fe0d0   rsp = 0x000075613e5fe0c8
    rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075613e5fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075613e5fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075613e5fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 2
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffdfc   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000089   rdi = 0x000075613d1fdf08
    rbp = 0x000075613d1fdee0   rsp = 0x000075613d1fdca0
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x000075613d1fddc0   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x000075613d1fdf08   r15 = 0x0000000000000000
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93e9b
    rbp = 0x000075613d1fdee0   rsp = 0x000075613d1fdce0
    rip = 0x0000756141e93e9b
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x000075613d1fdee0   rsp = 0x000075613d1fdd38
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f36df3
    rbp = 0x000075613d1fdee0   rsp = 0x000075613d1fddc0
    rip = 0x0000756149136df3
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f63718
    rbp = 0x000075613d1fdee0   rsp = 0x000075613d1fde70
    rip = 0x0000756149163718
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x000075613d1fdee0   rsp = 0x000075613d1fdea8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0x156d362
    rsp = 0x000075613d1fdf28   rip = 0x000075614376d362
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x000075613d1fdf60   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0x6f1f458
    rsp = 0x000075613d1fe000   rip = 0x000075614911f458
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f1f5b3
    rsp = 0x000075613d1fe070   rip = 0x000075614911f5b3
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x000075613d1fe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
11  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075613d1fe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075613d1fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075613d1fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075613d1fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 3
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x125e2e
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffffc   rdx = 0x0000000000000010
    rcx = 0x0000756141f25e2e   rbx = 0x000075612c001760
    rsi = 0x0000756137dfdd00   rdi = 0x0000000000000072
    rbp = 0x0000756137dfde40   rsp = 0x0000756137dfdcd0
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000000
    r10 = 0x000000000000d24d   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x0000000003357b0e   r13 = 0x7fffffffffffffff
    r14 = 0x000075612c001760   r15 = 0x0000756137dfde50
    rip = 0x0000756141f25e2e
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0x6f60445
    rbp = 0x0000756137dfdec0   rsp = 0x0000756137dfde50
    rip = 0x0000756149160445
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  libnw.so + 0x6f03ee0
    rbp = 0x0000756137dfdf60   rsp = 0x0000756137dfded0
    rip = 0x0000756149103ee0
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 3  libnw.so + 0x6ecb9ff
    rbp = 0x0000756137dfdfe0   rsp = 0x0000756137dfdf70
    rip = 0x00007561490cb9ff
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f24d38
    rbp = 0x0000756137dfe020   rsp = 0x0000756137dfdff0
    rip = 0x0000756149124d38
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f105bd
    rbp = 0x0000756137dfe040   rsp = 0x0000756137dfe030
    rip = 0x00007561491105bd
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 6  libnw.so + 0x6f24e89
    rbp = 0x0000756137dfe0a0   rsp = 0x0000756137dfe050
    rip = 0x0000756149124e89
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 7  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rbp = 0x0000756137dfe0d0   rsp = 0x0000756137dfe0b0
    rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 8  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rbp = 0x0000756137dfe0d0   rsp = 0x0000756137dfe0c8
    rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x0000756137dfe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756137dfe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
11  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x0000756137dfe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 4
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x00007561373fde48
    rbp = 0x00007561373fde20   rsp = 0x00007561373fdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x00007561373fde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x00007561373fde20   rsp = 0x00007561373fdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x00007561373fde20   rsp = 0x00007561373fdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x00007561373fde20   rsp = 0x00007561373fdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x00007561373fde20   rsp = 0x00007561373fddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f14c3d
    rbp = 0x00007561373fde20   rsp = 0x00007561373fddd0
    rip = 0x0000756149114c3d
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x00007561373fde20   rsp = 0x00007561373fdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x00007561373fdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x00007561373fdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x00007561373fdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x00007561373fdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
11  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x00007561373fdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6f1b06d
    rsp = 0x00007561373fe050   rip = 0x000075614911b06d
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6f1af6d
    rsp = 0x00007561373fe070   rip = 0x000075614911af6d
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x00007561373fe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561373fe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x00007561373fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561373fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x00007561373fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 5
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x00007561369fde48
    rbp = 0x00007561369fde20   rsp = 0x00007561369fdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x00007561369fde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x00007561369fde20   rsp = 0x00007561369fdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x00007561369fde20   rsp = 0x00007561369fdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x00007561369fde20   rsp = 0x00007561369fdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x00007561369fde20   rsp = 0x00007561369fddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6eb435b
    rbp = 0x00007561369fde20   rsp = 0x00007561369fddd0
    rip = 0x00007561490b435b
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x00007561369fde20   rsp = 0x00007561369fdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x00007561369fdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x00007561369fdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x00007561369fdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x00007561369fdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
