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用 Python 从零开始创建神经网络(二十二):预测(Prediction)/推理(Inference)(完结)


  • 引言
  • 完整代码:



以Fashion MNIST分类为例,我们希望加载一个已训练的模型,展示从未见过的图像,并让它预测正确的分类。为此,我们将在Model类中添加一个新的predict方法:

    # Predicts on the samples
    def predict(self, X, *, batch_size=None):

请注意,我们使用可能的batch_size X X X进行预测。这意味着所有预测,包括仅对一个样本的预测,仍将作为样本列表输入,以NumPy数组的形式,其中第一维是样本列表,第二维是样本数据。例如,如果我们想对一张图像进行预测,仍然需要创建一个NumPy数组,模拟一个包含单个样本的列表——形状为(1, 784),其中1表示该单个样本,784表示样本中的特征数量(每张图像的像素数)。与evaluate方法类似,我们将计算计划进行的步骤数量:

		# Default value if batch size is not being set
        prediction_steps = 1
        # Calculate number of steps
        if batch_size is not None:
            prediction_steps = len(X) // batch_size
            # Dividing rounds down. If there are some remaining
            # data, but not a full batch, this won't include it
            # Add `1` to include this not full batch
            if prediction_steps * batch_size < len(X):
                prediction_steps += 1


        # Model outputs
        output = []


        # Iterate over steps
        for step in range(prediction_steps):
            # If batch size is not set -
            # train using one step and full dataset
            if batch_size is None:
                batch_X = X
            # Otherwise slice a batch
                batch_X = X[step*batch_size:(step+1)*batch_size]
            # Perform the forward pass
            batch_output = self.forward(batch_X, training=False)
            # Append batch prediction to the list of predictions



import numpy as np

output = []
b = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
b = np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])
b = np.array([[9, 10], [11, 12]])

[array([[1, 2],
       [3, 4]]), array([[5, 6],
       [7, 8]]), array([[ 9, 10],
       [11, 12]])]


import numpy as np

output = []
b = np.array([[1, 2], [3, 4]])
b = np.array([[5, 6], [7, 8]])
b = np.array([[9, 10], [11, 12]])
output = np.vstack(output)

[[ 1  2]
 [ 3  4]
 [ 5  6]
 [ 7  8]
 [ 9 10]
 [11 12]]


output = []
b = [[1, 2], [3, 4]]
output += b
b = [[5, 6], [7, 8]]
output += b
b = [[9, 10], [11, 12]]
output += b

[[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6], [7, 8], [9, 10], [11, 12]]



        # Stack and return results
        return np.vstack(output)


    # Predicts on the samples
    def predict(self, X, *, batch_size=None):
        # Default value if batch size is not being set
        prediction_steps = 1
        # Calculate number of steps
        if batch_size is not None:
            prediction_steps = len(X) // batch_size
            # Dividing rounds down. If there are some remaining
            # data, but not a full batch, this won't include it
            # Add `1` to include this not full batch
            if prediction_steps * batch_size < len(X):
                prediction_steps += 1
        # Model outputs
        output = []
        # Iterate over steps
        for step in range(prediction_steps):
            # If batch size is not set -
            # train using one step and full dataset
            if batch_size is None:
                batch_X = X
            # Otherwise slice a batch
                batch_X = X[step*batch_size:(step+1)*batch_size]
            # Perform the forward pass
            batch_output = self.forward(batch_X, training=False)
            # Append batch prediction to the list of predictions
        # Stack and return results
        return np.vstack(output)


# Create dataset
X, y, X_test, y_test = create_data_mnist('fashion_mnist_images')

# Scale and reshape samples
X_test = (X_test.reshape(X_test.shape[0], -1).astype(np.float32) - 127.5) / 127.5

# Load the model
model = Model.load('fashion_mnist.model')

# Predict on the first 5 samples from validation dataset
# and print the result
confidences = model.predict(X_test[:5])
[[9.47225571e-01 2.52310792e-06 4.26566275e-03 1.14208065e-04
  5.60502713e-07 1.03709858e-07 4.83857058e-02 9.79777681e-09
  5.65434220e-06 6.24423624e-09]
 [7.76644230e-01 5.56645566e-04 1.82817469e-03 2.07056459e-02
  4.91867031e-05 1.62446213e-07 2.00205415e-01 2.78994799e-10
  1.05146655e-05 1.24752910e-08]
 [9.96223211e-01 3.88239574e-09 4.89091559e-04 1.81238247e-05
  1.49976700e-06 7.25310034e-10 3.26809939e-03 1.81895521e-09
  1.49130344e-08 6.69718003e-10]
 [9.98704791e-01 1.77900521e-08 5.24727257e-05 4.83505391e-06
  1.02738902e-07 5.13466492e-10 1.23780814e-03 9.31118738e-09
  2.84552026e-09 6.17795770e-09]
 [8.52106988e-01 5.32999422e-07 4.70034749e-04 1.28197280e-04
  9.89067530e-07 9.23007946e-08 1.47292748e-01 8.85645761e-08
  1.79957738e-07 2.20160018e-07]]


在这种情况下,我们需要做的第一件事是获取这些置信向量的argmax值。回想一下,我们使用的是softmax分类器,因此这个神经网络尝试拟合的是独热向量(one-hot vectors),其中正确的类别用1表示,其他类别用0表示。在进行推断时,通常很难达到如此完美的结果,但我们通过输出中最高值对应的索引来确定模型的预测类别;这就是我们使用argmax的原因。


# Softmax activation
class Activation_Softmax:
    # Calculate predictions for outputs
    def predictions(self, outputs):
        return np.argmax(outputs, axis=1)


# Load the model
model = Model.load('fashion_mnist.model')

# Predict on the first 5 samples from validation dataset
# and print the result
confidences = model.predict(X_test[:5])
predictions = model.output_layer_activation.predictions(confidences)

