js 实现图片缩放插件,支持图片上一张、下一张切换
1. 如下,在入口页面引入插件preview-image.js
3. 实例需要传入的参数配置
<!DOCTYPE html>
<meta charset="UTF-8">
<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width,initial-scale=1,user-scalable=no">
<meta name="referrer" content="no-referrer" />
<script src="preview-image.js"></script>
<img src="https://images.pexels.com/photos/459203/pexels-photo-459203.jpeg" loading="lazy" />
<img src="https://pic1.zhimg.com/70/v2-2bbdfd962561b9d6d4ec7a13c95afa2d_1440w.avis?source=172ae18b&biz_tag=Post"
loading="lazy" />
const imgSrcList = Array.from(document.getElementsByTagName('img')).map(img => img.src);
const imgList = document.getElementsByTagName('img');
// 文章里面的图片点击放大
for (var i = 0; i < imgList.length; i++) {
imgList[i].addEventListener('click', function(e) {
const curSrc = e.currentTarget.src;
const index = imgSrcList.indexOf(curSrc)
previewImg(imgSrcList, index)
function previewImg(imgList, index) {
images: imgList, // 该属性是必填项,其他属性都是非必填。images表示图片地址数组, 也可以是一个object[], object格式为{url: '', name: '', type: '', id: ''}
index: index, // 初始状态显示图片的索引,默认为0
fileType: 'image', // 文件类型,默认为image,可选项为image, auto。image表示将所有文件都显示为图片;auto表示自动判断文件类型,图片用img标签展示,其他类型文件只展示图标和名称,图标类型有audio、video、word、ppt、excel、pdf、other
loop: true, // 是否循环,默认为true
thumbnail: true, // 是否显示缩略图预览,默认为true
thumbnailDraggable: true, // 是否允许拖拽缩以更改略图位置,默认为true
toolbar: true, // 是否显示工具栏,包括放大缩小、旋转、适应窗口、实际尺寸、删除、下载,默认为true
delete: true, // 是否显示删除按钮,默认为false,当toolbar为true时生效
onDelete: function(url, index, id,
item) { // 删除回调,默认为空函数,若不允许删除或者删除失败,返回Promise.reject即可(throw Error也可以)
console.log('删除', index)
// return Promise.reject('无权限')
download: true, // 是否显示下载按钮,默认为false, 当toolbar为true时生效
onDownload: function(url, index, id, item) { // 下载回调,不传的话会用内置的下载方法来下载图片到本地
console.log('下载', index)
onClose: function() { // 关闭回调,默认为空,可以在此处做一些清理工作,比如在移动端解除对返回键的拦截
onFileClick: function(url, index, id, item) { // 点击非图片格式文件的回调,可以在此处做跳转等操作
window.open('preview url') // 可以打开预览链接
clickableFileTypes: ['pdf'], // 点击非图片格式文件时,只允许点击这些文件类型,会设置hover样式,当onFileClick不为空时生效,默认为all,即所有类型都可以点击
buttonTooltip: true, // 是否显示按钮提示,默认为true,若设为false,则不会显示按钮提示
// 以下是语言配置,可以自定义,默认为中文
thumbnailTitleText: 'overview', // 缩略图标题,默认为’缩略图‘
maxZoomText: 'It\'s already the maximum size', // 放大到最大时提示,默认为’已放到最大‘
minZoomText: 'It\'s already the smallest', // 缩小到最小时提示,默认为’已缩到最小‘
fitText: 'fit to screen', // 适应屏幕提示,默认为’适应屏幕‘
actualSizeText: 'actual size', // 实际尺寸提示,默认为’实际尺寸‘
zoomInText: 'zoom in', // 放大提示,默认为’放大‘
zoomOutText: 'zoom out', // 缩小提示,默认为’缩小‘
rotateLeftText: 'rotate left', // 逆时针旋转提示,默认为’左转‘
rotateRightText: 'rotate right', // 顺时针旋转提示,默认为’右转‘
downloadText: 'download', // 下载提示,默认为’下载‘
deleteText: 'delete', // 删除提示,默认为’删除‘
nextText: 'next', // 下一张提示,默认为’下一张‘
prevText: 'prev', // 上一张提示,默认为’上一张‘
firstText: "It's already the first one", // 第一张提示,默认为’已到第一个‘
lastText: "It's already the last one", // 最后一张提示,默认为’已到最后一个‘
closeText: "Close" // 关闭提示,默认为’关闭‘
img {
width: 100%;
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root["previewImage"] = factory();
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/******/ for(var key in definition) {
/******/ if(__webpack_require__.o(definition, key) && !__webpack_require__.o(exports, key)) {
/******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, key, { enumerable: true, get: definition[key] });
/******/ }
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/* harmony export */ __webpack_require__.d(__webpack_exports__, {
/* harmony export */ "default": function() { return __WEBPACK_DEFAULT_EXPORT__; }
/* harmony export */ });
function _typeof(o) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; return _typeof = "function" == typeof Symbol && "symbol" == typeof Symbol.iterator ? function (o) { return typeof o; } : function (o) { return o && "function" == typeof Symbol && o.constructor === Symbol && o !== Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof o; }, _typeof(o); }
function _regeneratorRuntime() { "use strict"; /*! regenerator-runtime -- Copyright (c) 2014-present, Facebook, Inc. -- license (MIT): https://github.com/facebook/regenerator/blob/main/LICENSE */ _regeneratorRuntime = function _regeneratorRuntime() { return e; }; var t, e = {}, r = Object.prototype, n = r.hasOwnProperty, o = Object.defineProperty || function (t, e, r) { t[e] = r.value; }, i = "function" == typeof Symbol ? Symbol : {}, a = i.iterator || "@@iterator", c = i.asyncIterator || "@@asyncIterator", u = i.toStringTag || "@@toStringTag"; function define(t, e, r) { return Object.defineProperty(t, e, { value: r, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }), t[e]; } try { define({}, ""); } catch (t) { define = function define(t, e, r) { return t[e] = r; }; } function wrap(t, e, r, n) { var i = e && e.prototype instanceof Generator ? e : Generator, a = Object.create(i.prototype), c = new Context(n || []); return o(a, "_invoke", { value: makeInvokeMethod(t, r, c) }), a; } function tryCatch(t, e, r) { try { return { type: "normal", arg: t.call(e, r) }; } catch (t) { return { type: "throw", arg: t }; } } e.wrap = wrap; var h = "suspendedStart", l = "suspendedYield", f = "executing", s = "completed", y = {}; function Generator() {} function GeneratorFunction() {} function GeneratorFunctionPrototype() {} var p = {}; define(p, a, function () { return this; }); var d = Object.getPrototypeOf, v = d && d(d(values([]))); v && v !== r && n.call(v, a) && (p = v); var g = GeneratorFunctionPrototype.prototype = Generator.prototype = Object.create(p); function defineIteratorMethods(t) { ["next", "throw", "return"].forEach(function (e) { define(t, e, function (t) { return this._invoke(e, t); }); }); } function AsyncIterator(t, e) { function invoke(r, o, i, a) { var c = tryCatch(t[r], t, o); if ("throw" !== c.type) { var u = c.arg, h = u.value; return h && "object" == _typeof(h) && n.call(h, "__await") ? e.resolve(h.__await).then(function (t) { invoke("next", t, i, a); }, function (t) { invoke("throw", t, i, a); }) : e.resolve(h).then(function (t) { u.value = t, i(u); }, function (t) { return invoke("throw", t, i, a); }); } a(c.arg); } var r; o(this, "_invoke", { value: function value(t, n) { function callInvokeWithMethodAndArg() { return new e(function (e, r) { invoke(t, n, e, r); }); } return r = r ? r.then(callInvokeWithMethodAndArg, callInvokeWithMethodAndArg) : callInvokeWithMethodAndArg(); } }); } function makeInvokeMethod(e, r, n) { var o = h; return function (i, a) { if (o === f) throw Error("Generator is already running"); if (o === s) { if ("throw" === i) throw a; return { value: t, done: !0 }; } for (n.method = i, n.arg = a;;) { var c = n.delegate; if (c) { var u = maybeInvokeDelegate(c, n); if (u) { if (u === y) continue; return u; } } if ("next" === n.method) n.sent = n._sent = n.arg;else if ("throw" === n.method) { if (o === h) throw o = s, n.arg; n.dispatchException(n.arg); } else "return" === n.method && n.abrupt("return", n.arg); o = f; var p = tryCatch(e, r, n); if ("normal" === p.type) { if (o = n.done ? s : l, p.arg === y) continue; return { value: p.arg, done: n.done }; } "throw" === p.type && (o = s, n.method = "throw", n.arg = p.arg); } }; } function maybeInvokeDelegate(e, r) { var n = r.method, o = e.iterator[n]; if (o === t) return r.delegate = null, "throw" === n && e.iterator["return"] && (r.method = "return", r.arg = t, maybeInvokeDelegate(e, r), "throw" === r.method) || "return" !