Unity DOTS中的Entity
Unity DOTS中的Entity
public struct Entity : IEquatable<Entity>, IComparable<Entity>
/// <summary>
/// The ID of an entity.
/// </summary>
/// <value>The index into the internal list of entities.</value>
/// <remarks>
/// Entity indexes are recycled when an entity is destroyed. When an entity is destroyed, the
/// EntityManager increments the version identifier. To represent the same entity, both the Index and the
/// Version fields of the Entity object must match. If the Index is the same, but the Version is different,
/// then the entity has been recycled.
/// </remarks>
public int Index;
/// <summary>
/// The generational version of the entity.
/// </summary>
/// <remarks>The Version number can, theoretically, overflow and wrap around within the lifetime of an
/// application. For this reason, you cannot assume that an Entity instance with a larger Version is a more
/// recent incarnation of the entity than one with a smaller Version (and the same Index).</remarks>
/// <value>Used to determine whether this Entity object still identifies an existing entity.</value>
public int Version;
这里的Index,并非是表示entity在chunk中的存储位置,它是一个二级索引,指向管理entity的block。block才真正记录了entity位于哪个chunk,以及在chunk中的具体位置。之所以这样设计,是因为在structural change时(例如AddComponent,RemoveComponent)entity会从一个chunk移动到另一个chunk。使用二级索引,就可以保证在发生移动时,entity的index保持不变,变化的只是block中的内容。
管理entity的block是全局唯一的,它是一个长度为16K的64位指针数组,其中每个指针指向一个更小的data block,data block最多可记录8K数量的entity状态。所以Unity全局最多可以支持16K * 8K数量的entity。
struct DataBlock
// 8k entities per DataBlock
public fixed ulong allocated[k_EntitiesInBlock / 64];
public fixed ulong entityInChunk[k_EntitiesInBlock];
public fixed int versions[k_EntitiesInBlock];
public fixed int nameByEntityIndex[k_EntitiesInBlock];
const int k_EntitiesInBlock = 8192;
这里可以看到记录data block当前分配entity使用的是8192 / 64大小的unsigned long数组,这是由于unsigned long本身是64位的,每一个二进制位都可以表示是否被分配,所以数组的大小可以省下来。
internal void AllocateEntities(Entity* entities, int totalCount, ChunkIndex chunkIndex, int firstEntityInChunkIndex)
var entityInChunkIndex = firstEntityInChunkIndex;
for (int i = 0; i < k_BlockCount; i++)
var blockCount = Interlocked.Add(ref m_EntityCount[i], 0);
if (blockCount == k_BlockBusy || blockCount == k_EntitiesInBlock)
var blockAvailable = k_EntitiesInBlock - blockCount;
var count = math.min(blockAvailable, totalCount);
// Set the count to a flag indicating that this block is busy (-1)
var before = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_EntityCount[i], k_BlockBusy, blockCount);
if (before != blockCount)
// Another thread is messing around with this block, it's either busy or was changed
// between the time we read the count and now. In both cases, let's keep looking.
DataBlock* block = (DataBlock*)m_DataBlocks[i];
// Be careful that the block might exist even if the count is zero, checking the pointer
// for null is the only valid way to tell if the block exists or not.