# Print first 5 labels
[0 0 0 0 0]
[0 0 0 0 0]



fashion_mnist_labels = {
    0: 'T-shirt/top',
    1: 'Trouser',
    2: 'Pullover',
    3: 'Dress',
    4: 'Coat',
    5: 'Sandal',
    6: 'Shirt',
    7: 'Sneaker',
    8: 'Bag',
    9: 'Ankle boot'


for prediction in predictions:







import cv2

image_data = cv2.imread('tshirt.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(image_data, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))



首先,我们将以灰度模式读取这张图像,而不是RGB模式。这与Fashion MNIST图像的处理不同,后者已经是灰度图像,并且我们在使用cv2.imread()时传入了cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED参数,告知OpenCV我们的意图是读取灰度且不变的图像。然而,这里我们有一张彩色图像,cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED参数不起作用,因为“不变”意味着包含所有颜色;因此,我们将使用cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE来强制在读取图像时进行灰度处理:

import cv2
image_data = cv2.imread('tshirt.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)


import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray')




image_data = cv2.resize(image_data, (28, 28))


plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray')


接下来,我们将对图像进行展平和缩放操作。虽然缩放操作与训练数据相同,但展平操作略有不同;我们这里不是一组图像,而是一张单独的图像。正如之前解释的,单张图像必须作为包含该图像的列表传入。我们通过对图像应用.reshape(1, -1)来展平,其中参数1表示样本数量,-1将图像展平成长度为784的向量。这将生成一个1x784的数组,其中包含我们的一个样本和784个特征(即28x28像素):

image_data = (image_data.reshape(1, -1).astype(np.float32) - 127.5) / 127.5


# Load the model
model = Model.load('fashion_mnist.model')
# Predict on the image
confidences = model.predict(image_data)
# Get prediction instead of confidence levels
predictions = model.output_layer_activation.predictions(confidences)
# Get label name from label index
prediction = fashion_mnist_labels[predictions[0]]


fashion_mnist_labels = {
    0: 'T-shirt/top',
    1: 'Trouser',
    2: 'Pullover',
    3: 'Dress',
    4: 'Coat',
    5: 'Sandal',
    6: 'Shirt',
    7: 'Sneaker',
    8: 'Bag',
    9: 'Ankle boot'

# Read an image
image_data = cv2.imread('tshirt.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# Resize to the same size as Fashion MNIST images
image_data = cv2.resize(image_data, (28, 28))
# Reshape and scale pixel data
image_data = (image_data.reshape(1, -1).astype(np.float32) - 127.5) / 127.5

# Load the model
model = Model.load('fashion_mnist.model')
# Predict on the image
confidences = model.predict(image_data)
# Get prediction instead of confidence levels
predictions = model.output_layer_activation.predictions(confidences)
# Get label name from label index
prediction = fashion_mnist_labels[predictions[0]]



Ankle boot


mnist_image = cv2.imread('fashion_mnist_images/train/0/0000.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
plt.imshow(mnist_image, cmap='gray')




我们使用的训练数据是颜色反转的(即背景是黑色而不是白色,等等)。为了在缩放之前反转我们的图像,我们可以直接使用像素数学,而不是使用OpenCV。我们将所有像素值从最大像素值255中减去。例如,值为0的像素将变为 255 − 0 = 255 255 - 0 = 255 2550=255,值为255的像素将变为 255 − 255 = 0 255 - 255 = 0 255255=0

image_data = 255 - image_data


# Read an image
image_data = cv2.imread('tshirt.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# Resize to the same size as Fashion MNIST images
image_data = cv2.resize(image_data, (28, 28))
# Invert image colors
image_data = 255 - image_data
# Reshape and scale pixel data
image_data = (image_data.reshape(1, -1).astype(np.float32) - 127.5) / 127.5
# Load the model
model = Model.load('fashion_mnist.model')
# Predict on the image
confidences = model.predict(image_data)
# Get prediction instead of confidence levels
predictions = model.output_layer_activation.predictions(confidences)
# Get label name from label index
prediction = fashion_mnist_labels[predictions[0]]




image_data = cv2.imread('pants.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(image_data, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))



# Read an image
image_data = cv2.imread('pants.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# Resize to the same size as Fashion MNIST images
image_data = cv2.resize(image_data, (28, 28))
# Invert image colors
image_data = 255 - image_data


plt.imshow(image_data, cmap=‘gray’)



# Label index to label name relation
fashion_mnist_labels = {
    0: 'T-shirt/top',
    1: 'Trouser',
    2: 'Pullover',
    3: 'Dress',
    4: 'Coat',
    5: 'Sandal',
    6: 'Shirt',
    7: 'Sneaker',
    8: 'Bag',
    9: 'Ankle boot'
# Read an image
image_data = cv2.imread('pants.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# Resize to the same size as Fashion MNIST images
image_data = cv2.resize(image_data, (28, 28))
# Invert image colors
image_data = 255 - image_data
# Reshape and scale pixel data
image_data = (image_data.reshape(1, -1).astype(np.float32) -
127.5) / 127.5
# Load the model
model = Model.load('fashion_mnist.model')
# Predict on the image
confidences = model.predict(image_data)
# Get prediction instead of confidence levels
predictions = model.output_layer_activation.predictions(confidences)
# Get label name from label index
prediction = fashion_mnist_labels[predictions[0]]



import numpy as np
import cv2
import os
import pickle
import copy
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

# Loads a MNIST dataset
def load_mnist_dataset(dataset, path):
    # Scan all the directories and create a list of labels
    labels = os.listdir(os.path.join(path, dataset))
    # Create lists for samples and labels
    X = []
    y = []
    # For each label folder
    for label in labels:
        # And for each image in given folder
        for file in os.listdir(os.path.join(path, dataset, label)):
            # Read the image
            image = cv2.imread(os.path.join(path, dataset, label, file), cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
            # And append it and a label to the lists
    # Convert the data to proper numpy arrays and return
    return np.array(X), np.array(y).astype('uint8')

