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在 Linux 上安装 Microsoft TrueType 字体:ttf-mscorefonts-installer 指南

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Installing Microsoft TrueType Fonts on Linux: A Complete Guide to ttf-mscorefonts-installer

November 2, 2023

Have you ever carefully crafted a beautiful resume in LibreOffice using the Trebuchet MS font, only to open it later on a friend‘s computer and find your fonts mysteriously replaced with Times New Roman? Or maybe you‘ve spent hours finessing a flyer with perfectly kerned Arial text, which suddenly looks misaligned and cramped on print?

你有没有在 LibreOffice 中使用 Trebuchet MS 字体精心制作了一份漂亮的简历,但后来在朋友的电脑上打开它,发现你的字体神秘地被 Times New Roman 取代了?或者,也许您花了数小时用完美的字偶间距调整 Arial 文本来制作传单,这些文本在印刷品上突然看起来错位和局促?

If you‘ve encountered these frustrations, it likely means you were missing Microsoft‘s proprietary TrueType fonts on your Linux system. Read on as we dive into what ttf-mscorefonts-installer is, why Microsoft fonts matter, how to install them on your Linux distro, and more.

如果您遇到这些挫折,这可能意味着您的 Linux 系统上缺少 Microsoft 专有的 TrueType 字体。请继续阅读,我们将深入了解什么是 ttf-mscorefonts-installer、为什么 Microsoft 字体很重要、如何在 Linux 发行版上安装它们等等。

A Brief History of TrueType Fonts

TrueType 字体简史

To understand the importance of Microsoft fonts on Linux, we need to step back a few decades. In the late 1980s, Apple developed the TrueType font standard which used quadratic Bézier curves to scale letter shapes smoothly to any size. This made TrueType fonts crisp and legible at both small and large font sizes.

要了解 Microsoft 字体在 Linux 上的重要性,我们需要倒退几十年。在 1980 年代后期,Apple 开发了 TrueType 字体标准,该标准使用二次贝塞尔曲线将字母形状平滑缩放到任何大小。这使得 TrueType 字体在小字体和大字体下都清晰易读。

Apple initially kept TrueType proprietary to their operating systems. But in 1989, they licensed the technology to Microsoft for use in Windows. Microsoft went on to create their core TrueType fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, Courier New, Comic Sans, and others.

Apple 最初将 TrueType 保留为其操作系统的专有。但在 1989 年,他们将该技术授权给 Microsoft 在 Windows 中使用。Microsoft 继续创建他们的核心 TrueType 字体,如 Arial、Times New Roman、Courier New、Comic Sans 等。

By 1996, TrueType had emerged as the dominant font standard on the web and beyond. It was adopted by the W3C standards body and later integrated directly into the Unicode standard.

到 1996 年,TrueType 已成为 Web 及其他领域的主导字体标准。它被 W3C 标准机构采用,后来直接集成到 Unicode 标准中。

Today, over 76% of websites employ TrueType fonts for text display. And Microsoft‘s fonts remain some of the most popular, with Arial alone used on over 60 million websites worldwide.

今天,超过 76% 的网站使用 TrueType 字体进行文本显示。Microsoft 的字体仍然是最受欢迎的字体之一,仅 Arial 就被全球超过 6000 万个网站使用。

The Ubiquity of Microsoft Fonts

无处不在的 Microsoft 字体

Microsoft‘s TrueType fonts are everywhere you look. Arial appears on everything from government websites to street signage worldwide. Times New Roman is the default font in Microsoft Word, while Courier New is a staple of text editors and coding interfaces.

Microsoft 的 TrueType 字体无处不在。Arial 出现在从政府网站到全球路标的所有东西上。Times New Roman 是 Microsoft Word 中的默认字体,而 Courier New 是文本编辑器和编码界面的主要字体。

Over 90% of resumes and CVs use Times New Roman, Arial, or similar sans-serif Microsoft fonts according to HR surveys. Official state documents from India‘s government cite Arial as the required font. And Verdana was specially designed by Microsoft for easy on-screen reading.