11  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x00007561369fdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6f1b06d
    rsp = 0x00007561369fe050   rip = 0x000075614911b06d
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6f1af6d
    rsp = 0x00007561369fe070   rip = 0x000075614911af6d
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x00007561369fe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561369fe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x00007561369fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561369fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x00007561369fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 6
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x00007561355fde48
    rbp = 0x00007561355fde20   rsp = 0x00007561355fdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x00007561355fde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x00007561355fde20   rsp = 0x00007561355fdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x00007561355fde20   rsp = 0x00007561355fdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f0f050
    rbp = 0x00007561355fde20   rsp = 0x00007561355fdcb8
    rip = 0x000075614910f050
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x1565e6c
    rbp = 0x00007561355fde20   rsp = 0x00007561355fdcf8
    rip = 0x0000756143765e6c
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x00007561355fde20   rsp = 0x00007561355fdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0x7659678
    rbp = 0x00007561355fde20   rsp = 0x00007561355fdd38
    rip = 0x0000756149859678
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x00007561355fde20   rsp = 0x00007561355fddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0x7659678
    rbp = 0x00007561355fde20   rsp = 0x00007561355fddb8
    rip = 0x0000756149859678
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x00007561355fde20   rsp = 0x00007561355fdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x00007561355fdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
11  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x00007561355fdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x00007561355fdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x00007561355fdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
14  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x00007561355fdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libnw.so + 0x6f1b09d
    rsp = 0x00007561355fe050   rip = 0x000075614911b09d
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libnw.so + 0x6f1afa1
    rsp = 0x00007561355fe070   rip = 0x000075614911afa1
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x00007561355fe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561355fe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
19  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x00007561355fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
20  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561355fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
21  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x00007561355fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 7
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x118bcf
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffdfc   rdx = 0x00000000ffffffff
    rcx = 0x0000756141f18bcf   rbx = 0x0000756135ffe05c
    rsi = 0x0000000000000001   rdi = 0x0000756135ffe05c
    rbp = 0x0000756135ffe0a0   rsp = 0x0000756135ffdf90
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000000
    r10 = 0x0000756141eec04b   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x000075614fd7b7f0   r13 = 0x0000000000000002
    r14 = 0x0000756135ffdfd8   r15 = 0x0000756136000640
    rip = 0x0000756141f18bcf
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rbp = 0x0000756135ffe0d0   rsp = 0x0000756135ffe0b0
    rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rbp = 0x0000756135ffe0d0   rsp = 0x0000756135ffe0c8
    rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x0000756135ffe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756135ffe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x0000756135ffe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 8
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x0000756134bfde48
    rbp = 0x0000756134bfde20   rsp = 0x0000756134bfdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x0000756134bfde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x0000756134bfde20   rsp = 0x0000756134bfdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x0000756134bfde20   rsp = 0x0000756134bfdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x0000756134bfde20   rsp = 0x0000756134bfdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x0000756134bfde20   rsp = 0x0000756134bfddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6eb435b
    rbp = 0x0000756134bfde20   rsp = 0x0000756134bfddd0
    rip = 0x00007561490b435b
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x0000756134bfde20   rsp = 0x0000756134bfdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
11  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6f1b06d
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfe050   rip = 0x000075614911b06d
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6f1af6d
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfe070   rip = 0x000075614911af6d
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x0000756134bfe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 9
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x125e2e
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffffc   rdx = 0x0000000000000010
    rcx = 0x0000756141f25e2e   rbx = 0x000075610c001c60
    rsi = 0x000075612bdfdce0   rdi = 0x0000000000000078
    rbp = 0x000075612bdfde20   rsp = 0x000075612bdfdcb0
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000000
    r10 = 0x0000000000001d1a   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x000000000071aa5f   r13 = 0x7fffffffffffffff
    r14 = 0x000075610c001c60   r15 = 0x000075612bdfde30
    rip = 0x0000756141f25e2e
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0x6f60445
    rbp = 0x000075612bdfdea0   rsp = 0x000075612bdfde30
    rip = 0x0000756149160445
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  libnw.so + 0x6f03ee0
    rbp = 0x000075612bdfdf40   rsp = 0x000075612bdfdeb0
    rip = 0x0000756149103ee0
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 3  libnw.so + 0x6ecb9ff
    rbp = 0x000075612bdfdfc0   rsp = 0x000075612bdfdf50
    rip = 0x00007561490cb9ff
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f24d38
    rbp = 0x000075612bdfe000   rsp = 0x000075612bdfdfd0
    rip = 0x0000756149124d38
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 5  libnw.so + 0x4d5e9f0
    rbp = 0x000075612bdfe040   rsp = 0x000075612bdfe010
    rip = 0x0000756146f5e9f0
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 6  libnw.so + 0x6f24e89
    rbp = 0x000075612bdfe0a0   rsp = 0x000075612bdfe050
    rip = 0x0000756149124e89
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 7  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rbp = 0x000075612bdfe0d0   rsp = 0x000075612bdfe0b0
    rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 8  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rbp = 0x000075612bdfe0d0   rsp = 0x000075612bdfe0c8
    rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075612bdfe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075612bdfe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
11  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075612bdfe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 10
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x000075612b3fde48
    rbp = 0x000075612b3fde20   rsp = 0x000075612b3fdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x000075612b3fde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x000075612b3fde20   rsp = 0x000075612b3fdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x000075612b3fde20   rsp = 0x000075612b3fdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x000075612b3fde20   rsp = 0x000075612b3fdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x000075612b3fde20   rsp = 0x000075612b3fddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f14c3d
    rbp = 0x000075612b3fde20   rsp = 0x000075612b3fddd0
    rip = 0x0000756149114c3d
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x000075612b3fde20   rsp = 0x000075612b3fdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
11  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6f1b06d
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fe050   rip = 0x000075614911b06d
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6f1af6d
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fe070   rip = 0x000075614911af6d
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075612b3fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 11
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x000075612a9fdd78
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdb40
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x000075612a9fdd78
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0xd48e510
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdb48
    rip = 0x000075614f68e510
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdb80
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdbd8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0xd48e658
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdbe8
    rip = 0x000075614f68e658
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0xdb7a6b8
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdc18
    rip = 0x000075614fd7a6b8
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdc60
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0xdb7a6b8
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdc68
    rip = 0x000075614fd7a6b8
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0xdb7a6b8
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdc70
    rip = 0x000075614fd7a6b8
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdce0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x000075612a9fdd50   rsp = 0x000075612a9fdd18
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
11  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fddd0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fdde0   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6ee7113
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fde70   rip = 0x00007561490e7113
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0x6ea47b5
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fde80   rip = 0x00007561490a47b5
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libnw.so + 0x6f03ee0
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fdef0   rip = 0x0000756149103ee0
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libc.so.6 + 0xa5139
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fdf00   rip = 0x0000756141ea5139
    Found by: stack scanning
17  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fdf10   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libnw.so + 0xdb7a6b8
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fdf38   rip = 0x000075614fd7a6b8
    Found by: stack scanning
19  libnw.so + 0x6ecb9ff
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fdf90   rip = 0x00007561490cb9ff
    Found by: stack scanning
20  nw + 0x377c8
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fdfb0   rip = 0x0000556e631e47c8
    Found by: stack scanning
21  libc.so.6 + 0xa5139
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fdfc0   rip = 0x0000756141ea5139
    Found by: stack scanning
22  libnw.so + 0x6f24d38
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe010   rip = 0x0000756149124d38
    Found by: stack scanning
23  libnw.so + 0x1a465a7
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe018   rip = 0x0000756143c465a7
    Found by: stack scanning
24  libnw.so + 0x1b38817
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe020   rip = 0x0000756143d38817
    Found by: stack scanning
25  libnw.so + 0x6f24d2d
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe030   rip = 0x0000756149124d2d
    Found by: stack scanning
26  libnw.so + 0x6f24e89
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe050   rip = 0x0000756149124e89
    Found by: stack scanning
27  libnw.so + 0x6f36ea1
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe080   rip = 0x0000756149136ea1
    Found by: stack scanning
28  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
29  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
30  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
31  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
32  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075612a9fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 12
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x118bcf
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffdfc   rdx = 0x00000000ffffffff
    rcx = 0x0000756141f18bcf   rbx = 0x00007561420c17a0
    rsi = 0x0000000000000002   rdi = 0x0000556e63fd6310
    rbp = 0x0000556e63fd6310   rsp = 0x00007561295fe000
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x000075614219e3e0
    r10 = 0x0000000000000010   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x0000000000000002   r13 = 0x00007561295fe044
    r14 = 0x00000000ffffffff   r15 = 0x0000556e63fd8bf0
    rip = 0x0000756141f18bcf
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xab256
    rsp = 0x00007561295fe030   rip = 0x0000756142111256
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561295fe058   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x138b28
    rsp = 0x00007561295fe060   rip = 0x000075614219eb28
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561295fe080   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x533e3
    rsp = 0x00007561295fe090   rip = 0x00007561420b93e3
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x53431
    rsp = 0x00007561295fe0b0   rip = 0x00007561420b9431
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x84ab1
    rsp = 0x00007561295fe0c0   rip = 0x00007561420eaab1
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x00007561295fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561295fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x00007561295fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 13
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x118bcf
