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[powered with AI] 2023.3.24 考研英语学习 2014 英语二翻译

[powered with AI] 2023.3.24 考研英语学习 2014 英语二翻译


Most people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full. But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor. According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.
Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises. When he feels down – say, after giving a bad lecture – he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction. He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t. Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter.



   大多数人都会把乐观定义为永远快乐,觉得杯子里总有半杯水。但这恰恰不是真正的快乐,积极心理学家们并不提倡。哈佛大学教授Tal Ben-Shahar说:“健康的乐观意味着不脱离现实。”按照Ben-Shahar的说法,现实的乐观主义者是那些不管发生什么事情都力求从中得到最大收获的人,而不是那些指望凡事都有最好结局的人。




   本沙哈使用了三个乐观主义实践。 当他感觉不太好时,比如上了一堂不太满意的课,他会说人非圣贤。他会提醒自己不是每一堂课都能达到诺贝尔奖获得者的水平;有一些课的表现会比其他课显得低效。 其次是重构。他会分析自己上的不好的课,为未来吸取教训,了解哪些是有效的,哪些是无效的。最后是需要知道在人生的长河中,一次课算不上什么。


  • 鲍勃老师的翻译



  • 第一个那个确实有点难了

    with a glass that’s perpetually half full 就是那个经常说的心态, 乐观的人看到的是 还有半杯水, 悲观的人看到的是只剩半杯水

  • 那个according to 我居然没翻译….

  • 好多单词不认识

    • perpetual cheerfulness scheme

让NEW Bing评价我的翻译 (效果不是很好,prompt给的有点问题

满分15,请打分,这个prompt会导致终止对话……😱 好多都会触发… 可以一步一步引导

下面是一道考研英语翻译题: Most people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full. But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor. According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best. Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises. When he feels down – say, after giving a bad lecture – he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction. He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t. Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter.




大多数人会把乐观定义为永无止境的快乐,这是一种片面的观点。但是这确实是一种积极的心理学家不推荐的虚假的吹捧。哈佛大学教授唐本沙哈表示:“健康的乐观意味着和现实保持接触”。他说,现实的乐观主义者是那些把发生的事情往好的地方想的人,而不是那些认为每件事情都会是最好的人。 本沙哈使用了三个乐观主义实践。 当他感觉不太好时,比如上了一堂不太满意的课,他会说人非圣贤。他会提醒自己不是每一堂课都能达到诺贝尔奖获得者的水平;有一些课的表现会比其他课显得低效。 其次是重构。他会分析自己上的不好的课,为未来吸取教训,了解哪些是有效的,哪些是无效的。最后是需要知道在人生的长河中,一次课算不上什么。









本沙哈使用了三个乐观主义实践。 当他感觉不太好时,比如上了一堂不太满意的课,他会说人非圣贤。他会提醒自己不是每一堂课都能达到诺贝尔奖获得者的水平;有一些课的表现会比其他课显得低效。 其次是重构。他会分析自己上的不好的课,为未来吸取教训,了解哪些是有效的,哪些是无效的。最后是需要知道在人生的长河中,一次课算不上什么。

Notion AI 的翻译




    大多数人会把乐观定义为无尽的快乐,总是看到杯子半满的一面。但这正是积极心理学家不推荐的虚假愉快。哈佛大学教授Tal Ben-Shahar表示,“健康的乐观意味着与现实保持联系”。据Ben-Shahar说,现实乐观主义者是那些能够善加利用所发生的事情的人,而不是那些相信一切都是最好的人。

最让我沮丧的是,我的工作在chatgpt看来,毫无意义 - 束缚的文章 - 知乎

  • 呃… 好像没啥改变





Most people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full. But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimism means being in touch with
reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor. According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.
Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises. When he feels down – say, after giving a bad lecture – he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction. He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t. Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter.

