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INCOSE需求编写指南-附录 A: 参考文献

附录 Appendix A: 参考文献 References

编写本指南时参考了以下参考资料。如果可能,文本中会引用来源。在某些情况下,文本的基础是来自多个来源的概念和信息,但这些概念和信息不能直接归因于任何单一来源。 The following references were consulted when developing this Guide. When possible, the source is referenced in the text. In some cases, concepts and information from several sources was used as a basis of the text but are not directly attributable to any single source.

引用的文件仅适用于本文指定的范围。 Referenced documents are applicable only to the extent specified herein.

  1. ANSI/AIAA G-043-2012e, Guide to the Preparation of Operational Concept Documents.
  2. Carson, R. S., etal. (2004). Requirements Completeness. Proceedings of INCOSE 2004. Wiley.
  3. Carson, R. S., Noel, R. A., “Formal Requirements Verification and Validation,” INCOSE IS 2018.
  4. Dick, J. and J. Chard, “The Systems Engineering Sandwich: Combining Requirements, Models and Design”, INCOSE International Symposium IS2004, July 200
  5. Dick, J. and Llorens, J., "Using Statement-level Templates to Improve the Quality of Requirements", International Conference on Software and Systems Engineering and Applications. ICSSEA 2012, Paris, France.
  6. Génova, G, Fuentes J.M., Llorens, J., Hurtado, O., and Moreno, V., “A Framework to Measure and Improve the Quality of Textual Requirements", Requirements Engineering, Vol 18, 2013.
  7. Gilb, T. Competitive Engineering: A Handbook for Systems Engineering, Requirements Engineering and Software Engineering Management Using Planguage, Elsevier Butterworth-Heinemann, 2005.
  8. Heitmeyer, C., J. Kirby, and B. Labaw, “The SCR Method for Formally Specifying, Verifying, and Validating Requirements: Tool Support”, Proceeding ICSE '97 Proceedings of the 19th international Conference on Software Engineering, pp. 610-611, Boston, Massachusetts, USA — May 17 - 23, 1997.
  9. Hull, E., K. Jackson, J. Dick, Requirements Engineering, Springer, 2011.
  10. INCOSE-TP-2003-002-04 2015, Jan 2015 Systems Engineering Handbook, Fourth Edition, I
  11. INCOSE-TP-2018-001-01, 2018, INCOSE Integrated Data as a Foundation of Systems Engineering, prepared by the Requirements Working Group, INCOSE.
  12. INCOSE-TP-2021-002-01.1, 2022 Needs and Requirements Manual, prepared by the Requirements Working Group, INCOSE
  13. INCOSE-TP-2021-004-01, 2022 Guide to Verification and Validation, prepared by the Requirements Working Group, INCOSE
  14. INCOSE -TP-2021-003-01, 2022, Guide to Needs and Requirements, prepared by the Requirements Working Group, INCOSE
  15. ISO/IEC/IEEE 15288, Systems and software engineering — System lifecycle processes, First edition 2015-05-15
  16. ISO/IEC/IEEE 29148, Systems and software engineering — Lifecycle Processes — Requirements engineering, Second edition, 2018-12.
  17. Ryan, M.J., “An Improved Taxonomy for Major Needs and Requirements Artefacts”, INCOSE International Symposium IS2013, June 2013.
  18. Ryan, M., Wheatcraft, L, Dick, J, and Zinni, R, “An Improved Taxonomy for Definitions Associated with a Requirement Expression”, Systems Engineering / Test and Evaluation Conference SETE2014, Adelaide, 28-30 April 2014.
  19. Ryan, M., Wheatcraft, L., “On the Use of the Terms Verification and Validation”, INCOSE International Symposium IS2017, July 2017.
  20. Simplified Technical English (STE), Specification (ASD-STE100), ASD Belgium, http://www.asd-ste100.org/.
  21. US Code of Federal Regulations: Title 21, Part 820, Quality System Regulation
  22. Wheatcraft, L., Ryan, M., Dick, J. “On the Use of Attributes to Manage Requirements”, Systems Engineering Journal, Volume 19, Issue 5, September 2016, pp. 448–458.
  23. Wiegers, K.E., Software Requirements, Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 2003.
  24. Wiegers, K.E., More About Software Requirements, Redmond, WA: Microsoft Press, 2006.



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