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			<div class="frame_left">
				<!-- 头部一会要换掉 -->
				<div class="frame_left_title">
					<img src="./img/展开列.png" alt="">
					<p class="left_show">企业劳务派遣</p>
				<div class="frame_list">

					<div class="frame_item">
						<div class="frame_item_prent" onclick="listOpen(event)">
								<img src="./img/123.png" alt="">
								<p class="left_show">账号管理</p>
							<img class="left_show" src="./img/向上箭头.png" alt="">
						<div class="frame_item_child">

							<div class="frame_child_item">
								<img src="./img/123.png" alt="">
							<div class="frame_child_item">
								<img src="./img/123.png" alt="">
							<div class="frame_child_item">
								<img src="./img/123.png" alt="">



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				<img src="./img/展开列.png" alt="" onclick="isToggle()">

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				<div class="frame_fr">
					<img src="./img/刷新.png" alt="" >
					<div class="zzzz">
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						<img src="./img/展开目录.png" alt="" width="18px" height="18px">
						<button id="quit">退出登录</button>
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				<div class="home">首页</div>

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			<div id="xiugai"
				style="background-color: #000;opacity: 40%;width: 100%;height: 100%;position: fixed;top: 0;left: 0; z-index: 5;">
			<div class="hint">
				<div class="hint-h">
				<div class="hint-i">
					<img src="./img/307感叹号-圆框.png" alt="" width="20px" height="20px">
				<div class="hint-n">
					<button id="quxiao">取消</button>
					<button id="queding">确定</button>
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/* 注释的东西到时候可以添加导航栏 */
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/* 退出弹窗 */
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#quit {
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/* 提示弹窗 退出登录 批量删除 */
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.hint-i {
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.hint-i p {
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.hint-n button {
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#queding {
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// 所有的名称是下划线还是横线要注意
// 二级列表展开事件
function listOpen(e) {

// 菜单折叠事件
function isToggle() {
	if ($(".frame_left").width() < 220) {
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		$(".frame_top").css('width', 'calc(100% - 220px)');
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		$(".frame_left_title").css('width', '80px');
		$(".frame_item").css('width', '80px');
		$(".frame_item_child").attr('class', 'frame_item_hover');

// 这是一个登录请求的接口,请求成功后返回一个树形菜单的数组,下面需要用到

let list = []
	type: "POST",
	url: "地址",
	data: {
	success: (res) => {
		list = res.data.menu;

function renders() {
	let str = '';
	for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) {
		if (list[i].children && list[i].children.length > 1) {
			str += `
				<div class="frame_item">
					<div class="frame_item_prent" onclick="listOpen(event)">
							<img src="./img/123.png" alt="">
							<p class="left_show">${list[i].meta.locale}</p>
						<img class="left_show" src="./img/向上箭头.png" alt="">
					<div class="frame_item_child">

			for (let k = 0; k < list[i].children.length; k++) {
				str += `
					<div class="frame_child_item">
						<img src="./img/123.png" alt="">

			str += `</div>
		} else {
			str += `
				<div class="frame_item">
					<div class="frame_item_prent">
							<img src="./img/123.png" alt="">
							<p class="left_show">${list[i].meta.locale}</p>
				<div class="frame_item_child"></div>

	a ()

function a (){
	for (let i = 0; i < $('.frame_item').length; i++) {
		$('.frame_item').eq(i).on('mouseover', function() {
		$('.frame_item').eq(i).on('mouseout', function() {

// 退出登录、切换登录
let quit = document.getElementById("quit");
let zzzz = document.getElementsByClassName("zzzz")[0];
let box = document.getElementsByClassName("box_x")[0];
// 鼠标放上去显示退出登录
zzzz.addEventListener("mouseenter", () => {
	quit.style.opacity = "1"
zzzz.addEventListener("mouseleave", () => {
	quit.style.opacity = "0"

// 退出登录/切换用户
quit.addEventListener("click", () => {
	box.style.display = "block"

quxiao.addEventListener("click", () => {
	box.style.display = "none"

xiugai.addEventListener("click", () => {
	box.style.display = "none"

queding.addEventListener("click", () => {
	location.href = './index.html'



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