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  1. redis socket->ip
    bind ....* #
  2. pg vim /etc/postgresql/14/main/pg_hba.conf
    host    all             all             ..../32         md5
  3. gitaly vim /home/git/gitaly/config.toml
    bin_dir = "/home/git/gitaly"
    internal_socket_dir = "/home/git/gitaly/internal_sockets"
    socket_path = "/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/private/gitaly.socket"
    listen_addr = ''
    # Optional: export metrics via Prometheus
    # prometheus_listen_addr = ""
    #grpc_latency_buckets = [0.001, 0.005, 0.025, 0.1, 0.5, 1.0, 10.0, 30.0, 60.0, 300.0, 1500.0]
    #level = "warn"
    #token = '******'
    dir = "/home/git/gitaly/ruby"
    url = "http://****.com"
    dir = "/home/git/gitlab-shell"
    dir = "/home/git/gitlab/log"
    name = "default"
    path = "/home/git/repositories"


  1. gitlab gitlab.yml database.yml resque.yml
      # Gitaly settings
        # Path to the directory containing Gitaly client executables.
        client_path: /home/git/gitaly
        # Default Gitaly authentication token. Can be overridden per storage. Can
        # be left blank when Gitaly is running locally on a Unix socket, which
        # is the normal way to deploy Gitaly.
        token: '******' #gitaly 配置的token
      # 4. Advanced settings
      # ==========================
      ## Repositories settings
        # Paths where repositories can be stored. Give the canonicalized absolute pathname.
        # IMPORTANT: None of the path components may be symlink, because
        # gitlab-shell invokes Dir.pwd inside the repository path and that results
        # real path not the symlink.
        storages: # You must have at least a `default` storage path.
            path: /home/git/repositories/
            gitaly_address: tcp://*.*.*.*:8075
            #gitaly_address: unix:/home/git/gitlab/tmp/sockets/private/gitaly.socket # TCP connections are supported too (e.g. tcp://host:port). TLS connections are also supported using the system certificate pool (eg: tls://host:port).
            # gitaly_token: 'special token' # Optional: override global gitaly.token for this storage.
    url: redis://*.*.*.*:6379
    #url: unix:/var/run/redis/redis.sock
  2. gitlab obs https://gitlab.cn/docs/16.8/charts/installation/migration/minio.html
      enabled: true
      enabled: true
      remote_directory: gitlab-uploads
      proxy_download: true
        provider: AWS
        region: <S3 region>
        aws_access_key_id: "<access key>"
        aws_secret_access_key: "<secret access key>"
        host: <Minio host>
        endpoint: <Minio endpoint>
        path_style: true
  3. 依赖的服务 gitlab-shell && gitlab-workhorse



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