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffdfc   rdx = 0x00000000ffffffff
    rcx = 0x0000756141f18bcf   rbx = 0x00007561420c17a0
    rsi = 0x0000000000000002   rdi = 0x0000556e63fe9e30
    rbp = 0x0000556e63fe9e30   rsp = 0x0000756128bfe000
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000002
    r10 = 0x0000000000000016   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x0000000000000002   r13 = 0x0000756128bfe044
    r14 = 0x00000000ffffffff   r15 = 0x0000556e63fe8370
    rip = 0x0000756141f18bcf
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xab256
    rsp = 0x0000756128bfe030   rip = 0x0000756142111256
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756128bfe080   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x552b3
    rsp = 0x0000756128bfe090   rip = 0x00007561420bb2b3
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libgio-2.0.so.0 + 0x11581a
    rsp = 0x0000756128bfe0b0   rip = 0x000075614180f81a
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x84ab1
    rsp = 0x0000756128bfe0c0   rip = 0x00007561420eaab1
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x0000756128bfe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756128bfe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x0000756128bfe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 14
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x125e2e
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffffc   rdx = 0x0000000000000010
    rcx = 0x0000756141f25e2e   rbx = 0x00007560ec001c60
    rsi = 0x000075611fdfdd20   rdi = 0x000000000000007e
    rbp = 0x000075611fdfde60   rsp = 0x000075611fdfdcf0
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000000
    r10 = 0x00000000ffffffff   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x7fffffffffffffff   r13 = 0x7fffffffffffffff
    r14 = 0x00007560ec001c60   r15 = 0x000075611fdfde70
    rip = 0x0000756141f25e2e
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0x6f60445
    rbp = 0x000075611fdfdee0   rsp = 0x000075611fdfde70
    rip = 0x0000756149160445
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  libnw.so + 0x6f03ee0
    rbp = 0x000075611fdfdf80   rsp = 0x000075611fdfdef0
    rip = 0x0000756149103ee0
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 3  libnw.so + 0x6ecb9ff
    rbp = 0x000075611fdfe000   rsp = 0x000075611fdfdf90
    rip = 0x00007561490cb9ff
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f24d38
    rbp = 0x000075611fdfe040   rsp = 0x000075611fdfe010
    rip = 0x0000756149124d38
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f24e89
    rbp = 0x000075611fdfe0a0   rsp = 0x000075611fdfe050
    rip = 0x0000756149124e89
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 6  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rbp = 0x000075611fdfe0d0   rsp = 0x000075611fdfe0b0
    rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 7  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rbp = 0x000075611fdfe0d0   rsp = 0x000075611fdfe0c8
    rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075611fdfe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075611fdfe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075611fdfe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 15
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x11481c
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000004
    rcx = 0x0000756141f1481c   rbx = 0x0000556e6400f7b0
    rsi = 0x000075611f3fe074   rdi = 0x0000000000000083
    rbp = 0x000075611f3fe0a0   rsp = 0x000075611f3fdee0
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000000
    r10 = 0x0000756141eec04b   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x000000000000000b
    r14 = 0x000075611f3fe074   r15 = 0x0000000000000004
    rip = 0x0000756141f1481c
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rbp = 0x000075611f3fe0d0   rsp = 0x000075611f3fe0b0
    rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rbp = 0x000075611f3fe0d0   rsp = 0x000075611f3fe0c8
    rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075611f3fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075611f3fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075611f3fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 16
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x118bcf
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffdfc   rdx = 0x00000000ffffffff
    rcx = 0x0000756141f18bcf   rbx = 0x00007561420c17a0
    rsi = 0x0000000000000001   rdi = 0x0000556e640d8430
    rbp = 0x0000556e640d8430   rsp = 0x000075611e9fe000
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000002
    r10 = 0x0000000000000011   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x0000000000000001   r13 = 0x000075611e9fe044
    r14 = 0x00000000ffffffff   r15 = 0x0000556e6407d580
    rip = 0x0000756141f18bcf
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0xab256
    rsp = 0x000075611e9fe030   rip = 0x0000756142111256
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075611e9fe080   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x533e3
    rsp = 0x000075611e9fe090   rip = 0x00007561420b93e3
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libdconfsettings.so + 0x733d
    rsp = 0x000075611e9fe0b0   rip = 0x000075613dd9833d
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libglib-2.0.so.0 + 0x84ab1
    rsp = 0x000075611e9fe0c0   rip = 0x00007561420eaab1
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075611e9fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075611e9fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075611e9fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 17
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x000075611cbfde48
    rbp = 0x000075611cbfde20   rsp = 0x000075611cbfdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x000075611cbfde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x000075611cbfde20   rsp = 0x000075611cbfdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x000075611cbfde20   rsp = 0x000075611cbfdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x000075611cbfde20   rsp = 0x000075611cbfdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x70b8bde
    rbp = 0x000075611cbfde20   rsp = 0x000075611cbfdd40
    rip = 0x00007561492b8bde
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0xd4a6eb8
    rbp = 0x000075611cbfde20   rsp = 0x000075611cbfdd48
    rip = 0x000075614f6a6eb8
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x000075611cbfde20   rsp = 0x000075611cbfddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x000075611cbfde20   rsp = 0x000075611cbfdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f1f8b1
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfdeb0   rip = 0x000075614911f8b1
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
11  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
13  nw + 0x377c8
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfdf90   rip = 0x0000556e631e47c8
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libc.so.6 + 0xa5139
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfdfa0   rip = 0x0000756141ea5139
    Found by: stack scanning
15  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libnw.so + 0x6f1b06d