根据人力资源调查,超过 90% 的简历和简历使用 Times New Roman、Arial 或类似的无衬线 Microsoft 字体。印度政府的官方国家文件将 Arial 列为必需的字体。Verdana 由 Microsoft 专门设计,便于屏幕阅读。

The widespread use of these proprietary fonts makes them crucial for faithful rendering of documents, websites, signage, and other materials originally designed using Microsoft software. Without them, Linux distorts and substitutes fonts in unpredictable ways.

这些专有字体的广泛使用使它们对于忠实呈现最初使用 Microsoft 软件设计的文档、网站、标牌和其他材料至关重要。没有它们,Linux 会以不可预测的方式扭曲和替换字体。

Microsoft Fonts and Licensing Challenges

Microsoft 字体和许可挑战

So why don‘t Linux distributions just bundle these essential Microsoft fonts? The primary reason is licensing.

那么,为什么 Linux 发行版不只捆绑这些基本的 Microsoft 字体呢?主要原因是许可。

Microsoft licenses their TrueType core fonts for free personal use, but with restrictions on modification, redistribution, and more. This prevents Linux distros from simply packaging them up and including them by default in the OS.

Microsoft 授权其 TrueType 核心字体供个人免费使用,但对修改、重新分发等有限制。这可以防止 Linux 发行版简单地将它们打包并默认包含在操作系统中。

Debian and Ubuntu have addressed this constraint by making Microsoft fonts optionally available as downloadable add-ons. This brings Microsoft font support to Linux, aligned with licensing terms.

Debian 和 Ubuntu 通过使 Microsoft 字体可选择作为可下载的附加组件提供来解决此限制。这为 Linux 带来了 Microsoft 字体支持,与许可条款保持一致。

Introducing ttf-mscorefonts-installer

ttf-mscorefonts-installer 简介

ttf-mscorefonts-installer is an open source Debian package that allows Linux users to easily download and install Microsoft‘s official TrueType fonts. The package debuted in 2008 in Debian 5 “Lenny”, and has been maintained ever since through community contributions.

ttf-mscorefonts-installer 是一个开源的 Debian 包,允许 Linux 用户轻松下载和安装 Microsoft 的官方 TrueType 字体。该软件包于 2008 年在 Debian 5 “Lenny” 中首次亮相,此后一直通过社区贡献进行维护。

ttf-mscorefonts-installer automatically handles grabbing the latest fonts from Microsoft‘s servers, installing them in the correct system directories, and updating font cache. This gives you seamless access to the proprietary Microsoft fonts that websites, documents, and apps expect to see.

ttf-mscorefonts-installer 会自动处理从 Microsoft 服务器获取最新字体、将它们安装在正确的系统目录中以及更新字体缓存。这使您可以无缝访问网站、文档和应用程序希望看到的专有 Microsoft 字体。

TrueType Fonts Included

包括 TrueType 字体

The ttf-mscorefonts-installer package includes the following Microsoft TrueType fonts:

ttf-mscorefonts-installer 软件包包括以下 Microsoft TrueType 字体:

FontStyles Included
Andale MonoRegular
ArialRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
Arial BlackRegular
Comic Sans MSRegular, Bold
Courier NewRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
GeorgiaRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
Times New RomanRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
Trebuchet MSRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic
VerdanaRegular, Bold, Italic, Bold Italic

These fonts were carefully designed and optimized by Microsoft to render well on screens and in print across a variety of sizes. By installing them on your Linux system, you ensure maximum cross-platform compatibility and aesthetically pleasing text display.

这些字体由 Microsoft 精心设计和优化,可以在屏幕和各种大小的打印中很好地呈现。通过将它们安装在 Linux 系统上,您可以确保最大的跨平台兼容性和美观的文本显示。

Step-by-Step Installation of ttf-mscorefonts-installer

ttf-mscorefonts-installer 的逐步安装

Installing Microsoft‘s core fonts using ttf-mscorefonts-installer only takes a minute or two. Here is the process on a typical Debian-based distribution like Ubuntu:

使用 ttf-mscorefonts-installer 安装 Microsoft 的核心字体只需一两分钟。以下是典型的基于 Debian 的发行版(如 Ubuntu)上的过程:

  1. Open the Terminal app

打开“终端” App

  1. Refresh your package index:


sudo apt update
  1. Install the package:


sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer
  1. Accept the EULA when prompted

出现提示时接受 EULA

  1. Update font cache: 更新字体缓存:
sudo fc-cache -f -v
  1. Enjoy your newly-installed Microsoft fonts!

享受您新安装的 Microsoft 字体!

