Supported TX List,Keep Updating,支持的遥控器型号列表,不断更新
5. Flysky富斯
6. Microzone迈克
8. 内置和外置高频头的多协议开源控(Multi protocol Module Installed)
9. ELRS RF 高频头(13in1 Only)
2.1 通用的对码操作
2.2 更换遥控器对码
2.3 ELRS协议的对码
2.4 对码FAQ
5. 对码后,换一个遥控器对码如何操作?
6. 对码后,如何测试遥控器遥杆和按键的状态?
7. 天地飞ET系统如何对码?
8. MC 迈克mini系列,如mc6mini,mc7mini,mc8mini如何对码?
9. 修改/升级ELRS固件
Quick Start
1.How To choose a protocol?
2.How To do Binding With You RC Transmitter?
2.1 Common Bind Step
2.2 Bind with Another New TX
2.3 Bind with ELRS TX
2.4 FAQ about binding
3.How to identify the current working mode?
4.How to Change Working Mode?
5. After pairing, how to pair another remote controller?
7. How to pair the Wfly ET system?
8. How to pair the MC Mike mini series, such as mc6mini, mc7mini, and mc8mini?
9. How Modify/upgrade ELRS firmware?
Supported TX List,Keep Updating,支持的遥控器型号列表,不断更新
T14SG,T16iZ, T16SZ,T18MZ, T18MZ-WC. T18SZ, T4P, T10px,T10J,T10JA, T7px, T6J,T6K
X6,X6p,X6pm, DDF350
X9D,X9D+, DJT, DHT,XJT , TANDEM X12,X14,X18SE,X20,XE,TWIN X LITE,Taranis,X-Lite s/pro,TARANIS X7,X9D, X9Dplus,horus x10 ,horus x10s
5. Flysky富斯
FS-i6, FS-i6x, FS-i6s,TH9x, i4X, NV14, GT5, iT3B, iT3C,GT2E,GT2G,GT2F,GT3B/C,GT2,GT2B,FS-T6, T4B,CT6B,WLToys V911, V9x9, Xeida 99×8
6. Microzone迈克
MC6C,E6,MC7,MC8B(2020/6/15),MC10, MC6CMINI ,MC7MINI , MC8MINI
ET06, ET16S, ET16Pro, ET12, ET07, ET08, ET08A
8. 内置和外置高频头的多协议开源控(Multi protocol Module Installed)
常用的品牌,Jumper, RadioMaster, RadioKing,华科尔等任何控带以下高频头都可以支持,
CC2500高频头, 4in1高频头, 5in1高频头,a7105高频头(有flysky/2a协议)
9. ELRS RF 高频头(13in1 Only)
任何ELRS高频头,默elrs的版本是3.5.3 固件版本 HGLRC_HERMES_2400_RX_3.5.2
在你的电脑,手机或MAC 安装对应的模拟器软件。
在模拟器软件设置控制器。 具体每个模拟器都不一样,请按照软件的指示进行设置。
指示灯的颜色或闪烁的摩斯电码(三秒一个周期)可以区分协议, 上电后,自动进入对码模式。如果不就对码模式(不是闪摩斯电码)的话,请等待20秒,按一下按钮即可进入对码模式。
编号 | 电码 | 描述 | 协议名 | 指示灯颜色 | 支持的遥控器 |
0 | ----- | 五长 | FUTABA,SFHSS | T:绿 R:绿 | T14SG,T16SZ/IZ, T18SZ, T4P, T10px, T7px, T6J.. |
1 | .---- | 一短四长 | RADIOLINK, | T:红 R:绿 | T8FB,T8S,RC8x,RC4GS,RC6GS,T12D,T16D |
2 | ..--- | 两短三长 | RADIOLINK_DUMBORC, | T:蓝 R:绿 | DUMBORC, 小飞像X6,X6p,X6pm, DDF350 |
3 | ...-- | 三短两长 | FRSKYD8, | T:黄 R:绿 | X9D,X9D+, DJT, DHT… |
