SimpleFOC STM32教程09|基于STM32F103+CubeMX,ADC采样相电流
SimpleFOC STM32教程08|基于STM32F103+CubeMX,速度闭环控制(没电流环)
- GenericCurrentSense(这个不清楚,暂时不管)
- InlineCurrentSense(采样电阻在上桥臂与下桥臂之间)
- LowsideCurrentSense(采样电阻在下桥臂下方且与GND连接。多数大功率且高电压的FOC驱动板使用这个方案)
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《STM32CubeMX | STM32使用HAL库的ADC多通道数据采集(DMA+非DMA方式)+ 读取内部传感器温度》
1.1.1、Scan Conversion Mode(扫描模式)
目的:让 ADC 能依次转换多个规则通道(Rank1 → Rank2 → …)。
配置:在 CubeMX 中设置“Number of Conversion”为你要采样的通道数,比如 2 个。然后分别把你要采的通道(如 Channel3、Channel4)放到合适的顺位(Rank1、Rank2)。
效果:每次触发(软件触发或硬件触发)时,ADC 会顺序地把这 2 个通道都转换完,实现了“一次触发,两通道采样”。
1.1.2、Continuous Conversion Mode(连续模式)
目的:让 ADC 在完成一轮“扫描序列”后,自动立即再来下一轮,不停地转换。
配置:如果只想“一次触发就采完全部通道并停下”,就关闭它(Disabled);如果要 ADC 不停地采样,则开启(Enabled)。
1.1.3、Discontinuous Conversion Mode(不连续模式)
“Number of Discontinuous Conversions” 决定了“每次触发转换多少个通道”。
例如:假设总共要扫描 4 个通道,Number of Discontinuous Conversions=2,则每次触发会转换 2 个通道,真正完整采完 4 个通道需要触发 2 次。这一次采样只有两个通道,触发一次即可。所以Disabled。
#include "InlineCurrentSense.h"
//#include "communication/SimpleFOCDebug.h"
#define SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG(fmt, ...) SEGGER_RTT_printf(0, fmt "\n", ##__VA_ARGS__)
// InlineCurrentSensor constructor
// - shunt_resistor - shunt resistor value
// - gain - current-sense op-amp gain
// - phA - A phase adc pin
// - phB - B phase adc pin
// - phC - C phase adc pin (optional)
InlineCurrentSense::InlineCurrentSense(float _shunt_resistor, float _gain, int _pinA, int _pinB, int _pinC){
pinA = _pinA;
pinB = _pinB;
pinC = _pinC;
shunt_resistor = _shunt_resistor;
amp_gain = _gain;
volts_to_amps_ratio = 1.0f /_shunt_resistor / _gain; // volts to amps
// gains for each phase
gain_a = volts_to_amps_ratio;
gain_b = -volts_to_amps_ratio; // 这里从simpleFOC源码改为-的原因是电路板的采样电阻上ADC采样端口(IN+与IN-)是反的。
gain_c = volts_to_amps_ratio;
InlineCurrentSense::InlineCurrentSense(float _mVpA, int _pinA, int _pinB, int _pinC){
pinA = _pinA;
pinB = _pinB;
pinC = _pinC;
volts_to_amps_ratio = 1000.0f / _mVpA; // mV to amps
// gains for each phase
gain_a = volts_to_amps_ratio;
gain_b = -volts_to_amps_ratio;
gain_c = volts_to_amps_ratio;
// Inline sensor init function
int InlineCurrentSense::init(){
// if no linked driver its fine in this case
// at least for init()
//void* drv_params = driver ? driver->params : nullptr;
// configure ADC variables
//params = _configureADCInline(drv_params,pinA,pinB,pinC);
// if init failed return fail
//if (params == SIMPLEFOC_CURRENT_SENSE_INIT_FAILED) return 0;
// calibrate zero offsets
// set the initialized flag
initialized = 1;
// return success
return 1;
// Function finding zero offsets of the ADC
void InlineCurrentSense::calibrateOffsets(){
const int calibration_rounds = 1000;
// find adc offset = zero current voltage
offset_ia = 0;
offset_ib = 0;
offset_ic = 0;
// read the adc voltage 1000 times ( arbitrary number )