You may also need to restart any open applications like LibreOffice or GIMP before the fonts become available in them.

您可能还需要重新启动任何打开的应用程序,例如 LibreOffice 或 GIMP,然后这些字体才可用。

The key thing to watch for is accepting the End User License Agreement for the Microsoft fonts. This is a mandatory step.

需要注意的关键是接受 Microsoft 字体的最终用户许可协议。这是一个强制性步骤。

In case you accidentally reject the license agreement, you can reinstall the installer with this command:


sudo apt install --reinstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Microsoft TrueType fonts are also available via the Ubuntu Restricted Extras package that contains other proprietary media codecs to play files like MP3 etc.

Microsoft TrueType 字体也可以通过 Ubuntu Restricted Extras 包获得,该包包含其他专有媒体编解码器,用于播放 MP3 等文件。

Troubleshooting Installation Issues


Some users report errors related to package download failures or invalid links when installing ttf-mscorefonts-installer:

一些用户在安装 ttf-mscorefonts-installer 时报告与包下载失败或无效链接相关的错误:

Err:1 http://..../msttcorefonts/andale32.exe
404  Not Found

This is often fixed by ensuring your package manager is up-to-date before installing:


sudo apt update

You can also try reinstalling the package which may resolve transient download issues:


sudo apt install --reinstall ttf-mscorefonts-installer

For recurring download failures, manually downloading the Deb package and installing it directly with dpkg is recommended:

对于反复下载失败的情况,建议手动下载 Deb 包并使用 dpkg 直接安装:

sudo dpkg -i ttf-mscorefonts-installer_3.7_all.deb

This avoids reliance on the package manager‘s download mechanism. Be sure to accept the EULA when prompted after package installation to complete the font setup.

这避免了对包管理器的下载机制的依赖。在软件包安装后提示完成字体设置时,请务必接受 EULA。

With the fonts installed, Linux applications can now utilize them for perfect cross-platform document formatting.

安装字体后,Linux 应用程序现在可以利用它们进行完美的跨平台文档格式设置。

Using Microsoft Fonts in Linux Apps

在 Linux 应用程序中使用 Microsoft 字体

Once you‘ve installed ttf-mscorefonts-installer, you‘ll immediately have access to the Microsoft TrueType fonts in Linux applications like:

安装 ttf-mscorefonts-installer 后,您将立即可以在 Linux 应用程序中访问 Microsoft TrueType 字体,例如:

  • LibreOffice – Use fonts like Calibri, Cambria, and Times New Roman for perfect document compatibility with Microsoft Office.

    LibreOffice – 使用 Calibri、Cambria 和 Times New Roman 等字体实现与 Microsoft Office 的完美文档兼容性。

  • GIMP – Design images and logos using classic Microsoft fonts.

    GIMP – 使用经典的 Microsoft 字体设计图像和徽标。

  • Inkscape – Create vector graphics with beautifully smooth text using Verdana, Arial, and other Microsoft fonts.

    Inkscape – 使用 Verdana、Arial 和其他 Microsoft 字体创建具有精美流畅文本的矢量图形。

  • Scribus – Use Microsoft fonts for new documents or faithfully editing existing documents.

    Scribus – 将 Microsoft 字体用于新文档或忠实编辑现有文档。

  • Firefox – Websites specifying Microsoft fonts will display correctly instead of substituting default fonts.

    Firefox – 指定 Microsoft 字体的网站将正确显示,而不是替换默认字体。

The “Radiant” LibreOffice text template rendered correctly with Microsoft fonts after installing ttf-mscorefonts-installer:

在安装 ttf-mscorefonts-installer 后使用 Microsoft 字体正确呈现的“Radiant”LibreOffice 文本模板:

Compared to the default Linux font rendering, it‘s much closer to the original design.

