- 前言
如果使用nuxt3写项目,可以查看nuxt3实战:完整的 nuxt3 + vue3 项目创建与useFetch请求封装,此篇内容有详细步骤
* @description useFetch
* */
import type { NitroFetchRequest } from "nitropack";
import type { UseFetchOptions } from "#app";
import type { ResultData } from "~/api/interface";
import { Base64 } from "js-base64";
import { rsaEncrypt } from "~/utils/ras";
import { Encrypt } from "~/utils/aes";
import { md5 } from "js-md5";
const apiRequest = <T>(
url: NitroFetchRequest,
reqParams: object = {},
_object: UseFetchOptions<T>
) => {
const runtimeConfig = useRuntimeConfig();
const token = useCookie<string | undefined>("token");
const defaultOptions: UseFetchOptions<T> = {
baseURL: runtimeConfig.public.baseAPI,
onRequest({ options }) {
let _data: {
[prop: string]: any;
} = {
if (token.value) {
_data["userUuid"] = token.value;
// Gets the current timestamp
const timestamp = new Date().getTime();
// Generate an AES Key
const aesKey = Base64.encode("jupai" + timestamp);
// Service parameter aes encryption
// console.log(_data, "_data");
let reqContent = encodeURIComponent(
Encrypt(JSON.stringify(_data), aesKey)
// md5 signature
const md5Sign = md5(reqContent).toUpperCase();
// UrlDecode Decrypts the public key
const rsaSign = encodeURIComponent(rsaEncrypt(aesKey));
const params = {
version: "1.0.0",
osType: "1",
reqContent: reqContent,
md5Sign: md5Sign,
rsaSign: rsaSign,
timeStamp: timestamp,
gps: "gps",
options.headers = {
...(token.value && { "X-Access-Token": token.value }),
...(_object.headers || {}),
} as { [key: string]: string };
options.body = JSON.stringify(params);
onResponse({ response }) {
if (response._data.code !== "200" && response._data.code !== "12010") {
if (import.meta.client) {
onResponseError({ response }) {
if (import.meta.client) {
return useFetch<ResultData<T>>(url, {
} as any);
export const getApi = async <T>(
url: NitroFetchRequest,
reqParams: object = {},
_object: UseFetchOptions<T> = {}
) => {
const { data } = await apiRequest<T>(url, reqParams, {
method: "get",
return data;
export const postApi = async <T>(
url: NitroFetchRequest,
reqParams: object = {},
_object: UseFetchOptions<T> = {}
) => {
const { data } = await apiRequest<T>(url, reqParams, {
method: "POST",
return data;
- 使用:
export const getList= (params: ReqLotList) => {
return postApi<ResLotList[]>("/api/getList", params);
const list= await getList({
pageNum: 1,
pageSize: 8