  • 发现chatgpt会自动概括对话显示在对话历史里面,它把这段对话概括为 乐观的秘诀

       大多数人将乐观定义为无尽的快乐,总是看到杯子半满的一面。但这恰恰是积极心理学家不建议的虚假愉悦。哈佛教授塔尔·本-沙哈尔说:“健康的乐观意味着与现实保持联系。” 根据本-沙哈尔的说法,现实乐观主义者是那些在发生事情时尽力做到最好的人,而不是那些相信万事皆宜的人。




🔺 New Bing的翻译

它现在好像不能角色扮演, 我说“你现在是一个翻译家”,他直接中断对话了






  • 检查源文档中的所有意思是否被准确地翻译,没有增加或省略任何句子或重要的词语。
  • 检查每个句子和短语,看是否符合目标语言的语法、拼写、标点、排版和大小写规则。
  • 检查是否使用了正确和一致的术语,如果有术语表,翻译是否遵循了术语表中的规定。
  • 检查翻译是否准确地传达了源文本的意思,风格是否与源文本相符。
  • 检查翻译是否流畅易懂,没有模糊不清或导致误解的地方。
  • 检查是否考虑了目标受众的文化和地域因素,如地址、日期、度量衡等格式是否适合目标文化。
  • 检查翻译是否满足了客户的要求和指导。


  • 我认为我没有遗漏或增加源文档中的任何意思,但有些地方可能可以更简洁或更准确地表达。例如,“健康的乐观意味着与现实保持联系”可以改为“健康的乐观是要面对现实”,“现实的乐观主义者是那些能够从发生的事情中找到最好的一面”可以改为“现实的乐观主义者是能够在任何情况下看到积极方面的人”。
  • 我认为我遵循了目标语言的语法、拼写、标点、排版和大小写规则,没有发现明显的错误。
  • 我认为我使用了正确和一致的术语,没有使用不恰当或不专业的词汇。但如果有术语表,我会更加注意参考并遵守其中的规定。
  • 我认为我准确地传达了源文本的意思,风格也与源文本相符。但有些地方可能可以更贴近目标受众的习惯和喜好。例如,“给自己一个做人的许可”可以改为“原谅自己是个普通人”,“在生活的大局中”可以改为“从人生的角度来看”。
  • 我认为我翻译得比较流畅易懂,没有模糊不清或导致误解的地方。但有些地方可能可以更加通顺或自然。例如,“他提醒自己”可以改为“他告诉自己”,“什么有效,什么无效”可以改为“哪些有效果,哪些没效果”。
  • 我认为我考虑了目标受众的文化和地域因素,如地址、日期、度量衡等格式都适合目标文化。但如果有更多关于目标受众的背景信息,我会更加注意调整我的翻译以适应他们的需求和期待。
  • 我认为我满足了客户的要求和指导。但如果有更多关于客户的反馈或建

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023/3/24(1) The Complete Guide to Improving Translation Quality | Phrase. https://phrase.com/blog/posts/translation-quality/ Accessed 2023/3/24.
(2) In-depth Guide to Evaluate Translation Quality - GMR Transcription. https://www.gmrtranscription.com/blog/guide-to-evaluate-translation-quality Accessed 2023/3/24.
(3) How to Evaluate the Quality of a Translation | Eriksen Translations. https://eriksen.com/general/translation-quality-accuracy-tips/ Accessed 2023/3/24.
(4) Applying the LISA QA Model to Technical Translation. https://www.linkedin.com/advice/3/how-do-you-apply-lisa-qa-model-technical Accessed 2023/3/24.
(5) How to Test Subtitle Translation Quality - linkedin.com. https://www.linkedin.com/advice/1/how-do-you-test-evaluate-subtitle-translation Accessed 2023/3/24.
(6) In-depth Guide to Evaluate Translation Quality - GMR Transcription. https://www.gmrtranscription.com/blog/guide-to-evaluate-translation-quality Accessed 2023/3/24.