for (int i = 0; i < calibration_rounds; i++) {
ADC_StartReadVoltageFromChannels(); // 每一次都要启动一次ADC采样流程
if(_isset(pinA)) offset_ia += _readADCVoltageInline(pinA);
if(_isset(pinB)) offset_ib += _readADCVoltageInline(pinB);
if(_isset(pinC)) offset_ic += _readADCVoltageInline(pinC);
// calculate the mean offsets
if(_isset(pinA)) offset_ia = offset_ia / calibration_rounds;
if(_isset(pinB)) offset_ib = offset_ib / calibration_rounds;
if(_isset(pinC)) offset_ic = offset_ic / calibration_rounds;
// read all three phase currents (if possible 2 or 3)
PhaseCurrent_s InlineCurrentSense::getPhaseCurrents(){
PhaseCurrent_s current;
ADC_StartReadVoltageFromChannels(); // 每一次都要启动一次ADC采样流程
current.a = (_readADCVoltageInline(pinA) - offset_ia) * gain_a;// amps
current.b = (_readADCVoltageInline(pinB) - offset_ib) * gain_b;// amps
current.c = (!_isset(pinC)) ? 0 : (_readADCVoltageInline(pinC) - offset_ic)*gain_c; // amps
return current;
// Function aligning the current sense with motor driver
// if all pins are connected well none of this is really necessary! - can be avoided
// returns flag
// 0 - fail
// 1 - success and nothing changed
// 2 - success but pins reconfigured
// 3 - success but gains inverted
// 4 - success but pins reconfigured and gains inverted
int InlineCurrentSense::driverAlign(float voltage){
int exit_flag = 1;
if(skip_align) return exit_flag;
if (driver==nullptr) {
SIMPLEFOC_DEBUG("CUR: No driver linked!");
return 0;
if (!initialized) return 0;
// set phase A active and phases B and C down
driver->setPwm(voltage, 0, 0);
PhaseCurrent_s c = getPhaseCurrents();
// read the current 100 times ( arbitrary number )
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
PhaseCurrent_s c1 = getPhaseCurrents();
c.a = c.a*0.6f + 0.4f*c1.a;
c.b = c.b*0.6f + 0.4f*c1.b;
c.c = c.c*0.6f + 0.4f*c1.c;
driver->setPwm(0, 0, 0);
// align phase A
float ab_ratio = c.b ? fabs(c.a / c.b) : 0;
float ac_ratio = c.c ? fabs(c.a / c.c) : 0;
if(_isset(pinB) && ab_ratio > 1.5f ){ // should be ~2
gain_a *= _sign(c.a);
}else if(_isset(pinC) && ac_ratio > 1.5f ){ // should be ~2
gain_a *= _sign(c.a);
}else if(_isset(pinB) && ab_ratio < 0.7f ){ // should be ~0.5
// switch phase A and B
int tmp_pinA = pinA;
pinA = pinB;
pinB = tmp_pinA;
float tmp_offsetA = offset_ia;
offset_ia = offset_ib;
offset_ib = tmp_offsetA;
gain_a *= _sign(c.b);
exit_flag = 2; // signal that pins have been switched
}else if(_isset(pinC) && ac_ratio < 0.7f ){ // should be ~0.5
// switch phase A and C
int tmp_pinA = pinA;
pinA = pinC;
pinC= tmp_pinA;
float tmp_offsetA = offset_ia;
offset_ia = offset_ic;
offset_ic = tmp_offsetA;
gain_a *= _sign(c.c);
exit_flag = 2;// signal that pins have been switched
// error in current sense - phase either not measured or bad connection
return 0;
// set phase B active and phases A and C down
driver->setPwm(0, voltage, 0);
