Android MediaCodec设置H264 Profile到High
H264 High Profile压缩率高,能降低码率,这里记录下MediaCodec Profile设置到High遇到的一些问题。
Android 4.1 就引入了MediaCodecInfo.CodecProfileLevel类,下面截取H264(AVC)的Profile和Level定义:
* Copyright (C) 2012 The Android Open Source Project
* Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
* you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
* You may obtain a copy of the License at
* Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
* distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
* See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
* limitations under the License.
public final class MediaCodecInfo {
* Encapsulates the profiles available for a codec component.
public static final class CodecProfileLevel {
// These constants were originally in-line with OMX values, but this
// correspondence is no longer maintained.
// Profiles and levels for AVC Codec, corresponding to the definitions in
// Infrastructure of audiovisual services – Coding of moving video
// Advanced video coding for generic audiovisual services"
// found at
* AVC Baseline profile.
* See definition in
* <a href="">H.264 recommendation</a>,
* Annex A.
public static final int AVCProfileBaseline = 0x01;
* AVC Main profile.
* See definition in
* <a href="">H.264 recommendation</a>,
* Annex A.
public static final int AVCProfileMain = 0x02;
* AVC Extended profile.
* See definition in
* <a href="">H.264 recommendation</a>,
* Annex A.
public static final int AVCProfileExtended = 0x04;
* AVC High profile.
* See definition in
* <a href="">H.264 recommendation</a>,
* Annex A.
public static final int AVCProfileHigh = 0x08;
* AVC High 10 profile.
* See definition in
* <a href="">H.264 recommendation</a>,
* Annex A.
public static final int AVCProfileHigh10 = 0x10;
* AVC High 4:2:2 profile.
* See definition in
* <a href="">H.264 recommendation</a>,
* Annex A.
public static final int AVCProfileHigh422 = 0x20;
* AVC High 4:4:4 profile.
* See definition in
* <a href="">H.264 recommendation</a>,
* Annex A.
public static final int AVCProfileHigh444 = 0x40;
* AVC Constrained Baseline profile.
* See definition in
* <a href="">H.264 recommendation</a>,
* Annex A.
public static final int AVCProfileConstrainedBaseline = 0x10000;
* AVC Constrained High profile.
* See definition in
* <a href="">H.264 recommendation</a>,
* Annex A.
public static final int AVCProfileConstrainedHigh = 0x80000;
public static final int AVCLevel1 = 0x01;
public static final int AVCLevel1b = 0x02;
public static final int AVCLevel11 = 0x04;
public static final int AVCLevel12 = 0x08;
public static final int AVCLevel13 = 0x10;
public static final int AVCLevel2 = 0x20;
public static final int AVCLevel21 = 0x40;
public static final int AVCLevel22 = 0x80;
public static final int AVCLevel3 = 0x100;
public static final int AVCLevel31 = 0x200;
public static final int AVCLevel32 = 0x400;
public static final int AVCLevel4 = 0x800;
public static final int AVCLevel41 = 0x1000;
public static final int AVCLevel42 = 0x2000;
public static final int AVCLevel5 = 0x4000;
public static final int AVCLevel51 = 0x8000;
public static final int AVCLevel52 = 0x10000;
public static final int AVCLevel6 = 0x20000;
public static final int AVCLevel61 = 0x40000;
public static final int AVCLevel62 = 0x80000;
其中AVCProfileConstrainedBaseline 和 AVCProfileConstrainedHigh 是安卓8.1 引入的; AVCLevel52 是安卓5.0 引入的; AVCLevel6, AVCLevel61, AVCLevel62 是安卓10 引入的;
AVC High profile 和 AVC Constrained High profile的区别: 1. 从名字就可以看出Constrained High是High的子集; 2. Constrained High 不支持B slice(B帧); 3. Constrained High 只支持帧编码,不支持场编码和帧场自适应编码;
另外Level也要选择合适的, GB28181-2016要求本地录像帧率不低于25fps, 网络传输时重要图像帧率宜25fps. GB28181-2022要求一类视频监控点、二类视频监控点的本地录像和网络传输的最大视频帧率应不低于25fps. 这里以视频30fps为例, 安卓摄像头常用的几个分辨率最小支持的Level如下:
分辨率 | 最小支持的Level |
640*480 | 3 |
1280*720(720p) | 3.1 |
1920*1280(1080p) | 4 |
3840*2160(4k) | 5.1 |
虽然安卓5.0已引入, 安卓6.0 引入 但安卓7.0及以上AVC Profile设置才有效, 并且要求Profile和Level必须一起设置.