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfe050   rip = 0x000075614911b06d
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libnw.so + 0x6f1af6d
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfe070   rip = 0x000075614911af6d
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
19  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
20  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
21  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
22  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075611cbfe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 18
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x000075611dffde48
    rbp = 0x000075611dffde20   rsp = 0x000075611dffdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x000075611dffde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x000075611dffde20   rsp = 0x000075611dffdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x000075611dffde20   rsp = 0x000075611dffdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x000075611dffde20   rsp = 0x000075611dffdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x000075611dffde20   rsp = 0x000075611dffddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f14c3d
    rbp = 0x000075611dffde20   rsp = 0x000075611dffddd0
    rip = 0x0000756149114c3d
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x000075611dffde20   rsp = 0x000075611dffdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x000075611dffdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x000075611dffdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x000075611dffdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x000075611dffdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
11  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x000075611dffdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6f1b06d
    rsp = 0x000075611dffe050   rip = 0x000075614911b06d
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6f1af6d
    rsp = 0x000075611dffe070   rip = 0x000075614911af6d
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x000075611dffe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075611dffe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075611dffe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075611dffe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075611dffe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 19
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x000075611d5fde48
    rbp = 0x000075611d5fde20   rsp = 0x000075611d5fdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x000075611d5fde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x000075611d5fde20   rsp = 0x000075611d5fdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x000075611d5fde20   rsp = 0x000075611d5fdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x000075611d5fde20   rsp = 0x000075611d5fdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x000075611d5fde20   rsp = 0x000075611d5fddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f14c3d
    rbp = 0x000075611d5fde20   rsp = 0x000075611d5fddd0
    rip = 0x0000756149114c3d
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x000075611d5fde20   rsp = 0x000075611d5fdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
11  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6f1b06d
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fe050   rip = 0x000075614911b06d
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6f1af6d
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fe070   rip = 0x000075614911af6d
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x000075611d5fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 20
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x0000756113dfde48
    rbp = 0x0000756113dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756113dfdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x0000756113dfde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x0000756113dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756113dfdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x0000756113dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756113dfdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x0000756113dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756113dfdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x0000756113dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756113dfddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f14c3d
    rbp = 0x0000756113dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756113dfddd0
    rip = 0x0000756149114c3d
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x0000756113dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756113dfdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
11  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6f1b06d
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfe050   rip = 0x000075614911b06d
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6f1af6d
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfe070   rip = 0x000075614911af6d
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x0000756113dfe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 21
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x00007561133fde48
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x00007561133fde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f0f050
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fdcb8
    rip = 0x000075614910f050
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x1b30190
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fdcf8
    rip = 0x0000756143d30190
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0x76590c0
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fdd38
    rip = 0x00007561498590c0
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x763b9dc
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fdd40
    rip = 0x000075614983b9dc
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0x763b9dc
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fdd48
    rip = 0x000075614983b9dc
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x76590c0
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fddb8
    rip = 0x00007561498590c0
    Found by: stack scanning
11  libnw.so + 0x763b9dc
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fddc0
    rip = 0x000075614983b9dc
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x00007561133fde20   rsp = 0x00007561133fdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x00007561133fdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x00007561133fdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x00007561133fdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x00007561133fdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
17  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x00007561133fdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libnw.so + 0x6f1b0cd
    rsp = 0x00007561133fe050   rip = 0x000075614911b0cd
    Found by: stack scanning
19  libnw.so + 0x6f1afab
    rsp = 0x00007561133fe070   rip = 0x000075614911afab
    Found by: stack scanning
20  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x00007561133fe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