# MNIST dataset (train + test)
def create_data_mnist(path):
    # Load both sets separately
    X, y = load_mnist_dataset('train', path)
    X_test, y_test = load_mnist_dataset('test', path)
    # And return all the data
    return X, y, X_test, y_test

import numpy as np
import nnfs
from nnfs.datasets import sine_data, spiral_data
import sys


# Dense layer
class Layer_Dense:
    # Layer initialization
    def __init__(self, n_inputs, n_neurons,
                 weight_regularizer_l1=0, weight_regularizer_l2=0,
                 bias_regularizer_l1=0, bias_regularizer_l2=0):
        # Initialize weights and biases
        # self.weights = 0.01 * np.random.randn(n_inputs, n_neurons)
        self.weights = 0.1 * np.random.randn(n_inputs, n_neurons)
        self.biases = np.zeros((1, n_neurons))
        # Set regularization strength
        self.weight_regularizer_l1 = weight_regularizer_l1
        self.weight_regularizer_l2 = weight_regularizer_l2
        self.bias_regularizer_l1 = bias_regularizer_l1
        self.bias_regularizer_l2 = bias_regularizer_l2
    # Forward pass
    def forward(self, inputs, training):
        # Remember input values
        self.inputs = inputs
        # Calculate output values from inputs, weights and biases
        self.output = np.dot(inputs, self.weights) + self.biases
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues):
        # Gradients on parameters
        self.dweights = np.dot(self.inputs.T, dvalues)
        self.dbiases = np.sum(dvalues, axis=0, keepdims=True)
        # Gradients on regularization
        # L1 on weights
        if self.weight_regularizer_l1 > 0:
            dL1 = np.ones_like(self.weights)
            dL1[self.weights < 0] = -1
            self.dweights += self.weight_regularizer_l1 * dL1
        # L2 on weights
        if self.weight_regularizer_l2 > 0:
            self.dweights += 2 * self.weight_regularizer_l2 * self.weights
        # L1 on biases
        if self.bias_regularizer_l1 > 0:
            dL1 = np.ones_like(self.biases)
            dL1[self.biases < 0] = -1
            self.dbiases += self.bias_regularizer_l1 * dL1
        # L2 on biases
        if self.bias_regularizer_l2 > 0:
            self.dbiases += 2 * self.bias_regularizer_l2 * self.biases
        # Gradient on values
        self.dinputs = np.dot(dvalues, self.weights.T)
    # Retrieve layer parameters
    def get_parameters(self):
        return self.weights, self.biases
    # Set weights and biases in a layer instance
    def set_parameters(self, weights, biases):
        self.weights = weights
        self.biases = biases
# Dropout
class Layer_Dropout:        
    # Init
    def __init__(self, rate):
        # Store rate, we invert it as for example for dropout
        # of 0.1 we need success rate of 0.9
        self.rate = 1 - rate
    # Forward pass
    def forward(self, inputs, training):
        # Save input values
        self.inputs = inputs
        # If not in the training mode - return values
        if not training:
            self.output = inputs.copy()
        # Generate and save scaled mask
        self.binary_mask = np.random.binomial(1, self.rate, size=inputs.shape) / self.rate
        # Apply mask to output values
        self.output = inputs * self.binary_mask
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues):
        # Gradient on values
        self.dinputs = dvalues * self.binary_mask

# Input "layer"
class Layer_Input:
    # Forward pass
    def forward(self, inputs, training):
        self.output = inputs

# ReLU activation
class Activation_ReLU:  
    # Forward pass
    def forward(self, inputs, training):
        # Remember input values
        self.inputs = inputs
        # Calculate output values from inputs
        self.output = np.maximum(0, inputs)
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues):
        # Since we need to modify original variable,
        # let's make a copy of values first
        self.dinputs = dvalues.copy()
        # Zero gradient where input values were negative
        self.dinputs[self.inputs <= 0] = 0
    # Calculate predictions for outputs
    def predictions(self, outputs):
        return outputs
# Softmax activation
class Activation_Softmax:
    # Forward pass
    def forward(self, inputs, training):
        # Remember input values
        self.inputs = inputs
        # Get unnormalized probabilities
        exp_values = np.exp(inputs - np.max(inputs, axis=1, keepdims=True))
        # Normalize them for each sample
        probabilities = exp_values / np.sum(exp_values, axis=1, keepdims=True)
        self.output = probabilities
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues):
        # Create uninitialized array
        self.dinputs = np.empty_like(dvalues)
        # Enumerate outputs and gradients
        for index, (single_output, single_dvalues) in enumerate(zip(self.output, dvalues)):
            # Flatten output array
            single_output = single_output.reshape(-1, 1)
            # Calculate Jacobian matrix of the output and
            jacobian_matrix = np.diagflat(single_output) - np.dot(single_output, single_output.T)
            # Calculate sample-wise gradient
            # and add it to the array of sample gradients
            self.dinputs[index] = np.dot(jacobian_matrix, single_dvalues)
    # Calculate predictions for outputs
    def predictions(self, outputs):
        return np.argmax(outputs, axis=1)
# Sigmoid activation
class Activation_Sigmoid:
    # Forward pass
    def forward(self, inputs, training):
        # Save input and calculate/save output
        # of the sigmoid function
        self.inputs = inputs
        self.output = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-inputs))
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues):
        # Derivative - calculates from output of the sigmoid function
        self.dinputs = dvalues * (1 - self.output) * self.output
    # Calculate predictions for outputs
    def predictions(self, outputs):
        return (outputs > 0.5) * 1
# Linear activation
class Activation_Linear:
    # Forward pass
    def forward(self, inputs, training):
        # Just remember values
        self.inputs = inputs
        self.output = inputs
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues):
        # derivative is 1, 1 * dvalues = dvalues - the chain rule
        self.dinputs = dvalues.copy()
    # Calculate predictions for outputs
    def predictions(self, outputs):
        return outputs
# SGD optimizer
class Optimizer_SGD:
    # Initialize optimizer - set settings,
    # learning rate of 1. is default for this optimizer
    def __init__(self, learning_rate=1., decay=0., momentum=0.):
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.current_learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.decay = decay
        self.iterations = 0
        self.momentum = momentum
    # Call once before any parameter updates
    def pre_update_params(self):
        if self.decay:
            self.current_learning_rate = self.learning_rate * (1. / (1. + self.decay * self.iterations))
    # Update parameters
    def update_params(self, layer):
        # If we use momentum
        if self.momentum:
            # If layer does not contain momentum arrays, create them
            # filled with zeros
            if not hasattr(layer, 'weight_momentums'):
                layer.weight_momentums = np.zeros_like(layer.weights)
                # If there is no momentum array for weights
                # The array doesn't exist for biases yet either.
                layer.bias_momentums = np.zeros_like(layer.biases)
            # Build weight updates with momentum - take previous
            # updates multiplied by retain factor and update with
            # current gradients
            weight_updates = self.momentum * layer.weight_momentums - self.current_learning_rate * layer.dweights
            layer.weight_momentums = weight_updates
            # Build bias updates
            bias_updates = self.momentum * layer.bias_momentums - self.current_learning_rate * layer.dbiases
            layer.bias_momentums = bias_updates
        # Vanilla SGD updates (as before momentum update)
            weight_updates = -self.current_learning_rate * layer.dweights
            bias_updates = -self.current_learning_rate * layer.dbiases
        # Update weights and biases using either
        # vanilla or momentum updates
        layer.weights += weight_updates
        layer.biases += bias_updates
    # Call once after any parameter updates
    def post_update_params(self):
        self.iterations += 1        

