抓包 Hook 工具Objection
Objection 是一个基于 Frida 开发的命令行工具,它可以很方便的 Hook Java 函数和类,并输出参数,调用栈,返回值。支持Hook Android和IOS
因为 Objection 是基于 Frida 的所以必须先安装 Frida 然后才能安装 Objection
为什么有了frida,还需要Objection呢,因为frida hook需要写JavaScript脚本代码,Objection就很方便把frida很多脚本都封装了,直接使用一条命令,就可以使用frida 进行hook,简化了很多hook写通用代码的过程
- 安装Python
- 安装ADB
- 安装Frida
- 安装Frida-tools
- 安装Frida-server
- 设置Frida的端口转发
- 验证frida-ps -U
pip3 install objection
Checking for a newer version of objection...
Usage: objection [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...
_ _ _ _
___| |_|_|___ ___| |_|_|___ ___
| . | . | | -_| _| _| | . | |
|___|___| |___|___|_| |_|___|_|_|
Runtime Mobile Exploration
by: @leonjza from @sensepost
By default, communications will happen over USB, unless the --network option
is provided.
-N, --network Connect using a network connection instead of USB.
-h, --host TEXT [default:]
-p, --port INTEGER [default: 27042]
-ah, --api-host TEXT [default:]
-ap, --api-port INTEGER [default: 8888]
-g, --gadget TEXT Name of the Frida Gadget/Process to connect to.
[default: Gadget]
-S, --serial TEXT A device serial to connect to.
-d, --debug Enable debug mode with verbose output. (Includes
agent source map in stack traces)
--help Show this message and exit.
api Start the objection API server in headless mode.
device-type Get information about an attached device.
explore Start the objection exploration REPL.
patchapk Patch an APK with the frida-gadget.so.
patchipa Patch an IPA with the FridaGadget dylib.
run Run a single objection command.
signapk Zipalign and sign an APK with the objection key.
version Prints the current version and exists.
Objection 命令集合
frida-ps -U
objection -g com.piaoyou.piaoxing explore
objection -g com.piaoyou.piaoxing explore --startup-command "android hooking watch class_method java.io.File.$init --dump-args"
objection -g com.piaoyou.piaoxing explore -s "android hooking watch class_method java.io.File.$init --dump-args --dump-return"
objection -g com.piaoyou.piaoxing explore -c "d:/hook/objection-command.txt"
objection -g com.piaoyou.piaoxing explore -S "d:/hook/frida-hook.js"
memory list modules
memory list exports libssl.so
memory list exports libart.so --json /root/libart.json
android heap search instances java.net.HttpURLConnection
android heap execute 0x2526 getPreferenceScreenResId
#在实例上执行js代码,输入以下命令后,会进入一个迷你编辑器环境,输入console.log("evaluate result:"+clazz.getPreferenceScreenResId())这串脚本,按ESC退出编辑器,然后按回车,即会开始执行这串脚本,输出结果
android heap evaluate 0x2526
android hooking list classes
android hooking search classes RealCall
android hooking search methods display
android hooking list class_methods com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSocketImpl
android hooking generate simple com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSocketImpl
#hook类的所有方法,在使用jobs list命令可以看到objection为我们创建的Hooks数,也就是将com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSocketImpl类下的所有方法都hook了
android hooking watch com.android.org.conscrypt.OpenSSLSocketImpl
android hooking watch class_method android.bluetooth.BluetoothDevice.getName --dump-args --dump-return --dump-backtrace
#直接将SSL pinning给disable掉
android sslpinning disable
android hooking watch class_method java.io.File.$init --dump-args
memory list modules
memory list exports libssl.so
memory list exports libart.so --json /root/libart.json
import frida_hook.js
android intent launch_activity com.android.settings.DisplaySettings
android hooking list activities
Objection 源码