4 | ....- | 四短一长 | FRSKY_D16FCC,ACCST | T:紫 R:绿 | XJT , TANDEM X12,X14,X18SE,X20,XE,TWIN X LITE,Taranis,X-Lite s/pro,TARANIS X7,X9D/plus,horus x10/s |
5 | -...- | 一长三短一长 | FRSKY_D16LBT,ACCST | T:红 R:紫 | XJT , TANDEM X12,X14,X18SE,X20,XE,TWIN X LITE,Taranis,X-Lite s/pro,TARANIS X7,X9D/plus,horus x10/s |
6 | -.... | 一长四短 | FRSKY_D16v2FCC,,ACCST | T:蓝 R:紫 | XJT , TANDEM X12,X14,X18SE,X20,XE,TWIN X LITE,Taranis,X-Lite s/pro,TARANIS X7,X9D/plus,horus x10/s |
7 | --... | 两长三短 | FRSKY_D16v2LBT,,ACCST | T:黄 R:紫 | XJT , TANDEM X12,X14,X18SE,X20,XE,TWIN X LITE,Taranis,X-Lite s/pro,TARANIS X7,X9D/plus,horus x10/s X |
8 | ---.. | 三长两短 | AHDFS2A , | T:紫 R:紫 | FS-i6/x/s,TH9x,i4X,NV14, GT5, iT3B/C, GT2E/G/F… |
9 | ----. | 四长一短 | AHDFS , | T:红 R:蓝 | GT3B/C,GT2/B,FS-T6, T4B,CT6B,WLToys V911, V9x9, and Xeida 99×8… |
10 | .-.-.- | 一短一长三次 | MC6C , | T:蓝 R:蓝 | MC6C,E6,MC7,MC8B(2020/6/15),MC10, MC6C/7MINI… |
11 | ..--.. | 两短两长两短 | WFLY2 , | T:黄 R:蓝 | ET06, ET16/S, ET12, ET07, ET08… |
12 | -..-. | 1长2短 1长 1 短 | ELRS | T: 蓝 R: 白 | ERLS (仅在13合1版本存在) |
2.1 通用的对码操作
2.2 更换遥控器对码
2.3 ELRS协议的对码
关于ELRS的对码,对码方式其实和普通的ELRS接收机对码方式是完全一样的。首先必须切换ELRS协议(13in1版本默认是ERLS协议,LED是一白一蓝),切换到ELRS后,白灯为协议摩斯电码,蓝色灯则为ELRS的接收指示灯。 这时对和普通的ELRS接收机是完全一样的,当蓝色状态灯双闪才是对码状态,第一次使用正常默认就是对码状态,蓝色状态灯双闪。如果不是对码状态,蓝色状态灯不是双闪。那么需要你手动操作让它进入ELRS对码模式,你可以使用以下其中任一办法:
2.3.1 等待20秒后,按一下加密狗的按钮,再等一秒,再按一下加密狗的按钮
2.3.2 连续快速上电三次
2.3.3 等60秒左右,看蓝色灯快闪,ELRS接收机就会进入wifi,使用设备连接名为expressLrs的wifi, 打开网页设置对码,或填入密码对码。
当ELRS进入对码模式,就可以使用遥控器的elrs菜单的bind进行对码(如果是密码对码方式,不需要操作这一步),对码成功后,蓝色灯会由双闪变成常亮。要是加密狗的蓝色灯还是慢慢单闪,那就是就elrs控制器的设置问题了,到ELRS的菜单项,Model Match这里,把它设置成ON,然后再切换到OFF,稍等一会,ELRS就会常亮,然后白色灯也会常亮。
ELRS的固件是HGLRC_HERMES_2400_RX_3.5.2, 需要 TX 也是ELRS 3.x 以上的固件才可以对码。要是有问题可以自行使用wifi升级内置elrs的接收机固件。
2.4 对码FAQ
2.4.1 有些遥控器,如天地飞的ET系统会提示对码失败,这时,请不要管遥控器的提示,只要看到加密狗的指标亮快闪了之后,遥控器就可以退出对码状态,加密狗就会常亮,对码就成功了。
2.4.2 mc6mini需要切换到旧的协议,B站有切换教程,就是底下四个混控开头,左起第2个和第4个,同时按一下即可,请看视频。MC7MINI , MC8MINI请在菜单选择MC7RB
2.4.3 Frsky的遥控请注意要选择ACCST,不要选ACCESS。 Frksy D16有四个版本,比较多,分v1和v2两个新老版本,然后还分FCC标准和LBT的欧洲标准。需要一个一个试,可以先让遥控器进入对码状态,然后按一下按钮等3秒左右,要是没有看到快认,就再按一个换一个协议,直接看到快闪,就对码成功了。正常中国是FCC的两个版本其中之一。