# Adagrad optimizer
class Optimizer_Adagrad:
    # Initialize optimizer - set settings
    def __init__(self, learning_rate=1., decay=0., epsilon=1e-7):
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.current_learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.decay = decay
        self.iterations = 0
        self.epsilon = epsilon
    # Call once before any parameter updates
    def pre_update_params(self):
        if self.decay:
            self.current_learning_rate = self.learning_rate * (1. / (1. + self.decay * self.iterations))
    # Update parameters
    def update_params(self, layer):
        # If layer does not contain cache arrays,
        # create them filled with zeros
        if not hasattr(layer, 'weight_cache'):
            layer.weight_cache = np.zeros_like(layer.weights)
            layer.bias_cache = np.zeros_like(layer.biases)
        # Update cache with squared current gradients
        layer.weight_cache += layer.dweights**2
        layer.bias_cache += layer.dbiases**2
        # Vanilla SGD parameter update + normalization
        # with square rooted cache
        layer.weights += -self.current_learning_rate * layer.dweights / (np.sqrt(layer.weight_cache) + self.epsilon)
        layer.biases += -self.current_learning_rate * layer.dbiases / (np.sqrt(layer.bias_cache) + self.epsilon)
    # Call once after any parameter updates
    def post_update_params(self):
        self.iterations += 1
# RMSprop optimizer
class Optimizer_RMSprop:            
    # Initialize optimizer - set settings
    def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.001, decay=0., epsilon=1e-7, rho=0.9):
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.current_learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.decay = decay
        self.iterations = 0
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.rho = rho
    # Call once before any parameter updates
    def pre_update_params(self):
        if self.decay:
            self.current_learning_rate = self.learning_rate * (1. / (1. + self.decay * self.iterations))
    # Update parameters
    def update_params(self, layer):
        # If layer does not contain cache arrays,
        # create them filled with zeros
        if not hasattr(layer, 'weight_cache'):
            layer.weight_cache = np.zeros_like(layer.weights)
            layer.bias_cache = np.zeros_like(layer.biases)
        # Update cache with squared current gradients
        layer.weight_cache = self.rho * layer.weight_cache + (1 - self.rho) * layer.dweights**2
        layer.bias_cache = self.rho * layer.bias_cache + (1 - self.rho) * layer.dbiases**2
        # Vanilla SGD parameter update + normalization
        # with square rooted cache
        layer.weights += -self.current_learning_rate * layer.dweights / (np.sqrt(layer.weight_cache) + self.epsilon)
        layer.biases += -self.current_learning_rate * layer.dbiases / (np.sqrt(layer.bias_cache) + self.epsilon)
    # Call once after any parameter updates
    def post_update_params(self):
        self.iterations += 1

# Adam optimizer
class Optimizer_Adam:
    # Initialize optimizer - set settings
    def __init__(self, learning_rate=0.001, decay=0., epsilon=1e-7, beta_1=0.9, beta_2=0.999):
        self.learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.current_learning_rate = learning_rate
        self.decay = decay
        self.iterations = 0
        self.epsilon = epsilon
        self.beta_1 = beta_1
        self.beta_2 = beta_2
    # Call once before any parameter updates
    def pre_update_params(self):
        if self.decay:
            self.current_learning_rate = self.learning_rate * (1. / (1. + self.decay * self.iterations))        

