- Awesome Articulated Objects Understanding
- Table of contents
- 一、Survey
- 1. Survey on Modeling of Articulated Objects
- Articulation Detection
- 1. RoSI: Recovering 3D Shape Interiors from Few Articulation Images
- 2. Understanding 3D Object Interaction from a Single Image
- 3. OPDMulti: Openable Part Detection for Multiple Objects
- 4. OPD: Single-view 3D Openable Part Detection
- 5. Understanding 3D Object Articulation in Internet Videos
- 6. A Hand Motion-guided Articulation and Segmentation Estimation
- 7. Camera-to-Robot Pose Estimation from a Single Image
- 8. Deep Part Induction from Articulated Object Pairs
- Articulation Estimation
- 1. CAPT: Category-level Articulation Estimation from a Single Point Cloud Using Transformer
- 2. MARS: Multimodal Active Robotic Sensing for Articulated Characterization
- 3. OP-Align: Object-level and Part-level Alignment for Self-supervised Category-level Articulated Object Pose Estimation
- 4. Building Rearticulable Models for Arbitrary 3D Objects from 4D Point Clouds
- 5. Category-Level Articulated Object 9D Pose Estimation via Reinforcement Learning
- 6. Towards Real-World Category-level Articulation Pose Estimation
- 7. Unsupervised Kinematic Motion Detection for Part-segmented 3D Shape Collections
- 8. Distributional Depth-Based Estimation of Object Articulation Models
- 9. ScrewNet: Category-Independent Articulation Model Estimation From Depth Images Using Screw Theory
- 10. Nothing But Geometric Constraints: A Model-Free Method for Articulated Object Pose Estimation
- 11. Category-Level Articulated Object Pose Estimation
- 12. RPM-Net: Recurrent Prediction of Motion and Parts from Point Cloud
- 13. Learning to Generalize Kinematic Models to Novel Objects
- Dataset
- 1. RoCap: A Robotic Data Collection Pipeline for the Pose Estimation of Appearance-Changing Objects
- 2. ParaHome: Parameterizing Everyday Home Activities Towards 3D Generative Modeling of Human-Object Interactions
- 3. AO-Grasp: Articulated Object Grasp Generation
- 4. MultiScan: Scalable RGBD scanning for 3D environments with articulated objects
- 5. AKB-48: A real-world articulated object knowledge base
- 6. SAPIEN: A simulated part-based interactive environment
- 7. Shape2Motion: Joint Analysis of Motion Parts and Attributes from 3D Shapes
- 8. The RBO Dataset of Articulated Objects and Interactions
- 9. 3D Shape Segmentation with Projective Convolutional Networks
- Dataset Augmentation
- 1. S2O: Static to Openable Enhancement for Articulated 3D Objects
- 2. Semi-Weakly Supervised Object Kinematic Motion Prediction
- Digital Twins
- 1. URDFormer: A Pipeline for Constructing Articulated Simulation Environments from Real-World Images
- 2. Real2Code: Reconstruct Articulated Objects via Code Generation
- 3. RoboStudio: A Physics Consistent World Model for Robotic Arm with Hybrid Representation
- 4. DexSim2Real2: Building Explicit World Model for Precise Articulated Object Dexterous Manipulation
- 5. ACDC: Automated Creation of Digital Cousins for Robust Policy Learning
- 6. Articulate-Anything: Automatic Modeling of Articulated Objects via a Vision-Language Foundation Model
- 7. PARIS: Part-level Reconstruction and Motion Analysis for Articulated Objects
- 8. Building Digital Twins of Articulated Objects and Scenes through Interactive Perception
- Generation
- 1. Sync4D: Video Guided Controllable Dynamics for Physics-Based 4D Generation
- 2. Puppet-Master: Scaling Interactive Video Generation as a Motion Prior for Part-Level Dynamics
- 3. PhysPart: Physically Plausible Part Completion for Interactable Objects
- 4. SINGAPO: Single Image Controlled Generation of Articulated Parts in Object
- 5. NAP: Neural 3D Articulation Prior
- 6. CAGE: Controllable Articulation Generation
- Implicit Representation
- 1. SM 3 ^3 3: Self-Supervised Multi-task Modeling with Multi-view 2D Images for Articulated Objects
- 2. Knowledge NeRF: Few-shot Novel View Synthesis for Dynamic Articulated Objects
- 3. Neural Implicit Representation for Building Digital Twins of Unknown Articulated Objects
- 4. REACTO: Reconstructing Articulated Objects from a Single Video
- 5. Articulate your NeRF: Unsupervised articulated object modeling via conditional view synthesis