Your task is to translate the following English exam question and provide your analysis of the scoring criteria and difficulty level. Additionally, please provide any translation recommendations. “IMost people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full. But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor. According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best. Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises. When he feels down – say, after giving a bad lecture – he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction. He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t. Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter.” Please provide an accurate translation of this passage while retaining its meaning and nuance. Your response should demonstrate fluency in both languages while maintaining clarity and accuracy. In addition, please analyze this text’s scoring criteria by identifying key elements that would earn points on an English exam. Also, identify potential challenges or difficulties that students may face when translating this type of passage. Finally, if you have any recommendations for improving translations such as specific vocabulary usage or grammar structures, please include them in your response.






  • 翻译是否准确地传达了源文本的意思,没有遗漏或增加任何信息。
  • 翻译是否符合目标语言的语法、拼写、标点、排版和大小写规则。
  • 翻译是否使用了正确和一致的术语,没有使用不恰当或不专业的词汇。
  • 翻译是否流畅易懂,没有模糊不清或导致误解的地方。
  • 翻译是否考虑了目标受众的文化和地域因素,如地址、日期、度量衡等格式是否适合目标文化。
  • 翻译是否保持了源文本的风格和语气,没有改变作者的观点或态度。


  • 源文本中可能包含一些难以翻译或没有对应词汇的单词或短语,如“positive psychologists”、“permission to be human”、“Nobel winner”等。学生需要根据上下文和目标语言的习惯选择合适的表达方式,既不能过于直译,也不能过于意译。
  • 源文本中可能包含一些隐喻或修辞手法,如“glass that’s perpetually half full”、“the grand scheme of life”等。学生需要理解这些隐喻或修辞手法的含义,并尽量保留其效果和美感,而不是简单地替换为字面意思或其他词汇。
  • 源文本中可能包含一些文化或地域特定的信息,如“Harvard professor”、“Nobel winner”等。学生需要考虑目标受众是否熟悉这些信息,并根据需要进行适当的解释或注释。


  • 在翻译之前,仔细阅读源文本,理解其主旨和结构,把握其风格和语气,确定其目的和受众。
  • 在翻译过程中,参考相关的词典、术语表、语料库等工具,查找准确和一致的词汇和表达方式,避免使用不恰当或不专业的词汇。
  • 在翻译完成后,仔细校对和修改,检查是否有语法、拼写、标点、排版等错误,是否有遗漏或增加的信息,是否有模糊不清或导致误解的地方,是否保持了源文本的意思、风格和语气。
  • 在可能的情况下,让一位母语为目标语言的人审阅和评价你的翻译,给你提供反馈和建议,帮助你改进你的翻译水平。

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023/3/25(1) 👉 Translate English to Chinese (Simplified) and 144 languages … https://translatiz.com/translation/english-to-chinese-simplified Accessed 2023/3/25.
(2) Google Translate. https://translate.google.com/😉) Accessed 2023/3/25.
(3) English-Chinese online translator and dictionary - Yandex. https://translate.yandex.com/translator/en-zh Accessed 2023/3/25.
(4) English to Chinese Translation Online - FREE & BEST!. https://www.onlinetranslationpro.com/english-to-chinese-translation Accessed 2023/3/25.
(5) 👉 Translate English to Chinese (Simplified) and 144 languages … https://translatiz.com/translation/english-to-chinese-simplified Accessed 2023/3/25.


Most people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full. But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor. According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.
Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises. When he feels down – say, after giving a bad lecture – he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction. He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t. Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter.
如果你是出卷老师,你会怎么划分给分档次, 每一档次的标准是什么?