    # Update parameters
    def update_params(self, layer):
        # If layer does not contain cache arrays,
        # create them filled with zeros
        if not hasattr(layer, 'weight_cache'):
            layer.weight_momentums = np.zeros_like(layer.weights)
            layer.weight_cache = np.zeros_like(layer.weights)
            layer.bias_momentums = np.zeros_like(layer.biases)
            layer.bias_cache = np.zeros_like(layer.biases)
        # Update momentum with current gradients
        layer.weight_momentums = self.beta_1 * layer.weight_momentums + (1 - self.beta_1) * layer.dweights
        layer.bias_momentums = self.beta_1 * layer.bias_momentums + (1 - self.beta_1) * layer.dbiases
        # Get corrected momentum
        # self.iteration is 0 at first pass
        # and we need to start with 1 here
        weight_momentums_corrected = layer.weight_momentums / (1 - self.beta_1 ** (self.iterations + 1))
        bias_momentums_corrected = layer.bias_momentums / (1 - self.beta_1 ** (self.iterations + 1))
        # Update cache with squared current gradients
        layer.weight_cache = self.beta_2 * layer.weight_cache + (1 - self.beta_2) * layer.dweights**2
        layer.bias_cache = self.beta_2 * layer.bias_cache + (1 - self.beta_2) * layer.dbiases**2
        # Get corrected cache
        weight_cache_corrected = layer.weight_cache / (1 - self.beta_2 ** (self.iterations + 1))
        bias_cache_corrected = layer.bias_cache / (1 - self.beta_2 ** (self.iterations + 1))
        # Vanilla SGD parameter update + normalization
        # with square rooted cache
        layer.weights += -self.current_learning_rate * weight_momentums_corrected / (np.sqrt(weight_cache_corrected) + self.epsilon)
        layer.biases += -self.current_learning_rate * bias_momentums_corrected / (np.sqrt(bias_cache_corrected) + self.epsilon)
    # Call once after any parameter updates
    def post_update_params(self):
        self.iterations += 1
# Common loss class
class Loss:
    # Regularization loss calculation
    def regularization_loss(self):        
        # 0 by default
        regularization_loss = 0
        # Calculate regularization loss
        # iterate all trainable layers
        for layer in self.trainable_layers:
            # L1 regularization - weights
            # calculate only when factor greater than 0
            if layer.weight_regularizer_l1 > 0:
                regularization_loss += layer.weight_regularizer_l1 * np.sum(np.abs(layer.weights))
            # L2 regularization - weights
            if layer.weight_regularizer_l2 > 0:
                regularization_loss += layer.weight_regularizer_l2 * np.sum(layer.weights * layer.weights)
            # L1 regularization - biases
            # calculate only when factor greater than 0
            if layer.bias_regularizer_l1 > 0:
                regularization_loss += layer.bias_regularizer_l1 * np.sum(np.abs(layer.biases))
            # L2 regularization - biases
            if layer.bias_regularizer_l2 > 0:
                regularization_loss += layer.bias_regularizer_l2 * np.sum(layer.biases * layer.biases)
        return regularization_loss

    # Set/remember trainable layers
    def remember_trainable_layers(self, trainable_layers):
       self.trainable_layers = trainable_layers

    # Calculates the data and regularization losses
    # given model output and ground truth values
    def calculate(self, output, y, *, include_regularization=False):
        # Calculate sample losses
        sample_losses = self.forward(output, y)
        # Calculate mean loss
        data_loss = np.mean(sample_losses)
        # Add accumulated sum of losses and sample count
        self.accumulated_sum += np.sum(sample_losses)
        self.accumulated_count += len(sample_losses)
        # If just data loss - return it
        if not include_regularization:
            return data_loss
        # Return the data and regularization losses
        return data_loss, self.regularization_loss()   
    # Calculates accumulated loss
    def calculate_accumulated(self, *, include_regularization=False):
        # Calculate mean loss
        data_loss = self.accumulated_sum / self.accumulated_count
        # If just data loss - return it
        if not include_regularization:
            return data_loss
        # Return the data and regularization losses
        return data_loss, self.regularization_loss()
    # Reset variables for accumulated loss
    def new_pass(self):
        self.accumulated_sum = 0
        self.accumulated_count = 0

# Cross-entropy loss
class Loss_CategoricalCrossentropy(Loss):
    # Forward pass
    def forward(self, y_pred, y_true):
        # Number of samples in a batch
        samples = len(y_pred)
        # Clip data to prevent division by 0
        # Clip both sides to not drag mean towards any value
        y_pred_clipped = np.clip(y_pred, 1e-7, 1 - 1e-7)
        # Probabilities for target values -
        # only if categorical labels
        if len(y_true.shape) == 1:
            correct_confidences = y_pred_clipped[
        # Mask values - only for one-hot encoded labels
        elif len(y_true.shape) == 2:
            correct_confidences = np.sum(y_pred_clipped * y_true, axis=1)
        # Losses
        negative_log_likelihoods = -np.log(correct_confidences)
        return negative_log_likelihoods
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues, y_true):
        # Number of samples
        samples = len(dvalues)
        # Number of labels in every sample
        # We'll use the first sample to count them
        labels = len(dvalues[0])
        # If labels are sparse, turn them into one-hot vector
        if len(y_true.shape) == 1:
            y_true = np.eye(labels)[y_true]
        # Calculate gradient
        self.dinputs = -y_true / dvalues
        # Normalize gradient
        self.dinputs = self.dinputs / samples

# Softmax classifier - combined Softmax activation
# and cross-entropy loss for faster backward step
class Activation_Softmax_Loss_CategoricalCrossentropy():  
    # # Creates activation and loss function objects
    # def __init__(self):
    #     self.activation = Activation_Softmax()
    #     self.loss = Loss_CategoricalCrossentropy()
    # # Forward pass
    # def forward(self, inputs, y_true):
    #     # Output layer's activation function
    #     self.activation.forward(inputs)
    #     # Set the output
    #     self.output = self.activation.output
    #     # Calculate and return loss value
    #     return self.loss.calculate(self.output, y_true)
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues, y_true):
        # Number of samples
        samples = len(dvalues)     
        # If labels are one-hot encoded,
        # turn them into discrete values
        if len(y_true.shape) == 2:
            y_true = np.argmax(y_true, axis=1)
        # Copy so we can safely modify
        self.dinputs = dvalues.copy()
        # Calculate gradient
        self.dinputs[range(samples), y_true] -= 1
        # Normalize gradient
        self.dinputs = self.dinputs / samples