== n && (r.method = "throw", r.arg = new TypeError("The iterator does not provide a '" + n + "' method")), y; var i = tryCatch(o, e.iterator, r.arg); if ("throw" === i.type) return r.method = "throw", r.arg = i.arg, r.delegate = null, y; var a = i.arg; return a ? a.done ? (r[e.resultName] = a.value, r.next = e.nextLoc, "return" !== r.method && (r.method = "next", r.arg = t), r.delegate = null, y) : a : (r.method = "throw", r.arg = new TypeError("iterator result is not an object"), r.delegate = null, y); } function pushTryEntry(t) { var e = { tryLoc: t[0] }; 1 in t && (e.catchLoc = t[1]), 2 in t && (e.finallyLoc = t[2], e.afterLoc = t[3]), this.tryEntries.push(e); } function resetTryEntry(t) { var e = t.completion || {}; e.type = "normal", delete e.arg, t.completion = e; } function Context(t) { this.tryEntries = [{ tryLoc: "root" }], t.forEach(pushTryEntry, this), this.reset(!0); } function values(e) { if (e || "" === e) { var r = e[a]; if (r) return r.call(e); if ("function" == typeof e.next) return e; if (!isNaN(e.length)) { var o = -1, i = function next() { for (; ++o < e.length;) if (n.call(e, o)) return next.value = e[o], next.done = !1, next; return next.value = t, next.done = !0, next; }; return i.next = i; } } throw new TypeError(_typeof(e) + " is not iterable"); } return GeneratorFunction.prototype = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, o(g, "constructor", { value: GeneratorFunctionPrototype, configurable: !0 }), o(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, "constructor", { value: GeneratorFunction, configurable: !0 }), GeneratorFunction.displayName = define(GeneratorFunctionPrototype, u, "GeneratorFunction"), e.isGeneratorFunction = function (t) { var e = "function" == typeof t && t.constructor; return !!e && (e === GeneratorFunction || "GeneratorFunction" === (e.displayName || e.name)); }, e.mark = function (t) { return Object.setPrototypeOf ? Object.setPrototypeOf(t, GeneratorFunctionPrototype) : (t.__proto__ = GeneratorFunctionPrototype, define(t, u, "GeneratorFunction")), t.prototype = Object.create(g), t; }, e.awrap = function (t) { return { __await: t }; }, defineIteratorMethods(AsyncIterator.prototype), define(AsyncIterator.prototype, c, function () { return this; }), e.AsyncIterator = AsyncIterator, e.async = function (t, r, n, o, i) { void 0 === i && (i = Promise); var a = new AsyncIterator(wrap(t, r, n, o), i); return e.isGeneratorFunction(r) ? a : a.next().then(function (t) { return t.done ? t.value : a.next(); }); }, defineIteratorMethods(g), define(g, u, "Generator"), define(g, a, function () { return this; }), define(g, "toString", function () { return "[object Generator]"; }), e.keys = function (t) { var e = Object(t), r = []; for (var n in e) r.push(n); return r.reverse(), function next() { for (; r.length;) { var t = r.pop(); if (t in e) return next.value = t, next.done = !1, next; } return next.done = !0, next; }; }, e.values = values, Context.prototype = { constructor: Context, reset: function reset(e) { if (this.prev = 0, this.next = 0, this.sent = this._sent = t, this.done = !1, this.delegate = null, this.method = "next", this.arg = t, this.tryEntries.forEach(resetTryEntry), !e) for (var r in this) "t" === r.charAt(0) && n.call(this, r) && !isNaN(+r.slice(1)) && (this[r] = t); }, stop: function stop() { this.done = !0; var t = this.tryEntries[0].completion; if ("throw" === t.type) throw t.arg; return this.rval; }, dispatchException: function dispatchException(e) { if (this.done) throw e; var r = this; function handle(n, o) { return a.type = "throw", a.arg = e, r.next = n, o && (r.method = "next", r.arg = t), !!o; } for (var o = this.tryEntries.length - 1; o >= 0; --o) { var i = this.tryEntries[o], a = i.completion; if ("root" === i.tryLoc) return handle("end"); if (i.tryLoc <= this.prev) { var c = n.call(i, "catchLoc"), u = n.call(i, "finallyLoc"); if (c && u) { if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return handle(i.catchLoc, !0); if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return handle(i.finallyLoc); } else if (c) { if (this.prev < i.catchLoc) return handle(i.catchLoc, !0); } else { if (!u) throw Error("try statement without catch or finally"); if (this.prev < i.finallyLoc) return handle(i.finallyLoc); } } } }, abrupt: function abrupt(t, e) { for (var r = this.tryEntries.length - 1; r >= 0; --r) { var o = this.tryEntries[r]; if (o.tryLoc <= this.prev && n.call(o, "finallyLoc") && this.prev < o.finallyLoc) { var i = o; break; } } i && ("break" === t || "continue" === t) && i.tryLoc <= e && e <= i.finallyLoc && (i = null); var a = i ? i.completion : {}; return a.type = t, a.arg = e, i ? (this.method = "next", this.next = i.finallyLoc, y) : this.complete(a); }, complete: function complete(t, e) { if ("throw" === t.type) throw t.arg; return "break" === t.type || "continue" === t.type ? this.next = t.arg : "return" === t.type ? (this.rval = this.arg = t.arg, this.method = "return", this.next = "end") : "normal" === t.type && e && (this.next = e), y; }, finish: function finish(t) { for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) { var r = this.tryEntries[e]; if (r.finallyLoc === t) return this.complete(r.completion, r.afterLoc), resetTryEntry(r), y; } }, "catch": function _catch(t) { for (var e = this.tryEntries.length - 1; e >= 0; --e) { var r = this.tryEntries[e]; if (r.tryLoc === t) { var n = r.completion; if ("throw" === n.type) { var o = n.arg; resetTryEntry(r); } return o; } } throw Error("illegal catch attempt"); }, delegateYield: function delegateYield(e, r, n) { return this.delegate = { iterator: values(e), resultName: r, nextLoc: n }, "next" === this.method && (this.arg = t), y; } }, e; }
function asyncGeneratorStep(n, t, e, r, o, a, c) { try { var i = n[a](c), u = i.value; } catch (n) { return void e(n); } i.done ? t(u) : Promise.resolve(u).then(r, o); }
function _asyncToGenerator(n) { return function () { var t = this, e = arguments; return new Promise(function (r, o) { var a = n.apply(t, e); function _next(n) { asyncGeneratorStep(a, r, o, _next, _throw, "next", n); } function _throw(n) { asyncGeneratorStep(a, r, o, _next, _throw, "throw", n); } _next(void 0); }); }; }
function ownKeys(e, r) { var t = Object.keys(e); if (Object.getOwnPropertySymbols) { var o = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e); r && (o = o.filter(function (r) { return Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(e, r).enumerable; })), t.push.apply(t, o); } return t; }
function _objectSpread(e) { for (var r = 1; r < arguments.length; r++) { var t = null != arguments[r] ? arguments[r] : {}; r % 2 ? ownKeys(Object(t), !0).forEach(function (r) { _defineProperty(e, r, t[r]); }) : Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors ? Object.defineProperties(e, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors(t)) : ownKeys(Object(t)).forEach(function (r) { Object.defineProperty(e, r, Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(t, r)); }); } return e; }
function _defineProperty(e, r, t) { return (r = _toPropertyKey(r)) in e ? Object.defineProperty(e, r, { value: t, enumerable: !0, configurable: !0, writable: !0 }) : e[r] = t, e; }
function _toPropertyKey(t) { var i = _toPrimitive(t, "string"); return "symbol" == _typeof(i) ? i : i + ""; }
function _toPrimitive(t, r) { if ("object" != _typeof(t) || !t) return t; var e = t[Symbol.toPrimitive]; if (void 0 !== e) { var i = e.call(t, r || "default"); if ("object" != _typeof(i)) return i; throw new TypeError("@@toPrimitive must return a primitive value."); } return ("string" === r ? String : Number)(t); }
