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sql server一些冷知识

  1. 1.	Sql Server冷知识
    (1)	删除表内容的方法
    truncate table 表名 (清除表记录,这个快)
    (2)	列出所有数据库
    (3)	存储过程的参数命名
    alter procedure pro_select_customers @sid int as select * from customers where id=@sid  alter procedure pro_select_customers @id int as select * from customers where id=@id  alter procedure pro_select_customers @@id int as select * from customers where id=@@id
    --参数命名无效-- alter procedure pro_select_customers sid int as select * from customers where id=sid
    (4)	更改表名
    sp_rename 't_Entity','t_1'
    (5)	查看表字段
    select * from sys.syscolumns where id=OBJECT_ID('detail')
    (6)	查看存储过程语句
    sp_helptext 'pro_select_customers'
    (7)	更换表名
    alter table web 
    rename to web2
    (8)	创建事务
    begin transaction
    select * from t_1
    (9)	创建函数
    create function f_plus (@@num1 int,@@num2 int) returns int as  begin 	return @@num1+@@num2; end
    select dbo.f_plus (2,44) as num
    (10)	加上自动增长列
    select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by oid)as nums,* from orders
    (11)	游标的使用
    sql server换行相当于;
    --声明游标-- declare cur_test cursor for  select * from dbo.Employees  declare @@num int  set @@num=0  --打开游标--  open cur_test fetch next from cur_test  while @@FETCH_STATUS=0  begin       --对变量赋值用set-- 	set @@num=@@num+1 	 	print @@num 	 	fetch next from cur_test  end  --关闭游标--  close cur_test  --释放游标--  deallocate cur_test
    (12)	更改数据库名称
    sp_renamedb ‘旧数据库名‘,’新数据库名‘
    (13)	没有fetch offset的情况下如何分页
    select * from( select ROW_NUMBER() over(order by score) as num,* from dbo.StudentScores ) as tb where num between 11 and 20
    select * from tableName offset 0 fetch next 10 rows only;
    select * from tableName offset 10 fetch next 10 rows only;



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