AUTOSAR文档如何阅读 -- 这些缩写是干嘛的!!!
1 Autosar BSW Module List
2 Autosar规范文档的类型
2.1 Autosar文档中提到的缩写
3 如何快速查看相邻CP Autosar版本之间的差异
1 Autosar BSW Module List
在AUTOSAR_TR_BSWModuleList(List of Basic Software Modules).pdf文档中,定义所有BSW层和MCAL层中Module模块的Short name全称,Abbreviation缩写, Module ID模块标识和关联的Specification document规范文档,以及所属层级,还有库文件和特殊文件。
2 Autosar规范文档的类型
EXP,MOD,RS,SRS,SWS,TPS,TR等缩写,一般定义在文档AUTOSAR_TR_PredefinedNames(Predefined Names in AUTOSAR).pdf中进行了解释,详见下表,其中:
. DocumentCategory: 关键字(abbrName)代表AUTOSAR提供的有效文件类型。
. TraceCategory: 关键字(abbrName)代表AUTOSAR提供的文件中可追溯文本的有效类型。
. InternalDocumentCategory: 关键字 ( abbrName) 代表AUTOSAR内部文件的有效类型,该文件未公布,但仍遵循惯例。
shortName | abbrName | longName | Classification, Description |
ASWS | ASWS | Abstract SWS Software Specification | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory General Specification of AUTOSAR Basic Software Modules |
ATR | ATR | Acceptance Test Requirement | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Specification of requirements for acceptance tests |
ATS | ATS | Acceptance Test Specification | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Test specification and scripts for the execution of acceptance tests |
CONC | CONC | Concept Document | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Concept describing planned changes for the next minor or major release |
CTCF | CTCF | Configuration Settings | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Configuration settings for the execution of conformance Tests |
CTSP | CTSP | Conformance Test Specification | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Test specification and scripts for the execution of conformance tests |
EXP | EXP | Explanation | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Explanatory material discussiong contents already shown in other documents |
MMOD | MMOD | MetaModel | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Modeled contents (a model or generated from a model) on meta level 2 (Meta-Model) |
MOD | MOD | Model | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Modeled contents (a model or generated from a model) on meta level 1 (Model) |
PD | PD | Process Description | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Description of process applied within AUTOSAR standardization activities |
PDEP | PDEP | Profile of Data Exchange Point | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Contains models that tailor AUTOSAR specifications and templates for specific data exchange points |
PRS | Protocol Specification | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Specification of Protocols standardized by AUTOSAR | |
RS | RS | Requirement Specification | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Specification of requirements other than for software specifications |
SRS | SRS | Software Requirement Specification | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Specification of requirements for software specifications |
SWS | SWS | Software Specification | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Specification of AUTOSAR Software |
TMPL | TMPL | Template | InternalDocumentCategory Predefined documentation templates |
TPS | TPS | Template Specification | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory Specification of AUTOSAR Templates, containing Meta model information, constraints etc. |
TR | TR | Technical Report | DocumentCategory, TraceCategory A general technical report describing arbitrary AUTOSAR related topics |
UC | UC | Use Case Specification | TraceCategory Specification of use cases from which requirements are derived. Note that there are documents which maintain the use cases in their requirement spec. So this documentCategory may exist, even if it is not an own artifact. |
ZAUX | ZAUX | Auxilary material | InternalDocumentCategory Auxillary files used internally for the creation of the standard. May be merged with ZSUPP. |
ZGEN | ZGEN | Generated intermediate material | InternalDocumentCategory Generated intermediate products which are maintained in the SCM system of AUTOSAR and used internally for the creation of the standard |
ZSUPP | ZSUPP | Supplemental material | InternalDocumentCategory Supplementary material used internally for the creation of the standard |
2.1 Autosar文档中提到的缩写
在文档AUTOSAR_TR_PredefinedNames(Predefined Names in AUTOSAR).pdf中,也能找到一些规范文档内部缩写的定义,详见下表,其中:
. DocumentAbbreviation:该abbrName代表追溯tag中有效的文档缩写。
shortName | abbrName | longName | Classification, Description |
AIBodyAndComfort | AIBC | Application Interfaces "Body and Comfort" | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains Application Interfaces for "Body and Comfort". |
AIChassis | AICS | Application Interfaces "Chassis" | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains Application Interfaces for "Chassis". |
AIDesignPattern Catalogue | AIDPC | Application Interface Design Pattern Catalogue | DocumentAbbreviation This document contains Application Interface Design Pattern Catalogue. |