function _toConsumableArray(r) { return _arrayWithoutHoles(r) || _iterableToArray(r) || _unsupportedIterableToArray(r) || _nonIterableSpread(); }
function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); }
function _unsupportedIterableToArray(r, a) { if (r) { if ("string" == typeof r) return _arrayLikeToArray(r, a); var t = {}.toString.call(r).slice(8, -1); return "Object" === t && r.constructor && (t = r.constructor.name), "Map" === t || "Set" === t ? Array.from(r) : "Arguments" === t || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(t) ? _arrayLikeToArray(r, a) : void 0; } }
function _iterableToArray(r) { if ("undefined" != typeof Symbol && null != r[Symbol.iterator] || null != r["@@iterator"]) return Array.from(r); }
function _arrayWithoutHoles(r) { if (Array.isArray(r)) return _arrayLikeToArray(r); }
function _arrayLikeToArray(r, a) { (null == a || a > r.length) && (a = r.length); for (var e = 0, n = Array(a); e < a; e++) n[e] = r[e]; return n; }
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cursor: 'pointer',
userSelect: 'none',
zIndex: 2,
lineHeight: '20px'
hotZone: {
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
flexDirection: 'column'
fileIcon: {
fontSize: '120px',
marginBottom: '20px',
display: 'flex'
fileName: {
color: '#fff',
fontSize: '16px',
lineHeight: '22px',
textAlign: 'center',
fontWeight: 600,
maxWidth: 'min(80vw, 800px)',
// maxHeight: '110px',
overflow: 'hidden',
'-webkitBoxOrient': 'vertical',
'-webkitLineClamp': 5,
textOverflow: 'ellipsis',
display: '-webkit-box'
loading: {
width: '40px',
height: '40px',
fontSize: '36px',
display: 'flex',
alignItems: 'center',
justifyContent: 'center',
top: 'calc(50% - 20px)',
left: 'calc(50% - 20px)',
zIndex: '4',
position: 'fixed',
color: '#fff',
animation: 'previewRotating 2s linear infinite'
// 图标名称
imageViewer.previewIconName = {
close: 'close',
prev: 'left-arrow',
next: 'right-arrow',
download: 'download',
zoomIn: 'zoom-in',
zoomOut: 'zoom-out',
rotateLeft: 'left-rotate',
rotateRight: 'right-rotate',
fitScreen: 'fit',
actual: 'actual',
"delete": 'delete',
loading: 'loading'
// 获取图标名称
imageViewer.getIconName = function (name) {
// 定义图标前缀
var prefix = '#preview_img_icon';
return imageViewer.previewIconName[name] ? "".concat(prefix, "-").concat(imageViewer.previewIconName[name]) : '';
// 截流函数
imageViewer.throttle = function (fn, wait) {
var lastTime = 0;
return function () {
var now = new Date().getTime();
if (now - lastTime > wait) {
fn.apply(this, arguments);
lastTime = now;
// 将驼峰字符串转换为短横线分隔的字符串
imageViewer.toLine = function (name) {
return name.replace(/([A-Z])/g, "-$1").toLowerCase();
imageViewer.createElement = function (tagName, className, style, content) {
var element = document.createElement(tagName);
if (className) {
element.setAttribute('class', className);
if (style) {
for (var key in style) {
element.style[imageViewer.toLine(key)] = style[key];
if (content) {
if (content.indexOf('#svg-icon#') !== -1) {
// 插入svg图标
var name = content.split(':')[1];
var ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
var svgElement = document.createElementNS(ns, 'svg');
svgElement.setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");
svgElement.setAttribute('width', '1em');
svgElement.setAttribute('height', '1em');
svgElement.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor');
svgElement.style.fontSize = '1em';
svgElement.setAttribute('class', 'fonticon');
var useElement = document.createElementNS(ns, 'use');
useElement.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', "".concat(imageViewer.getIconName(name)));
// useElement.setAttribute('width', '1em')
// useElement.setAttribute('height', '1em')
useElement.style.fontSize = '1em';
} else if (content.indexOf('#svg-file-icon#') !== -1) {
// 插入svg图标
var _name = content.split(':')[1];
var _ns = 'http://www.w3.org/2000/svg';
var _svgElement = document.createElementNS(_ns, 'svg');
_svgElement.setAttribute("xmlns", "http://www.w3.org/2000/svg");
_svgElement.setAttribute('width', '1em');
_svgElement.setAttribute('height', '1em');
_svgElement.setAttribute('fill', 'currentColor');
_svgElement.style.fontSize = '1em';
_svgElement.setAttribute('class', 'fonticon');
var _useElement = document.createElementNS(_ns, 'use');
_useElement.setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', "".concat(imageViewer.getFileIcon(_name)));
// useElement.setAttribute('width', '1em')
// useElement.setAttribute('height', '1em')
_useElement.style.fontSize = '1em';
} else {
element.innerHTML = content;
return element;
imageViewer.createAnimation = function (element, type) {
// 创建一个关键帧动画
function createKeyframeAnimation(target, keyframes, options) {
// 使用Web Animations API的element.animate方法
return target !== null && target !== void 0 && target.animate ? target.animate(keyframes, options) : null;
// 定义关键帧
var keyframes = [{
opacity: 0,
offset: 0
}, {
opacity: 1,
offset: 1
if (type === 'out') {
keyframes = [{
opacity: 1,
offset: 0
}, {
opacity: 0,
offset: 1
// 定义动画选项
var options = {
duration: 200,
// 动画时长为1000毫秒
iterations: 1,
// 动画无限次数播放
easing: 'ease-in-out' // 动画使用'缓进缓出'缓动函数
// 创建并播放动画
var animation = createKeyframeAnimation(element, keyframes, options);
animation === null || animation === void 0 || animation.play();
// toast方法
imageViewer.toast = function (fromText) {
var _imageViewer$toast;
var time = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 2000;
var toText = arguments.length > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined;
var unit = arguments.length > 3 && arguments[3] !== undefined ? arguments[3] : '';
// 隐藏所有toast
// document.querySelectorAll('.preview-image-toast').forEach(item => {
// document.body.removeChild(item)
// })
if (!fromText) {
if ((_imageViewer$toast = imageViewer.toast) !== null && _imageViewer$toast !== void 0 && _imageViewer$toast.timer) {
for (var i = 0; i < imageViewer.toast.timer.length; i++) {
imageViewer.toast.timer = [];
var toastElement = document.querySelector('.preview-image-toast');
if (!toastElement) {
toastElement = imageViewer.createElement('div', 'preview-image-toast', imageViewer.preViewStyle.toast);
if (toText) {
// console.log(toText)
if (typeof fromText === 'number' && typeof toText === 'number') {
// 数字增长或减小
// 计算差值
var step = 1;
var diff = Math.abs(toText - fromText);
if (diff > 100) {
step = 10;
diff = Math.ceil(diff / step);
var selfTime = 300;
if (diff < 5) {
selfTime = 100;
} else if (diff < 3) {
selfTime = 50;
var _loop = function _loop(_i) {
var timer = setTimeout(function () {
if (_i <= diff) {
toastElement.innerText = "".concat(Math.round(fromText) + _i * step * (fromText > toText ? -1 : 1)).concat(unit);
} else {
toastElement.innerText = "".concat(Math.round(toText)).concat(unit);
var _timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, time);
}, selfTime / diff * _i);
for (var _i = 0; _i <= diff + 1; _i++) {
} else {
toastElement.innerText = "".concat(fromText).concat(unit);
var timer = setTimeout(function () {
toastElement.innerText = "".concat(toText).concat(unit);
var timer = setTimeout(function () {
}, time);
}, time);
} else {
toastElement.innerText = "".concat(fromText).concat(unit);
var _timer2 = setTimeout(function () {
}, time);
// 计算小数点位数
imageViewer.getDecimalLength = function (num) {
if (!num.toString) {
