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RCCL/NCCL中的Transports方式选择:P2P or SHM or NET





初始化判断前 ret设置为0,代表此类方法不可使用,如果满足transports中的某一类,则设置 ret = 1.

PATH_LOC为节点到自己,PATH_NVL表示路径上的边都是NVLink,PATH_PIX表示经过最多一个PCIe switch,PATH_PXB表示经过了多个PCIe witch,但是没有经过CPU,PATH_PHB表示经过了CPU,PATH_SYS表示不同numa之间的路径。

# define

// Local (myself)
#define PATH_LOC 0

// Connection traversing NVLink
#define PATH_NVL 1

// Connection through NVLink using an intermediate GPU
#define PATH_NVB 2

// Connection traversing at most a single PCIe bridge
#define PATH_PIX 3

// Connection traversing multiple PCIe bridges (without traversing the PCIe Host Bridge)
#define PATH_PXB 4

// Connection between a GPU and a NIC using an intermediate GPU. Used to enable rail-local, aggregated network send/recv operations.
#define PATH_PXN 5

// Connection traversing PCIe as well as a PCIe Host Bridge (typically the CPU)
#define PATH_PHB 6

// Connection traversing PCIe as well as the SMP interconnect between NUMA nodes (e.g., QPI/UPI)
#define PATH_SYS 7

// Connection through the network
#define PATH_NET 8

// Disconnected
#define PATH_DIS 9



1. 检查设备是否支持精细粒度 GPU 操作

如果任一设备不支持 Fine-Grain 操作(精细粒度的 GPU 共享内存),直接判定两设备无法使用 P2P 通信。

2. 检查设备是否属于同一主机或容器

比较 hostHash 和 shmDev:
如果设备不在同一主机或共享内存域,判定无法使用 P2P 通信。

3. 检查设备间的拓扑关系和通信路径

调用 ncclTopoCheckP2p 检查两设备之间的 P2P 拓扑关系:
如果 *ret = 0:表示设备间无直接 P2P 通信路径。
如果 intermediateRank != -1:表示设备间通信需要通过第三方设备中转。
如果 useMemcpy(标志位)为真,优先禁用 P2P 通信

4. 判断是否使用网络通信更优

调用 ncclTopoCheckNet 检查是否通过网络通信(如 NIC)会比 P2P 更优:
如果 useNet = 1:说明网络通信更适合,禁用 P2P。

/* Determine if two peers can communicate with P2P */
ncclResult_t p2pCanConnect(int* ret, struct ncclTopoSystem* topo, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclPeerInfo* info1, struct ncclPeerInfo* info2) {
  if (!info1->hasFineGrain || !info2->hasFineGrain)  {
    *ret = 0;
    return ncclSuccess;

  // Rule out different nodes / isolated containers
  if (info1->hostHash != info2->hostHash || info1->shmDev != info2->shmDev) {
    *ret = 0;
    return ncclSuccess;

  // Check topology / p2p level.
  int intermediateRank;
  NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCheckP2p(topo, info1->busId, info2->busId, ret, NULL, &intermediateRank));
  if (*ret == 0) return ncclSuccess;
  if (intermediateRank != -1) {
    if (useMemcpy) *ret = 0;
    return ncclSuccess;

  // Check if NET would work better
  int useNet = 0;
  NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCheckNet(topo, info1->busId, info2->busId, &useNet));
  if (useNet) {
    *ret = 0;
    return ncclSuccess;

  *ret = 1;
  return ncclSuccess;

这里主要是再看一下ncclTopoCheckP2p,这个函数中会看Topo结构中两个GPU之间是否满足p2p,主要是p2p_Level 是否满足,看一下源码,如果CPU类型是 ARM CPUs/ CPU_ARCH_X86(Intel / ZHAOXIN)p2pLevel 有进一步的要求   p2pLevel = PATH_PXB,实际路径满足 path->type <= p2pLevel, 允许 p2p = 1.


int ncclTopoUserP2pLevel = -1;
ncclResult_t ncclTopoCheckP2p(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, int64_t id1, int64_t id2, int* p2p, int *read, int* intermediateRank) {
  *p2p = 0;
  if (read) *read = 0;
  if (intermediateRank) *intermediateRank = -1;

  // Get GPUs from topology
  int g1, g2;
  NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoIdToIndex(system, GPU, id1, &g1));
  struct ncclTopoNode* gpu1 = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g1;
  if (ncclTopoIdToIndex(system, GPU, id2, &g2) == ncclInternalError) {
    // GPU not found, we can't use p2p.
    return ncclSuccess;

  int intermediateIndex = -1;
  // Set intermediate GPU rank, if routing through an intermediate GPU.
  struct ncclTopoLinkList* path = gpu1->paths[GPU]+g2;
  if (path->count == 2) {
    struct ncclTopoNode* intermediateNode = path->list[0]->remNode;
    if (intermediateNode->type == GPU) {
      intermediateIndex = intermediateNode - system->nodes[GPU].nodes;
      if (intermediateRank) *intermediateRank = intermediateNode->gpu.rank;

  // In general, use P2P whenever we can.
  int p2pLevel = PATH_SYS;

  // User override
  if (ncclTopoUserP2pLevel == -1)
    NCCLCHECK(ncclGetLevel(&ncclTopoUserP2pLevel, "NCCL_P2P_DISABLE", "NCCL_P2P_LEVEL"));
  if (ncclTopoUserP2pLevel != -2) {
    p2pLevel = ncclTopoUserP2pLevel;
    goto compare;