与默认的 Linux 字体渲染相比,它更接近原始设计。

Understanding the Licensing Terms


As mentioned earlier, there are specific restrictions around the use of Microsoft fonts. The license agreement makes clear:

如前所述,使用 Microsoft 字体存在特定限制。许可协议明确规定:

  • You may use the fonts for personal or internal business purposes. This allows document creation, viewing web pages, and other typical usage.


  • You may not modify, adapt, translate, reverse engineer, decompile, disassemble, or create derivative works based on the Microsoft fonts.

    您不得修改、改编、翻译、逆向工程、反编译、反汇编或基于 Microsoft 字体创建衍生作品。

  • Redistributing the font files themselves, either alone or as part of a larger software package, is prohibited.


These terms are intended to prevent commercial exploitation or misuse of Microsoft‘s intellectual property. For normal everyday font usage, you are in the clear. Just don‘t attempt to resell or redistribute the actual font files.

这些条款旨在防止对 Microsoft 知识产权进行商业利用或滥用。对于正常的日常字体使用,您是明确的。只是不要试图转售或重新分发实际的字体文件。

Conclusion: Enhancing Your Linux Experience with ttf-mscorefonts-installer

结论:使用 ttf-mscorefonts-installer 增强您的 Linux 体验

Microsoft‘s TrueType fonts remain the most commonly used fonts both online and in documents worldwide. By installing ttf-mscorefonts-installer on your Linux distro, you ensure you can view and edit content employing these essential fonts.

Microsoft 的 TrueType 字体仍然是全球在线和文档中最常用的字体。通过在 Linux 发行版上安装 ttf-mscorefonts-installer,您可以确保可以查看和编辑使用这些基本字体的内容。

This Debian package neatly sidesteps the licensing concerns around bundling Microsoft fonts directly in Linux. With just a quick terminal command, you can bring Arial, Times New Roman, Courier, and other classic Microsoft fonts to your Linux desktop or laptop.

这个 Debian 软件包巧妙地回避了直接在 Linux 中捆绑 Microsoft 字体的许可问题。只需一个快速的终端命令,您就可以将 Arial、Times New Roman、Courier 和其他经典的 Microsoft 字体引入您的 Linux 台式机或笔记本电脑。

So if you find yourself squinting at oddly formatted documents or pixelated text in applications, give ttf-mscorefonts-installer a try. It just might become an indispensable tool for anyone using Linux who interacts regularly with Windows users and documents. Your font woes will be a thing of the past!

因此,如果您发现自己眯着眼睛看着应用程序中格式奇怪的文档或像素化的文本,请尝试一下 ttf-mscorefonts-installer。对于经常与 Windows 用户和文档交互的 Linux 用户来说,它可能会成为不可或缺的工具。您的字体问题将成为过去!

How to Install Microsoft Fonts on Linux?

on November 13, 2024
Post Author Atul Kumar Pandey

Microsoft fonts are widely used across documents, presentations, and websites, and often you’ll come across files that rely on these fonts for consistent formatting.

Microsoft 字体广泛用于文档、演示文稿和网站,您经常会遇到依赖这些字体来保持一致格式的文件。

On Linux, these fonts aren’t included by default due to licensing restrictions, but it’s possible to install them with a few straightforward steps.

在 Linux 上,由于许可限制,默认情况下不包含这些字体,但可以通过几个简单的步骤来安装它们。

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the process of installing Microsoft fonts on popular Linux distributions so that you can ensure compatibility with Microsoft Office documents and improve the visual consistency of websites and presentations.

在本指南中,我们将引导您完成在常用 Linux 发行版上安装 Microsoft 字体的过程,以便您可以确保与 Microsoft Office 文档的兼容性并提高网站和演示文稿的视觉一致性。

Why Install Microsoft Fonts on Linux?

为什么要在 Linux 上安装 Microsoft Fonts?