return 0;
var decimalPart = num.toString().match(/\.(\d+)/);
if (decimalPart !== null) {
return decimalPart[1].length;
return 0;
// 乘法,解决精度丢失问题
imageViewer.mul = function (num1, num2) {
var decimalLength1 = imageViewer.getDecimalLength(num1);
var decimalLength2 = imageViewer.getDecimalLength(num2);
var multiple1 = Math.pow(10, decimalLength1);
var multiple2 = Math.pow(10, decimalLength2);
return num1 * multiple1 * multiple2 * num2 / (multiple1 * multiple2);
// 除法,解决精度丢失问题
imageViewer.divide = function (num1, num2) {
var decimalLength1 = imageViewer.getDecimalLength(num1);
var decimalLength2 = imageViewer.getDecimalLength(num2);
var multiple = Math.pow(10, Math.max(decimalLength1, decimalLength2));
return num1 * multiple / (num2 * multiple);
// 监听target是否在container中完全可见
imageViewer.isVisible = function isVisible(container, target) {
if (!container || !target) {
return true;
var targetRect = target.getBoundingClientRect();
var parentRect = container.getBoundingClientRect();
return targetRect.top - parentRect.top >= -0.1 && parentRect.bottom - targetRect.bottom >= -0.1 && targetRect.left - parentRect.left >= -0.1 && parentRect.right - targetRect.right >= -0.1;
imageViewer.insertStyle = function (css) {
var style = document.createElement('style');
// 兼容不同浏览器的代码
if (style.styleSheet) {
style.styleSheet.cssText = css;
} else {
// 将style元素插入到head中
// 使用函数插入CSS样式,小图标tooltip样式
imageViewer.toolTipBackground = '#303133';
imageViewer.insertStyle("\n .preview-operate-button {\n position: relative;\n white-space: nowrap;\n }\n .preview-operate-button.box-shadow:hover {\n box-shadow: 0 0 8px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, .12)\n }\n .preview-operate-button.hover:hover{\n background: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.4) !important;\n }\n .preview-operate-button.disabled{\n color: rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.4) !important;\n cursor: not-allowed !important;\n }\n .preview-operate-button.hover.disabled:hover{\n box-shadow: none !important;\n background: none !important\n }\n .preview-operate-button:before {\n content: attr(data-content);\n background: ".concat(imageViewer.toolTipBackground, ";\n padding: 0 6px;\n display: none;\n position: absolute;\n bottom: calc(100% + 8px);\n white-space: nowrap;\n left: 50%;\n transform: translateX(-50%);\n line-height: 24px;\n font-size: 12px;\n color: #fff;\n border-radius: 4px;\n z-index: 3;\n box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.1);\n user-select: none;\n }\n .preview-operate-button.bottom-tooltip:before {\n top: calc(100% + 8px);\n bottom: auto\n }\n \n .preview-operate-button.preview-tooltip:hover:before{\n display: block;\n }\n .preview-operate-button:after {\n content: '';\n position: absolute;\n border-bottom-color: transparent !important;\n border-right-color: transparent !important;\n border-radius: 2px;\n display: none;\n width: 10px;\n height: 10px;\n border: 1px solid ").concat(imageViewer.toolTipBackground, ";\n background: ").concat(imageViewer.toolTipBackground, ";\n left: 50%;\n transform: rotate(45deg) translateX(-50%);\n bottom: 100%;\n z-index: 2;\n box-shadow: 0 0 4px 0px rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.15);\n }\n .preview-operate-button.bottom-tooltip:after{\n top: 100%;\n bottom: auto;\n transform: rotate(-45deg) translateX(-50%);\n }\n .preview-operate-button.preview-tooltip:hover:after{\n display: block;\n }\n @keyframes previewRotating{\n from {\n transform: rotate(0deg);\n }\n to {\n transform: rotate(360deg);\n }\n }\n svg[name^=\"fonticon\"] text, svg[name^=\"fonticon\"] text tspan{\n text-anchor: start;\n dominant-baseline: initial;\n font-size: 20px;\n }\n .preview-hot-zone:hover>.preview-file-name{\n text-decoration: underline;\n }\n"));
imageViewer.isImg = function (extName) {
if (extName === '_error_') {
return false;
if (!extName) {
return true;
if (imageViewer.fileType === 'auto') {
var types = ['png', 'jpeg', 'jpg', 'gif', 'bmp'];
return types.indexOf(extName) > -1;
} else {
return true;
imageViewer.getFileIcon = function (extName) {
var baseIconName = '#preview_img_color-';
// pdf
if (extName.toLowerCase() === 'pdf') {
return "".concat(baseIconName, "pdf");
// word文档
if (extName.toLowerCase() === 'doc' || extName.toLowerCase() === 'docx') {
return "".concat(baseIconName, "word");
// excel文档
if (extName.toLowerCase() === 'xls' || extName.toLowerCase() === 'xlsx') {
return "".concat(baseIconName, "excel");
// powerpoint文档
if (extName.toLowerCase() === 'ppt' || extName.toLowerCase() === 'pptx') {
return "".concat(baseIconName, "ppt");
// 音频
if (extName.toLowerCase() === 'mp3' || extName.toLowerCase() === 'wav') {
return "".concat(baseIconName, "audio");
// 视频
if (extName.toLowerCase() === 'mp4' || extName.toLowerCase() === 'avi' || extName.toLowerCase() === 'mov' || extName.toLowerCase() === 'mkv' || extName.toLowerCase() === 'flv' || extName.toLowerCase() === 'rmvb') {
return "".concat(baseIconName, "video");
// 加载失败图标
if (extName.toLowerCase() === '_error_') {
return "#preview_img_icon-load-error";
return "".concat(baseIconName, "other"); //preview_img_color-other
function previewImage(option) {
/*option = {
images: [],
index: 0,
loop: true
// 判断有无option
if (!option) {
// 判断option是否为字符串
if (typeof option === 'string') {
try {
// 尝试解析为JSON字符串
option = JSON.parse(option);
} catch (e) {
// 将option作为url
option = {
images: [option]
var index = option.index !== undefined ? Number(option.index) : 0;
imageViewer.fileType = option.fileType || 'image';
var toolbar = option.toolbar !== undefined ? option.toolbar : true;
var loop = option.loop !== undefined ? option.loop : true;
var maxZoom = option.maxZoom || 4;
var minZoom = option.minZoom || 0.25;
var images = option.images ? _toConsumableArray(option.images) : [];
var imageNames = [];
var imageTypes = [];
var imageLoadFlag = [];
var imageIds = [];
var rawImages = [];
// 判断images是string[] 还是 object[]
if (images.length > 0 && images[0].url) {
rawImages = _toConsumableArray(images);
// 将string[] 转为object[]
images = images.map(function (item, index) {
imageNames[index] = item.name;
imageTypes[index] = item.type;
imageIds[index] = item.id;
return item.url;
var thumbnail = option.thumbnail !== undefined ? option.thumbnail : true;
var thumbnailDraggable = option.thumbnailDraggable !== undefined ? option.thumbnailDraggable : true;
var showDownload = option.download !== undefined ? option.download : false;
var showDelete = option["delete"] !== undefined ? option["delete"] : false;
var downloadHandler = option.onDownload || function (index, url) {
var _navigator;
// 判断IE浏览器
if ((_navigator = navigator) !== null && _navigator !== void 0 && _navigator.msSaveBlob) {
var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
xhr.open("GET", url); // 异步
xhr.responseType = "blob"; // blob 类型
xhr.onload = function () {
if (xhr.status !== 200) {
} else {
var _navigator2;
var blob = new Blob([xhr.response]);
(_navigator2 = navigator) === null || _navigator2 === void 0 || _navigator2.msSaveBlob(blob, url.split('/').pop());
xhr.onerror = function () {
function downloadA() {
// 默认下载事件
var aEl = document.createElement('a');
aEl.href = url;
aEl.target = '_blank';
aEl.download = url && url.split ? url.split('/').pop() : '';
try {
} catch (e) {
aEl = null;
var deleteHandler = option.onDelete || function (index, url, id, item) {};
var closeHandler = option.onClose || null;
