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【Node.js】Koa2 整合接口文档



// koa2-swagger-ui UI视图组件  swagger-jsdoc 识别写的 /***/ 转 json
npm install koa2-swagger-ui swagger-jsdoc --save




const Router = require('@koa/router'); // 引入 Router 类
const path = require('node:path');
const swaggerJSDoc = require('swagger-jsdoc');

const swaggerDefinition = {
    info: {
            'This is a sample server Koa2 server.  You can find out more about     Swagger at [http://swagger.io](http://swagger.io) or on [irc.freenode.net, #swagger](http://swagger.io/irc/).      For this sample, you can use the api key `special-key` to test the authorization     filters.',
        version: '1.0.0',
        title: 'Koa2_server Swagger',
    host: 'localhost:4000',
    basePath: '/', // Base path (optional), host/basePath
    schemes: ['http'],

const options = {
    // 写有注解的router的存放地址(当你新增swagger时文档里没显示出来的话那么就是这边地址没有加进去)
    apis: ['./routes/*.js'] // 注意这里的路径!!!

const swaggerSpec = swaggerJSDoc(options);

// 创建一个新的 Router 实例
const router = new Router();

// 通过路由获取生成的注解文件
router.get('/swagger.json', async ctx => {
    ctx.set('Content-Type', 'application/json');
    ctx.body = swaggerSpec;

module.exports = router;

入口文件 app.js 注册:

const Koa = require('koa');
const app = new Koa();
const {koaSwagger} = require("koa2-swagger-ui");

const attractionRoute = require('./routes/attractionsRoute'); // 添加: 引入景点路由
const swaggerConfig = require('./config/swaggerConfig');

// 使用 Swagger 路由

// 使用景点路由
// 使用 Swagger UI
        routePrefix: '/swagger', // host at /swagger instead of default /docs
        swaggerOptions: {
            url: '/swagger.json' // example path to json

app.listen(4000, () => {
    console.log('Server is running on port 4000');

配置完后打开 http://localhost:4000/swagger 可以得到文档可视化界面,http://localhost:4000/swagger.json 可以看到 swagger 文档配置。


routes 的 swagger 文档注释规范可以参考OpenAPI规范,比如 OpenAPI规范示例。

我的 attrtionsRoute.js 示例:

const Router = require('@koa/router'); // 添加: 引入路由模块
const router = new Router({ prefix: '/api/scenic' }); // 修改: 创建路由实例,并设置前缀

const attractionsController = require('../controllers/attractionsController');

// 获取景点列表
// 生成swagger注释
 * @swagger
 * /api/scenic/list:
 *   get:
 *     summary: 获取景点列表
 *     responses:
 *       200:
 *         description: 景点列表
router.get('/list', attractionsController.getAttractionsList);

// 获取景点详情
// 生成swagger注释
 * @swagger
 * /api/scenic/{id}:
 *   get:
 *     summary: 获取景点详情
 *     parameters:
 *       - in: path
 *         name: id
 *         required: true
 *         schema:
 *           type: string
 *         description: 景点ID
 *     responses:
 *       200:
 *         description: 景点详情
router.get('/:id', attractionsController.getAttractionById);

// 添加新景点
// 生成swagger注释
 * @swagger
 * /api/scenic/add:
 *   post:
 *     summary: 添加新景点
 *     requestBody:
 *       required: true
 *       content:
 *         application/json:
 *           schema:
 *             type: object
 *             properties:
 *               name:
 *                 type: string
 *               description:
 *                 type: string
 *     responses:
 *       201:
 *         description: 景点添加成功
router.post('/add', attractionsController.addAttraction);

// 更新景点信息
// 生成swagger注释
 * @swagger
 * /api/scenic/update/{id}:
 *   put:
 *     summary: 更新景点信息
 *     parameters:
 *       - in: path
 *         name: id
 *         required: true
 *         schema:
 *           type: string
 *         description: 景点ID
 *     requestBody:
 *       required: true
 *       content:
 *         application/json:
 *           schema:
 *             type: object
 *             properties:
 *               name:
 *                 type: string
 *               description:
 *                 type: string
 *     responses:
 *       200:
 *         description: 景点更新成功
router.put('/update/:id', attractionsController.updateAttraction);

// 删除景点
// 生成swagger注释
 * @swagger
 * /api/scenic/delete/{id}:
 *   delete:
 *     summary: 删除景点
 *     parameters:
 *       - in: path
 *         name: id
 *         required: true
 *         schema:
 *           type: string
 *         description: 景点ID
 *     responses:
 *       200:
 *         description: 景点删除成功
router.delete('/delete/:id', attractionsController.deleteAttraction);

// 添加评论
// 生成swagger注释
 * @swagger
 * /api/scenic/comment/{id}:
 *   post:
 *     summary: 添加评论
 *     parameters:
 *       - in: path
 *         name: id
 *         required: true
 *         schema:
 *           type: string
 *         description: 景点ID
 *     requestBody:
 *       required: true
 *       content:
 *         application/json:
 *           schema:
 *             type: object
 *             properties:
 *               comment:
 *                 type: string
 *     responses:
 *       201:
 *         description: 评论添加成功
router.post('/comment/:id', attractionsController.addComment);

// 获取景点评论
// 生成swagger注释
 * @swagger
 * /api/scenic/comments/{id}:
 *   get:
 *     summary: 获取景点评论
 *     parameters:
 *       - in: path
 *         name: id
 *         required: true
 *         schema:
 *           type: string
 *         description: 景点ID
 *     responses:
 *       200:
 *         description: 景点评论列表
router.get('/comments/:id', attractionsController.getComments);

module.exports = router; // 导出路由实例



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