- 6. NARF24: Estimating Articulated Object Structure for Implicit Rendering
- 7. LEIA: Latent View-invariant Embeddings for Implicit 3D Articulation
- 8. CARTO: Category and Joint Agnostic Reconstruction of ARTiculated Objects
- 9. NAISR: A 3D Neural Additive Model for Interpretable Shape Representation
- 10. 3D Implicit Transporter for Temporally Consistent Keypoint Discovery
- 11. Template-free Articulated Neural Point Clouds for Reposable View Synthesis
- 12. Ditto: Building Digital Twins of Articulated Objects from Interaction
- 13. CLA-NeRF: Category-Level Articulated Neural Radiance Field
- 14. Watch It Move: Unsupervised Discovery of 3D Joints for Re-Posing of Articulated Objects
- 15. Self-supervised Neural Articulated Shape and Appearance Models
- 16. NARF22: Neural Articulated Radiance Fields for Configuration-Aware Rendering
- 17. Unsupervised Pose-Aware Part Decomposition for 3D Articulated Objects
- 18. A-SDF: Learning Disentangled Signed Distance Functions for Articulated Shape Representation
- 19. StrobeNet: Category-Level Multiview Reconstruction of Articulated Objects
- Kinematic Inference
- 1. A3VLM: Actionable Articulation-Aware Vision Language Model
- 2. Discovering Conceptual Knowledge with Analytic Ontology Templates for Articulated Objects
- 3. Learning to Infer Kinematic Hierarchies for Novel Object Instances
- 4. Towards Understanding Articulated Objects
- Manipulation
- 1. ManiDext: Hand-Object Manipulation Synthesis via Continuous Correspondence Embeddings and Residual-Guided Diffusion
- 2. Articulated Object Manipulation using Online Axis Estimation with SAM2-Based Tracking
- 3. KinScene: Model-Based Mobile Manipulation of Articulated Scenes
- 4. Robot See Robot Do: Imitating Articulated Object Manipulation with Monocular 4D Reconstruction
- 5. UniAff: A Unified Representation of Affordances for Tool Usage and Articulation with Vision-Language Models
- 6. Sim2Real2: Actively Building Explicit Physics Model for Precise Articulated Object Manipulation
- 7. DexArt: Benchmarking Generalizable Dexterous Manipulation with Articulated Objects
- 8. GAMMA: Generalizable Articulation Modeling and Manipulation for Articulated Objects
- 9. Part-Guided 3D RL for Sim2Real Articulated Object Manipulation
- 10. Learning Part Motion of Articulated Objects Using Spatially Continuous Neural Implicit Representations
- 11. GAPartNet: Cross-Category Domain-Generalizable Object Perception and Manipulation via Generalizable and Actionable Parts
- 12. FlowBot3D: Learning 3D Articulation Flow to Manipulate Articulated Objects
- 13. Neural Field Representations of Articulated Objects for Robotic Manipulation Planning
- 14. Act the Part: Learning Interaction Strategies for Articulated Object Part Discovery
- Motion Transfer
- 1. CA2T-Net: Category-Agnostic 3D Articulation Transfer from Single Image
- 2. Command-driven Articulated Object Understanding and Manipulation
- 3. Learning to Predict Part Mobility from a Single Static Snapshot
- Reconstruction
- 1. CenterArt: Joint Shape Reconstruction and 6-DoF Grasp Estimation of Articulated Objects
- 2. Detection Based Part-level Articulated Object Reconstruction from Single RGBD Image
- 3. Interaction-Driven Active 3D Reconstruction with Object Interiors
- 4. Structure from Action: Learning Interactions for 3D Articulated Object Structure Discovery
- Scene-level Reconstruction
- 1. Ditto in the house: Building articulation models of indoor scenes through interactive perception
- Tracking
- 1. Category-Independent Articulated Object Tracking with Factor Graphs
- 2. CAPTRA: CAtegory-level Pose Tracking for Rigid and Articulated Objects from Point Clouds
- Credits
Awesome Articulated Objects Understanding
A curated list of resources for articulated objects understanding, including articulation estimation and articulated object reconstruction, excluding human/animal reconstruction. This list is intended to track to the development of articulated objects understanding. If you have any suggestions (missing papers, new tasks, etc.), feel free to pull a request or open an issue.
Table of contents
- Survey
- Articulation Detection
- Articulation Estimation