21  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561133fe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
22  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x00007561133fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
23  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561133fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
24  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x00007561133fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 22
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x125e2e
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffffc   rdx = 0x0000000000000010
    rcx = 0x0000756141f25e2e   rbx = 0x00007560bc001c10
    rsi = 0x00007561129fdd20   rdi = 0x0000000000000095
    rbp = 0x00007561129fde60   rsp = 0x00007561129fdcf0
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000000
    r10 = 0x00000000000074e2   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x0000000001c89298   r13 = 0x7fffffffffffffff
    r14 = 0x00007560bc001c10   r15 = 0x00007561129fde70
    rip = 0x0000756141f25e2e
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0x6f60445
    rbp = 0x00007561129fdee0   rsp = 0x00007561129fde70
    rip = 0x0000756149160445
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  libnw.so + 0x6f03ee0
    rbp = 0x00007561129fdf80   rsp = 0x00007561129fdef0
    rip = 0x0000756149103ee0
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 3  libnw.so + 0x6ecb9ff
    rbp = 0x00007561129fe000   rsp = 0x00007561129fdf90
    rip = 0x00007561490cb9ff
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f24d38
    rbp = 0x00007561129fe040   rsp = 0x00007561129fe010
    rip = 0x0000756149124d38
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f24e89
    rbp = 0x00007561129fe0a0   rsp = 0x00007561129fe050
    rip = 0x0000756149124e89
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 6  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rbp = 0x00007561129fe0d0   rsp = 0x00007561129fe0b0
    rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 7  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rbp = 0x00007561129fe0d0   rsp = 0x00007561129fe0c8
    rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x00007561129fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561129fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x00007561129fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 23
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x0000556e63ecb46c
    rbp = 0x0000556e63ecb440   rsp = 0x0000756111ffdee0
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x000000000000052b   r15 = 0x0000556e63ecb46c
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rsp = 0x0000756111ffdf20   rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rsp = 0x0000756111ffdf78   rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x1a66fdb
    rsp = 0x0000756111ffdf88   rip = 0x0000756143c66fdb
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rsp = 0x0000756111ffe000   rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x882011a
    rsp = 0x0000756111ffe080   rip = 0x000075614aa2011a
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x0000756111ffe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756111ffe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x0000756111ffe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756111ffe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x0000756111ffe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 24
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x00007561115fdd78
    rbp = 0x00007561115fdd50   rsp = 0x00007561115fdb40
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x00007561115fdd78
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0xd48e510
    rbp = 0x00007561115fdd50   rsp = 0x00007561115fdb48
    rip = 0x000075614f68e510
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x00007561115fdd50   rsp = 0x00007561115fdb80
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x00007561115fdd50   rsp = 0x00007561115fdbd8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0xd48e600
    rbp = 0x00007561115fdd50   rsp = 0x00007561115fdbe8
    rip = 0x000075614f68e600
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x00007561115fdd50   rsp = 0x00007561115fdc60
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  nw + 0x377c8
    rbp = 0x00007561115fdd50   rsp = 0x00007561115fdc70
    rip = 0x0000556e631e47c8
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libc.so.6 + 0xa5139
    rbp = 0x00007561115fdd50   rsp = 0x00007561115fdc80
    rip = 0x0000756141ea5139
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x00007561115fdd50   rsp = 0x00007561115fdce0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x00007561115fdd50   rsp = 0x00007561115fdd18
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x00007561115fddd0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
11  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x00007561115fdde0   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6ee7113
    rsp = 0x00007561115fde70   rip = 0x00007561490e7113
    Found by: stack scanning
13  libnw.so + 0x6ea47b5
    rsp = 0x00007561115fde80   rip = 0x00007561490a47b5
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0x6f03ee0
    rsp = 0x00007561115fdef0   rip = 0x0000756149103ee0
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libc.so.6 + 0xa5139
    rsp = 0x00007561115fdf00   rip = 0x0000756141ea5139
    Found by: stack scanning
16  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x00007561115fdf10   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libnw.so + 0xdb7a6b8
    rsp = 0x00007561115fdf38   rip = 0x000075614fd7a6b8
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libnw.so + 0x6ecb9ff
    rsp = 0x00007561115fdf90   rip = 0x00007561490cb9ff
    Found by: stack scanning
19  nw + 0x377c8
    rsp = 0x00007561115fdfb0   rip = 0x0000556e631e47c8
    Found by: stack scanning
20  libc.so.6 + 0xa5139
    rsp = 0x00007561115fdfc0   rip = 0x0000756141ea5139
    Found by: stack scanning
21  libnw.so + 0x6f24d38
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe010   rip = 0x0000756149124d38
    Found by: stack scanning
22  libnw.so + 0x1a465a7
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe018   rip = 0x0000756143c465a7
    Found by: stack scanning
23  libnw.so + 0x1b38817
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe020   rip = 0x0000756143d38817
    Found by: stack scanning
24  libnw.so + 0x6f24d2d
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe030   rip = 0x0000756149124d2d
    Found by: stack scanning
25  libnw.so + 0x6f24e89
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe050   rip = 0x0000756149124e89
    Found by: stack scanning
26  libnw.so + 0x6f36ea1
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe080   rip = 0x0000756149136ea1
    Found by: stack scanning
27  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
28  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
29  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
30  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
31  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x00007561115fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 25
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x91117