# Binary cross-entropy loss
class Loss_BinaryCrossentropy(Loss): 
    # Forward pass
    def forward(self, y_pred, y_true):
        # Clip data to prevent division by 0
        # Clip both sides to not drag mean towards any value
        y_pred_clipped = np.clip(y_pred, 1e-7, 1 - 1e-7)
        # Calculate sample-wise loss
        sample_losses = -(y_true * np.log(y_pred_clipped) + (1 - y_true) * np.log(1 - y_pred_clipped))
        sample_losses = np.mean(sample_losses, axis=-1)
        # Return losses
        return sample_losses       
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues, y_true):
        # Number of samples
        samples = len(dvalues)
        # Number of outputs in every sample
        # We'll use the first sample to count them
        outputs = len(dvalues[0])
        # Clip data to prevent division by 0
        # Clip both sides to not drag mean towards any value
        clipped_dvalues = np.clip(dvalues, 1e-7, 1 - 1e-7)
        # Calculate gradient
        self.dinputs = -(y_true / clipped_dvalues - (1 - y_true) / (1 - clipped_dvalues)) / outputs
        # Normalize gradient
        self.dinputs = self.dinputs / samples
# Mean Squared Error loss
class Loss_MeanSquaredError(Loss): # L2 loss
    # Forward pass
    def forward(self, y_pred, y_true):
        # Calculate loss
        sample_losses = np.mean((y_true - y_pred)**2, axis=-1)
        # Return losses
        return sample_losses
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues, y_true):
        # Number of samples
        samples = len(dvalues)
        # Number of outputs in every sample
        # We'll use the first sample to count them
        outputs = len(dvalues[0])
        # Gradient on values
        self.dinputs = -2 * (y_true - dvalues) / outputs
        # Normalize gradient
        self.dinputs = self.dinputs / samples

# Mean Absolute Error loss
class Loss_MeanAbsoluteError(Loss): # L1 loss
    def forward(self, y_pred, y_true):
        # Calculate loss
        sample_losses = np.mean(np.abs(y_true - y_pred), axis=-1)
        # Return losses
        return sample_losses
    # Backward pass
    def backward(self, dvalues, y_true):
        # Number of samples
        samples = len(dvalues)
        # Number of outputs in every sample
        # We'll use the first sample to count them
        outputs = len(dvalues[0])
        # Calculate gradient
        self.dinputs = np.sign(y_true - dvalues) / outputs
        # Normalize gradient
        self.dinputs = self.dinputs / samples

# Common accuracy class
class Accuracy:
    # Calculates an accuracy
    # given predictions and ground truth values
    def calculate(self, predictions, y):
        # Get comparison results
        comparisons = self.compare(predictions, y)
        # Calculate an accuracy
        accuracy = np.mean(comparisons)
        # Add accumulated sum of matching values and sample count
        self.accumulated_sum += np.sum(comparisons)
        self.accumulated_count += len(comparisons)
        # Return accuracy
        return accuracy     
    # Calculates accumulated accuracy
    def calculate_accumulated(self):
        # Calculate an accuracy
        accuracy = self.accumulated_sum / self.accumulated_count
        # Return the data and regularization losses
        return accuracy
    # Reset variables for accumulated accuracy
    def new_pass(self):
        self.accumulated_sum = 0
        self.accumulated_count = 0

# Accuracy calculation for classification model
class Accuracy_Categorical(Accuracy):
    # No initialization is needed
    def init(self, y):
    # Compares predictions to the ground truth values
    def compare(self, predictions, y):
        if len(y.shape) == 2:
            y = np.argmax(y, axis=1)
        return predictions == y
# Accuracy calculation for regression model
class Accuracy_Regression(Accuracy):
    def __init__(self):
        # Create precision property
        self.precision = None
    # Calculates precision value
    # based on passed in ground truth
    def init(self, y, reinit=False):
        if self.precision is None or reinit:
            self.precision = np.std(y) / 250
    # Compares predictions to the ground truth values
    def compare(self, predictions, y):
        return np.absolute(predictions - y) < self.precision

# Model class
class Model:
    def __init__(self):
        # Create a list of network objects
        self.layers = []
        # Softmax classifier's output object
        self.softmax_classifier_output = None
    # Add objects to the model
    def add(self, layer):
    # Set loss, optimizer and accuracy
    def set(self, *, loss=None, optimizer=None, accuracy=None):
        if loss is not None:
            self.loss = loss
        if optimizer is not None:
            self.optimizer = optimizer
        if accuracy is not None:
            self.accuracy = accuracy
    # Finalize the model
    def finalize(self):
        # Create and set the input layer
        self.input_layer = Layer_Input()
        # Count all the objects
        layer_count = len(self.layers)
        # Initialize a list containing trainable layers:
        self.trainable_layers = []
        # Iterate the objects
        for i in range(layer_count):
            # If it's the first layer,
            # the previous layer object is the input layer
            if i == 0:
                self.layers[i].prev = self.input_layer
                self.layers[i].next = self.layers[i+1]
            # All layers except for the first and the last
            elif i < layer_count - 1:
                self.layers[i].prev = self.layers[i-1]
                self.layers[i].next = self.layers[i+1]
            # The last layer - the next object is the loss
            # Also let's save aside the reference to the last object
            # whose output is the model's output
                self.layers[i].prev = self.layers[i-1]
                self.layers[i].next = self.loss
                self.output_layer_activation = self.layers[i]
            # If layer contains an attribute called "weights",
            # it's a trainable layer -
            # add it to the list of trainable layers
            # We don't need to check for biases -
            # checking for weights is enough 
            if hasattr(self.layers[i], 'weights'):
            # Update loss object with trainable layers
            # self.loss.remember_trainable_layers(self.trainable_layers)
            if self.loss is not None:
        # If output activation is Softmax and
        # loss function is Categorical Cross-Entropy
        # create an object of combined activation
        # and loss function containing
        # faster gradient calculation
        if isinstance(self.layers[-1], Activation_Softmax) and isinstance(self.loss, Loss_CategoricalCrossentropy):
            # Create an object of combined activation
            # and loss functions
            self.softmax_classifier_output = Activation_Softmax_Loss_CategoricalCrossentropy()