AIHMIMultimediaAnd Telematics | AIHMI | Application Interfaces "HMI Multimedia and Telematics" | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains Application Interfaces for "HMI Multimedia And Telematics". |
AIOccupantAnd PedestrianSafety | AIOPS | Application Interfaces "Occupant and Safety" pedestrian | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains Application Interfaces for "Application Interface Occupant and pedestrian Safety". |
AIPowertrain | AIPT | Application Interfaces "Powertrain" | DocumentAbbreviation This document document explains Application Interfaces for "Powertrain". |
AISpecification Examples | AISE | XML Examples of Application Interfaces | DocumentAbbreviation This represents XML Examples of Appplication Interfaces. |
AIUserGuide | AIUG | Application Interfaces User Guide | DocumentAbbreviation This document aims at explaining all relevant details about the AI Table. |
ApplicationLevelError Handling | ALEH | Application Level Error Handling | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains the Application Level Error Handling. |
AdaptiveNetwork Management | ANM | Adaptive Network Management | DocumentAbbreviation Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty |
AdaptivePlatformTypes | ASR | ARXML Serialization Rules | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains how to serialize AUTOSAR models into ARXML files and vice versa. |
AutosarModel Constraints | ArModC | Autosar Model Constraints | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains Autosar Model Constraints. |
ARXMLSerialization Rules | ASR | ARXML Serialization Rules | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains how to serialize AUTOSAR models into ARXML files and vice versa. |
ATBM | ATBM | Interaction with Behavioral Models | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes interaction with behavioral models. |
BSWAndRTEFeatures | BRF | AUTOSAR BSW and RTE Features | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies the features of the BSW Architecture and the RTE. |
BSW | BSW | Basic Software | DocumentAbbreviation This abbreviation represents the superset of all BSW software requirement specifications. This means that this abbreviation is used throughout all Basic Software Specifications. |
BSWModuleDescription Template | BSWMDT | Basic Software Module Description Template | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies how to describe a Basic Software |
BSWModuleList | BSWML | Basic Software Module List | DocumentAbbreviation This document lists the BSW modules. |
BSWUMLModel ModelingGuide | BSWUMG | BSW UML Model Modeling Guide | DocumentAbbreviation This guideline describes the BSW UML Model modeling. |
BSWUML | BSWUML | Basic Software UML model | DocumentAbbreviation This abbreviation represents the BSW UML model. This means that this abbreviation is used throughout all elements maintained in the BSW UML model. |
BWCStatement | BWC | BWC Statement | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the backward compatibility statement. |
CDDDesignAnd IntegrationGuideline | CDDG | CDD Design And Integration Guideline | DocumentAbbreviation This guideline describes the Design and the Integration of CDD. |
CommunicationCan | COMCAN | Communication on Can | DocumentAbbreviation Relevant for communication on CAN. |
CommunicationFlexray | COMFR | Communication on Flexray | DocumentAbbreviation Relevant for communication on Flexray. |
CommunicationLin | COMLIN | Communication on Lin | DocumentAbbreviation Relevant for communication on LIN. |
Communication Management | COMMGMT | Communication Management | DocumentAbbreviation Relevant for communication management. |
CommunicationViaBus | COMVB | Communication via a bus | DocumentAbbreviation Relevant for communication via a bus. |
Diagnostic | DIAG | Requirements on Diagnostic | DocumentAbbreviation The goal of AUTOSAR WP Diagnostics and this document is to define to what extent elements of the diagnostic basic software have to be configurable and what preliminaries they shall comply with to meet the tailoring requirements. The handling of the legislated OBD and enhanced Diagnostics shall also be achieved. |
AdaptiveDiagnostics | DM | Adaptive Diagnostics | DocumentAbbreviation Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty |
ECUConfiguration | ECUC | Specification of ECU Configuration | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies the technical details of the ECU configuration |
ECUConfiguration Parameters | ECUCP | ECU Configuration Parameters | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes ECU Configuration Parameters. |
EcuModeManagement | ECUMGMT | ECU Mode Management | DocumentAbbreviation Relevant for ECU mode management. |
ECUResourceTemplate | ECUR | Specification of ECU Resource Template | DocumentAbbreviation This specifies how to describe Resources of an ECU |
ErrorDescription | ED | Error Description | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains the Error Description. |
ExecutionManagement | EM | Execution Management | DocumentAbbreviation Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty |
