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以下是一个使用 Python 和 win32com.client 模块实现的示例代码,每当 Outlook 接收到一封新邮件时,执行检查逻辑并发送一封邮件到指定邮箱。这个代码依赖于 Windows 系统和安装了 Microsoft Outlook。


  1. 确保安装了 pywin32 库:
    pip install pywin32
  2. 启用 Outlook 的脚本运行权限。


import win32com.client
import pythoncom

class OutlookEventHandler:
    def __init__(self, specified_email):
        self.specified_email = specified_email
        self.outlook = win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents(
            "Outlook.Application", EventSink
        EventSink.specified_email = specified_email
        EventSink.outlook = self.outlook

class EventSink:
    specified_email = None
    outlook = None

    def OnNewMailEx(self, EntryIDCollection):
        This event is triggered whenever a new email is received.
        namespace = self.outlook.GetNamespace("MAPI")
        for entry_id in EntryIDCollection.split(","):
            mail_item = namespace.GetItemFromID(entry_id)
            if mail_item.Class == 43:  # Check if it's an email item

    def process_email(self, mail_item):
        Process the received email and send a new email.
        subject = mail_item.Subject
        sender = mail_item.SenderEmailAddress
        body = mail_item.Body

        # Example check logic (you can customize this)
        if "urgent" in subject.lower():
            self.send_email(sender, subject)

    def send_email(self, sender, subject):
        Send a new email to the specified address.
        mail = self.outlook.CreateItem(0)  # 0: olMailItem
        mail.To = self.specified_email
        mail.Subject = f"Notification: Email from {sender}"
        mail.Body = f"Received an email with subject: {subject}"
        print(f"Notification sent to {self.specified_email}.")

if __name__ == "__main__":
    SPECIFIED_EMAIL = "example@domain.com"
    print(f"Listening for new emails. Notifications will be sent to {SPECIFIED_EMAIL}.")
    event_handler = OutlookEventHandler(SPECIFIED_EMAIL)

    # Keep the script running to listen for new emails


  1. 事件监听:利用 win32com.client.DispatchWithEvents 监听 Outlook 的新邮件事件。
  2. 检查逻辑:示例中检查邮件主题是否包含 “urgent”。
  3. 发送邮件:通过 Outlook 创建并发送新邮件到指定邮箱。
  4. 保持运行pythoncom.PumpMessages() 保持脚本运行以监听事件。


  1. 权限问题:第一次运行时,Outlook 可能会提示授予访问权限。
  2. 后台运行:可以将脚本设置为服务或放入任务计划程序中运行。
  3. 防止滥用:避免频繁发送邮件,确保检查逻辑的有效性。



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