– 文件M的完整性
– B能够认证M的发送方
– 文件M的完整性、机密性
由上面两图可以清楚知道该算法的工作流程。通过对文件M进行数字签名可以保证文件M传输后的完整性和抗否认性。对文件M使用B的public key进行加密,使得只有B能够通过自己的private key进行解密,保证了文件M的机密性。
1、 程序采用c++语言编写,文件清单里的main.cpp是主控程序,其他文件问逻辑处理函数或是工具类。
2、 文件PrimeGenerator用于生成public key 与 private key。
3、 程序基于文件驱动运行,即将各种文件作为参数作为程序的入口。在程序的根目录下必须保证收发端的public key 以及private key,以及待发送处理的文件M。命名规则如下图所示:
4、 运行DigitalSignature.exe可执行程序,运行终端显示如下(下图显示了整个工作流程信息,模拟了send和Receive的过程):
5、 文件输出为
DigitalSignature.txt 表示发送端生成的数字签名,cypherFile.txt表示使用接受端的publickey B_public.key加密message.txt后的密文文件。Newmessage文件表示的是接受端B时候自己的private key解密后的文件。
6、 一个具体事例的演示:
a) message.txt文件内容
b) 发送端使用MD5生成message.txt文件的指纹为
c) 发送端使用A_private.key加密该指纹得数字签名DigitalSignature.txt
d) 发送端使用B_public.key 加密文件message.txt ,并将密文保存为cypherFile.txt
e) 发送端操作结束
f) 接收端使用A_publickey解密DigitalSignature.txt,得到解密后指纹1
g) 接收端使用B_privatekey解密cypherFile.txt,得到解密后的文件,并写入newmessage.txt。发现与原文件内容相同。
h) 接收端使用MD5生成文件newmessage.txt的指纹2
i) 比较指纹1和指纹2 , 判断是否可以相同
#include <cstdlib> //srand() #include <iostream> //cout #include <ctime> //time() #include <cstring> //strcmp() #include "test.h" //testing functions #include "RSA.h" //GenerateKeyPair() #include "PrimeGenerator.h" //Generate() #include "CMd5.h" using std::cout; using std::endl; using std::cin; using namespace std; /*read a key from a key file*/ Key ReadKey(const char * keyfile) { std::ifstream source(keyfile, std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if (!source){ cout<< "Error : Opening file \"KeyFile\" failed."<<endl; } string str_modulus , str_exponent; source >> str_modulus >> str_exponent; BigInt modulus(str_modulus); BigInt exponent(str_exponent); Key key(modulus , exponent); return key; } /*read whole text from a file*/ std::string GetWholeTextFromFile(const char * filename) { std::ifstream source(filename , std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if(!source){ cout<< "Error : Opening file \"File\" failed."<<endl; } source.seekg(0, std::ios::end); const unsigned long int fileSize = source.tellg(); source.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); char buff[10240]; source.read(buff , fileSize); buff[fileSize] = '\0'; std::string wholetext = std::string(buff); source.close(); return wholetext; } /*generate a fingerprint using MD5 algorithm*/ std::string GenerateFingerPrintFromFile(const char * filename) { std::ifstream source(filename , std::ios::in | std::ios::binary); if(!source){ cout<< "Error : Opening file \"File\" failed."<<endl; } source.seekg(0, std::ios::end); const unsigned long int fileSize = source.tellg(); source.seekg(0, std::ios::beg); char buff[10240]; source.read(buff , fileSize); buff[fileSize] = '\0'; unsigned char digest[16]; //调用MD5相关函数,生成buff的MD5码,存入digest md5_state_t md5state; md5_init(&md5state); md5_append(&md5state, (const unsigned char *)buff, strlen(buff)); md5_finish(&md5state, digest); char presentation[33]; md5_presentation(digest , presentation); presentation[32] = '\0'; std::string fingerPrint = std::string(presentation); source.close(); return fingerPrint; } /* Send a messageFile M to a receiver. Pass messageFile'path , sender's private key path , receiver's public key path to the function. This function will write M's digitalSignature to a file called 'DigitalSignature.txt'; Also write encrypted M a file called 'cypherFile.txt' using receiver's public key. */ void send(char * messageFile , char * sender_private_key , char * receiver_public_key) { char cypherFile [] = "cypherFile.txt";//output file name char digitalSignatureFile [] = "DigitalSignature.txt"; std:string fingerPrint = GenerateFingerPrintFromFile(messageFile); cout<<"1) File M 's fingerPrint is"<<endl<<fingerPrint<<endl; Key B_publickey = ReadKey(receiver_public_key); Key A_privatekey = ReadKey(sender_private_key); std::string cypherText = RSA::Encrypt(fingerPrint, A_privatekey); cout<<"2) FingerPrint has been encrypted using sender's private key"<<endl <<"3) DigitalSignatureFile generated , save as a file called 'DigitalSignature.txt'"<<endl; RSA::Encrypt(messageFile, cypherFile, B_publickey); cout<<"4) File M has been encrypted using receiver's public key."<<endl <<"5) Save as a file called 'cypherFile.txt'"<<endl; std::ofstream dest(digitalSignatureFile, std::ios::out | std::ios::binary); dest<<cypherText; dest.flush(); dest.close(); } /* Receive a encrypted file cypherFile and a digitalSignature file From sender , check whether M is completed or not , decrypt from cypherFile using receiver's private key. Pass paths of cypherFile , digitalSignatureFile ,sender_public_key ,receiver_private_key to this function. This function will print some checking results. */ void receive(char * cypherFile , char * digitalSignatureFile , char * sender_public_key , char * receiver_private_key) { char newmessage [] = "newmessage.txt"; // output file name Key A_publickey = ReadKey(sender_public_key); Key B_privatekey = ReadKey(receiver_private_key); std::string cypherText = GetWholeTextFromFile(digitalSignatureFile); cout<<"1) DigitalSignatureFile has been decrypted using sender's public key."<<endl <<"2) Get FingerPrint:"<<endl; std::string newFingerPrint = RSA::Decrypt(cypherText, A_publickey); cout<<newFingerPrint<<endl; RSA::Decrypt(cypherFile, newmessage, B_privatekey); cout<<"3) CypherFile has been decrypted using B's private key."<<endl <<"4) Get another printfinger:"<<endl; std::string anotherFingerPrint = GenerateFingerPrintFromFile(newmessage); cout<<anotherFingerPrint<<endl; cout<<"5) Now check two printfingers"<<endl; bool check = (newFingerPrint==anotherFingerPrint); if (check == true) { cout<<"Result : File is completed!"<<endl; } else { cout<<"Result : File is not completed,Please check!"<<endl; } } int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char messageFile [] = "message.txt"; char sender_private_key [] = "A_private.key"; char receiver_public_key [] = "B_public.key"; char sender_public_key [] = "A_public.key"; char receiver_private_key [] = "B_private.key"; char digitalSignature [] = "DigitalSignature.txt"; char cypherFile [] = "cypherFile.txt"; cout<<"***************Read Me***************"<<endl; cout<<"Please read this algotirhm's document first!"<<endl; cout<<"This program uses MD5 as hash function and RSA as Asymmetric Encryption Algorithm."<<endl; cout<<"Please check that you must have both sender and receiver's public key and private key"<<endl; cout<<"Please check that you must have a message file to be test."<<endl; cout<<"File structure must look like as following:"<<endl; cout<<"message.txt,A_private.key,A_public.key,B_private.key,B_public.key"<<endl; cout<<"*************************************"<<endl; std::string input; while(1) { cout<<"If you are sure , please input 'yes' to start this program!"<<endl; cin >> input; if (input != "yes") continue; cout<<"*****************Send****************"<<endl; send(messageFile , sender_private_key , receiver_public_key); cout<<"***************Receive***************"<<endl; receive(cypherFile ,digitalSignature , sender_public_key , receiver_private_key); break; } cout<<"Please press any key to exit!"<<endl; cin >> input; return 0;