if (block == null)
block = (DataBlock*)Memory.Unmanaged.Allocate(k_BlockSize, 8, Allocator.Persistent);
UnsafeUtility.MemClear(block, k_BlockSize);
m_DataBlocks[i] = (ulong)block;
int remainingCount = math.min(blockAvailable, count);
var allocated = block->allocated;
var versions = block->versions;
var entityInChunk = block->entityInChunk;
var baseEntityIndex = i * k_EntitiesInBlock;
while (remainingCount > 0)
for (int maskIndex = 0; maskIndex < k_EntitiesInBlock / 64; maskIndex++)
if (allocated[maskIndex] != ~0UL)
// There is some space in this one
for (int entity = 0; entity < 64; entity++)
var indexInBlock = maskIndex * 64 + entity;
var mask = 1UL << (indexInBlock % 64);
if ((allocated[maskIndex] & mask) == 0)
allocated[maskIndex] |= mask;
*entities = new Entity
Index = baseEntityIndex + indexInBlock,
Version = versions[indexInBlock] += 1
if (chunkIndex != ChunkIndex.Null)
((EntityInChunk*)entityInChunk)[indexInBlock] = new EntityInChunk
Chunk = chunkIndex,
IndexInChunk = entityInChunkIndex,
entityInChunk[indexInBlock] = 0;
if (remainingCount == 0)
if (remainingCount == 0)
Assert.AreEqual(0, remainingCount);
var resultCheck = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_EntityCount[i], blockCount + count, k_BlockBusy);
Assert.AreEqual(resultCheck, k_BlockBusy);
totalCount -= count;
if (totalCount == 0)
throw new InvalidOperationException("Could not find a data block for entity allocation.");
- 找到第一个可用的data block,如果某个block分配已满(entity数量为8K),或者被其他线程所占用(entity数量被置为busy),则说明不可用;
- 对可用的data block尝试加锁(即将其entity数量置为busy),如果加锁失败,说明被其他线程抢先一步占用,直接放弃尝试下一个data block;
- 加锁成功,查看data block当前的分配状态,如果分配状态为空,创建一个新的内存块并指向它;
- 在分配状态中寻找空闲的二进制位,根据它的位置计算出entity的Index,也就是指向block的二级索引,同时entity的Version自增,表示新建;
- 把entity在chunk中的实际位置信息(位于哪个chunk,以及在chunk中的位置)记录到block中;
- 释放之前加的锁,恢复data block的entity数量为正确的值。
当有了一个entity之后,又如何判断它是否还真实存在呢?这时候Version就派上用场了,data block里存着的永远是最新的Version,直接对比一下就好:
internal bool Exists(Entity entity)
var blockIndex = entity.Index / k_EntitiesInBlock;
var indexInBlock = entity.Index % k_EntitiesInBlock;
var block = (DataBlock*)m_DataBlocks[blockIndex];
if (block == null) return false;
if (((uint)entity.Version & 1) == 0 || block->versions[indexInBlock] != entity.Version) return false;
return true;
销毁entity的逻辑也是类似的,只不过销毁只处理data block分配状态的二进制位,将其置回为0,Version字段继续自增,表示已销毁。另外,就算block的分配状态为全空,也不会将block的内存回收掉。
for (int j = startIndex, indexInEntitiesArray = rangeStart; j < endIndex; j++, indexInEntitiesArray++)
var indexInBlock = j % k_EntitiesInBlock;
if (versions[indexInBlock] == entities[indexInEntitiesArray].Version)
// Matching versions confirm that we are deallocating the intended entity
var mask = 1UL << (indexInBlock % 64);
allocated[indexInBlock / 64] &= ~0UL ^ mask;
block->nameByEntityIndex[indexInBlock] = default;
// Do not deallocate the block even if it's empty. Versions should be preserved.
