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VIE(可变利益实体)架构通俗解析 —— 以阿里巴巴为例(中英双语)

VIE(可变利益实体)架构通俗解析 —— 以阿里巴巴为例

什么是 VIE 架构?

VIE(Variable Interest Entity,可变利益实体)是一种特殊的法律结构,主要用于中国企业在海外上市,特别是受中国法律限制的行业(如互联网、教育、传媒等)。

由于中国法规不允许外资直接持有某些行业的公司,VIE 结构提供了一种“变通”方式,让海外投资者可以通过合同控制这些公司,而不是直接持股

VIE 架构的三大核心部分

阿里巴巴(BABA.US) 为例,它在美国上市采用的就是 VIE 结构。

1. 境外上市公司(Alibaba Group Holding Limited)

  • 这个公司注册在 开曼群岛,因为这里税收优惠,法律体系也适合国际投资。
  • 这个公司是实际在美国上市的主体,阿里巴巴的BABA.US 就是在纳斯达克上市的。
  • 海外投资者购买的 阿里股票,其实买的是这个境外公司的股份,而不是真正持有阿里巴巴中国业务的股权。

2. WFOE(外商独资企业,阿里巴巴(中国)网络技术有限公司)

  • WFOE 全称:Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise(外商独资企业),由境外上市公司 100% 控股。
  • WFOE 不能直接持有阿里巴巴的核心业务公司(VIE)的股权,但它可以与 VIE 签订合同,控制其经营权和利润分配。
  • WFOE 通常注册在自由贸易区(如上海自贸区),方便跨境业务和资金结算。

3. VIE 公司(阿里巴巴(中国)有限公司)

  • 这家公司才是真正运营阿里巴巴中国业务的公司,比如淘宝、天猫、支付宝等核心业务。
  • 由于政策限制,VIE 公司的股东必须是中国公民或本土企业,不能直接由外资持股。
  • WFOE 通过协议控制 VIE,而不是直接持股,这样既符合监管要求,又能让境外投资者享受公司的收益。

VIE 结构如何运作?

VIE 结构依赖一系列法律协议,让 WFOE “间接控制” VIE 公司的经营权和财务权。


  1. 独家业务合作协议:VIE 公司承诺只与 WFOE 进行业务合作,并将全部利润支付给 WFOE,以“管理费”等名义转移资金。
  2. 股权质押协议:VIE 公司的实际股东(比如马云)将自己的股权抵押给 WFOE,确保他们不会违约或者随意变更控制权。
  3. 投票权委托协议:VIE 公司的股东必须把自己的投票权全权委托给 WFOE 指定的人(通常是上市公司控制的个人)。
  4. 购股权协议:如果法律允许,WFOE 有权以极低的价格购买 VIE 公司的股权,从而最终实现真正控股。


✅ WFOE 不直接持有 VIE 的股份,但实际上控制了 VIE,保证了阿里巴巴集团的整体运作。
海外投资者买的不是阿里中国的股权,而是开曼公司的股权,但因为 WFOE 控制 VIE,公司整体仍然统一运作。

为什么要用 VIE 结构?

绕开政策限制:中国不允许外资直接控股互联网公司,VIE 让公司能在海外上市融资。
吸引全球投资者:VIE 结构让阿里巴巴、腾讯、百度等公司能在美股上市,获得全球资本支持。
创始团队保留控制权:即使上市,创始团队依然能通过 VIE 结构掌控公司的决策权。

VIE 结构的风险

法律风险:VIE 结构是“打擦边球”,中国政府如果修改法规,VIE 可能被认定为非法。
中美监管压力:美国证监会(SEC)要求 VIE 结构的公司增加信息透明度,而中国监管层也加强了对 VIE 公司的审查。


VIE 结构是一种绕开政策限制的上市模式,让中国企业能在海外融资,同时维持国内业务的合规性。

阿里巴巴、腾讯、百度等公司都采用了 VIE 结构,成功在美国上市。
VIE 让投资者“间接持有”中国公司,而不是直接持股,投资前需要清楚合同的风险。
VIE 结构并非永久安全,未来政策变化可能会影响其合法性。

简单来说,VIE 是一个让外资“间接持股”的法律设计,但它本身存在政策和合约风险,投资者需要谨慎考虑!