var fileClickHandler = option.onFileClick || null;
var oldIndex = index;
var zoom = 1;
var oldZoom = 1;
var rotate = 0;
var offsetX = 0;
var offsetY = 0;
var startX = 0;
var startY = 0;
var fullyVisible = false;
var thumbnailClosed = false; // 是否关闭小图
var dialog = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-dialog", imageViewer.preViewStyle.dialog); // 创建弹窗元素
var closeBtn = imageViewer.createElement("div", "close-btn preview-operate-button box-shadow hover", imageViewer.preViewStyle.closeBtn, "#svg-icon#:close"); // 关闭按钮
var prevBtn = imageViewer.createElement("div", "prev-btn preview-operate-button box-shadow hover", _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, imageViewer.preViewStyle.preBtn), {}, {
transform: 'translateY(-50%)',
left: '20px'
}), "#svg-icon#:prev"); // 上一张按钮
var nextBtn = imageViewer.createElement("div", "next-btn preview-operate-button box-shadow hover", _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, imageViewer.preViewStyle.preBtn), {}, {
right: '20px',
transform: 'translateY(-50%)'
}), "#svg-icon#:next"); // 下一张按钮
var indexText = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-index", imageViewer.preViewStyle.index, "".concat(index + 1, "/").concat(images.length)); // 图片索引
var thumbnailBox = imageViewer.createElement("div", "thumbnail-box", imageViewer.preViewStyle.thumbnailBox);
var thumbnailTitle = imageViewer.createElement("div", "thumbnail-title", imageViewer.preViewStyle.thumbnailTitle);
var thumbnailContainer = imageViewer.createElement("div", "thumbnail-container", imageViewer.preViewStyle.thumbnailContainer);
var thumbnailImageWrap = imageViewer.createElement("div", "thumbnail-image-wrap", imageViewer.preViewStyle.thumbnailImageWrap);
var thumbnailCurrView = imageViewer.createElement("div", "thumbnail-curr-view", imageViewer.preViewStyle.thumbnailCurrView);
var thumbnailImage = imageViewer.createElement("img", "thumbnail-image", imageViewer.preViewStyle.thumbnailImage);
var thumbnailCloseButton = imageViewer.createElement("div", "thumbnail-close-button", imageViewer.preViewStyle.thumbnailCloseButton, "#svg-icon#:close");
var thumbnailZoom = 1;
var thumbnailWidth = 120;
var thumbnailHeight = 100;
// const thumbnailWidth = 120
// const thumbnailHeight = 100
var thumbnailBoxRight = 10;
var thumbnailBoxBottom = 10;
var thumbnailBoxStartX = 0;
var thumbnailBoxStartY = 0;
/* 获取按钮和提示文本 */
var maxZoomText = option.maxZoomText || '已放到最大';
var minZoomText = option.minZoomText || '已缩到最小';
var fitText = option.fitText || '适应屏幕';
var actualSizeText = option.actualSizeText || '原始尺寸';
var zoomInText = option.zoomInText || '放大';
var zoomOutText = option.zoomOutText || '缩小';
var rotateLeftText = option.rotateLeftText || '左旋转';
var rotateRightText = option.rotateRightText || '右旋转';
var downloadText = option.downloadText || '下载';
var deleteText = option.deleteText || '删除';
var nextText = option.nextText || '下一张';
var prevText = option.prevText || '上一张';
var thumbnailTitleText = option.thumbnailTitleText || '概览图';
// const maxZoomText = option.maxZoomText || '';
// const minZoomText = option.minZoomText || '';
// const fitText = option.fitText || '';
// const actualSizeText = option.actualSizeText || '';
// const zoomInText = option.zoomInText || '';
// const zoomOutText = option.zoomOutText || '';
// const rotateLeftText = option.rotateLeftText || '';
// const rotateRightText = option.rotateRightText || '';
// const downloadText = option.downloadText || '';
// const deleteText = option.deleteText || '';
// const nextText = option.nextText || '';
// const prevText = option.prevText || '';
// const thumbnailTitleText = option.thumbnailTitleText || '概览图';
prevBtn.setAttribute('data-content', prevText);
nextBtn.setAttribute('data-content', nextText);
thumbnailTitle.innerText = thumbnailTitleText;
thumbnailTitle.setAttribute('title', thumbnailTitleText);
if (!images.length) {
/* 交互相关的方法 */
// 关闭弹窗
var bodyHeight = document.documentElement.style.height || '';
var bodyOverflow = document.documentElement.style.overflow || '';
var bodyTop = document.documentElement.getBoundingClientRect().top;
function closeDialog() {
setTimeout(function () {
window.removeEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);
window.removeEventListener('keydown', keydownHandler);
window.removeEventListener('wheel', scrollHandler);
window.removeEventListener('mousewheel', scrollHandler);
window.removeEventListener('mousemove', thumbnailMove);
window.removeEventListener('mouseup', thumbnailMoveEnd);
window.removeEventListener('mousemove', moveImageThrottle);
window.removeEventListener('mouseup', moveImageEnd);
dialog = null;
imageViewer.createAnimation(dialog, 'out');
document.documentElement.style.overflow = bodyOverflow;
document.documentElement.style.height = bodyHeight;
if (bodyTop) {
window.scrollTo(0, bodyTop * -1);
}, 150);
// 执行环比回调
if (closeHandler && typeof closeHandler === 'function') {
// 禁用滚动条
function disableScroll() {
document.documentElement.style.overflow = 'hidden';
document.documentElement.style.height = '100vh';
if (bodyTop) {
document.documentElement.scrollTop = bodyTop * -1;
// 设置图片偏移量
function setImageOffset() {
var containerWidth = content.offsetWidth;
contentWrapper.style.transform = "translateX(".concat(-index * containerWidth, "px)");
// 判断按钮状态
if (index === 0 && !loop) {
prevBtn.style.opacity = '0.6';
} else {
prevBtn.style.opacity = '1';
if (index === images.length - 1 && !loop) {
nextBtn.style.opacity = '0.6';
} else {
nextBtn.style.opacity = '1';
zoom = 1;
oldZoom = 1;
rotate = 0;
setTimeout(function () {
if (oldIndex !== index) {
// 重置上一张图片缩放和旋转
// 重置上一张图片位置
}, 100);
// 更新索引
// 设置适应窗口按钮
// originalSizeBtnReset()
// 设置图片缩放、旋转,放大缩小会触发
function setImageTransform(i) {
var reset = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;
var targetImageIndex = i !== undefined ? i : index;
if (!imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[targetImageIndex])) {
// 获取当前的图片元素
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[targetImageIndex].querySelector('img');
imageElement.style.transform = "scale3d(".concat(zoom, ", ").concat(zoom, ", ").concat(zoom, ") rotate(").concat(rotate, "deg)");
if ((offsetY || offsetX) && zoom !== oldZoom) {
offsetY = offsetY / oldZoom * zoom;
offsetX = offsetX / oldZoom * zoom;
imageElement.style.top = offsetY + 'px';
imageElement.style.left = offsetX + 'px';
// 监听图片是否全部可见
setTimeout(function () {
var visible = imageViewer.isVisible(content, contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img'));
if (visible) {
fullyVisible = true;
} else {
fullyVisible = false;
if (!reset) {
if (thumbnail) {
var beyondLimit = limitDragRange();
if (beyondLimit && thumbnail) {
setTimeout(function () {
// 再次检查是否全部可见
var visible = imageViewer.isVisible(content, contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img'));
if (visible) {
fullyVisible = true;
}, 210);
} else {
}, 210);
// 放大
function zoomIn() {
if (!imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
if (!imageLoadFlag[index]) {
if (zoom >= maxZoom) {
var temZoom = zoom;
// if (zoom <= 0.03) {
// temZoom += 0.01
// } else if (zoom < 0.05) {
// temZoom = 0.05
// } else if (zoom <= 0.3) {
// temZoom += 0.05
// } else if (zoom <= 0.45) {
// temZoom = imageViewer.mul(zoom, 1.2)
// } else {
// temZoom = imageViewer.mul(zoom, 1.15);
// }
temZoom = imageViewer.mul(zoom, 1.25);
if (temZoom > maxZoom) {
temZoom = maxZoom;
if (temZoom === zoom) {