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffe00   rdx = 0x0000000000000000
    rcx = 0x0000756141e91117   rbx = 0x0000000000000000
    rsi = 0x0000000000000189   rdi = 0x0000756103dfde48
    rbp = 0x0000756103dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756103dfdc10
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00000000ffffffff
    r10 = 0x0000000000000000   r11 = 0x0000000000000246
    r12 = 0x0000000000000000   r13 = 0x0000000000000000
    r14 = 0x0000000000000000   r15 = 0x0000756103dfde48
    rip = 0x0000756141e91117
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libc.so.6 + 0x93a41
    rbp = 0x0000756103dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756103dfdc50
    rip = 0x0000756141e93a41
    Found by: stack scanning
 2  libc.so.6 + 0x93720
    rbp = 0x0000756103dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756103dfdca8
    rip = 0x0000756141e93720
    Found by: stack scanning
 3  libnw.so + 0x6f0f050
    rbp = 0x0000756103dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756103dfdcb8
    rip = 0x000075614910f050
    Found by: stack scanning
 4  libnw.so + 0x16ee74e
    rbp = 0x0000756103dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756103dfdcf8
    rip = 0x00007561438ee74e
    Found by: stack scanning
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f36c9d
    rbp = 0x0000756103dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756103dfdd30
    rip = 0x0000756149136c9d
    Found by: stack scanning
 6  libnw.so + 0x6f63755
    rbp = 0x0000756103dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756103dfddb0
    rip = 0x0000756149163755
    Found by: stack scanning
 7  libnw.so + 0x1d43310
    rbp = 0x0000756103dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756103dfddd8
    rip = 0x0000756143f43310
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libnw.so + 0xd490540
    rbp = 0x0000756103dfde20   rsp = 0x0000756103dfdde8
    rip = 0x000075614f690540
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libnw.so + 0x6ee71c3
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfdea0   rip = 0x00007561490e71c3
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libnw.so + 0xd491fb8
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfdf30   rip = 0x000075614f691fb8
    Found by: stack scanning
11  libnw.so + 0x6f1bdbd
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfdf40   rip = 0x000075614911bdbd
    Found by: stack scanning
12  libnw.so + 0x6f1b2ab
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfdf50   rip = 0x000075614911b2ab
    Found by: stack scanning
13  nw + 0x1192f
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfdfd0   rip = 0x0000556e631be92f
    Found by: stack scanning
14  libnw.so + 0x6f1b09d
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfe050   rip = 0x000075614911b09d
    Found by: stack scanning
15  libnw.so + 0x6f1afa1
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfe070   rip = 0x000075614911afa1
    Found by: stack scanning
16  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfe0b0   rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: stack scanning
17  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfe0c8   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
18  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
19  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
20  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x0000756103dfe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 26
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x125e2e
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffffc   rdx = 0x0000000000000010
    rcx = 0x0000756141f25e2e   rbx = 0x00007560a004b270
    rsi = 0x00007561033fdd20   rdi = 0x00000000000000e2
    rbp = 0x00007561033fde60   rsp = 0x00007561033fdcf0
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x00007560a000cf01
    r10 = 0x00000000ffffffff   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x7fffffffffffffff   r13 = 0x7fffffffffffffff
    r14 = 0x00007560a004b270   r15 = 0x00007561033fde70
    rip = 0x0000756141f25e2e
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0x6f60445
    rbp = 0x00007561033fdee0   rsp = 0x00007561033fde70
    rip = 0x0000756149160445
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  libnw.so + 0x6f03ee0
    rbp = 0x00007561033fdf80   rsp = 0x00007561033fdef0
    rip = 0x0000756149103ee0
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 3  libnw.so + 0x6ecb9ff
    rbp = 0x00007561033fe000   rsp = 0x00007561033fdf90
    rip = 0x00007561490cb9ff
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f24d38
    rbp = 0x00007561033fe040   rsp = 0x00007561033fe010
    rip = 0x0000756149124d38
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f24e89
    rbp = 0x00007561033fe0a0   rsp = 0x00007561033fe050
    rip = 0x0000756149124e89
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 6  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rbp = 0x00007561033fe0d0   rsp = 0x00007561033fe0b0
    rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 7  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rbp = 0x00007561033fe0d0   rsp = 0x00007561033fe0c8
    rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x00007561033fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007561033fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x00007561033fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Thread 27
 0  libc.so.6 + 0x125e2e
    rax = 0xfffffffffffffffc   rdx = 0x0000000000000010
    rcx = 0x0000756141f25e2e   rbx = 0x0000756098001cb0
    rsi = 0x00007560f75fdd20   rdi = 0x0000000000000105
    rbp = 0x00007560f75fde60   rsp = 0x00007560f75fdcf0
     r8 = 0x0000000000000000    r9 = 0x0000000000000000
    r10 = 0x00000000ffffffff   r11 = 0x0000000000000293
    r12 = 0x7fffffffffffffff   r13 = 0x7fffffffffffffff
    r14 = 0x0000756098001cb0   r15 = 0x00007560f75fde70
    rip = 0x0000756141f25e2e
    Found by: given as instruction pointer in context
 1  libnw.so + 0x6f60445
    rbp = 0x00007560f75fdee0   rsp = 0x00007560f75fde70
    rip = 0x0000756149160445
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 2  libnw.so + 0x6f03ee0
    rbp = 0x00007560f75fdf80   rsp = 0x00007560f75fdef0
    rip = 0x0000756149103ee0
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 3  libnw.so + 0x6ecb9ff
    rbp = 0x00007560f75fe000   rsp = 0x00007560f75fdf90
    rip = 0x00007561490cb9ff
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 4  libnw.so + 0x6f24d38
    rbp = 0x00007560f75fe040   rsp = 0x00007560f75fe010
    rip = 0x0000756149124d38
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 5  libnw.so + 0x6f24e89
    rbp = 0x00007560f75fe0a0   rsp = 0x00007560f75fe050
    rip = 0x0000756149124e89
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 6  libnw.so + 0x6f3751f
    rbp = 0x00007560f75fe0d0   rsp = 0x00007560f75fe0b0
    rip = 0x000075614913751f
    Found by: previous frame's frame pointer
 7  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rbp = 0x00007560f75fe0d0   rsp = 0x00007560f75fe0c8
    rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
 8  libc.so.6 + 0x94ac3
    rsp = 0x00007560f75fe0e0   rip = 0x0000756141e94ac3
    Found by: stack scanning