ErrataSheet | ERSH | Errata Sheet | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains the Errata Sheet. |
FrancaIntegration | FCAINT | Franca Integration | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the Franca Integration. |
Features | Feature | Feature Specification Acceptance Tests | DocumentAbbreviation Feature Specification of the acceptance tests. |
FeatureModelExchange Format | FMDT | Specification of Feature Model Exchange Format | DocumentAbbreviation This specifies how to describe the Feature Model Exchange Format. |
FreeRunningTimer | FRT | Free Running Timer | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the Free Running Timer. |
Glossary | GLOS | Glossary | DocumentAbbreviation This document lists all Glossary items. |
GenericStructure Template | GST | Generic Structure Template | DocumentAbbreviation This specifies common aspects applicable to all templates. |
Gateway | GTW | Gateway | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains the Gateway. |
HealthManagement | HM | Health Management | DocumentAbbreviation Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty |
InteroperabilityOf AutosarTools | IOAT | Interoperability of AUTOSAR Tools | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes various aspects of interoperability of AUTOSAR tools. |
InteroperabilityOf AutosarTools Supplement | IOATS | Interoperability of AUTOSAR Tools Supplement | DocumentAbbreviation This document contains baseline profiles of data exchange points and examples. |
IOHWAbstraction | IOHWAB | IO Hardware Abstraction | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the IO Hardware Abstraction. |
InterruptHandling Explanation | IRH | Interrupt Handling Explanation | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains the Interrupt Handling. |
SRSLibraries | LIBS | Requirements on Libraries | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies requirements on the AUTOSAR Libraries. |
AdaptiveLogAndTrace | LOG | Adaptive Log and Trace | DocumentAbbreviation Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty |
LayeredSoftware Architecture | LSA | Layered Software Architecture | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the Layered Software Architecture. |
MainRequirements | Main | AUTOSAR Main Requirements | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies the AUTOSAR main requirements. |
AIMeasurement CalibrationDiagnostics | MCAI | Unique Names for Documentation, Measurement and Calibration: Modeling and Naming Aspects including Automatic Generation | DocumentAbbreviation This document discusses how to automatically generate display names for measurement, calibration and diagnostic tools (MCD). |
AIMeasurement CalibrationDiagnostics_Assumptions | MCA | Assumptions in Unique Names for Documentation, Measurement and Calibration:Modeling and Naming Aspects including Automatic Generation | DocumentAbbreviation This keyword reflects the assumptions how to automatically generate display names for measurement, calibration and diagnostic tools (MCD). The keyword is used for document internal tracing |
AIMeasurement Calibration Diagnostics_Generation Rules | MCG | Generation Rules in Unique Names for Documentation, Measurement and Calibration:Modeling and Naming Aspects including Automatic Generation | DocumentAbbreviation This keyword reflects the generation rules how to automatically generate display names for measurement, calibration and diagnostic tools (MCD). The keyword is used for document internal tracing. |
AIMeasurement Calibration Diagnostics_Modeling Rules | MCM | Modeling Rules in Unique Names for Documentation, Measurement and Calibration:Modeling and Naming Aspects including Automatic Generation | DocumentAbbreviation This keyword reflects the modeling rules of how to automatically generate display names for measurement, calibration and diagnostic tools (MCD). The keyword is used for document internal tracing. |
AIMeasurement CalibrationDiagnostics_Requirements | MCR | Requirements in Unique Names for Documentation, Measurement and Calibration:Modeling and Naming Aspects including Automatic Generation | DocumentAbbreviation This keyword reflects the requirments of how to automatically generate display names for measurement, calibration and diagnostic tools (MCD). The keyword is used for document internal tracing. |
MemoryServices | MEM | Requirements on Memory Services | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies requirements on Basic Software Modules of the memory services. |
Methodology | METH | AUTOSAR Methodology | DocumentAbbreviation This describes the AUTOSAR Methodolgy. |
MethodologyModel Rules | MethModR | Methodology Model Rules | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the Methodology Model Rules. |
MiscSupport | MICS | Miscellaneous Support | DocumentAbbreviation This document contains miscellaneous support items. |
MetaModel | MM | Meta Model | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the Meta Model. |