Linux distributions come with a variety of open-source fonts. However, Microsoft fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, and Verdana are essential in many scenarios:

Linux 发行版附带各种开源字体。但是,Arial、Times New Roman 和 Verdana 等 Microsoft 字体在许多情况下都是必不可少的:

  • Document Compatibility: Many Microsoft Office documents use these fonts as defaults. Installing them ensures that Word and PowerPoint files display correctly.

    文档兼容性:许多 Microsoft Office 文档使用这些字体作为默认字体。安装它们可以确保 Word 和 PowerPoint 文件正确显示。

  • Web Browsing: Some websites rely on these fonts to display content as intended, making them useful for a more seamless browsing experience.


  • Design and Presentation: If you’re working on design files or presentations that will be used across platforms, having Microsoft fonts available can ensure consistency.

    设计和演示:如果您正在处理将跨平台使用的设计文件或演示文稿,则提供 Microsoft 字体可以确保一致性。

Now, let’s look into the step-by-step process of installing these fonts.


Installing Microsoft Fonts on Debian and Debian-Based (Ubuntu, Linux Mint, etc.) Systems.

在基于 Debian 和 Debian(Ubuntu、Linux Mint 等)的 Debian 上安装 Microsoft Fonts系统。

Ubuntu, Debian, and other Debian-based systems like Linux Mint offer Microsoft fonts in a package called ttf-mscorefonts-installer. Here’s how to install it.

Ubuntu、Debian 和其他基于 Debian 的系统(如 Linux Mint)在名为 ttf-mscorefonts-installer 的包中提供 Microsoft 字体。以下是安装方法。

Installation Steps:


Update Your Package List: Open a terminal and update your package list to make sure you have the latest version.


sudo apt update

Install ttf-mscorefonts-installer: Next, install the Microsoft fonts package.

安装 ttf-mscorefonts-installer:接下来,安装 Microsoft fonts 包。

sudo apt install ttf-mscorefonts-installer

Accept the EULA: During installation, you’ll be prompted to accept the End User License Agreement (EULA) for the fonts. Use the Tab and Enter keys to accept.

接受 EULA:在安装过程中,系统将提示您接受字体的最终用户许可协议 (EULA)。使用 Tab 和 Enter 键接受。

Refresh the Font Cache: To make the fonts available to applications, refresh the font cache with this command. It is optional if you don’t wish to reboot.


sudo fc-cache -f -v

After completing these steps, you should see fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, and Comic Sans available in applications like LibreOffice, GIMP, and other programs that allow font selection.

完成这些步骤后,您应该会看到 Arial、Times New Roman 和 Comic Sans 等字体在 LibreOffice、GIMP 和其他允许选择字体的程序等应用程序中可用。

Installing Microsoft Fonts on Arch Linux and Manjaro.

在 Arch Linux 和 Manjaro 上安装 Microsoft Fonts。

For users of Arch Linux, Manjaro, and other Arch-based distributions, Microsoft fonts can be installed from the Arch User Repository (AUR) as the ttf-ms-fonts package. If you’re comfortable with AUR helpers, follow these steps.

对于 Arch Linux、Manjaro 和其他基于 Arch 的发行版的用户,可以从 Arch 用户存储库 (AUR) 中将 Microsoft 字体作为 ttf-ms-fonts 包安装。如果您对 AUR 帮助程序感到满意,请按照以下步骤操作。

Installation Steps:


Install an AUR Helper *(if you haven’t already)*: AUR helpers like yay or paru make it easy to install packages from the AUR. If you don’t have one, install one by following the instructions on the AUR helper’s official page.

安装 AUR Helper (如果你还没有):像 yayparu 这样的 AUR 帮助程序可以很容易地从 AUR 安装软件包。如果您没有,请按照 AUR 帮助程序官方页面上的说明安装一个。

Install ttf-ms-fonts from the AUR: Use your AUR helper to install the fonts.

从 AUR 安装 ttf-ms-fonts:使用 AUR 帮助程序安装字体。

yay -S ttf-ms-fonts

Update the Font Cache: As with other distributions, update your font cache so the new fonts become available system-wide.


sudo fc-cache -f -v

Once you’re finished, you’ll find Microsoft fonts available across your system.