VIE (Variable Interest Entity) Structure Explained — Alibaba as an Example

What is the VIE Structure?

A Variable Interest Entity (VIE) is a legal structure commonly used by Chinese companies to list on overseas stock markets, especially in industries restricted by Chinese regulations (such as internet, education, and media).

Since Chinese law does not allow foreign investors to directly own companies in certain sectors, the VIE structure provides a workaround by allowing foreign investors to control the company through contractual agreements rather than direct ownership.

The Three Key Components of a VIE Structure

Alibaba (BABA.US) is a prime example of a Chinese company that went public using the VIE structure. Here’s how it works:

1. Offshore Holding Company (Alibaba Group Holding Limited)

  • This company is registered in the Cayman Islands, a popular jurisdiction due to tax benefits and favorable corporate laws for international investors.
  • This is the actual entity listed on the U.S. stock market, meaning that the Alibaba shares (BABA.US) traded on NASDAQ belong to this offshore company.
  • Foreign investors buying Alibaba stock are actually purchasing shares of this Cayman-based entity, not Alibaba’s Chinese operations.

2. WFOE (Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise - Alibaba (China) Network Technology Co., Ltd.)

  • WFOE (Wholly Foreign-Owned Enterprise) is a wholly owned subsidiary of the offshore holding company and is typically incorporated in a Chinese free trade zone (e.g., the Shanghai Free Trade Zone).
  • WFOE cannot directly own shares in Alibaba’s Chinese business due to legal restrictions.
  • Instead, WFOE signs contracts with the VIE to control its business and financial operations.

3. VIE (Alibaba (China) Co., Ltd.)

  • The VIE is the company that operates Alibaba’s core business in China, including Taobao, Tmall, and other key services.
  • Due to Chinese regulatory restrictions, the VIE’s equity is held by Chinese nationals or local entities, typically the company’s founders.
  • Instead of owning the VIE outright, WFOE controls it through a series of legal agreements, creating an indirect but effective ownership structure.

How Does the VIE Structure Work?

The VIE structure relies on a set of contractual agreements that allow WFOE to “control” the VIE’s financial and operational decisions.

Key Agreements

  1. Exclusive Business Cooperation Agreement: The VIE agrees to conduct business exclusively with WFOE and transfer all profits to it in the form of service fees.
  2. Equity Pledge Agreement: The actual shareholders of the VIE (such as Alibaba’s founders) pledge their equity to WFOE as collateral, ensuring they cannot act against WFOE’s interests.
  3. Voting Rights Proxy Agreement: The VIE shareholders agree to grant their voting rights to WFOE or its designated persons.
  4. Call Option Agreement: WFOE is granted the right to purchase the VIE’s equity at a nominal price whenever legally permissible.

What This Means in Practice

✅ WFOE does not directly own the VIE, but it effectively controls it through these agreements.
Foreign investors do not own Alibaba’s core Chinese business, but they invest in a Cayman entity that controls the business via contracts.

Why Use the VIE Structure?

Bypasses Regulatory Restrictions: VIE allows Chinese tech companies to list on foreign stock exchanges despite restrictions on foreign ownership.
Access to Global Capital: Companies like Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu use the VIE structure to raise billions from international investors.
Preserves Founder Control: Even after going public, the company’s founders can retain operational and decision-making control.

Risks of the VIE Structure

Legal Risks: The VIE structure is a loophole rather than a legally protected model—Chinese regulators could declare it invalid at any time.
Investor Protection Risks: Foreign investors do not own Alibaba’s Chinese business but rather rely on contractual agreements, which may not be enforceable if challenged.
Regulatory Scrutiny: The U.S. SEC and Chinese regulators have tightened their oversight of VIE structures, increasing compliance risks.


The VIE structure is a workaround that allows Chinese companies to list on foreign stock markets while complying with local regulations.

Major Chinese companies like Alibaba, Tencent, and Baidu use the VIE model to raise capital globally.
Foreign investors don’t own the actual Chinese business—only shares in an offshore company that controls it via contracts.
The structure is vulnerable to policy changes, so investors should carefully assess potential risks before investing.

In simple terms, the VIE structure allows foreign investors to “indirectly” own Chinese companies without direct equity ownership, but it comes with legal and regulatory uncertainties.





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