2.4.4 天地飞ET16s 升级了v.1.1.60以上的版本,对码时需要选择模型1,或17-30才可以成功对码。
模式 | 指标灯状态 | 支持模拟器 |
1.PHOENIX | 每3秒闪一下 | 凤凰(Phoenix RC 5-6) |
2.XTR | 每3秒闪两下 | REFLEX XTR,FREE RIDER, LIFT OFF, DRL,HotProns, Next, Uncrashed, Heli X… |
3. AERO | 每3秒闪三下 | AEROFLY, Tryp, RealFlight9.5 |
4.XBOX360 | 每3秒闪四下 | 基本其它所有的游戏都能玩,如地平线5 |
5. 对码后,换一个遥控器对码如何操作?
5.1 关掉原来的遥控器
5.2 重新插拔加密码(不要按按钮), 等待20秒后
5.3 按一下按钮,就会重新进入对码模式
6. 对码后,如何测试遥控器遥杆和按键的状态?
7. 天地飞ET系统如何对码?
部分天地飞的遥控升级了最新的固件,必须使用模型1,17-30来对码。 对码时,遥控器会提示对码失败,不用管,直接退出对码,看到指标灯常亮就可以了。
8. MC 迈克mini系列,如mc6mini,mc7mini,mc8mini如何对码?
mc6mini需要切换到旧的协议,B站有切换教程,就是底下四个混控开头,左起第2个和第4个,同时按一下即可。迈克6C MINI射频切换_哔哩哔哩_bilibili
9. 修改/升级ELRS固件
Quick Start
Insert the dongle into the USB port of your computer, mobile phone or MAC.
Use the button on the dongle to select a suitable protocol. See section 1 for details of FAQ.
Do Bingding with your remote controller. The LED of dongle will be stable if binding success , please refer to Section 2 of the FAQ.
Install the corresponding emulator software on your computer, mobile phone or MAC.
Use the button on the dongle to select the appropriate working mode. Specifically, see sections 3 and 4 of the FAQ
Turn on the remote control, plug in the dongle, and open the emulator software.
Set up the controller in the simulator software. Each simulator is different, please follow the instructions of the software to set it up.
Start the Fun Flight Simulator
1.How To choose a protocol?
After switching to the correct protocol, turn on the RC transmitter , make it the binding state, wait for a while, observe the Dongle’s light , it would flashing quickly and become stable, binding is done. In Some protocol, indicators will become stable directly, but some will not be stable immediately, at this time , restart the RC transmitter, then it would work.
If you want the dongle to binding with another remote, then you can turn off the old remote control, then plug and unplug the dongle again, then wait 20 seconds, press the dongle button again, and it will re-enter the binding mode. Then you can open the new remote control Transmitter and do the binding.
