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LeetCode-430. 扁平化多级双向链表-题解


430. 扁平化多级双向链表 - 力扣(LeetCode)






涉及到高级数据双向链表(主要考察点 - 修改指针指向模拟符合题目要求)


// Definition for a Node.

class Node {


    int val;

    Node* prev;

    Node* next;

    Node* child;






那么该题目还可以通过另一种方式来完成,这是一个重复的扁平化过程,含有子指针的双向链表的未结点会指向当前节点下一个节点,当前节点指向孩子节点的双向链表,重复扁平化处理双向链表即可,我们可以通过一个方法来模拟这个过程 // 传入一个头节点,返回一个扁平化后的未结点 //。

最后一种方式,是借助栈的特性(先进后出)用来模拟递归行为,栈可以帮助我们记录节点,先处理 child 链表,再处理 next 链表。当处理完 child 后,将 next 节点推入栈,以便之后继续处理。


Node* flattenList(Node* head)


        Node *tmp = head ;

        while (tmp)


            if (tmp -> child)


                Node *phead = tmp -> child ;

                Node *ptail = flattenList(phead) ;

                ptail -> next = tmp -> next ;

                if (tmp -> next)


                    tmp -> next -> prev = ptail ;


                tmp -> next = phead ;

                phead -> prev = tmp ;

                tmp -> child = nullptr ;


            tmp = tmp -> next ;


        tmp = head ;

        while (tmp -> next) tmp = tmp -> next ;

        return tmp ;



// 方法二
class Solution {
    // 传入一个头节点,返回一个扁平化后的未结点
    Node* flattenList(Node* head)
        Node *tmp = head ;
        while (tmp)
            if (tmp -> child)
                Node *phead = tmp -> child ;
                Node *ptail = flattenList(phead) ;

                ptail -> next = tmp -> next ;
                if (tmp -> next)
                    tmp -> next -> prev = ptail ;
                tmp -> next = phead ;
                phead -> prev = tmp ;

                tmp -> child = nullptr ;
            tmp = tmp -> next ;
        tmp = head ;
        while (tmp -> next) tmp = tmp -> next ;
        return tmp ;

    Node* flatten(Node* head) {
        if (head == nullptr)
            return head;
        flattenList(head) ;  
        return head ; 



# Definition for a Node.
class Node:
    def __init__(self, val, prev, next, child):
        self.val = val
        self.prev = prev
        self.next = next
        self.child = child
def flattenList(head) :
        if not head : 
            return head
        tmp = head
        while tmp :
            if tmp.child : 
                phead = tmp.child
                ptail = flattenList(phead)

                ptail.next = tmp.next
                if tmp.next : 
                    tmp.next.prev = ptail
                tmp.next = phead
                phead.prev = tmp
                tmp.child = None
            tmp = tmp.next
        while head and head.next :
            head = head.next
        return head
class Solution:
    def flatten(self, head: 'Optional[Node]') -> 'Optional[Node]':
        if not head :
            return head
        return head
// 方法三

class Solution {
    Node* flatten(Node* head) {
        if (!head) return nullptr ;
        stack <Node*> stack ;
        auto curr = head ;

        while (curr)
            if (curr -> child)
                if (curr -> next)
                    stack.push(curr -> next) ;
                curr -> next = curr -> child ;
                curr -> child -> prev = curr ;
                curr -> child = nullptr ;

            if (!curr -> next && !stack.empty())
                curr -> next = stack.top() ;
                stack.pop() ;
                curr -> next -> prev = curr ;
            curr = curr -> next ;
        return head ;


# 方法三 - 栈(stack)python
# Definition for a Node.
class Node:
    def __init__(self, val, prev, next, child):
        self.val = val
        self.prev = prev
        self.next = next
        self.child = child

class Solution:
    def flatten(self, head: 'Optional[Node]') -> 'Optional[Node]':
        if not head :
            return None
        stack = []
        curr = head

        while curr :
            if curr.child :
                if curr.next :
                curr.next = curr.child
                curr.child.prev = curr
                curr.child = None
            if not curr.next and stack :
                curr.next = stack.pop()
                curr.next.prev = curr
            curr = curr.next
        return head



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