var resultCheck = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_EntityCount[blockIndex], blockCount, k_BlockBusy);
Assert.AreEqual(resultCheck, k_BlockBusy);
最后我们来看一下chunk的创建与销毁。当出现无处安放的entity时,就需要创建新的chunk。在前一篇文章中我们提到过,chunk不是单独分配的,而是按照64 * 16K大小进行分配的,这块内存成为mega chunk。Unity最多可以创建16384个mega chunk。 那么,Unity最多需要管理16384*64个chunk,为了提高效率,Unity使用了两个查找表,方便快速定位到空闲的chunk。
Ulong16384 m_chunkInUse;
Ulong256 m_megachunkIsFull;
把所有mega chunk分为256组,每组64个,那么每个mega chunk刚好可以用一个unsigned long表示;同样地,m_chunkInUse
可表示16384个mega chunk,而每一个unsigned long,刚好可以表示每一个chunk的状态。
public int AllocateContiguousChunks(out ChunkIndex value, int requestedCount, out int actualCount)
int gigachunkIndex = 0;
for(; gigachunkIndex < m_megachunkIsFull.Length; ++gigachunkIndex)
if(m_megachunkIsFull.ElementAt(gigachunkIndex) != ~0L)
int firstMegachunk = gigachunkIndex << 6;
actualCount = math.min(chunksPerMegachunk, requestedCount); // literally can't service requests for more
value = ChunkIndex.Null;
while(actualCount > 0)
for(int offset = 0; offset < megachunksInUniverse; ++offset)
int megachunkIndex = (firstMegachunk + offset) & (megachunksInUniverse-1); // index of current megachunk
long maskAfterAllocation, oldMask, newMask, readMask = m_chunkInUse.ElementAt(megachunkIndex); // read the mask of which chunks are allocated
int chunkInMegachunk; // index of first chunk allocated in current megachunk
do {
oldMask = readMask;
if(oldMask == ~0L)
goto NEXT_MEGACHUNK; // can't find any bits, try the next megachunk
if(!ConcurrentMask.foundAtLeastThisManyConsecutiveZeroes(oldMask, actualCount, out chunkInMegachunk, out int _)) // find consecutive 0 bits to allocate into
goto NEXT_MEGACHUNK; // can't find enough bits, try the next megachunk
newMask = maskAfterAllocation = oldMask | ConcurrentMask.MakeMask(chunkInMegachunk, actualCount); // mask in the freshly allocated bits
if(oldMask == 0L) // if we're the first to allocate from this megachunk,
newMask = ~0L; // mark the whole megachunk as full (busy) until we're done allocating memory
readMask = Interlocked.CompareExchange(ref m_chunkInUse.ElementAt(megachunkIndex), newMask, oldMask);
} while(readMask != oldMask);
int firstChunkIndex = (megachunkIndex << log2ChunksPerMegachunk) + chunkInMegachunk;
if(oldMask == 0L) // if we are the first allocation in this chunk...
long allocated = (long)Memory.Unmanaged.Allocate(MegachunkSizeInBytes, CollectionHelper.CacheLineSize, Allocator.Persistent); // allocate memory
if (allocated == 0L) // if the allocation failed...
return AllocationFailed(firstChunkIndex, actualCount);
Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_megachunk.ElementAt(megachunkIndex), allocated); // store the pointer to the freshly allocated memory
Interlocked.Exchange(ref m_chunkInUse.ElementAt(megachunkIndex), maskAfterAllocation); // change the mask from ~0L to the true mask after our allocation (which may be ~0L)
if(maskAfterAllocation == ~0L)
ConcurrentMask.AtomicOr(ref m_megachunkIsFull.ElementAt(megachunkIndex>>6), 1L << (megachunkIndex & 63));
value = new ChunkIndex(firstChunkIndex);
return kErrorNone;
actualCount >>= 1;
return kErrorNoChunksAvailable;
- 首先通过
,找到空闲的mega chunk组gigachunkIndex
; - 通过
,得到第一个空闲的mega chunk的index,再查找m_chunkInUse
,得到此时该mega chunk中64个chunk的空闲情况; - 如果chunk都已分配完毕,或者此时正被其他线程所占用,那么放弃该mega chunk,尝试下一个可用的mega chunk;
- 如果找到空闲的chunk,那么尝试加锁,如果加锁失败则一直等待,除非发生上一步的情况,才会放弃该mega chunk;
- 加锁成功,如果整个mega chunk都是空闲的,说明这个mega chunk压根还没实际分配内存,需要分配完内存后保存地址指针;
- 如果mega chunk不再有空闲的chunk,则需要记录回
中; - 返回可用的chunk。
销毁chunk的逻辑也是类似的,当chunk中entity数量为0时就会触发。由于chunk是以mega chunk为单位进行分配的,所以只有当整个mega chunk都是空闲时,才会真正地释放整个mega chunk的内存。
[1] Entity concepts
[2] Unity DOTS中的Archetype与Chunk
[3] Interlocked.CompareExchange Method