// 缩小
function zoomOut() {
if (!imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
if (!imageLoadFlag[index]) {
if (zoom <= minZoom + 0.001) {
var temZoom = zoom;
// if (zoom <= 0.03) {
// temZoom -= 0.01
// } else if (zoom <= 0.05) {
// temZoom = 0.03
// } else if (zoom <= 0.3) {
// temZoom = zoom.toFixed(2) - 0.05
// } else if (zoom <= 0.45) {
// temZoom = imageViewer.divide(zoom, 1.2)
// } else {
// temZoom = imageViewer.divide(zoom, 1.15);
// }
temZoom = imageViewer.divide(zoom, 1.25);
oldZoom = zoom;
if (temZoom < minZoom) {
temZoom = minZoom;
if (temZoom === zoom) {
var zoomFn = function zoomFn(n) {
var reset = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : true;
oldZoom = zoom;
zoom = n;
setImageTransform(index, reset);
imageViewer.toast(oldZoom * 100, 500, zoom * 100, '%');
// 左旋转
function rotateLeft() {
if (!imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
if (!imageLoadFlag[index]) {
rotate -= 90;
// 右旋转
function rotateRight() {
if (!imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
if (!imageLoadFlag[index]) {
rotate += 90;
// 限制拖动范围
function limitDragRange(e) {
var flag = false;
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
if (!imageElement) {
// 获取上下左右边距
var imageSize = imageElement.getBoundingClientRect();
var contentSize = content.getBoundingClientRect();
// 左右边距大于0
if (contentSize.left < imageSize.left || contentSize.right > imageSize.right) {
var distance = contentSize.left < imageSize.left ? imageSize.left - contentSize.left : imageSize.right - contentSize.right;
if (contentSize.width < imageSize.width) {
offsetX -= distance;
} else {
offsetX = 0;
flag = true;
imageElement.style.left = "".concat(offsetX, "px");
// 上下边距大于0
if (contentSize.top < imageSize.top || contentSize.bottom > imageSize.bottom) {
var _distance = contentSize.top < imageSize.top ? imageSize.top - contentSize.top : imageSize.bottom - contentSize.bottom;
if (contentSize.height < imageSize.height) {
offsetY -= _distance;
} else {
offsetY = 0;
flag = true;
imageElement.style.top = "".concat(offsetY, "px");
return flag;
// 移动图片
function moveImageStart(e) {
var _scale = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
var source = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '';
if (fullyVisible || thumbnailDragging && source !== 'thumbnail') {
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('webkit') > -1) {
imageElement.style.cursor = '-webkit-grabbing';
} else {
imageElement.style.cursor = 'move';
imageElement.setAttribute('dragging', 'true');
startX = (e.clientX !== undefined ? e.clientX : e.pageX) / _scale - offsetX;
startY = (e.clientY !== undefined ? e.clientY : e.pageY) / _scale - offsetY;
// 关闭top、left动画
imageElement.style.transition = 'transform .2s ease';
// 阻止冒泡,阻止默认行为
if (e.preventDefault && e.stopPropagation) {
function moveImage(e) {
var _scale = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
var source = arguments.length > 2 && arguments[2] !== undefined ? arguments[2] : '';
if (!startX || !startY || fullyVisible || thumbnailDragging && source !== 'thumbnail') {
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
offsetX = (e.clientX !== undefined ? e.clientX : e.pageX) / _scale - startX;
offsetY = (e.clientY !== undefined ? e.clientY : e.pageY) / _scale - startY;
imageElement.style.left = "".concat(offsetX, "px");
imageElement.style.top = "".concat(offsetY, "px");
// 更新缩略图位置
if (thumbnail) {
// 阻止冒泡,阻止默认行为
if (e.preventDefault && e.stopPropagation) {
function moveImageEnd(e) {
var _scale = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 1;
// if (!imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
// return;
// }
// if (_scale < 0) {
// moveImage(e, _scale)
// }
startX = 0;
startY = 0;
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
if (!imageElement) {
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('webkit') > -1 && !fullyVisible) {
imageElement.style.cursor = '-webkit-grab';
} else if (!fullyVisible) {
imageElement.style.cursor = 'move';
// 开启top、left动画
imageElement.style.transition = 'transform .2s ease, top 0.2s ease, left 0.2s ease';
// 重置图片位置
function resetImagePosition(i) {
var targetImageIndex = i !== undefined ? i : index;
if (!imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[targetImageIndex])) {
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[targetImageIndex].querySelector('img');
offsetY = 0;
offsetX = 0;
imageElement.style.left = offsetX;
imageElement.style.top = offsetY;
// 更新索引
function updateIndex() {
indexText.innerText = "".concat(index + 1, "/").concat(images.length);
// 设置content宽度
function setContentWidth() {
var containerWidth = content.offsetWidth;
for (var i = 0; i < contentWrapper.children.length; i++) {
contentWrapper.children[i].style.width = "".concat(containerWidth, "px");
// 适应屏幕
function fitScreen() {
if (!imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
// 获取图片的宽度和高度,若旋转90度,则宽高对调
var imageWidth = imageElement.naturalWidth;
var imageHeight = imageElement.naturalHeight;
if (!imageWidth || !imageHeight) {
// 获取容器的宽度和高度
var containerWidth = content.offsetWidth;
var containerHeight = content.offsetHeight;
// 计算图片的缩放比例
var scaleX = containerWidth / (rotate % 180 ? imageHeight : imageWidth);
var scaleY = containerHeight / (rotate % 180 ? imageWidth : imageHeight);
// 根据缩放计算图片宽高
var minScale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
var width = imageWidth * minScale;
imageElement.style.width = "".concat(width, "px");
// 将图片显示为实际大小
function naturalSize() {
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
// 获取图片的宽度和高度
var imageWidth = imageElement.naturalWidth;
imageElement.style.width = "".concat(imageWidth, "px");
// 将按钮置为适应屏幕
function fitScreenBtnReset() {
fitScreenBtn.querySelector('svg use').setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', imageViewer.getIconName('fitScreen'));
fitScreenBtn.setAttribute('type', 'fit');
fitScreenBtn.setAttribute('data-content', fitText);
if (fitText) {
// 将按钮设置为原始大小
function originalSizeBtnReset() {
fitScreenBtn.querySelector('svg use').setAttributeNS('http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink', 'href', imageViewer.getIconName('actual'));
fitScreenBtn.setAttribute('type', 'natural');
fitScreenBtn.setAttribute('data-content', actualSizeText);
if (actualSizeText) {
// 切换适应屏幕、原始大小
function fitScreenOrOriginal(type) {
if (!imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
var typeAttr = '';
// 获取当前type
if (typeof type === 'string') {
typeAttr = type;
} else {
typeAttr = fitScreenBtn.getAttribute('type');
if (typeAttr === 'fit') {
// 适应窗口
} else {
// 原始大小
zoom = 1;
// 判断图片大小,选择默认展示方式,如果图片大小小于容器,则按照实际尺寸展示,否则适应屏幕
function imageSizeCheck() {
if (!imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
// 获取图片的宽度和高度,若旋转90度,则宽高对调
var imageWidth = imageElement.naturalWidth;
var imageHeight = imageElement.naturalHeight;
if (!imageWidth || !imageHeight) {
// 关闭动画
imageElement.style.transition = 'none';
// 获取容器的宽度和高度
var containerWidth = content.offsetWidth;
var containerHeight = content.offsetHeight;
// 计算图片的缩放比例
var scaleX = containerWidth / (rotate % 180 ? imageHeight : imageWidth);
var scaleY = containerHeight / (rotate % 180 ? imageWidth : imageHeight);
// 根据缩放计算图片宽高
var minScale = Math.min(scaleX, scaleY);
if (minScale < 1) {
} else {
setTimeout(function () {
imageElement.style.transition = 'transform .2s ease, top 0.2s ease, left 0.2s ease';
// 图片加载完毕
function imageLoaded(e) {
