tar -zxvf gst-plugins-good-1.16.3.tar.gz
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install build-essential libglib2.0-dev libgstreamer1.0-dev libgstreamer-plugins-base1.0-dev pkg-config
sudo apt-get install liborc-0.4-dev
sudo apt-get install meson
mkdir build
cd build
meson .. --prefix=/home/qz/gst-plugins-good-1.16.3/install
meson .. --prefix=/home/qz/gst-plugins-good-1.16.3/install .. -Dplugins=multifile
sudo ninja install
sudo cp /home/qz/gst-plugins-good-1.16.3/build/gst/multifile/ /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/
8, 检查插件是否安装成功
gst-inspect-1.0 <插件名称>
$ gst-inspect-1.0 multifilesrc
Factory Details:
Rank none (0)
Long-name Multi-File Source
Klass Source/File
Description Read a sequentially named set of files into buffers
Author David Schleef <>
Plugin Details:
Name multifile
Description Reads/Writes buffers from/to sequentially named files
Filename /usr/lib/aarch64-linux-gnu/gstreamer-1.0/
Version 1.16.3
License LGPL
Source module gst-plugins-good
Source release date 2020-10-21
Binary package GStreamer Good Plugins (Ubuntu)
Origin URL
SRC: 'src'
Pad Template: 'src'
Element Properties:
blocksize : Size in bytes to read per buffer (-1 = default)
flags: readable, writable
Unsigned Integer. Range: 0 - 4294967295 Default: 4096
caps : Caps describing the format of the data.
flags: readable, writable
Caps (NULL)
do-timestamp : Apply current stream time to buffers
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: false
index : Index to use with location property to create file names. The index is incremented by one for each buffer read.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 0 - 2147483647 Default: 0
location : Pattern to create file names of input files. File names are created by calling sprintf() with the pattern and the current index.
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "%05d"
loop : Whether to repeat from the beginning when all files have been read.
flags: readable, writable
Boolean. Default: false
name : The name of the object
flags: readable, writable
String. Default: "multifilesrc0"
num-buffers : Number of buffers to output before sending EOS (-1 = unlimited)
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: -1 - 2147483647 Default: -1
parent : The parent of the object
flags: readable, writable
Object of type "GstObject"
start-index : Start value of index. The initial value of index can be set either by setting index or start-index. When the end of the loop is reached, the index will be set to the value start-index.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: 0 - 2147483647 Default: 0
stop-index : Stop value of index. The special value -1 means no stop.
flags: readable, writable
Integer. Range: -1 - 2147483647 Default: -1
typefind : Run typefind before negotiating (deprecated, non-functional)
flags: readable, writable, deprecated
Boolean. Default: false