# | Codes | Desc | Protocol | Led Color | Transimitter |
0 | ----- | 5long | FUTABA,SFHSS | T:Green R:Green | T14SG,T16SZ/IZ, T18SZ, T4PM, T10px, T7px,T6J |
1 | .---- | 1Short 4Long | RADIOLINK, | T:Red R:Green | T8FB,T8S,RC8x,RC4GS,RC6GS,T12D,T16D |
2 | ..--- | 2Short 3Long | RADIOLINK_DUMBORC, | T:Blue R:Green | DUMBORC, X6,X6p,X6pm, DDF350 |
3 | ...-- | 3Short 2Long | FRSKYD8, | T:Yellow R:Green | X9D,X9D+, DJT, DHT… |
4 | ....- | 4Short 1Long | FRSKY_D16FCC,ACCST | T:Purple R:Green | XJT , TANDEM X12,X14,X18SE,X20,XE,TWIN X LITE,Taranis,X-Lite s/pro,TARANIS X7,X9D/plus,horus x10/s |
5 | 1Long 3Short 1Long | FRSKY_D16LBT,ACCST | T:Red R:Purple | XJT , TANDEM X12,X14,X18SE,X20,XE,TWIN X LITE,Taranis,X-Lite s/pro,TARANIS X7,X9D/plus,horus x10/s | |
6 | -.... | 1Long 4Short | FRSKY_D16v2FCC,ACCST | T:Blue R:Purple | XJT , TANDEM X12,X14,X18SE,X20,XE,TWIN X LITE,Taranis, X-Lite s/pro,TARANIS X7,X9D/plus,horus x10/s |
7 | --... | 2Long 3Short | FRSKY_D16v2LBT,ACCST | T:Yellow R:Purple | XJT , TANDEM X12,X14,X18SE,X20,XE,TWIN X LITE,Taranis, X-Lite s/pro,TARANIS X7,X9D/plus,horus x10/s |
8 | ---.. | 3Long 2Short | AHDFS2A , | T:Purple R:Purple | FS-i6/x/s,TH9x,i4X,NV14, GT5, iT3B/C, GT2E/G/F… |
9 | ----. | 4Long 1Short | AHDFS , | T:Red R:Blue | GT3B/C, GT2/B, FS-T6, T4B,CT6B,WLToys V911, V9x9, and Xeida 99×8… |
10 | .-.-.- | 1S1L 1S1L 1S1L | MC6C , | T:Blue R:Blue | MC6C,E6,MC7,MC8B( after 2020/6/15),MC10… |
11 | ..--.. | 2S 2L 2S | WFLY2 , | T:Yellow R:Blue | ET06,ET16/S,ET12,ET07,ET08… |
12 | -..-. | 1L2s1L1s | ELRS | T:Blue R:White | ERLS ,Only available in 13in1 Version |
2.How To do Binding With You RC Transmitter?
2.1 Common Bind Step
After switching to the correct protocol, turn on the remote control to enter the pairing mode. After a while, if you observe that the indicator light flashes quickly and then turns off and restarts, it means that the pairing is successful. Some protocol indicator lights will stay on directly, while some protocols will not stay on immediately. At this time, just restart the remote control.
2.2 Bind with Another New TX
If you want to pair the dongle with another remote control, then you can turn off the old remote control, then re-plug the dongle, wait 20 seconds, and press the button of the dongle again, it will re-enter the pairing mode. Then you can turn on the new remote control to pair.
2.3 Bind with ELRS TX
Regarding the pairing of ELRS, the pairing method is actually exactly the same as that of ordinary ELRS receivers. First, you must switch the ELRS protocol (the default for the 13in1 version is the ERLS protocol, and the LEDs are one white and one blue). After switching to ELRS, the white light is the Morse code of the protocol, and the blue light is the receiving indicator of ELRS.At this time, the pairing is exactly the same as that of the ordinary ELRS receiver. When the blue status light flashes twice, it is in the pairing state. The first time you use it, the normal default is the pairing state, and the blue status light flashes twice. If it is not in the pairing state, the blue status light does not flash twice. Then you need to manually operate it to enter the ELRS pairing mode. You can use any of the following methods:
2.3.1 Re-plug the dongle, Wait 20 seconds, Press the button of the dongle's button once , wait 1 second, then press the dongle's button one more time.
2.3.2 Power on three times in a row
2.3.3 Wait for about 60 seconds, and when the blue light flashes quickly, the ELRS receiver will enter the wifi. Use the device to connect to the wifi named expressLrs, open the web page to set the pairing, or fill in the password to pair.