    # Train the model
    # def train(self, X, y, *, epochs=1, print_every=1, validation_data=None):
    def train(self, X, y, *, epochs=1, batch_size=None, print_every=1, validation_data=None):
        # Initialize accuracy object
        # Default value if batch size is not being set
        train_steps = 1
        # If there is validation data passed,
        # set default number of steps for validation as well
        if validation_data is not None:
            validation_steps = 1
            # For better readability
            X_val, y_val = validation_data
        # Calculate number of steps
        if batch_size is not None:
            train_steps = len(X) // batch_size
            # Dividing rounds down. If there are some remaining
            # data, but not a full batch, this won't include it
            # Add `1` to include this not full batch
            if train_steps * batch_size < len(X):
                train_steps += 1
            if validation_data is not None:
                validation_steps = len(X_val) // batch_size
                # Dividing rounds down. If there are some remaining
                # data, but nor full batch, this won't include it
                # Add `1` to include this not full batch
                if validation_steps * batch_size < len(X_val):
                    validation_steps += 1
        # Main training loop
        for epoch in range(1, epochs+1):
            # Print epoch number
            print(f'epoch: {epoch}')
            # Reset accumulated values in loss and accuracy objects
            # Iterate over steps
            for step in range(train_steps):
                # If batch size is not set -
                # train using one step and full dataset
                if batch_size is None:
                    batch_X = X
                    batch_y = y
                # Otherwise slice a batch
                    batch_X = X[step*batch_size:(step+1)*batch_size]
                    batch_y = y[step*batch_size:(step+1)*batch_size]
                # Perform the forward pass
                output = self.forward(batch_X, training=True)
                # Calculate loss
                data_loss, regularization_loss = self.loss.calculate(output, batch_y, include_regularization=True)
                loss = data_loss + regularization_loss
                # Get predictions and calculate an accuracy
                predictions = self.output_layer_activation.predictions(output)
                accuracy = self.accuracy.calculate(predictions, batch_y)
                # Perform backward pass
                self.backward(output, batch_y)
                # Optimize (update parameters)
                for layer in self.trainable_layers:
                # Print a summary
                if not step % print_every or step == train_steps - 1:
                    print(f'step: {step}, ' +
                          f'acc: {accuracy:.3f}, ' +
                          f'loss: {loss:.3f} (' +
                          f'data_loss: {data_loss:.3f}, ' +
                          f'reg_loss: {regularization_loss:.3f}), ' +
                          f'lr: {self.optimizer.current_learning_rate}')
            # Get and print epoch loss and accuracy
            epoch_data_loss, epoch_regularization_loss = self.loss.calculate_accumulated(include_regularization=True)
            epoch_loss = epoch_data_loss + epoch_regularization_loss
            epoch_accuracy = self.accuracy.calculate_accumulated()
            print(f'training, ' +
                  f'acc: {epoch_accuracy:.3f}, ' +
                  f'loss: {epoch_loss:.3f} (' +
                  f'data_loss: {epoch_data_loss:.3f}, ' +
                  f'reg_loss: {epoch_regularization_loss:.3f}), ' +
                  f'lr: {self.optimizer.current_learning_rate}')
            # If there is the validation data
            if validation_data is not None:
                # Evaluate the model:
                self.evaluate(*validation_data, batch_size=batch_size)

    # Performs forward pass
    def forward(self, X, training):
        # Call forward method on the input layer
        # this will set the output property that
        # the first layer in "prev" object is expecting
        self.input_layer.forward(X, training)
        # Call forward method of every object in a chain
        # Pass output of the previous object as a parameter
        for layer in self.layers:
            layer.forward(layer.prev.output, training)
        # "layer" is now the last object from the list,
        # return its output
        return layer.output

    # Performs backward pass
    def backward(self, output, y):
        # If softmax classifier
        if self.softmax_classifier_output is not None:
            # First call backward method
            # on the combined activation/loss
            # this will set dinputs property
            self.softmax_classifier_output.backward(output, y)
            # Since we'll not call backward method of the last layer
            # which is Softmax activation
            # as we used combined activation/loss
            # object, let's set dinputs in this object
            self.layers[-1].dinputs = self.softmax_classifier_output.dinputs
            # Call backward method going through
            # all the objects but last
            # in reversed order passing dinputs as a parameter
            for layer in reversed(self.layers[:-1]):
        # First call backward method on the loss
        # this will set dinputs property that the last
        # layer will try to access shortly
        self.loss.backward(output, y)
        # Call backward method going through all the objects
        # in reversed order passing dinputs as a parameter
        for layer in reversed(self.layers):
    # Evaluates the model using passed in dataset
    def evaluate(self, X_val, y_val, *, batch_size=None):
        # Default value if batch size is not being set
        validation_steps = 1
        # Calculate number of steps
        if batch_size is not None:
            validation_steps = len(X_val) // batch_size
            # Dividing rounds down. If there are some remaining
            # data, but not a full batch, this won't include it
            # Add `1` to include this not full batch
            if validation_steps * batch_size < len(X_val):
                validation_steps += 1
        # Reset accumulated values in loss
        # and accuracy objects
        # Iterate over steps
        for step in range(validation_steps):
            # If batch size is not set -
            # train using one step and full dataset
            if batch_size is None:
                batch_X = X_val
                batch_y = y_val
            # Otherwise slice a batch
                batch_X = X_val[step*batch_size:(step+1)*batch_size]
                batch_y = y_val[step*batch_size:(step+1)*batch_size]
            # Perform the forward pass
            output = self.forward(batch_X, training=False)
            # Calculate the loss
            self.loss.calculate(output, batch_y)
            # Get predictions and calculate an accuracy
            predictions = self.output_layer_activation.predictions(output)
            self.accuracy.calculate(predictions, batch_y)
        # Get and print validation loss and accuracy
        validation_loss = self.loss.calculate_accumulated()
        validation_accuracy = self.accuracy.calculate_accumulated()
        # Print a summary
        print(f'validation, ' +
              f'acc: {validation_accuracy:.3f}, ' +
              f'loss: {validation_loss:.3f}')
    # Retrieves and returns parameters of trainable layers
    def get_parameters(self):
        # Create a list for parameters
        parameters = []
        # Iterable trainable layers and get their parameters
        for layer in self.trainable_layers:
        # Return a list
        return parameters
    # Updates the model with new parameters
    def set_parameters(self, parameters):
        # Iterate over the parameters and layers
        # and update each layers with each set of the parameters
        for parameter_set, layer in zip(parameters, self.trainable_layers):