var _e$target;
var imgWrapElement = (_e$target = e.target) === null || _e$target === void 0 ? void 0 : _e$target.parentNode;
var i = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(imgWrapElement.parentNode.children, imgWrapElement);
imageLoadFlag[i] = true;
if (i === Number(index)) {
// 图片加载失败
function imgErrorHandler(e) {
var _e$target2;
var imgWrapElement = (_e$target2 = e.target) === null || _e$target2 === void 0 ? void 0 : _e$target2.parentNode;
var i = Array.prototype.indexOf.call(imgWrapElement.parentNode.children, imgWrapElement);
if (i === -1) {
imageLoadFlag[i] = false;
imageTypes[i] = '_error_';
imageNames[i] = images[i];
var errorWrap = contentWrapper.children[i];
errorWrap.innerHTML = '';
var wrap = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-img-wrapper", _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, imageViewer.preViewStyle.imageWrap), {}, {
flexDirection: 'column'
var icon = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-icon", _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, imageViewer.preViewStyle.fileIcon), {}, {
color: 'rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.8)',
fontSize: '100px'
}), "#svg-file-icon#:".concat(imageTypes[i]));
var fileName = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-file-name", imageViewer.preViewStyle.fileName, imageNames[i]);
// 禁用按钮
if (i === index) {
/* 小图预览相关 */
// 小图显隐
function showSmallImg() {
if (thumbnailClosed) {
thumbnailBox.style.display = 'block';
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
// 鼠标样式
if (navigator.userAgent.toLowerCase().indexOf('webkit') > -1) {
imageElement.style.cursor = '-webkit-grab';
} else {
imageElement.style.cursor = 'move';
function hideSmallImg() {
thumbnailBox.style.display = 'none';
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
imageElement && (imageElement.style.cursor = 'default');
// 更新预览图
function updateThumbnailImg() {
var thumbnailImageSrc = thumbnailImage.getAttribute('src');
if (thumbnailImageSrc !== images[index]) {
thumbnailImage.src = images[index];
var currImg = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
if (!currImg) {
var currImgSize = currImg.getBoundingClientRect();
// 计算小图的尺寸
// const widthScale = thumbnailContainer.offsetWidth / (rotate % 180 ? currImgSize.height :currImgSize.width);
// const heightScale = thumbnailContainer.offsetHeight / (rotate % 180 ? currImgSize.width :currImgSize.height);
var widthScale = thumbnailContainer.offsetWidth / currImgSize.width;
var heightScale = thumbnailContainer.offsetHeight / currImgSize.height;
// 取小图尺寸最小值
var scale = thumbnailZoom = Math.min(widthScale, heightScale);
// 旋转角度
thumbnailImage.style.transform = "rotate(".concat(rotate, "deg)");
if (rotate % 180) {
thumbnailImage.style.height = currImgSize.width * scale + 'px';
thumbnailImage.style.width = currImgSize.height * scale + 'px';
thumbnailImage.style.transformOrigin = "left top";
if (rotate > 0 && (rotate + 90) / 180 % 2 || rotate < 0 && !((rotate - 90) / 180 % 2)) {
// 奇数
thumbnailImage.style.transform = "rotate(".concat(rotate, "deg) translateY(-100%)");
} else {
// 偶数
thumbnailImage.style.transform = "rotate(".concat(rotate, "deg) translateX(-100%)");
} else {
thumbnailImage.style.width = currImgSize.width * scale + 'px';
thumbnailImage.style.height = currImgSize.height * scale + 'px';
thumbnailImage.style.transformOrigin = "center";
// 设置小图容器的宽高
thumbnailImageWrap.style.width = currImgSize.width * scale + 'px';
thumbnailImageWrap.style.height = currImgSize.height * scale + 'px';
// 更新可视区域框
function updateThumbnailCurrentView(scale) {
var _contentWrapper$child;
// scale是小图的缩放比例
var contentSize = content.getBoundingClientRect(); // content的位置信息
var imageSize = (_contentWrapper$child = contentWrapper.children[index]) === null || _contentWrapper$child === void 0 || (_contentWrapper$child = _contentWrapper$child.querySelector('img')) === null || _contentWrapper$child === void 0 ? void 0 : _contentWrapper$child.getBoundingClientRect();
// content相对于图片的偏移量
var offsetLeft = (contentSize.left - imageSize.left) * scale;
var offsetTop = (contentSize.top - imageSize.top) * scale;
var width = contentSize.width * scale;
var height = contentSize.height * scale;
// content宽度大于图片宽度,则设置可视区域宽度为图片宽度
if (contentSize.width > imageSize.width) {
width = imageSize.width * scale;
offsetLeft = 0;
if (contentSize.height > imageSize.height) {
height = imageSize.height * scale;
offsetTop = 0;
thumbnailCurrView.style.width = width + 'px';
thumbnailCurrView.style.height = height + 'px';
thumbnailCurrView.style.left = offsetLeft + 'px';
thumbnailCurrView.style.top = offsetTop + 'px';
// 小图移动开始
var thumbnailMoveStartX = 0;
var thumbnailMoveStartY = 0;
var thumbnailDragging = false;
function thumbnailMoveStart(e) {
thumbnailMoveStartX = e.clientX !== undefined ? e.clientX : e.pageX;
thumbnailMoveStartY = e.clientY !== undefined ? e.clientY : e.pageY;
thumbnailDragging = true;
if (e.target === thumbnailCurrView) {
moveImageStart(e, -thumbnailZoom, 'thumbnail');
} else {
// 获取小图可视框的位置信息, 将视图中心移动到点击位置
var currViewRect = thumbnailCurrView.getBoundingClientRect();
moveImageStart(_objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, e), {}, {
clientX: currViewRect.left + currViewRect.width / 2,
clientY: currViewRect.top + currViewRect.height / 2
}), -thumbnailZoom, 'thumbnail');
moveImage(e, -thumbnailZoom, 'thumbnail');
// 小图移动中
var thumbnailMove = imageViewer.throttle(function (e) {
if (!thumbnailMoveStartX || !thumbnailMoveStartY || !thumbnailDragging) {
moveImage(e, -thumbnailZoom, 'thumbnail');
}, 40);
// 小图移动结束
function thumbnailMoveEnd(e) {
thumbnailDragging = false;
thumbnailMoveStartX = 0;
thumbnailMoveStartY = 0;
// 设置缩略图组件相对窗口位置
function setThumbnailBoxPosition() {
thumbnailBox.style.right = thumbnailBoxRight + 'px';
thumbnailBox.style.bottom = thumbnailBoxBottom + 'px';
// 缩略图整体移动开始
function thumbnailBoxMoveStart(e) {
// 鼠标按下时,记录鼠标位置
thumbnailBoxStartX = (e.clientX !== undefined ? e.clientX : e.pageX) + thumbnailBoxRight;
thumbnailBoxStartY = (e.clientY !== undefined ? e.clientY : e.pageY) + thumbnailBoxBottom;
// 阻止默认事件、阻止冒泡
function thumbnailBoxMove(e) {
if (!thumbnailBoxStartX || !thumbnailBoxStartY) {
// 鼠标移动时,计算鼠标位置与按下位置的差值
thumbnailBoxRight = thumbnailBoxStartX - (e.clientX !== undefined ? e.clientX : e.pageX);
thumbnailBoxBottom = thumbnailBoxStartY - (e.clientY !== undefined ? e.clientY : e.pageY);
// todo位置限制
function thumbnailBoxMoveEnd(e) {
thumbnailBoxStartX = 0;
thumbnailBoxStartY = 0;
// 切换按钮可用状态
function updateBtnStatus() {
var buttonArr = [rotateLeftBtn, rotateRightBtn, zoomInBtn, zoomOutBtn, fitScreenBtn];
if (imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
// 图片
buttonArr.forEach(function (item) {
} else {
// 不是图片
buttonArr.forEach(function (item) {
// loading动画
var showLoading = function showLoading() {
var show = arguments.length > 0 && arguments[0] !== undefined ? arguments[0] : true;
var loadingElement = imageViewer.createElement('div', 'preview-image-loading', imageViewer.preViewStyle.loading, '#svg-icon#:loading');
// 关闭动画
var hideLoading = function hideLoading() {
var loadingElement = content.querySelector('.preview-image-loading');
if (loadingElement) {
/* 创建dom结构 */
// 插入预览图片的容器,并生成预览图片的元素
// 创建关闭按钮
closeBtn.onclick = closeDialog;
// 创建上一张、下一张按钮
prevBtn.onclick = function () {
if (index === 0) {
if (loop) {
oldIndex = index;
index = images.length - 1;
} else {
} else {