 9  libc.so.6 + 0x947d0
    rsp = 0x00007560f75fe118   rip = 0x0000756141e947d0
    Found by: stack scanning
10  libc.so.6 + 0x126850
    rsp = 0x00007560f75fe180   rip = 0x0000756141f26850
    Found by: stack scanning

Loaded modules:
0x556e631ad000 - 0x556e631e9447  nw  (main)  (WARNING: No symbols, nw, F7A3E91EDC73BF9300000000000000000)
0x7560f7c00000 - 0x7560f7e2b8bf  libstdc++.so.6
0x756100200000 - 0x756101e1d017  libicudata.so.70
0x756102000000 - 0x756102a67ca7  librsvg-2.so.2
0x756129800000 - 0x75612a028e2f  libgtk-3.so.0
0x756134cb3000 - 0x756134dff9b7  libsqlite3.so.0
0x756135670000 - 0x7561356ff447  libnssckbi.so
0x756136027000 - 0x7561360f650f  libfreeblpriv3.so
0x7561360f7000 - 0x756136151c2f  libsoftokn3.so
0x756136a05000 - 0x756136bff2df  libicuuc.so.70
0x75613741e000 - 0x7561375ffdd7  libxml2.so.2
0x756137e37000 - 0x756137e4108f  libFcitx5GClient.so.2
0x756137e58000 - 0x756137e6e0af  im-fcitx5.so
0x75613c000000 - 0x75613c00407f  libpixbufloader-svg.so
0x75613c431000 - 0x75613c492337  libsecret-1.so.0
0x75613c60f000 - 0x75613c63891f  libudev.so.1
0x75613c757000 - 0x75613c76100f  libogg.so.0
0x75613c7d4000 - 0x75613c80000f  libvorbis.so.0
0x75613c801000 - 0x75613c80b1a7  libltdl.so.7
0x75613c80c000 - 0x75613c82304f  libtdb.so.1
0x75613c868000 - 0x75613c87200f  libvorbisfile.so.3
0x75613c873000 - 0x75613c88503f  libcanberra.so.0
0x75613c886000 - 0x75613c8c82b7  libgvfscommon.so
0x75613c8c9000 - 0x75613c8fd2ef  libgvfsdbus.so
0x75613d208000 - 0x75613d20e00f  libcanberra-gtk3.so.0
0x75613d24a000 - 0x75613d2ca2af  libjpeg.so.8
0x75613d2cb000 - 0x75613d3fff87  libepoxy.so.0
0x75613dd91000 - 0x75613dda00df  libdconfsettings.so  (WARNING: No symbols, libdconfsettings.so, 4594BE2837DCF1A423F206CDA2FFC7DE0)
0x75613dda1000 - 0x75613ddb1487  libwayland-client.so.0
0x75613ddb2000 - 0x75613ddbb1e7  libwayland-cursor.so.0
0x75613ddbc000 - 0x75613ddc71c7  libXcursor.so.1
0x75613ddc8000 - 0x75613ddff3d7  libatk-bridge-2.0.so.0
0x75613e604000 - 0x75613e61e187  libpangoft2-1.0.so.0
0x75613e61f000 - 0x75613e64e1df  libgdk_pixbuf-2.0.so.0
0x75613e64f000 - 0x75613e65a117  libcairo-gobject.so.2
0x75613e65b000 - 0x75613e66c0b7  libpangocairo-1.0.so.0
0x75613e66d000 - 0x75613e7730ff  libgdk-3.so.0
0x75613e77a000 - 0x75613e7820a7  libcanberra-gtk3-module.so
0x75613fe7a000 - 0x75613fe7e027  libX11-xcb.so.1
0x756140034000 - 0x756140056037  libbrotlicommon.so.1
0x756140057000 - 0x7561400630e7  libmd.so.0
0x756140064000 - 0x756140077a47  libresolv.so.2
0x756140078000 - 0x75614007e00f  libkeyutils.so.1
0x75614007f000 - 0x7561400a41b7  libgpg-error.so.0
0x7561400a7000 - 0x7561400b4067  libbrotlidec.so.1
0x7561400b5000 - 0x7561400bd017  libuuid.so.1
0x7561400be000 - 0x7561400e40af  libgraphite2.so.3
0x7561400e5000 - 0x7561400ed00f  libdatrie.so.1
0x7561400ee000 - 0x7561401050df  libbsd.so.0
0x756140108000 - 0x75614019e30f  libpcre2-8.so.0
0x75614019f000 - 0x7561401d53af  libblkid.so.1
0x7561401d6000 - 0x75614025720f  libgmp.so.10
0x756140258000 - 0x75614029f337  libhogweed.so.6
0x7561402a0000 - 0x7561402e50d7  libnettle.so.8
0x7561402e8000 - 0x7561402ff227  libtasn1.so.6
0x756140300000 - 0x7561404a98e7  libunistring.so.2
0x7561404aa000 - 0x7561404ca00f  libidn2.so.0
0x7561404cb000 - 0x756140605bc7  libp11-kit.so.0
0x756140606000 - 0x7561406133cf  libkrb5support.so.0
0x756140614000 - 0x756140619047  libcom_err.so.2
0x75614061c000 - 0x75614064a037  libk5crypto.so.3
0x75614064b000 - 0x756140715c6f  libkrb5.so.3
0x756140716000 - 0x756140853477  libgcrypt.so.20
0x756140854000 - 0x75614085e037  libcap.so.2
0x75614085f000 - 0x75614087e05f  liblz4.so.1
0x75614087f000 - 0x75614094d037  libzstd.so.1
0x756140950000 - 0x75614097a107  liblzma.so.5
0x75614097b000 - 0x756140989077  libxcb-render.so.0
0x75614098a000 - 0x75614098e067  libxcb-shm.so.0
0x75614098f000 - 0x7561409c900f  libpng16.so.16
0x7561409ca000 - 0x756140a9100f  libfreetype.so.6
0x756140a94000 - 0x756140add65f  libfontconfig.so.1
0x756140ade000 - 0x756140b88157  libpixman-1.so.0
0x756140b89000 - 0x756140c57cd7  libharfbuzz.so.0
0x756140c58000 - 0x756140c6288f  libthai.so.0
0x756140c63000 - 0x756140c7e0d7  libfribidi.so.0
0x756140c7f000 - 0x756140c8607f  libXdmcp.so.6
0x756140c89000 - 0x756140c8e107  libXau.so.6
0x756140c8f000 - 0x756140ca1067  libxcb-randr.so.0
0x756140ca2000 - 0x756140cb761f  libwayland-server.so.0
0x756140cb8000 - 0x756140cc426f  libXrender.so.1
0x756140cc5000 - 0x756140cd81a7  libXi.so.6
0x756140cdb000 - 0x756140d06607  libselinux.so.1
0x756140d07000 - 0x756140d4a227  libmount.so.1
0x756140d4b000 - 0x756140d51087  libgmodule-2.0.so.0
0x756140d52000 - 0x756140d6d0b7  libz.so.1
0x756140d6e000 - 0x756140f587ff  libgnutls.so.30
0x756140f59000 - 0x756140f6c117  libavahi-client.so.3
0x756140f6f000 - 0x756140f7c24f  libavahi-common.so.3
0x756140f7d000 - 0x756140fd03df  libgssapi_krb5.so.2
0x756140fd1000 - 0x75614109755f  libsystemd.so.0
0x756141098000 - 0x75614109c09f  libplds4.so
0x75614109d000 - 0x7561410a308f  libplc4.so
0x7561410a6000 - 0x75614111b10f  libpcre.so.3
0x75614111c000 - 0x75614112862f  libffi.so.8
0x756141129000 - 0x75614120f107  libm.so.6
0x756141210000 - 0x75614131250f  libasound.so.2
0x756141313000 - 0x75614143ae6f  libcairo.so.2
0x75614143b000 - 0x7561414a19b7  libpango-1.0.so.0
0x7561414a2000 - 0x7561414e816f  libxkbcommon.so.0
0x7561414e9000 - 0x756141512287  libxcb.so.1
0x756141513000 - 0x756141523467  libgbm.so.1
0x756141524000 - 0x7561415388df  libXext.so.6
0x756141539000 - 0x756141678d2f  libX11.so.6
0x756141679000 - 0x7561416a90b7  libexpat.so.1
0x7561416aa000 - 0x7561416e34a7  libatspi.so.0
0x7561416e4000 - 0x7561416f9bf7  libdrm.so.2
0x7561416fa000 - 0x7561418d33a7  libgio-2.0.so.0  (WARNING: No symbols, libgio-2.0.so.0, 5832B3C5FB44DB350AAD817C1086261D0)
0x7561418d4000 - 0x75614197122f  libcups.so.2
0x756141972000 - 0x7561419bf2e7  libdbus-1.so.3
0x7561419c0000 - 0x7561419ff38f  libnspr4.so
0x756141a00000 - 0x756141c6d03b  libffmpeg.so
0x756141c6e000 - 0x756141c7a187  libXrandr.so.2
0x756141c7b000 - 0x756141ca44cf  libatk-1.0.so.0
0x756141ca5000 - 0x756141cce6df  libsmime3.so
0x756141ccf000 - 0x756141dffb87  libnss3.so
0x756141e00000 - 0x756142028e4f  libc.so.6  (WARNING: No symbols, libc.so.6, 84EF0F492403910C833978D494D39E530)
0x75614202b000 - 0x756142032107  libXfixes.so.3
0x756142033000 - 0x7561420659e7  libnssutil3.so
0x756142066000 - 0x75614219f2d7  libglib-2.0.so.0  (WARNING: No symbols, libglib-2.0.so.0, FDB845E8392F7268C036976626389FFC0)
0x7561421a0000 - 0x7561421ffc2f  libgobject-2.0.so.0  (WARNING: No symbols, libgobject-2.0.so.0, EC95B2E4C82F13492DAFD136750DACD60)
0x756142200000 - 0x75614fe55eb9  libnw.so  (WARNING: No symbols, libnw.so, 321866886F0511F800000000000000000)
0x75614fe58000 - 0x75614fe5c0a7  libXdamage.so.1
0x75614fe5d000 - 0x75614fe61087  libXcomposite.so.1
0x75614fe68000 - 0x75614fe872e7  libgcc_s.so.1
0x75614fe88000 - 0x75614fe8c027  libpthread.so.0
0x75614fe8d000 - 0x75614fe91027  libdl.so.2
0x75614fe92000 - 0x75614fe96037  libwayland-egl.so.1
0x75614fe97000 - 0x75614fe9b127  libXinerama.so.1
0x75614feaa000 - 0x75614fee52d7  ld-linux-x86-64.so.2  (WARNING: No symbols, ld-linux-x86-64.so.2, 4C948641F8502BA347D74931E3F512B80)
0x7ffe64dd9000 - 0x7ffe64dda0aa  linux-vdso.so.1



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