    # Saves the parameters to a file
    def save_parameters(self, path):
        # Open a file in the binary-write mode
        # and save parameters to it
        with open(path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(self.get_parameters(), f)

    # Loads the weights and updates a model instance with them
    def load_parameters(self, path):
        # Open file in the binary-read mode,
        # load weights and update trainable layers
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
    # Saves the model
    def save(self, path):
        # Make a deep copy of current model instance
        model = copy.deepcopy(self)
        # Reset accumulated values in loss and accuracy objects
        # Remove data from input layer
        # and gradients from the loss object
        model.input_layer.__dict__.pop('output', None)
        model.loss.__dict__.pop('dinputs', None)
        # For each layer remove inputs, output and dinputs properties
        for layer in model.layers:
            for property in ['inputs', 'output', 'dinputs', 'dweights', 'dbiases']:
                layer.__dict__.pop(property, None)
        # Open a file in the binary-write mode and save the model
        with open(path, 'wb') as f:
            pickle.dump(model, f)

    # Loads and returns a model
    def load(path):
        # Open file in the binary-read mode, load a model
        with open(path, 'rb') as f:
            model = pickle.load(f)
        # Return a model
        return model

    # Predicts on the samples
    def predict(self, X, *, batch_size=None):
        # Default value if batch size is not being set
        prediction_steps = 1
        # Calculate number of steps
        if batch_size is not None:
            prediction_steps = len(X) // batch_size
            # Dividing rounds down. If there are some remaining
            # data, but not a full batch, this won't include it
            # Add `1` to include this not full batch
            if prediction_steps * batch_size < len(X):
                prediction_steps += 1
        # Model outputs
        output = []
        # Iterate over steps
        for step in range(prediction_steps):
            # If batch size is not set -
            # train using one step and full dataset
            if batch_size is None:
                batch_X = X
            # Otherwise slice a batch
                batch_X = X[step*batch_size:(step+1)*batch_size]
            # Perform the forward pass
            batch_output = self.forward(batch_X, training=False)
            # Append batch prediction to the list of predictions
        # Stack and return results
        return np.vstack(output)
# Create dataset
X, y, X_test, y_test = create_data_mnist('fashion_mnist_images')

# Scale and reshape samples
X_test = (X_test.reshape(X_test.shape[0], -1).astype(np.float32) - 127.5) / 127.5

# Load the model
model = Model.load('fashion_mnist.model')

# Predict on the first 5 samples from validation dataset
# and print the result
confidences = model.predict(X_test[:5])
predictions = model.output_layer_activation.predictions(confidences)

# Print first 5 labels

## tshirt
fashion_mnist_labels = {
    0: 'T-shirt/top',
    1: 'Trouser',
    2: 'Pullover',
    3: 'Dress',
    4: 'Coat',
    5: 'Sandal',
    6: 'Shirt',
    7: 'Sneaker',
    8: 'Bag',
    9: 'Ankle boot'
for prediction in predictions:
# Read an image
image_data = cv2.imread('tshirt.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(image_data, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
# Read an image
image_data = cv2.imread('tshirt.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray')
# Resize to the same size as Fashion MNIST images
image_data = cv2.resize(image_data, (28, 28))
plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray')
# Reshape and scale pixel data
image_data = (image_data.reshape(1, -1).astype(np.float32) - 127.5) / 127.5
# Load the model
model = Model.load('fashion_mnist.model')
# Predict on the image
confidences = model.predict(image_data)
# Get prediction instead of confidence levels
predictions = model.output_layer_activation.predictions(confidences)
# Get label name from label index
prediction = fashion_mnist_labels[predictions[0]]
mnist_image = cv2.imread('fashion_mnist_images/train/0/0000.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
plt.imshow(mnist_image, cmap='gray')
# Read an image
image_data = cv2.imread('tshirt.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# Resize to the same size as Fashion MNIST images
image_data = cv2.resize(image_data, (28, 28))
# Invert image colors
image_data = 255 - image_data
# Reshape and scale pixel data
image_data = (image_data.reshape(1, -1).astype(np.float32) - 127.5) / 127.5
# Load the model
model = Model.load('fashion_mnist.model')
# Predict on the image
confidences = model.predict(image_data)
# Get prediction instead of confidence levels
predictions = model.output_layer_activation.predictions(confidences)
# Get label name from label index
prediction = fashion_mnist_labels[predictions[0]]

## pants
image_data = cv2.imread('pants.png', cv2.IMREAD_UNCHANGED)
plt.imshow(cv2.cvtColor(image_data, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB))
# Read an image
image_data = cv2.imread('pants.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# Resize to the same size as Fashion MNIST images
image_data = cv2.resize(image_data, (28, 28))
# Invert image colors
image_data = 255 - image_data
plt.imshow(image_data, cmap='gray')
# Label index to label name relation
fashion_mnist_labels = {
    0: 'T-shirt/top',
    1: 'Trouser',
    2: 'Pullover',
    3: 'Dress',
    4: 'Coat',
    5: 'Sandal',
    6: 'Shirt',
    7: 'Sneaker',
    8: 'Bag',
    9: 'Ankle boot'
# Read an image
image_data = cv2.imread('pants.png', cv2.IMREAD_GRAYSCALE)
# Resize to the same size as Fashion MNIST images
image_data = cv2.resize(image_data, (28, 28))
# Invert image colors
image_data = 255 - image_data
# Reshape and scale pixel data
image_data = (image_data.reshape(1, -1).astype(np.float32) -
127.5) / 127.5
# Load the model
model = Model.load('fashion_mnist.model')
# Predict on the image
confidences = model.predict(image_data)
# Get prediction instead of confidence levels
predictions = model.output_layer_activation.predictions(confidences)
# Get label name from label index
prediction = fashion_mnist_labels[predictions[0]]





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