我的代码也提供了Mediacode编码参数设置接口, Java 和 NDK 两种MediaCodec接口方式都支持:
// Copyright (C)
* 设置视频硬编码是否使用Native Media NDK, 默认是不使用, 安卓5.0以下设备不支持
* @param handle
* @param is_native: 0表示不使用, 1表示使用, sdk默认是0.
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SetNativeMediaNDK(long handle, int is_native);
* 设置视频硬编码码率控制模式
* @param hw_bitrate_mode: -1表示使用默认值,不设置也会使用默认值, 0:CQ, 1:VBR, 2:CBR, 3:CBR_FD, 请参考
* 注意硬编码和手机硬件有关,多数手机只支持部分码率模式, 另外硬编码设备差异很大,不同设备同一码率控制模式效果可能不一样
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SetVideoHWEncoderBitrateMode(long handle, int hw_bitrate_mode);
* 设置视频硬编码质量, 安卓9及以上支持, 仅当硬编码器码率控制模式(BitrateMode)是CQ(constant-quality mode)时才有效
* @param hw_quality: -1表示不设置, 请参考
* 注意硬编码和手机硬件有关,部分手机可能不支持此设置
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SetVideoHWEncoderQuality(long handle, int hw_quality);
* 设置H.264硬编码Profile, 安卓7及以上支持
* @param hw_avc_profile: 0表示使用默认值, 0x01: Baseline, 0x02: Main, 0x08: High, 0x10000: ConstrainedBaseline, 0x80000: ConstrainedHigh;
* 注意: ConstrainedBaseline 和 ConstrainedHigh 可能多数设备不支持,
* H.264推荐使用 High 或者 ConstrainedHigh, 如果您使用的手机硬解码解不了,那还是设置Baseline
* 如果设置的Profile硬编码器不支持,应编码器会使用默认值
* 具体参考
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SetAVCHWEncoderProfile(long handle, int hw_avc_profile);
* 设置H.264硬编码Level, 这个只有在设置了Profile的情况下才有效, 安卓7及以上支持
* @param hw_avc_level: 0表示使用默认值, 0x100: Level3, 0x200: Level3.1, 0x400: Level3.2,
* 0x800: Level4, 0x1000: Level4.1, 0x2000: Level4.2,
* 0x4000: Level5, 0x8000: Level5.1, 0x10000: Level5.2,
* 0x20000: Level6, 0x40000: Level6.1, 0x80000: Level6.2,
* 如果设置的level太高硬编码器不支持,SDK内部会做相应调整
* 注意: 640*480@25fps最小支持的是Level3, 720p最小支持的是Level3.1, 1080p最小支持的是Level4
* 具体参考
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SetAVCHWEncoderLevel(long handle, int hw_avc_level);
* 设置视频硬编码最大码率, 安卓没有相关文档说明, 所以不建议设置,
* @param hw_max_bitrate: 每秒最大码率, 单位bps
* @return {0} if successful
public native int SetVideoHWEncoderMaxBitrate(long handle, long hw_max_bitrate);
经测试MTK、 海思(鸿蒙系统)、 三星、全志、晶晨、瑞芯微等编码器AVC Profile设置都可以成功。