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💥1 概述

📚2 运行结果

🎉3 参考文献

🌈4 Matlab代码实现

💥1 概述


📚2 运行结果



function [ y ] = ATVMF( x, interp_method, operator )
% Algorithm name: Adaptive Time-Varying Morphological Filtering (ATVMF)
% Algorithm description: This method can achieve adaptive morphological filtering, 
% in which a time-varying structure element (TVSE) is adaptively designed
% based on the characteristics of a signal and is no longer fixed.
% Input:
% x: signal to be analyzed (a vector)
% interp_method: selected interpllation method, such as 'spline', 'pchip',
% 'linear' and 'nearest', in which 'spline' is recommended.
% 'spline' -- cubic spline interpolation
% 'pchip' -- cubic Hermitian interpolation
% 'linear' -- piecewise linear interpolation
% 'nearest' -- nearest neighbor interpolation
% operator: selected morphological operator, see sub-function 'MF_operator'
% Output:
% y: morphological filtered signal

x = x(:)-mean(x);  % a vector
N = length(x);

[indmin, indmax] = extreme_points(x);  % Determine the location of local minima and maxima 
% indmin -- the position of the local minimum point in the sequence x
% indmax -- the position of the local maximum point in the sequence x

tmin = indmin;
tmax = indmax;
xmin = x(tmin);  % The magnitude of the local minimum point
xmax = x(tmax);  % The magnitude of the local maximum point

% Sorting of local minimum and maximum points
textra = zeros(1,length(tmin)+length(tmax));
xextra = zeros(1,length(xmin)+length(xmax));
if tmin(1) < tmax(1)   % The first extreme point is the minimum point
    if tmin(end) > tmax(end)   % The last extreme point is the minimum point
        textra(1) = tmin(1);
        xextra(1) = xmin(1);
        for i = 1:length(tmax)
            textra(2*i) = tmax(i);
            textra(2*i+1) = tmin(i+1);
            xextra(2*i) = xmax(i);
            xextra(2*i+1) = xmin(i+1);
    else   % The last extreme point is the maximum point
        for i = 1:length(tmax)
            textra(2*i-1) = tmin(i);
            textra(2*i) = tmax(i);
            xextra(2*i-1) = xmin(i);
            xextra(2*i) = xmax(i);
else   % The first extreme point is the maximum point
    if tmin(end) < tmax(end)   % The last extreme point is the maximum point
        textra(1) = tmax(1);
        xextra(1) = xmax(1);
        for i = 1:length(tmin)
            textra(2*i) = tmin(i);
            textra(2*i+1) = tmax(i+1);
            xextra(2*i) = xmin(i);
            xextra(2*i+1) = xmax(i+1);
    else   % The last extreme point is the minimum point
        for i = 1:length(tmin)
            textra(2*i-1) = tmax(i);
            textra(2*i) = tmin(i);
            xextra(2*i-1) = xmax(i);
            xextra(2*i) = xmin(i);

% Selection of 'interp_method'
env = interp1(textra,xextra,textra(1):textra(end),interp_method);
delta = textra(1)-1;
S = length(indmin)-1;   % number of SE
y = [];   % output initialization
for s = 1:S
    xnew = x(indmin(s)+1:indmin(s+1));
    g = env(indmin(s)+1-delta:indmin(s+1)-delta);
    g = g-min(g);
    % the morphological filtering result
    ynew = MF_operator( xnew, g, operator );
    y = [y; ynew];


% sub-function
function d = dilation(f,g)
% Morphological dilation operation

N = length(f);
M = length(g);

dtmp = f;
for i = 1:N
    for j = 1:M
        if (i-j) >= 1 && (i-j) <= N
            tmp = f(i-j) + g(j);
            if tmp > dtmp(i)
                dtmp(i) = tmp;
d = dtmp;


% sub-function
function e = erosion(f,g)
% Morphological erosion operation
N = length(f);
M = length(g);

dtmp = f;
for i = 1:N
    for j = 1:M
        if (i+j) >= 1 && (i+j) <= N
            tmp = f(i+j) - g(j);
            if tmp < dtmp(i)
                dtmp(i) = tmp;

e = dtmp;


% sub-function
function y = MF_operator( x, g, operator )
% Morphological operators

a1 = dilation(x,g);   % dilation
a2 = erosion(a1,g);   % closing
a3 = erosion(a2,g);
a4 = dilation(a3,g);  % closing-opening

b1 = erosion(x,g);    % erosion
b2 = dilation(b1,g);  % opening
b3 = dilation(b2,g);
b4 = erosion(b3,g);   % opening-closing

if strcmp(operator,'Gde') == 1
    y = a1-b1;
elseif strcmp(operator,'Gco') == 1
    y = a2-b2;
elseif strcmp(operator,'Gcooc') == 1
    y = a4-b4;
elseif strcmp(operator,'AHde') == 1
    y = x-(a1+b1)/2;
elseif strcmp(operator,'AHco') == 1
    y = x-(a2+b2)/2;
elseif strcmp(operator,'AHcooc') == 1
    y = x-(a4+b4)/2;
elseif strcmp(operator,'MGPO1') == 1
    y = (a1-b1).*(a2-b2);
elseif strcmp(operator,'MGPO2') == 1
    y = (a1-b1).*(a4-b4);
elseif strcmp(operator,'MGPO3') == 1

🎉3 参考文献


[1]陈斌, 宋大鹏, 张伟, 程彦, 王志, 一种用于轴承故障诊断的性能增强时变形态滤波方法, 测量学报 (2021) 109163.

[2]陈斌, 程彦, 张文, 梅国, 用于轴承断层特征提取的增强数学形态算子研究, ISA Trans. (2021)

[3]B. Chen, D. Song, W. Zhang, Y. Cheng, Z. Wang, A performance enhanced time-varying morphological filtering method for bearing fault diagnosis, Meas. J. Int. Meas. Confed. 176 (2021) 109163.

[4]B. Chen, Y. Cheng, W. Zhang, G. Mei, Investigation on enhanced mathematical morphological operators for bearing fault feature extraction, ISA Trans. (2021). https://doi.org/10.1016/j.isatra.2021.07.027.

🌈4 Matlab代码实现



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