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1.oh my God I forgot about the broccoli I * forgot about the * broccoli it’s going to be some good * mashed potatoes that part’s very well * done oh * wow I’m actually really proud * myself all right guys welcome back to * the channel so right now we’re at Kroger * we’re going to see uh Garrett’s new * house and I’m going to be cooking for

2.them tonight and everyone’s going to * judge it even my camera crew so uh let’s * go inside and grab some steaks and like * potatoes and broccoli and I think that * sounds like a good meal last night you * cook for us I couldn’t even swallow my * eggs all right you know what you’re * fired get out of here all right let’s go * and get some vegetables we got you know * like we got a butter Bas of steak so

3.let’s get some fresh garlic I don’t know * if me making potatoes I think we you * boil them in water * right yeah * woo this * one all right now let’s go and get the * steak should I do like a side salad too * this is where it gets tricky here we’ll * just get some of these done * right let get all of

4.them where’s the regular garlic oh wait * garlic * out and salt is there * Cayenne all right all right we got it * we’re good now just butter and we’re out * of here like a block of salt and butter * all right we’re good let’s go and * [Music] * cook what’s up how we * doing all right guys so I’m in uh in

5.costume for this I used to cook a lot * and I really haven’t cooked in a while * so all right so we got some sour cream * for the mashed potatoes I don’t know why * I was just like this might that might be * good and then we got some mushrooms I * got some garlic herb uh butter I got a * potato * peeler then I got some thyme when it’s * off the oh sorry this is Rosemary rosle

6.potatoes and then we got some cheddar * cheese for the potatoes and we got some * steak rub and some * rice it’s bright all right so we got * some pans here what do I need the pans * for okay I know why I need that and we * should probably also you can boil the * potatoes in here * right do you have a potato peeler Grace * yeah no perfect

7.there you go we don’t need to get it all * just we need to get it enough you * know * perfect honestly I’m not a potato * fan like at all so I don’t know why I * chose to make these so I always grew up * helping my mom in the kitchen during * Thanksgiving and this year I didn’t * because I was out playing golf but I * normally help her especially with the

8.potatoes but I don’t know I just totally * like blanked out like on how to make * mashed potatoes but we’re going to * figure the one out we’re going to figure * this out I also used to cook all the * time growing up when I was really young * I wanted to be a chef and then I just * realized that that’s probably not the * best career path for * me can you not

9.laugh there’s nothing better than some * salty water * in okay let’s not do * that it’s going be some good mashed * potatoes I used to like making meatballs * growing up actually and that was like * that used to be like my go-to like I was * so good at that oh my God I’m like * disgusted I’m like going to turn * vegetarian

10.now I really don’t like this part oh was * horrible that Gordon Ramsey how did you * know don’t look at me like that * what’s up aser you want some you want * some I don’t know why I touched it let’s * get some of the broccoli going actually * let’s see if we * can I can really feel the comments * roasting me * all right what are you guys thinking so

11.far smelling pretty good are you steak * guy I’m a steak guy you’re a big steak * guy I love meat okay I love vegetables * okay I love broccoli okay I think it’s * looking good so far we’ll see though * it’s tough to say I mean you can’t judge * a book by the cover ever so you never * know it could look amazing then it could * come out and be absolutely terrible I * doubt that that’s going to happen I’m

12.rooting for Kai I think it’s going to be * amazing but I don’t know it does smell * good right all * right the heat from the Pand are like * burn I think this looks * [Music] * awesome that broccoli piece was not * cooked that was not cooked at all I’ve * just been to like a raw broccoli piece * oh my God look at

13.this okay I think I’m going to dump that * in here and strain the potatoes do you * have any uh the the * you know like uh the m so you don’t like * touch like oven mitts * yeah oh my God I’m actually so proud of * myself right now oh my God I forgot * about the broccoli I forgot about the * broccoli no * no let’s put more butter this is my herb

14.butter what is this yeah it’s my rare * butter you want to come over here and * look at this come here you can’t tell me * that does not look good it looks amazing * right oh my God my mom’s going to be so * proud of * me I thought they were going to be * better what they need they don’t taste * like * anything do you like garlic I do all

15.right perfect put a little that in there * I don’t like actual garlic clothes but I * like that that’s good right there like * I’m actually surprised how like the * mashed potatoes came out they’re good I * love like really they like they taste * good they just like the consistency is * pretty good too I just got to add a * little more seasoning yeah I don’t even * I made uh pasta back when I was a kid

16.it’s about all I ever made butter * noodles yeah butter noodles really good * it’s about as far as I can take my * cooking skills * so so this one I guess will be mine I’ll * just cut it up and put to the pan little * butterfly action yeah it Cooks easier * too like when it’s not like a full * steak oh * know all this one’s

17.127 were you shoot for 125 no they’re * 140 12 * one oh that one * way you see the * vision all * right you cannot tell me that does not * look good this looks really good I got * to say I * you might have * cooked I’m actually really proud look at

18.her cracking that smile right it looks * professional that’s what I told her I * said it legit looks professionally done * yeah it does get you pass down your * forks like that looks good good col you * should be proud aming good color First * Impressions just looks it looks like * something I would get out of a * steakhouse and I mean that and I’m very * picky I told you guys I’ll would be

19.honest but this like even the comments * here get a nice view of that get a nice * view of that chase get in there look at * that it * right Master is it cook * good * okay it’s pretty good to me that’s like * literally perfect that’s perfect it’s * perfect first thing I I notice is I like * how it is the same color the whole way

20.through yeah than when the the number * one thing to see about a bad steak is * when you see how it’s like brown brown * brown little bit of pink then brown * brown brown this is all pink and we like * that that’s a good thing to say that * part’s very well * done * okay not * bad yep yep that’s a good piece hold

21.onut hold on Kai you might have you * might have done something here you * really might * have how you killed that thank you where * did you guys get this steak * Kroger I think you did about everything * you could do with a Kroger steak will * they give us the ratings what do you * think your rating is I give it honestly * like I mean I haven’t even tried it but

22.the mashed potatoes were really good the * steak looks good I mean I’d probably say * like an 8.5 probably I’m going to give * my reasoning behind my answer cuz it is * very very well done steak was cooked to * Perfection okay light pink that’s how I * like it it’s literally I mean she knows * whenever I go I request light pink every * time so that was good cooked the entire * way

23.through I think the the steak * specifically um maybe it was a Kroger * thing or whatever but um I think that * the steak was probably just not as high * quality as you know know you would get * at like a steakhouse but that’s not your * fault cooked perfectly I’m not really * sure what seasoning you used but it was * very good okay easy to bite through easy * to cut uh mashed potatoes are very good

24.um and I’m a big mashed potatoes guy so * that’s awesome not a big Broccoli Guy * I’m going all in 8.2 all right oh I I * agree with that I’m * going * 94 all right I think it’s amazing mashed * potatoes are phenomenal thank you I * don’t know how you made them but they’re * great consistency is perfect * thank you and I think I’m going the same




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