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之前在 NebulaGraph学习笔记-自定义SessionPool 这篇文章中实现了自定义的SessionPool,后续在使用中发现经常查询的都是用的同一个Session,以至于某一个节点的负载压力很大。于是看了一下获取Session的方法,发现是顺序遍历,后续可以调整遍历方式来改变。
  • 依赖包还是跟之前的一致
<!-- Client依赖包 -->
  • SessionPool会在构造函数中进行初始化
 * init the SessionPool
 * this function is moved into SessionPool's constructor, no need to call it manually.
public boolean init() {
    if (hasInit.get()) {
        return true;

    while (sessionList.size() < minSessionSize) {
        try {
        } catch (Exception e) {
            log.error("SessionPool init failed. ");
            throw new RuntimeException("create session failed.", e);
    healthCheckSchedule.scheduleAtFixedRate(this::checkSession, 0, healthCheckTime,
    sessionQueueMaintainSchedule.scheduleAtFixedRate(this::updateSessionQueue, 0, cleanTime,
    hasInit.compareAndSet(false, true);
    return true;

 * create a {@link NebulaSession} with specified state
 * @param state {@link SessionState}
 * @return NebulaSession
private NebulaSession createSessionObject(SessionState state)
        throws ClientServerIncompatibleException, AuthFailedException,
        IOErrorException, BindSpaceFailedException {
    SyncConnection connection = new SyncConnection();
    int tryConnect = sessionPoolConfig.getGraphAddressList().size();
    // reconnect with all available address
    while (tryConnect-- > 0) {
        try {
            if (sessionPoolConfig.isEnableSsl()) {
                connection.open(getAddress(), sessionPoolConfig.getTimeout(),
            } else {
                connection.open(getAddress(), sessionPoolConfig.getTimeout(),
        } catch (Exception e) {
            if (tryConnect == 0 || !reconnect) {
                throw e;
            } else {
                log.warn("connect failed, " + e.getMessage());

    AuthResult authResult;
    try {
        authResult = connection.authenticate(sessionPoolConfig.getUsername(),
    } catch (AuthFailedException e) {
        if (e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("user not exist")
                || e.getMessage().toLowerCase().contains("invalid password")) {
            // close the session pool
        } else {
            // just close the connection
        throw e;

    NebulaSession nebulaSession = new NebulaSession(connection, authResult.getSessionId(),
            authResult.getTimezoneOffset(), state);
    ResultSet result = null;
    try {
        result = nebulaSession.execute(useSpace);
    } catch (IOErrorException e) {
        log.error("binding space failed,", e);
        throw new BindSpaceFailedException("binding space failed:" + e.getMessage());
    if (!result.isSucceeded()) {
        throw new BindSpaceFailedException(result.getErrorMessage());
    return nebulaSession;

public HostAddress getAddress() {
    List<HostAddress> addresses = sessionPoolConfig.getGraphAddressList();
    int newPos = (pos.getAndIncrement()) % addresses.size();
    HostAddress hostAddress = addresses.get(newPos);
    log.info("ng address {} {} {} {}", pos.get(), newPos, hostAddress.getHost(), hostAddress.getPort());
    return hostAddress;
  • getSession用于为每次执行查询提供Session,可以看出每次都是从sessionList中顺序取出nebulaSession
 * return an idle session
private synchronized NebulaSession getSession() throws ClientServerIncompatibleException,
        AuthFailedException, IOErrorException, BindSpaceFailedException {
    int retry = sessionPoolConfig.getRetryConnectTimes();
    while (retry-- >= 0) {
        // if there are idle sessions, get session from queue
        if (idleSessionSize.get() > 0) {
             for (NebulaSession nebulaSession : sessionList) {
                 if (nebulaSession.isIdleAndSetUsed()) {
                     int currentIdleSessionSize = idleSessionSize.decrementAndGet();
                     log.info("ng session {} {}", currentIdleSessionSize, nebulaSession.getSessionID());
                     return nebulaSession;
        // if session size is less than max size, get session from pool
        if (sessionList.size() < maxSessionSize) {
            return createSessionObject(SessionState.USED);
        // there's no available session, wait for SessionPoolConfig.getWaitTime and re-get
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.error("getSession error when wait for idle sessions, ", e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    // if session size is equal to max size and no idle session here, throw exception
    throw new RuntimeException("no extra session available");
  • 可以调整从sessionList中随机取出nebulaSession
 * return an idle session
private synchronized NebulaSession getSession() throws ClientServerIncompatibleException,
        AuthFailedException, IOErrorException, BindSpaceFailedException {
    int retry = sessionPoolConfig.getRetryConnectTimes();
    while (retry-- >= 0) {
        // if there are idle sessions, get session from queue
        if (idleSessionSize.get() > 0) {
            int[] randomInts = RandomUtil.randomInts(sessionList.size());
            for (int randomInt : randomInts) {
                NebulaSession nebulaSession = sessionList.get(randomInt);
                if (nebulaSession.isIdleAndSetUsed()) {
                    int currentIdleSessionSize = idleSessionSize.decrementAndGet();
                    log.debug("ng session {} {}", currentIdleSessionSize, nebulaSession.getSessionID());
                    return nebulaSession;
        // if session size is less than max size, get session from pool
        if (sessionList.size() < maxSessionSize) {
            return createSessionObject(SessionState.USED);
        // there's no available session, wait for SessionPoolConfig.getWaitTime and re-get
        try {
        } catch (InterruptedException e) {
            log.error("getSession error when wait for idle sessions, ", e);
            throw new RuntimeException(e);

    // if session size is equal to max size and no idle session here, throw exception
    throw new RuntimeException("no extra session available");



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