When ELRS enters the pairing mode, you can use the bind in the elrs menu of the remote control to pair (if it is password pairing, this step is not required). After the pairing is successful, the blue light will change from double flashing to constant on. If the blue light of the dongle is still flashing slowly, it is a problem with the settings of the elrs controller. Go to the ELRS menu item, Model Match, set it to ON, then switch it to OFF, wait a while, ELRS will be constant on, and then the white light will also be constant on.
The firmware of ELRS RX is HGLRC_HERMES_2400_RX_3.5.2, and the TX needs to be ELRS 3.x or above for pairing. If there is any problem, you can use wifi to upgrade the firmware of the built-in elrs.
2.4 FAQ about binding
2.4.1 Some remote controllers, such as Wfly ET system, will prompt that the pairing fails. At this time, please ignore the remote controller's prompt. As long as you see the indicator of the dongle flashing quickly, the remote controller can exit the pairing state, the dongle will be on all the time, and the pairing is successful.
2.4.2 mc6mini needs to switch to the old protocol. There is a switching tutorial on B station. It starts with the four mixers below, the second and fourth from the left, and you can press them at the same time. MC7MINI, MC8MINI, please select MC7RB in the menu
2.4.3 For Frsky's remote control, please note that you should select ACCST, not ACCESS. Frksy D16 has four versions, which are quite a lot. They are divided into two new and old versions, v1 and v2, and then divided into FCC standards and LBT European standards. You need to try one by one. You can first put the remote control into the pairing state, then press the button and wait for about 3 seconds. If you don’t see the quick recognition, press another one to change the protocol. If you see the quick flash directly, the pairing is successful.
2.4.4 Wfly ET16s has been upgraded to version v.1.1.60 or above. When pairing, you need to select model 1, or 17-30 to successfully pair.
3.How to identify the current working mode?
After the binding is successful, turn off the rc transmitter, and observe how many flashes of the indicator light every 3 seconds, which is the mode number.
Mode | LED | Simulators |
1.PHOENIX | 1 flash every 3 Seconds | Phoenix RC 5-6 |
2.XTR | 2 flash every 3 Seconds | REFLEX XTR,FREE RIDER, LIFT OFF ,DRL,HotProns, Next, Uncrashed, Heli-X, |
3. AERO | 3 flash every 3 Seconds | AEROFLY , Tryp, Aero fligh RC, RealFlight9.5 |
4.XBOX360 | 4 flash every 3 seconds | All most any other games, such as Forza Horizon 5 |
4.How to Change Working Mode?
After the binding is successful, turn off the remote control, Pull out the dongle from the USB port, then insert it again. Press and hold the button, the indicator light will cycle to switch modes, and observe the required mode, such as mode two, that is, to see two flashes every three seconds, release the button, the indicator light will automatically flash quickly and restart, and the switching mode will be successful.
The color of the indicator or the flashing Morse code (three seconds per cycle) can distinguish the protocol, and after powering on, it will automatically enter the code binding mode. If you don't have the binding mode (not flashing Morse code), please wait for 20 seconds and press the button to enter the binding mode.
5. After pairing, how to pair another remote controller?
5.1 Turn off the original remote controller
5.2 Re-plug the dongle (do not press the button), wait for 20 seconds
5.3 Press the button of the dongle , it will re-enter the pairing mode
6. After pairing, how to test the status of the remote controller joystick and buttons?
Set to mode 2, 3, 4, then open Windows to the control panel, find the USB controller, and click Properties
7. How to pair the Wfly ET system?
Some Wfly ET remote controllers have upgraded to the latest firmware. you have to pair with model 1, and 17-30 only. When pairing, the remote controller will prompt that the pairing failed. Don't worry about it. Just exit the pairing and see the dongle's indicator light is stable on.
8. How to pair the MC Mike mini series, such as mc6mini, mc7mini, and mc8mini?
mc6mini needs to switch to the old protocol. There is a switching tutorial on B station. It starts with the four mixers below, the second and fourth from the left, and you can press them at the same time.
For other mini series controllers, enter the remote control menu and select mc7rb as the receiver.
9. How Modify/upgrade ELRS firmware?
Use wifi as the regular ELRS receiver.