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DC 使用记录



1. change_name

1.1 执行

define_name_rules simple_names -allowed "A-Za-z0-9_" \
  -last_restricted "_" \
 -first_restricted "_" \
  -map { {{"\*cell\*","U"}, {"*-return","RET"}} }
change_name -rules simple_names -hierarchy

1.2 对比


2. elaboration


原文这样写道:2. Elaborate

As we read the RTL and we have only logical information in Boolean expressions, the very first thing tool does is make the building blocks as per the logic present in the RTL. Logically, now tool understands the logic hierarchy and input output of the different hierarchy levels inside the design. The second step tool does is map these building blocks with the inbuilt tool library. These cells are known as GTECH cells. The GTECH cells are technology independent as these are tool inbuilt. RTL codes are mostly written in Boolean expressions. At this stage, these Boolean expressions are converted into cell level using the inbuilt cells.

During elaboration, tool looks if the design and the hierarchy inside the design are unique or not> If unique, then only tool will proceed for further run. Once the run proceeds further, tool looks whether there are any unresolved reference in the design. If no unresolved reference, then tool proceeds further otherwise run stops. In this case, we need to debug the unresolved reference and get the RTL corrected.

简单讲,elaboration会进行如下操作,即工具会先将RTL代码读入,分析代码的层次结构,接着将其link成工具内部自带的工艺库(GTECH cells),link完毕后,工作会对相同的cells进行重命名以避免冲突,最后工具会对设计进行唯一化检查。

3. 编译

在elaboration阶段,工具将RTL link成inbuilt的工艺库,而compile阶段则是将这些cells映射为实际的cells。



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