文章记单词 | 第2篇(六级)
- story:名词(n.)故事;小说;(真实情况的)叙述,描述;楼层(美语写法,英式英语为 storey)
- stress:名词(n.)压力;强调;紧张;重要性;重音;动词(v.)使紧张;强调;重读
- rear:形容词(adj.)后面的;后方的;名词(n.)后部;尾部;动词(v.)饲养;养育;抚养;举起;抬起
- mountain:名词(n.)山;山脉
- keep:动词(v.)保持;保留;遵守;饲养;经营;继续不断;(使)耽搁;存放
- largely:副词(adv.)主要地;很大程度上;大量地
- dormitory:名词(n.)宿舍;学生宿舍;集体寝室
- smart:形容词(adj.)聪明的;敏捷的;漂亮的;时髦的;厉害的;动词(v.)刺痛;感到疼痛;副词(adv.)聪明地;敏捷地
- schedule:名词(n.)时间表;日程安排;(电视或广播)节目表;课程表;动词(v.)安排;预定;将…… 列入时间表
- ahead:副词(adv.)向前;在前;提前;预先;领先;(时间、数量等)在前面
- spaceship:名词(n.)宇宙飞船
- deceive:动词(v.)欺骗;欺诈;误导
- silver:名词(n.)银;银色;银币;银器;形容词(adj.)银色的;银制的;镀银的;动词(v.)使变成银色;镀银于
- attraction:名词(n.)吸引;吸引力;有吸引力的事物(或人);景点
- pink:名词(n.)粉红色;形容词(adj.)粉红色的;与同性恋者有关的;略带左翼政治观点的;动词(v.)刺;扎;戳
- polar:形容词(adj.)极地的;近极地的;磁极的;正好相反的;截然对立的
- star:名词(n.)星;恒星;明星;动词(v.)主演;担任主角;使主演;用星状物装饰;点缀
- waggon:名词(n.)(英式英语写法,也可写作 wagon)四轮运货马车;铁路货车;手推车
- aware:形容词(adj.)意识到的;知道的;有…… 意识的;明白的
- dust:名词(n.)灰尘;尘土;粉末;动词(v.)把…… 擦干净;撒(粉)于;擦去…… 的灰尘
- super:形容词(adj.)特级的;极好的;名词(n.)特级品;特大号商品;特别好的东西
- letter:名词(n.)信;字母;(法律等)文书;(非正式)(代表学位或职位等资格的)荣誉徽章;动词(v.)用字母标明;写字母于;赢得校名缩写字母标志
- faith:名词(n.)信任;信心;信念;信仰;宗教信仰
- fog:名词(n.)雾;雾气;迷惘;困惑;动词(v.)(因疾病或老年而)使迷糊;以雾笼罩;使朦胧
- revise:动词(v.)修订;修改;复习;校订;修正
- mistake:名词(n.)错误;过失;误解;动词(v.)弄错;误会;看错
- promote:动词(v.)促进;推动;提升;晋升;推销;宣传
- pie:名词(n.)馅饼;派
- sit:动词(v.)坐;就座;使就座;使坐下;(议会、委员会等)开会;开庭;栖息;坐落
- meter:名词(n.)米;仪表;计量器;动词(v.)用仪表测量
- flow:动词(v.)流动;涌流;流畅;(谈话、文笔等)流畅;(衣服、头发等)飘垂;名词(n.)流量;流速;流
- throng:名词(n.)人群;一大群人;众多;动词(v.)成群;挤满;拥塞;蜂拥
- what:代词(pron.)什么;多少;…… 的事物;(用于感叹句中)多么;真
- menace:名词(n.)威胁;危险;造成威胁的人(或事物);动词(v.)危及;威胁;恐吓
- demand:名词(n.)要求;需求;需要;动词(v.)强烈要求;需要
- safely:副词(adv.)安全地;平安地;可靠地;有把握地
- least:形容词(adj.)最小的;最少的;最不重要的;名词(n.)最少;最小;最少量;副词(adv.)至少;无论如何;一点也(不)
- traverse:动词(v.)穿过;横越;横渡;来回移动;详细研究;反驳;(滑雪时)作 Z 字形滑行;名词(n.)横断物;横导线
- recorder:名词(n.)录音机;录像机;记录员;书记员;竖笛
- hotel:名词(n.)旅馆;酒店;饭店;宾馆
- transmission:名词(n.)传送;传递;传达;传播;播送;(电台或电视)信息;(汽车的)变速器;传动装置
- bizarre:形容词(adj.)极其怪诞的;异乎寻常的;奇特的
In a faraway polar region, there was a small hotel located at the foot of a magnificent mountain.
The place was full of strange and bizarre attractions.
One day, a group of smart students came here as part of their study schedule.
They were staying in the dormitory of the hotel.
As they explored the area, they found a strange silver spaceship in the rear of the hotel.
It seemed to be a great attraction that lured them.
They were aware that it might be a bit mysterious but couldn't resist their curiosity.
One of the students, who was least afraid, decided to sit inside the spaceship.
Suddenly, a strange transmission came from the spaceship.
It made a sound like a flowing stream.
The students were a bit stressed, but they kept their faith.
Just then, a throng of people appeared, and they were all looking at the spaceship with amazement.
Among the crowd, there was a man with a recorder.
He said that the spaceship might be a menace to the area and demanded that they leave it alone.
But the students thought it was a mistake to assume that without further investigation.
They started to revise their plan.
They decided to traverse the area around the spaceship to find out more.
As they walked, they noticed a pink object in the distance.
It was surrounded by a thick fog, and it was hard to tell what it was.
On their way, they saw a waggon covered in dust.
It seemed to have been there for a long time.
They also found a letter lying on the ground near the waggon.
The letter was largely unreadable due to the damage caused by the weather.
As they continued their exploration, they found that the spaceship was not just a random object.
It was part of a story that dated back many years.
They believed that it could promote scientific research in this polar region.
Finally, they managed to leave the area safely.
They realized that the whole experience was a unique adventure that they would never forget.
And they knew that there were still many mysteries ahead waiting for them to discover, in this super and mysterious land.
In a faraway polar region, there was a small hotel located at the foot of a magnificent mountain. The place was full of strange and bizarre attractions. One day, a group of smart students came here as part of their study schedule. They were staying in the dormitory of the hotel.
As they explored the area, they found a strange silver spaceship in the rear of the hotel. It seemed to be a great attraction that lured them. They were aware that it might be a bit mysterious but couldn't resist their curiosity. One of the students, who was least afraid, decided to sit inside the spaceship.
Suddenly, a strange transmission came from the spaceship. It made a sound like a flowing stream. The students were a bit stressed, but they kept their faith. Just then, a throng of people appeared, and they were all looking at the spaceship with amazement.
Among the crowd, there was a man with a recorder. He said that the spaceship might be a menace to the area and demanded that they leave it alone. But the students thought it was a mistake to assume that without further investigation.
They started to revise their plan. They decided to traverse the area around the spaceship to find out more. As they walked, they noticed a pink object in the distance. It was surrounded by a thick fog, and it was hard to tell what it was.
On their way, they saw a waggon covered in dust. It seemed to have been there for a long time. They also found a letter lying on the ground near the waggon. The letter was largely unreadable due to the damage caused by the weather.
As they continued their exploration, they found that the spaceship was not just a random object. It was part of a story that dated back many years. They believed that it could promote scientific research in this polar region.
Finally, they managed to leave the area safely. They realized that the whole experience was a unique adventure that they would never forget. And they knew that there were still many mysteries ahead waiting for them to discover, in this super and mysterious land.