[Ubuntu] 记录系统崩掉进入initramfs模式后的解决方法
本文主要记录我自己Dell G3 3590老电脑的Ubuntu系统挂掉的解决记录,仅为记录。不详细纠察原因,与网上的解决方法十分不同。仅供参考
Itngfor root file system device. Common problemS:Pontangscat/proc/cmdline)
heckrootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?) missing modu les (cat/proc/modules; Is /dev)
E1I0:f2eb91de-630f-44Dc-8730-39286beae32b does not exist. Dropping to a shell!
BuSUBex W1.90.1( Ubuntu 1:1.30.1-7ubuntu8.1)built-in shell (ash)
Entenhelp' fora list of built-incommands.
initramfs) help
Built-in commands:
:[ alias break cd chdir command continue echo eval exec exitexport false getopts hash help history let local printf pud readreadonly return.set shift test times trap.true type ulimit umaskunalias unset wait [[[ acpid arch ash aukt basename blockdevbusybox cat chmod chroot chvt clear cmp cp cut date deallocvtdeluser devmem df dirname du dumpkmap echo egrep env expr falsefbset fgrep find fold fstrim grep gunzip gzip hostname huc lockifconf ig ip kill 1n loadfont loadk map Is 1zop mkdir mkfifo mknodmksuap mktemp modinfo more mount mv nuke openvt pidof pr intf"
ps pud readlink reboot reset rm rmdir run-init sed seq setkeycodes"sh sleep sort stat stat ic-sh stty switch_root sync tail teetesttouch tr true tty umount uname uniq wc wget which yes
(initramfs) restart
sh: restart:not found(initramfs) reboot[initramfs) -
Itngfor root file system device. Common problemS:Pontangscat/proc/cmdline)
heckrootdelay= (did the system wait long enough?) missing modu les (cat/proc/modules; Is /dev)
本来已经打算重装系统啦,但是在重装的时候看到了一篇这样的博客[技杂谈][原创]Dell G3-3590安装ubuntu18.04系统教程_dell g3 bios安装ubuntu 18-CSDN博客
上图中提示我要修改sata的模式,然后我打开我Dell G3 3590一看对应的,果然是在RAID On选项上,然后直接修改,成功重启!数据也全部都还在,爽!