  • 满分:翻译准确、流畅、自然,没有语法错误或拼写错误,符合英语表达习惯,能反映出汉语的语气和文体特征。
  • 高分:翻译基本准确,有少量的语法错误或拼写错误,但不影响意思的传达,表达基本流畅和自然,能较好地反映出汉语的语气和文体特征。
  • 中等分:翻译大意正确,有一些语法错误或拼写错误,影响了意思的传达,表达不够流畅和自然,反映出汉语的语气和文体特征不够充分。
  • 低分:翻译错误较多,有很多语法错误或拼写错误,严重影响了意思的传达,表达不通顺和不自然,反映出汉语的语气和文体特征很差。
  • 零分:翻译完全错误或无法理解,或者没有按要求完成翻译任务。


Source: 英语四级翻译评分标准 - 知乎. https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/27669603 Accessed 2023/3/25.




  • Most people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full. 这句话中的would define和with a glass that’s perpetually half full是考点,要注意虚拟语气和介词短语的用法。
  • But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. 这句话中的that’s exactly the kind of和wouldn’t recommend是考点,要注意定语从句和虚拟语气的用法。
  • “Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor. 这句话中的being in touch with reality和says Tal Ben-Shahar是考点,要注意动名词短语和引述他人观点的用法。
  • According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best. 这句话中的realistic optimists和those who make the best of things that happen是考点,要注意形容词修饰名词和定语从句的用法。
  • Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises. When he feels down – say, after giving a bad lecture – he grants himself permission to be human. 这句话中的When he feels down – say, after giving a bad lecture –和grants himself permission to be human是考点,要注意时间状语从句和复合宾语的用法。
  • He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. 这句话中的that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner和some will be less effective than others是考点,要注意同位语从句和比较结构的用法。
  • Next is reconstruction. He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t. 这句话中的reconstruction和learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t是考点,要注意名词作主语和现在分词短语作结果状语的用法。
  • Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter. 这句话中的perspective和which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter是考点,要注意名词作主语和非限制性定语从句的用法。


给出前面你觉得可能的考点的具体解释, 比如什么应该翻译成什么, 有的考生容易误翻译成什么, 哪些考点比较难


  • would define和wouldn’t recommend是虚拟语气的用法,表示对现在或将来的假设或推测,应该翻译成“会”或“可能会”。有的考生容易误翻译成“应该”或“建议”,这样就改变了原文的意思。这个考点比较难,要注意区分虚拟语气和祈使语气。
  • **with a glass that’s perpetually half full是介词短语的用法,作为后置定语修饰endlessly happy,表示乐观主义者总是看到事物积极的一面。**有的考生容易误翻译成“带着一个永远半满的杯子”,这样就失去了原文的比喻意义。这个考点比较难,要注意理解英语中常用的习语和比喻。
  • that’s exactly the kind of和those who make the best of things that happen是定语从句的用法,分别修饰false cheerfulness和realistic optimists,表示对先行词的限定或说明。有的考生容易误翻译成“这正是那种”和“那些”,这样就忽略了从句的内容。这个考点比较容易,要注意把从句完整地翻译出来。
  • being in touch with reality和learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t是动名词短语的用法,分别作为means和involves的宾语,表示做某事或某种状态。有的考生容易误翻译成“接触现实”和“学习未来的功课”,这样就改变了原文的语态和含义。这个考点比较难,要注意动名词短语和动词不定式短语的区别。
  • says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor是引述他人观点的用法,表示引号内的话是Tal Ben-Shahar说的,他是哈佛大学的教授。有的考生容易误翻译成“说哈佛大学教授塔尔·本-沙哈尔”,这样就改变了原文中人名和职称的顺序。这个考点比较容易,要注意英文中人名和职称通常放在一起,而中文中通常先说职称再说人名。
  • realistic optimists是形容词修饰名词的用法,表示一种特殊类型的乐观主义者,即现实乐观派。有的考生容易误翻译成“现实和乐观”,这样就失去了原文中形容词作定语的作用。这个考点比较容易,要注意英文中形容词通常放在名词前面,而中文中通常放在名词后面。
  • grants himself permission to be human是复合宾语的用法,表示他给自己允许做一个普通人,即不要对自己要求太高。有的考生容易误翻译成“给自己一个做人的许可”,这样就忽略了原文中to be human是permission的补足语。这个考点比较难,要注意复合宾语中宾补与宾语之间的逻辑关系。
  • not every lecture can be a Nobel winner和some will be less effective than others是比较结构

