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《计算机组成及汇编语言原理》学习第 12 天,p160-p176 总结,总计 17 页。



(1)programming model(mode)

As in most modern computers, there are at least two separate views of the system (formally called programming models, also often called programming modes) of the PowerPC in order to support multitasking.

A defined view of the architecture and capacity of a computer that may be limited for security reasons.

(2)block address translation (BAT) registers



在Pentium 处理器中,除了 segement register 是 16 位的,其它寄存器都是 32 位的。


1.as with so much

so much 在这里用作名词,意思是"many things"。as with so much in life 等同于 like many things in life, just as it is often the case in life(就像生活中的很多事情一样)。

p160, The key to RISC computing is that (as with so much in life) computer programs spend most of their time doing a few relatively common operations.


(1)outset: out- + set

c. the beginning, the act of setting out。

p162, There are also 32 floating point registers, designated at the outset as 64 bits.


c. a warning to consider sth before doing anything more.

p168, There are a few caveats.

4.poster child

c. sb/sth that is used to represent a particular quality(典型代表),也写作 poster boy 或者 poster girl。

p175, This makes the Pentium almost a poster child for CISC architecture, since every feature ever desired is still around—and every design decision made, good and bad, is still reflected in the current design.

5.a clean slate

idiom. A fresh start or beginning, without any existing constraints or previous issues to deal with。start with a clean slate的意思是“从零开始”。

p176, Unlike the designers of the JVM, who were able to start with a clean slate, the Pentium designers at each stage had to start with a working system and improve it incrementally.



p176, In the original 8088, any program had unfettered access to the entire register set, and by extension to the entire memory bank or to any peripherals attached—essentially, total control over the system and all its contents.


chapter 7 简评:分别从 background,organization and architecture, 介绍 PowerPC 组织结构及在这种结构下的汇编语言使用。


1. 编程

(1) Patrick Juola,《计算机组成及汇编语言原理》:https://book.douban.com/subject/3069889/

2. 英语

(1) Etymology Dictionary:https://www.etymonline.com

(2) Cambridge Dictionary:https://dictionary.cambridge.org





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