MemoryHWAbstraction Layer | MMHWABLY | Memory Hardware Abstraction Layer | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the Memory Hardware Abstraction Layer. |
ModeManagement Guide | MMG | Mode Management Guide | DocumentAbbreviation This guideline describes the Mode Management. |
ModeMgm | ModeMgm | Mode Management | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies Mode Management in AUTOSAR. |
MultiCoreGuide | MTCG | Multi Core Guide | DocumentAbbreviation This guideline describes Multi Core. |
MethodologyAnd TemplatesGeneral | MTG | General Requirements on Methodology and Templates | DocumentAbbreviation This document has the purpose to collect requirements on Methodology and Templates which are relevant for more than one document. |
OperatingSystem Interface | OSI | Operating System Interface | DocumentAbbreviation Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty |
Pesistency | PER | Persistency | DocumentAbbreviation Adaptive Platform - to be filled correclty |
PredefinedNames | PDN | AUTOSAR PredefinedNames | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes various predefined names used in AUTOSAR. |
ProjectObjectives | PO | AUTOSAR Project Objectives | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies the AUTOSAR Project Objectives. |
ReferenceBase | RefBase | Reference Base | DocumentAbbreviation This document contains Reference Base items. |
Requirements | Requirement | Requirements Acceptance Tests | DocumentAbbreviation Requirements for the acceptance tests. |
ReleaseOverviewAnd RevHistory | RORH | Release Overview And Rev History | DocumentAbbreviation This document provides a Release Overview and Rev History. |
RTE | RTE | Runtime Environment | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies the AUTOSAR Runtime Environment. |
SAE | SAE | Society of Automotive Engineers | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the network standard developed by the Society of Automotive Engineers. |
SafetyExtensions | SAFEX | Specifcation of Safety Extensions | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifes how to describe the safety relevant properties and requirements of an AUTOSAR System. |
XMLSchema Supplement | SchemaSupp | XML Schema Supplement | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains the XML Schema. |
SafetyConceptStatus Report | SCSR | Safety Concept Status Report | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains the Safety Concept Status Report. |
SomeIpExample | SIPEX | SomeIp Example | DocumentAbbreviation This document contains SomeIp Examples. |
SPAL | SPAL | Standard Peripheral Abstraction Layer | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the Standard Peripheral Abstraction Layer. |
SafetyUseCase | SUC | Safety Use Case | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains the Safety Use Cases. |
SWCModeling | SWCM | Software Component Modeling | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the modeling of Software Components. |
SoftwareComponent Template | SWCT | Software Component Template | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies how to describe Software Components. |
SWCModelingGuide | SWMG | SW-C and System Modeling Guide | DocumentAbbreviation This document gives guidelines and conventions on using the AUTOSAR model elements in order to build AUTOSAR systems. |
SWCModeling Guide_NamingRules | SWNR | Naming Rules in SW-C and System Modeling Guide | DocumentAbbreviation This document gives guidelines and conventions, in particular the naming rules on using the AUTOSAR model elements in order to build AUTOSAR systems. |
Standardization Template | STDT | Standardization Template | DocumentAbbreviation This specifies how AUTOSAR Standardization is represented as ARXML file. |
SystemTemplate | SYST | System Template | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies how to describe AUTOSAR Systems. |
TimingAnalysis | TIMAY | Specification of Timing Analysis | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains the Timing Analysis. |
TimingExtensions | TIMEX | Specification of Timing Extensions | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies how to describe the timing of an AUTOSAR System. |
TTCAN | Requirements on TTCAN | DocumentAbbreviation This document specifies the additional TTCAN requirements for the CAN BSW stack. | |
UtilizationOfCrypto Services | UOC | Utilization Of Crypto Services | DocumentAbbreviation This document explains the Utilization of Crypto Services. |
VirtualFunctionalBus | VFB | Virtual Functional Bus | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the Virtual Functional Bus. |
XMLSchema | XMLS | XML Schema | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes the XML Schema. |
XMLSchemaProduction Rules | XMLSPR | XML Schema Production Rules | DocumentAbbreviation This document describes how a W3C XML schema specification compliant XML schema can be compiled out of the AUTOSAR meta-model. |
3 如何快速查看相邻CP Autosar版本之间的差异
在AUTOSAR_TR_ClassicPlatformReleaseOverview(Classic Platform Release Overview).pdf文档中,描述了相较前一Autosar版本“新增哪些规范”和“淘汰哪些规范”,以及前后规范的修订内容的总结。