  // Don't use P2P through ARM CPUs
  int arch, vendor, model;
  NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCpuType(system, &arch, &vendor, &model));
  if (arch == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_ARCH_ARM) p2pLevel = PATH_PXB;
  if (arch == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_ARCH_X86 && vendor == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_VENDOR_INTEL) {
    p2pLevel = PATH_PXB;
  if (arch == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_ARCH_X86 && vendor == NCCL_TOPO_CPU_VENDOR_ZHAOXIN) {
    p2pLevel = PATH_PXB;

  // Compute the PCI distance and compare with the p2pLevel.
  if (path->type <= p2pLevel) *p2p = 1;

#if defined(__HIP_PLATFORM_AMD__) || defined(__HIPCC__)
  if (*p2p == 1) {
    // NCCL_IGNORE_DISABLED_P2P=2 is used by unit tests that don't want to
    // validate against NVML at all since they are pretending to be on other hw.
    if (g1 != g2 && ncclParamIgnoreDisabledP2p() != 2) {
      int indexes[3] = {-1,-1,-1};
      int verticeN = 0;

      indexes[verticeN++] = system->nodes[GPU].nodes[g1].gpu.dev;
      if (intermediateIndex != -1) indexes[verticeN++] = system->nodes[GPU].nodes[intermediateIndex].gpu.dev;
      indexes[verticeN++] = system->nodes[GPU].nodes[g2].gpu.dev;

      for (int i=1; i < verticeN; i++) {
        nvmlGpuP2PStatus_t status;
        status = ncclNvmlDevicePairs[indexes[i-1]][indexes[i-0]].p2pStatusRead;
        bool good = status == NVML_P2P_STATUS_OK;
        status = ncclNvmlDevicePairs[indexes[i-1]][indexes[i-0]].p2pStatusWrite;
        good &= status == NVML_P2P_STATUS_OK;
        if (!good) {
          if (!ncclParamIgnoreDisabledP2p()) {
            if (path->type <= PATH_NVB) {
              WARN("P2P is disabled between NVLINK connected GPUs %d and %d. This should not be the case given their connectivity, and is probably due to a hardware issue. If you still want to proceed, you can set NCCL_IGNORE_DISABLED_P2P=1.", indexes[i-1], indexes[i-0]);
              return ncclUnhandledCudaError;
            } else if (path->type < PATH_SYS) {
              INFO(NCCL_INIT, "P2P is disabled between connected GPUs %d and %d. You can repress this message with NCCL_IGNORE_DISABLED_P2P=1.", indexes[i-1], indexes[i-0]);
          *p2p = 0;

  if (path->type == PATH_NVL) {
    struct ncclTopoNode* gpu2 = system->nodes[GPU].nodes+g2;
    // Enable P2P Read for Ampere/NVLink only
    if (read && (gpu1->gpu.cudaCompCap == gpu2->gpu.cudaCompCap) && (gpu1->gpu.cudaCompCap == 80)) *read = 1;

  return ncclSuccess;

// MNNVL: Check whether peers are in the same fabric cluster and clique
ncclResult_t ncclTopoCheckMNNVL(struct ncclTopoSystem* system, struct ncclPeerInfo* info1, struct ncclPeerInfo* info2, int* ret) {
  *ret = 0;

  nvmlGpuFabricInfoV_t *fabricInfo1 = &info1->fabricInfo;
  nvmlGpuFabricInfoV_t *fabricInfo2 = &info2->fabricInfo;
  // A zero UUID means we don't have MNNVL fabric info
  if ((((long *)&fabricInfo2->clusterUuid)[0]|((long *)fabricInfo2->clusterUuid)[1]) == 0) return ncclSuccess;
  if ((memcmp(fabricInfo1->clusterUuid, fabricInfo2->clusterUuid, NVML_GPU_FABRIC_UUID_LEN) == 0) &&
      (fabricInfo1->cliqueId == fabricInfo2->cliqueId)) {
    INFO(NCCL_NET, "MNNVL matching peer 0x%lx UUID %lx.%lx cliqueId 0x%x",
         info2->busId, ((long *)fabricInfo2->clusterUuid)[0], ((long *)fabricInfo2->clusterUuid)[1], fabricInfo2->cliqueId);
    *ret = 1;
  return ncclSuccess;



1.初始化 ret 为0;




5.检查设备是否共享相同的 /dev/shm;

6.满足条件,ret = 1;

/* Determine if two peers can communicate with SHM */
ncclResult_t shmCanConnect(int* ret, struct ncclTopoSystem* topo, struct ncclTopoGraph* graph, struct ncclPeerInfo* info1, struct ncclPeerInfo* info2) {
  *ret = 0;
  if (ncclParamShmDisable() == 1) return ncclSuccess;

  int useNet = 0;
  NCCLCHECK(ncclTopoCheckNet(topo, info1->busId, info2->busId, &useNet));
  if (useNet) return ncclSuccess;

  // Same host?
  TRACE(NCCL_INIT|NCCL_SHM, "peer1 hostHash %lx peer2 hostHash %lx", info1->hostHash, info2->hostHash);
  if (info1->hostHash != info2->hostHash) return ncclSuccess;

  // Common /dev/shm (between containers) ?
  TRACE(NCCL_INIT|NCCL_SHM, "peer1 shmDev %lx peer2 shmDev %lx", info1->shmDev, info2->shmDev);
  if (info1->shmDev != info2->shmDev) return ncclSuccess;

  *ret = 1;
  return ncclSuccess;



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