🔺好用的prompt!找出里面的较难的、生僻的词汇和短语 列入表格

找出里面的较难的、生僻的词汇和短语 列入表格


optimism乐观主义,乐观态度He always has optimism about the future.
perpetually永恒地,不断地He is perpetually late for meetings.
false cheerfulness假装快乐,虚伪的快乐She put on a false cheerfulness to hide her sadness.
positive psychologists积极心理学家,积极心理学的研究者Positive psychologists study how people can live happier and more meaningful lives.
in touch with reality接触现实,面对现实He is not in touch with reality; he lives in a fantasy world.
realistic optimists现实的乐观主义者,现实乐观派Realistic optimists are not naive; they know the challenges and risks they face.
make the best of things that happen尽力利用发生的事情,从发生的事情中找到最好的一面She always tries to make the best of things that happen, even when they are bad.
everything happens for the best一切都是最好的安排,一切都有它的意义He believes that everything happens for the best, so he never regrets his choices.
optimistic exercises乐观训练,乐观练习He does optimistic exercises every day to improve his mood and outlook.
grants himself permission to be human允许自己做一个普通人,不要对自己要求太高He grants himself permission to be human; he knows he can’t be perfect all the time.
reconstruction重建,重构,重组He needs to do some reconstruction on his house after the storm.
learning lessons for the future从中吸取教训,为将来做准备He is learning lessons for the future from his mistakes.
perspective观点,看法,角度She has a different perspective on this issue than him.
acknowledging承认,认可,表示感谢He is acknowledging his fault and apologizing sincerely.
in the grand scheme of life在人生的大计划中,在人生的大局中,在生命的全貌中In the grand scheme of life, this problem is not very important.


🔺让他找找里面的写作素材 惊艳!



optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full可以用来描述乐观主义的特征或优点,或者与悲观主义进行对比Optimism is not just being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full; it is also being resilient and hopeful in the face of challenges.
false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend可以用来说明积极心理学的观点或建议,或者与真正的快乐进行对比False cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend is often a mask for deeper problems or dissatisfaction; true happiness comes from finding meaning and purpose in life.
Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality可以用来阐述健康的乐观态度的含义或重要性,或者与盲目的乐观进行对比Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality, not ignoring or denying the difficulties and risks; it also means having confidence and courage to overcome them.
realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best可以用来举例说明现实乐观派的特点或行为,或者与其他类型的乐观主义者进行对比Realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best; they are proactive and adaptable, not passive and fatalistic.
optimistic exercises可以用来介绍一些提升乐观情绪或心态的方法或技巧,或者与其他类型的练习进行对比Optimistic exercises are simple and effective ways to improve your mood and outlook; they include expressing gratitude, reframing negative thoughts, and visualizing positive outcomes.


🔺 让它出题!!!



OK, I can help you expand this translation into a short article, and then make three reading comprehension questions.😊

Here is the short article I wrote:

What is optimism? How does it affect our lives? How can we cultivate a healthy optimistic attitude? These questions may be of interest to many people. In this article, we will explore the views and suggestions of positive psychology, a branch of psychology that studies how people can live happier and more meaningful lives.

Most people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full. But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor. According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.

Realistic optimists are not naive; they know the challenges and risks they face. But they also have confidence and courage to overcome them. They are proactive and adaptable, not passive and fatalistic. They see opportunities and possibilities, not obstacles and limitations. They focus on solutions, not problems. They learn from failures, not dwell on them.

Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises to cope with difficulties and setbacks. When he feels down – say, after giving a bad lecture – he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction. He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t. Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t matter.

