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Qlik Sense New Install with Restore


In case you meet the upgrade issue like us , you can follow the below step to recover the existing data to new installed Qlik Sense .

Powered by Moshow郑锴-CSDN博客

please follow below steps:

  1. pgsql dump backup
  2. backup table into sql by DBeaver
  3. stop all qlik sense services
  4. rename QlikShare folder to QlikShareXXX
  5. uninstall Qlik Sense (May 2023) with deleting all data
  6. restart computer
  7. pure installation for Qlik Sense (May 2024) with new database setup (please remember your database passw)
  8. ensure all Qlik Sense service are up after reinstall
  9. stop all Qlik Sense service except Qlik Sense Repository Database
  10. truncate the table with escape option in the table you want to import , in DBeaver
  11. rename all he backup SQL file with powershell #1 rename
  12. update all the backup SQL file with "SET session_replication_role = replica;" in the beginning   powershell #1 append
  13. list and execute all the SQL file you want to import by powershell #3 execute SQL
  14. restart the computer
  15. check what amazing happens
  16. reimport the license and certificate
  17. verify the app and task , also user , data connection
  18. install the patching
  19. verify again
  20. notice the stakeholders

Backup all table SQL with DBeaver

Backup And Restore Commands

here are some useful dump and restore , also execute sql file script .

cd "C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Repository\PostgreSQL\12.5\bin"

.\dropdb.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres QSR

.\createdb.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -T template0 QSR

.\pg_restore.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -d QSR E:\Tools\QSR_backup.tar

.\pg_restore.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -d QSR E:\Tools\QSR_backup_148_latest.tar

cd C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Repository\PostgreSQL\14\bin

#dump bakcup

.\pg_dump.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -b -F t -f "E:\Tools\QSR_backup_v14_may2024.tar" QSR

#execute single sql

.\psql.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -d QSR -f "E:\Tools\593_backup\sql2\AppContents_.sql"

Powershell #1 rename

下面是一个PowerShell脚本,它会遍历 E:\Tools\593_backup\csv 目录下的所有 CSV 文件,并重命名这些文件,去除文件名最前面的 _ 字符。

# Powered by Moshow@zhengkai.blog.csdn.net

# Define the directory path

$directoryPath = "E:\Tools\593_backup\csv"

# Get all CSV files in the directory

$csvFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $directoryPath -Filter *.csv

# Loop through each file

foreach ($file in $csvFiles) {

    # Get the current file name

    $currentFileName = $file.Name

    # Check if the file name starts with an underscore

    if ($currentFileName.StartsWith("_")) {

        # Create the new file name by removing the leading underscore

        $newFileName = $currentFileName.Substring(1)

        # Define the full path for the new file name

        $newFilePath = Join-Path -Path $directoryPath -ChildPath $newFileName

        # Rename the file

        Rename-Item -Path $file.FullName -NewName $newFilePath



Powershell#2 append

下面是一个PowerShell脚本,它会遍历 E:\Tools\593_backup\sql 目录下的所有 SQL 文件,并在每个文件的开头写入 SET session_replication_role = replica; 并换行。

# Powered by Moshow@zhengkai.blog.csdn.net
# Define the directory path

$directoryPath = "E:\Tools\593_backup\sql"

# Get all SQL files in the directory

$sqlFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $directoryPath -Filter *.sql

# Loop through each file

foreach ($file in $sqlFiles) {

    # Read the current content of the file

    $content = Get-Content -Path $file.FullName

    # Prepend the new line to the content

    $newContent = "SET session_replication_role = replica;" + [Environment]::NewLine + $content

    # Write the new content back to the file

    Set-Content -Path $file.FullName -Value $newContent


Powershell#3 Execute SQL

下面是一个PowerShell脚本,它会遍历 E:\Tools\593_backup\sql2 目录下的所有 SQL 文件,并针对每个文件执行命令 .\psql.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -d QSR -f "E:\Tools\593_backup\sql2\"+文件名,同时把已执行过的文件名输出到 E:\Tools\593_backup\sql_result.txt。

# Replace with your actual passw , once you input the credential here , it will auto put into the pgsql without any manual input .

# Powered by Moshow@zhengkai.blog.csdn.net
# Define the directory paths

$psqlDirectory = "C:\Program Files\Qlik\Sense\Repository\PostgreSQL\14\bin"

$directoryPath = "E:\Tools\593_backup\sql2"

$resultFile = "E:\Tools\593_backup\sql_result.txt"

$pgPassword = "*********" # Replace with your actual passw

# Change to the psql directory

Set-Location -Path $psqlDirectory

# Get all SQL files in the directory

$sqlFiles = Get-ChildItem -Path $directoryPath -Filter *.sql

# Loop through each file

foreach ($file in $sqlFiles) {

    # Define the full path for the SQL file

    $filePath = Join-Path -Path $directoryPath -ChildPath $file

    # Set the PGPASSWORD environment variable

    $env:PGPASSWORD = $pgPassword

    # Execute the psql command

    & .\psql.exe -h localhost -p 4432 -U postgres -d QSR -f $filePath

    # Check if the command was successful

    if ($LASTEXITCODE -eq 0) {

        # Append the file name to the result file

        Add-Content -Path $resultFile -Value $file

License issue when enter QMC

go to DBeaver and search the "Licenses" table ,clean the record, should be only one record here .



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