oldIndex = index--;
// 获取imageWrapper的宽度
// 图片自适应
// 开放小图
thumbnailClosed = false;
// 按钮状态
if (!imageLoadFlag[index] && imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
nextBtn.onclick = function () {
if (index === images.length - 1) {
if (loop) {
oldIndex = index;
index = 0;
} else {
} else {
oldIndex = index++;
// 获取imageWrapper的宽度
setImageOffset(index, contentWrapper, content);
// 图片自适应
// 开放小图
thumbnailClosed = false;
// 按钮状态
if (!imageLoadFlag[index] && imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
if (images.length > 1) {
/* 创建内容区域 */
var content = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-content", imageViewer.preViewStyle.content);
// 创建preview-content-wrapper
var contentWrapper = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-content-wrapper", imageViewer.preViewStyle.contentWrapper);
// 绑定鼠标事件
var moveImageThrottle = imageViewer.throttle(moveImage, 40);
window.addEventListener('mousemove', moveImageThrottle);
window.addEventListener('mouseup', moveImageEnd);
for (var i = 0; i < images.length; i++) {
// 获取图片扩展名
var imageUrl = images[i];
// const isIe = !!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window
var ext = imageTypes[i];
if (!ext) {
// 舍弃?后面的值
imageUrl = imageUrl.split('?')[0];
// 舍弃#后面的值
imageUrl = imageUrl.split('#')[0];
if (!imageNames[i]) {
imageNames[i] = imageUrl.split('/').pop();
ext = imageUrl.split('.').pop();
if (imageUrl.split('.').length <= 1) {
ext = '';
imageTypes[i] = ext;
if (imageViewer.isImg(ext)) {
// 插入图片
var wrap = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-img-wrapper", imageViewer.preViewStyle.imageWrap);
var img = imageViewer.createElement("img", "preview-img", imageViewer.preViewStyle.image);
img.setAttribute('loading', 'lazy');
img.src = images[i];
img.onmousedown = moveImageStart;
// content.onmouseleave = moveImageEnd;
// 加载成功后执行fit方法
img.onload = function (e) {
img.onerror = function (e) {
} else {
// 展示图标和名称
var _wrap = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-img-wrapper", _objectSpread(_objectSpread({}, imageViewer.preViewStyle.imageWrap), {}, {
flexDirection: 'column'
var hotZone = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-hot-zone active", imageViewer.preViewStyle.hotZone);
var icon = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-icon", imageViewer.preViewStyle.fileIcon, "#svg-file-icon#:".concat(ext));
var fileName = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-file-name", imageViewer.preViewStyle.fileName, imageNames[i]);
if (fileClickHandler) {
hotZone.addEventListener('click', function () {
fileClickHandler(index, images[index], imageIds[index], rawImages[index]);
// 支持文件预览
var types = ["txt", "tif", "tiff", "xls", "xlsx", "ppt", "pptx", "pdf", "doc", "docx"];
if (types.indexOf(ext) !== -1) {
hotZone.style.cursor = 'pointer';
// 创建操作按钮:放大、缩小、左旋转、右旋转、下载、删除
var buttonWrap = imageViewer.createElement("div", "preview-button-wrap", imageViewer.preViewStyle.buttonWrap);
var rotateRightBtn = imageViewer.createElement("div", "rotate-right-btn preview-operate-button hover box-shadow", imageViewer.preViewStyle.icon, "#svg-icon#:rotateRight");
var rotateLeftBtn = imageViewer.createElement("div", "rotate-left-btn preview-operate-button hover box-shadow", imageViewer.preViewStyle.icon, "#svg-icon#:rotateLeft");
var zoomInBtn = imageViewer.createElement("div", "zoom-in-btn preview-operate-button hover box-shadow", imageViewer.preViewStyle.icon, "#svg-icon#:zoomIn");
var zoomOutBtn = imageViewer.createElement("div", "zoom-out-btn preview-operate-button hover box-shadow", imageViewer.preViewStyle.icon, '#svg-icon#:zoomOut');
var fitScreenBtn = imageViewer.createElement("div", "fit-screen-btn preview-operate-button hover box-shadow", imageViewer.preViewStyle.icon, '#svg-icon#:actual');
var downloadBtn = imageViewer.createElement("div", "download-btn preview-operate-button hover box-shadow", imageViewer.preViewStyle.icon, "#svg-icon#:download");
var deleteBtn = imageViewer.createElement("div", "delete-btn preview-operate-button hover box-shadow", imageViewer.preViewStyle.icon, "#svg-icon#:delete");
zoomInBtn.setAttribute('data-content', zoomInText);
zoomOutBtn.setAttribute('data-content', zoomOutText);
rotateLeftBtn.setAttribute('data-content', rotateLeftText);
rotateRightBtn.setAttribute('data-content', rotateRightText);
downloadBtn.setAttribute('data-content', downloadText);
deleteBtn.setAttribute('data-content', deleteText);
// 绑定事件
zoomInBtn.onclick = zoomIn;
zoomOutBtn.onclick = zoomOut;
rotateLeftBtn.onclick = rotateLeft;
rotateRightBtn.onclick = rotateRight;
fitScreenBtn.onclick = fitScreenOrOriginal;
// 添加到dom中
if (showDownload) {
downloadBtn.onclick = function () {
downloadHandler(index, images[index], imageIds[index], rawImages[index]);
if (showDelete) {
deleteBtn.onclick = /*#__PURE__*/_asyncToGenerator(/*#__PURE__*/_regeneratorRuntime().mark(function _callee() {
var currImageElement, msg;
return _regeneratorRuntime().wrap(function _callee$(_context) {
while (1) switch (_context.prev = _context.next) {
case 0:
_context.prev = 0;
_context.next = 3;
return deleteHandler(index, images[index], imageIds[index], rawImages[index]);
case 3:
// 删除当前图片
currImageElement = contentWrapper.children[index];
if (currImageElement) {
if (images.length === 1) {
} else {
images.splice(index, 1);
imageTypes.splice(index, 1);
imageNames.splice(index, 1);
imageIds.splice(index, 1);
rawImages.splice(index, 1);
imageLoadFlag.splice(index, 1);
if (index === images.length) {
// 最后一张
oldIndex = index;
_context.next = 13;
case 8:
_context.prev = 8;
_context.t0 = _context["catch"](0);
msg = _context.t0.message || _context.t0.error || _context.t0.msg || _context.t0;
if (msg && typeof msg === 'string') {
console.error('删除失败=>', _context.t0 || '未知错误');
case 13:
case "end":
return _context.stop();
}, _callee, null, [[0, 8]]);
if (toolbar) {
// 插入索引
// 设置contentWrap宽度
// 图片自适应
// fitScreen()
// fitScreenOrOriginal('fit', 'init')
// imageSizeCheck()
if (!imageLoadFlag[index] && imageViewer.isImg(imageTypes[index])) {
// 按钮状态
// 监听resize事件
var resizeHandler = imageViewer.throttle(function () {
if (!dialog) {
var fitType = fitScreenBtn.getAttribute('type');
setTimeout(function () {
setContentWidth(); // 改变窗口大小
var containerWidth = content.offsetWidth;
contentWrapper.style.transform = "translateX(".concat(-index * containerWidth, "px)");
if (fitType === 'natural' && zoom === 1) {
setTimeout(function () {
fitScreen(); // 图片自适应
}, 100);
}, 50);
window.addEventListener('resize', resizeHandler);
// 监听滚动
var scrollTimer = null;
var scrollHandler = imageViewer.throttle(function (e) {
if (!dialog) {
e = e || window.event;
var ctrlKey = e.ctrlKey || e.metaKey || e.shiftKey;
var deltaY = e.wheelDeltaY || -e.deltaY;
// ie关闭动画,ie下短时间内重复触发动画会忽大忽小地跳跃
var isIe = !!window.ActiveXObject || "ActiveXObject" in window;
var imageElement = contentWrapper.children[index].querySelector('img');
if (isIe) {
imageElement.style.transition = 'transform 0s ease, top 0s ease, left 0s ease';
var flag = false;
if (deltaY < 0 && !ctrlKey) {
// 向下
flag = true;
} else if (deltaY > 0 && !ctrlKey) {
// 向上
flag = true;
if (flag && isIe) {
if (scrollTimer) {
scrollTimer = setTimeout(function () {
imageElement.style.transition = 'transform .2s ease, top 0.2s ease, left 0.2s ease';
}, 100);
}, 50);
window.addEventListener('mousewheel', scrollHandler, false);
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