PhaseCurrent_s c = getPhaseCurrents();
// read the current 50 times
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
PhaseCurrent_s c1 = getPhaseCurrents();
c.a = c.a*0.6 + 0.4f*c1.a;
c.b = c.b*0.6 + 0.4f*c1.b;
c.c = c.c*0.6 + 0.4f*c1.c;
driver->setPwm(0, 0, 0);
float ba_ratio = c.a ? fabs(c.b / c.a) : 0;
float bc_ratio = c.c ? fabs(c.b / c.c) : 0;
if(_isset(pinA) && ba_ratio > 1.5f ){ // should be ~2
gain_b *= _sign(c.b);
}else if(_isset(pinC) && bc_ratio > 1.5f ){ // should be ~2
gain_b *= _sign(c.b);
}else if(_isset(pinA) && ba_ratio < 0.7f ){ // it should be ~0.5
// switch phase A and B
int tmp_pinB = pinB;
pinB = pinA;
pinA = tmp_pinB;
float tmp_offsetB = offset_ib;
offset_ib = offset_ia;
offset_ia = tmp_offsetB;
gain_b *= _sign(c.a);
exit_flag = 2; // signal that pins have been switched
}else if(_isset(pinC) && bc_ratio < 0.7f ){ // should be ~0.5
// switch phase A and C
int tmp_pinB = pinB;
pinB = pinC;
pinC = tmp_pinB;
float tmp_offsetB = offset_ib;
offset_ib = offset_ic;
offset_ic = tmp_offsetB;
gain_b *= _sign(c.c);
exit_flag = 2; // signal that pins have been switched
// error in current sense - phase either not measured or bad connection
return 0;
// if phase C measured
// set phase C active and phases A and B down
driver->setPwm(0, 0, voltage);
PhaseCurrent_s c = getPhaseCurrents();
// read the adc voltage 500 times ( arbitrary number )
for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
PhaseCurrent_s c1 = getPhaseCurrents();
c.a = c.a*0.6 + 0.4f*c1.a;
c.b = c.b*0.6 + 0.4f*c1.b;
c.c = c.c*0.6 + 0.4f*c1.c;
driver->setPwm(0, 0, 0);
float ca_ratio = c.a ? fabs(c.c / c.a) : 0;
float cb_ratio = c.b ? fabs(c.c / c.b) : 0;
if(_isset(pinA) && ca_ratio > 1.5f ){ // should be ~2
gain_c *= _sign(c.c);
}else if(_isset(pinB) && cb_ratio > 1.5f ){ // should be ~2
gain_c *= _sign(c.c);
}else if(_isset(pinA) && ca_ratio < 0.7f ){ // it should be ~0.5
// switch phase A and C
int tmp_pinC = pinC;
pinC = pinA;
pinA = tmp_pinC;
float tmp_offsetC = offset_ic;
offset_ic = offset_ia;
offset_ia = tmp_offsetC;
gain_c *= _sign(c.a);
exit_flag = 2; // signal that pins have been switched
}else if(_isset(pinB) && cb_ratio < 0.7f ){ // should be ~0.5
// switch phase B and C
int tmp_pinC = pinC;
pinC = pinB;
pinB = tmp_pinC;
float tmp_offsetC = offset_ic;
offset_ic = offset_ib;
offset_ib = tmp_offsetC;
gain_c *= _sign(c.b);
exit_flag = 2; // signal that pins have been switched
// error in current sense - phase either not measured or bad connection
return 0;
if(gain_a < 0 || gain_b < 0 || gain_c < 0) exit_flag +=2;
// exit flag is either
// 0 - fail
// 1 - success and nothing changed
// 2 - success but pins reconfigured
// 3 - success but gains inverted
// 4 - success but pins reconfigured and gains inverted
return exit_flag;
//#include "Arduino.h"
#include "main.h"
#include "adc.h"
#include "foc_utils.h"
#include "time_utils.h"