Optimistic exercises are simple and effective ways to improve your mood and outlook. They include expressing gratitude, reframing negative thoughts, and visualizing positive outcomes. You can practice them daily or whenever you need a boost of optimism. By doing so, you can enhance your well-being and resilience, as well as your relationships and performance.

Optimism is not just a personality trait; it is also a skill that can be learned and developed. By adopting a realistic optimistic attitude, you can enjoy the benefits of optimism without falling into the traps of false cheerfulness or blind optimism. You can face reality with hope and optimism, and make your life better.

Here are three reading comprehension questions based on the article:

  1. What is the difference between realistic optimists and those who believe everything happens for the best?
    A) Realistic optimists are more confident and courageous than those who believe everything happens for the best.
    B) Realistic optimists are more proactive and adaptable than those who believe everything happens for the best.
    C) Realistic optimists are more aware of the challenges and risks than those who believe everything happens for the best.
    D) All of the above.
    Answer: D
  2. What are the three optimistic exercises that Ben-Shahar uses?
    A) Permission to be human, reconstruction, and perspective.
    B) Gratitude, reframing negative thoughts, and visualizing positive outcomes.
    C) Confidence, courage, and adaptability.
    D) Opportunities, possibilities, and solutions.
    Answer: A
  3. What are the benefits of optimism according to the article?
    A) It can improve your mood and outlook.
    B) It can enhance your well-being and resilience.
    C) It can improve your relationships and performance.
    D) All of the above.
    Answer: D

I hope this article and these questions can help you learn more about optimism and positive psychology.👍


OK, I can help you make a cloze test based on the article.😊

Here is the cloze test I made:

What is optimism? How does it affect our lives? How can we cultivate a healthy optimistic attitude? These questions may be of interest to many people. In this article, we will explore the views and suggestions of positive psychology, a branch of psychology that studies how people can live happier and more meaningful lives.

Most people would define optimism as being endlessly happy, with a glass that’s perpetually half full. But that’s exactly the kind of false cheerfulness that positive psychologists wouldn’t recommend. “Healthy optimism means being in touch with reality,” says Tal Ben-Shahar, a Harvard professor. According to Ben-Shahar, realistic optimists are those who make the best of things that happen, but not those who believe everything happens for the best.

Realistic optimists are not naive; they know the challenges and risks they face. But they also have confidence and courage to (1)_______ them. They are proactive and adaptable, not passive and fatalistic. They see opportunities and possibilities, not obstacles and limitations. They focus on solutions, not problems. They learn from failures, not dwell on them.

Ben-Shahar uses three optimistic exercises to cope with difficulties and setbacks. When he feels down – say, after giving a bad lecture – he grants himself permission to be human. He reminds himself that not every lecture can be a Nobel winner; some will be less effective than others. Next is reconstruction. He analyzes the weak lecture, learning lessons for the future about what works and what doesn’t. Finally, there is perspective, which involves acknowledging that in the grand scheme of life, one lecture really doesn’t (2)_______.

Optimistic exercises are simple and effective ways to improve your mood and outlook. They include expressing gratitude, reframing negative thoughts, and visualizing positive outcomes. You can practice them daily or whenever you need a boost of optimism. By doing so, you can enhance your well-being and resilience, as well as your relationships and performance.

Optimism is not just a personality trait; it is also a skill that can be learned and developed. By adopting a realistic optimistic attitude, you can enjoy the benefits of optimism without falling into the traps of false cheerfulness or blind optimism. You can face reality with hope and optimism, and make your life (3)_______.