完成后,您会发现整个系统中都提供了 Microsoft 字体。

Installing Microsoft Fonts on Fedora-Based Systems.

在基于 Fedora 的系统上安装 Microsoft Fonts。

Fedora users can install Microsoft fonts by enabling third-party repositories, as Fedora doesn’t include these fonts by default due to licensing. RPM Fusion, a trusted source for extra packages on Fedora, provides an easy way to install these fonts.

Fedora 用户可以通过启用第三方仓库来安装 Microsoft 字体,因为由于许可的原因,Fedora 默认不包含这些字体。RPM Fusion 是 Fedora 上额外软件包的可靠来源,它提供了一种安装这些字体的简单方法。

Installation Steps:


Enable the RPM Fusion Repository: First, enable the RPM Fusion repository to get access to additional packages.

启用 RPM Fusion 存储库:首先,启用 RPM Fusion 存储库以访问其他软件包。

sudo dnf install https://download1.rpmfusion.org/free/fedora/rpmfusion-free-release-$(rpm -E %fedora).noarch.rpm

Install mscore-fonts: With RPM Fusion enabled, you can now install the mscore-fonts package.

安装 mscore-fonts:启用 RPM Fusion 后,您现在可以安装 mscore-fonts 软件包。

sudo dnf install mscore-fonts

Refresh the Font Cache: Refresh the font cache to make the fonts accessible across applications.


sudo fc-cache -f -v

Fedora users should now have Microsoft fonts installed and ready to use in LibreOffice, web browsers, and other applications.

Fedora 用户现在应该已经安装了 Microsoft 字体,并准备好在 LibreOffice、Web 浏览器和其他应用程序中使用。

Additional Method: Manual Installation for All Distributions.


If you prefer not to use a package manager or if your distribution doesn’t support the packages mentioned above, you can manually install Microsoft fonts.

如果您不想使用包管理器,或者您的发行版不支持上述包,则可以手动安装 Microsoft 字体。

Installation Steps:


Download the Fonts: You can find Microsoft’s TrueType fonts online. Download the .ttf files you need.

下载字体:您可以在线找到 Microsoft 的 TrueType 字体。下载您需要的 .ttf 个文件。

Copy Fonts to Your Fonts Directory: Place the downloaded .ttf files in your local font directory. For single-user access, use.

将字体复制到字体目录:将下载的 .ttf 文件放在本地字体目录中。对于单(人)用户访问,请使用 .

mkdir -p ~/.fonts
cp path_to_your_fonts/*.ttf ~/.fonts/

For system-wide access, copy the files to /usr/share/fonts (this requires root permissions).

对于系统范围的访问,请将文件复制到 /usr/share/fonts (这需要 root 权限)。

sudo cp path_to_your_fonts/*.ttf /usr/share/fonts/

Update the Font Cache: Finally, refresh the font cache.


sudo fc-cache -f -v

This manual method allows you to add specific fonts on demand and is helpful if you need only certain Microsoft fonts without installing the full package.

此手动方法允许您按需添加特定字体,如果您只需要某些 Microsoft 字体而不安装完整包,则此方法非常有用。

Verifying Your Installation.


To confirm that the fonts have been installed correctly, open any application with font selection (such as LibreOffice, GIMP, or even your system’s font viewer). You should now see Microsoft fonts such as Arial, Times New Roman, and Comic Sans available for use.

要确认字体已正确安装,请打开任何选择字体的应用程序(如 LibreOffice、GIMP 甚至系统的字体查看器)。现在,您应该可以看到 Arial、Times New Roman 和 Comic Sans 等 Microsoft 字体可供使用。


  • Installing Microsoft TrueType Fonts on Linux: A Complete Guide to ttf-mscorefonts-installer By Linux Code / November 2, 2023

  • How to Install Microsoft Fonts on Linux? on November 13, 2024 Post Author_Atul Kumar Pandey

  • How do I install fonts? - Ask Ubuntu asked Sep 5, 2010 at 22:14 myusuf3’s

  • fonts - How to install the package ttf-mscorefonts-installer - Ask Ubuntu asked Mar 12, 2011 at 12:15 ptikol ptikobj



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