#include "defaults.h"
#include "CurrentSense.h"
#include "lowpass_filter.h"
//#include "hardware_api.h"
class InlineCurrentSense: public CurrentSense{
InlineCurrentSense class constructor
@param shunt_resistor shunt resistor value
@param gain current-sense op-amp gain
@param phA A phase adc pin
@param phB B phase adc pin
@param phC C phase adc pin (optional)
InlineCurrentSense(float shunt_resistor, float gain, int pinA, int pinB, int pinC = NOT_SET);
InlineCurrentSense class constructor
@param mVpA mV per Amp ratio
@param phA A phase adc pin
@param phB B phase adc pin
@param phC C phase adc pin (optional)
InlineCurrentSense(float mVpA, int pinA, int pinB, int pinC = NOT_SET);
// CurrentSense interface implementing functions
int init() override;
PhaseCurrent_s getPhaseCurrents() override;
int driverAlign(float align_voltage) override;
// ADC measuremnet gain for each phase
// support for different gains for different phases of more commonly - inverted phase currents
// this should be automated later
float gain_a; //!< phase A gain
float gain_b; //!< phase B gain
float gain_c; //!< phase C gain
// // per phase low pass fileters
// LowPassFilter lpf_a{DEF_LPF_PER_PHASE_CURRENT_SENSE_Tf}; //!< current A low pass filter
// LowPassFilter lpf_b{DEF_LPF_PER_PHASE_CURRENT_SENSE_Tf}; //!< current B low pass filter
// LowPassFilter lpf_c{DEF_LPF_PER_PHASE_CURRENT_SENSE_Tf}; //!< current C low pass filter
float offset_ia; //!< zero current A voltage value (center of the adc reading)
float offset_ib; //!< zero current B voltage value (center of the adc reading)
float offset_ic; //!< zero current C voltage value (center of the adc reading)
// hardware variables
int pinA; //!< pin A analog pin for current measurement
int pinB; //!< pin B analog pin for current measurement
int pinC; //!< pin C analog pin for current measurement
// gain variables
float shunt_resistor; //!< Shunt resistor value
float amp_gain; //!< amp gain value
float volts_to_amps_ratio; //!< Volts to amps ratio
* Function finding zero offsets of the ADC
void calibrateOffsets();
来自bilibili:《[STM32 HAL库][ADC]采样时间和转换时间,最佳教程,没有之一》的视频6:45分。
其中Radc=1k是MCU的内阻,它是固定的。电容Cadc也是固定的8pF。MCU外部的电阻有锂电池的内阻 + 电机相电阻 + 导线电阻等等。
- 当MCU外面的电阻 = 400欧姆时,如果ADC运行频率 = 14MHz时,那么采样时间至少 = 1.54cycles
- 当MCU外面的电阻 = 10k欧姆时,如果ADC运算频率 = 14MHz时,那么采样时间至少 = 11.9cycles
一般锂电池的电芯都是m欧姆级别,电机的相电阻一般也才几个欧姆,导线的电阻也很低。所示,就算我们当400欧姆来计算,1.54cycles也有一定的冗余。大部分的人都建议至少用7.5 cycles。
如果ADC频率是12MHz,采样时间等于0.625us。1 / 12MHz = 83.3333ns、7.5 cycles * 83.333ns = 0.625us。
注:如果ADC频率是12MHz,转换时间等于1.0417us。 1 / 12MHz = 83.333ns、12.5cycle * 83.333ns = 1.0317us。
如果ADC频率是12MHz时,总时间 = 采样时间(7cycles = 0.625us) + 转换时间(12.5cycles = 1.0317us) = 1.6567us
后续在实际测量电流时,就会用这些偏置量来抵消因硬件或采样环境带来的偏移误差,以得到更准确的电流测量结果。 从函数InlineCurrentSense::calibrateOffsets()看到,它通过多次读取(默认1000次)来求取“零电流电压基准”,把这个值保存为 offset_ia / offset_ib / offset_ic。