  1. A) avoid B) overcome C) ignore D) create
    Answer: B
  2. A) change B) matter C) improve D) happen
    Answer: B
  3. A) worse B) better C) different D) same
    Answer: B

I hope this cloze test can help you test your reading comprehension and vocabulary skills.👍ci


给出optimistic , optimism,optimist ,pessimistic, 这些词的衍生词 和 它们的辨析,列入表格

optimisticoptimisticallyoptimistic 表示对未来的事情持乐观态度。optimistically 是副词形式,表示以乐观的方式。
optimismoptimistic, optimistoptimism 表示对未来的事情持乐观态度。optimistic 是形容词形式,表示持乐观态度的人。optimist 是名词形式,表示持乐观态度的人。
pessimisticpessimisticallypessimistic 表示对未来的事情持悲观态度。pessimistically 是副词形式,表示以悲观的方式。


optimisticoptim- + -istic
optimismoptim- + -ism
pessimisticpessim- + -istic
pessimismpessim- + -ism

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023/3/25(1) Optimism | Definition & Origin | Britannica. https://bing.com/search?q=optimistic+etymology Accessed 2023/3/25.
(2) optimism | Etymology, origin and meaning of optimism by etymonline. https://www.etymonline.com/word/optimism Accessed 2023/3/25.
(3) Optimism | Definition & Origin | Britannica. https://www.britannica.com/topic/optimism Accessed 2023/3/25.
(4) Understand “Optimist” Through Etymology - Logophilia Education. https://logophilia.in/understand-optimist-through-etymology/ Accessed 2023/3/25.
(5) optimistic | Etymology, origin and meaning of optimistic by etymonline. https://www.etymonline.com/word/optimistic Accessed 2023/3/25.
(6) Pessimism - Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pessimism Accessed 2023/3/25.
(7) pessimism | Etymology, origin and meaning of pessimism by etymonline. https://www.etymonline.com/word/pessimism Accessed 2023/3/25.
(8) pessimist - Wiktionary. https://en.wiktionary.org/wiki/pessimist Accessed 2023/3/25.
(9) pessimistic | Etymology, origin and meaning of pessimistic by etymonline. https://www.etymonline.com/word/pessimistic Accessed 2023/3/25.
(10) Pessimistic Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pessimistic Accessed 2023/3/25.


optimisticoptim- + -istic乐观的optimism
pessimisticpessim- + -istic悲观的pessimism

Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023/3/25(1) Pessimism Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/pessimism Accessed 2023/3/25.
(2) optimistic | Etymology, origin and meaning of optimistic by etymonline. https://www.etymonline.com/word/optimistic Accessed 2023/3/25.
(3) Optimistic vs. Pessimistic: What’s The Difference?. https://www.dictionary.com/e/optimistic-vs-pessimistic/ Accessed 2023/3/25.
(4) optimism | Etymology, origin and meaning of optimism by etymonline. https://www.etymonline.com/word/optimism Accessed 2023/3/25.

我的意思是 optim,pessim这些词跟


Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023/3/25(1) derivative | Etymology, origin and meaning of derivative by etymonline. https://www.etymonline.com/word/derivative Accessed 2023/3/25.
(2) Derivatives: definition and basic rules | Khan Academy. https://www.khanacademy.org/math/differential-calculus/dc-diff-intro Accessed 2023/3/25.
(3) Optimum Definition & Meaning - Merriam-Webster. https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/optimum Accessed 2023/3/25.




Source: Conversation with Bing, 2023/3/25(1) 词根词缀大全合集_百度文库. https://wenku.baidu.com/aggs/cbed4bbfc77da26925c5b02f.html Accessed 2023/3/25.
(2) 为什么感觉词根词缀解释很勉强? - 知乎. https://www.zhihu.com/question/367302162 Accessed 2023/3/25.
(3) 英语词根字典 - 词根词缀大全 - 趣词英语词根表. https://www.quword.com/root/ Accessed 2023/3/25.
(4) 词源在线 | 英语词源词根词典. https://www.etymonline.com/cn Accessed 2023/3/25.
(5) 常见词汇词根词缀汇总,你的专属单词说明书 —迅速理解8000-15000单词不费劲 - 知乎. https://zhuanlan.zhihu.com/p/141536199 Accessed 2023/3/25.



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