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Ardupilot开源飞控之Invensense IMUs

Ardupilot开源飞控之Invensense IMUs

  • 1. 源由
  • 2. Invensense IMUs
    • 2.1 AP_InertialSensor_Invensense
    • 2.2 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2
    • 2.3 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3
  • 3.【back-end】硬件初始化
    • 3.1 AP_InertialSensor_Invensense
    • 3.2 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2
    • 3.3 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3
  • 4.【back-end】硬件启动
    • 4.1 AP_InertialSensor_Invensense
    • 4.2 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2
    • 4.3 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3
  • 5.【back-end】获取数据
    • 5.1 AP_InertialSensor_Invensense
    • 5.2 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2
    • 5.3 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3
  • 6.【front-end】数据更新
    • 6.1 AP_InertialSensor_Invensense
    • 6.2 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2
    • 6.3 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3
  • 7. 总结
  • 8. 参考资料

1. 源由

  • 在ArduPilot开源代码之AP_InertialSensor_Backend用了BMI270作为实例进行了介绍。
  • 在APM/PX4/betaflight/inav开源飞控之IMU方向对于IMU方向有点歧义。


2. Invensense IMUs

Invensense IMU类定义和相关重要API。

2.1 AP_InertialSensor_Invensense

  • 【front-end】update
  • 【back-end】probe //SPI and I2C
  • 【back-end】start
  • accumulate
  • get_auxiliary_bus
  • get_output_banner
    enum Invensense_Type {

2.2 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2

  • 【front-end】update
  • 【back-end】probe //SPI and I2C
  • 【back-end】start
  • accumulate
  • get_auxiliary_bus
  • get_output_banner
    enum Invensensev2_Type {
        Invensensev2_ICM20948 = 0,

2.3 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3

  • 【front-end】update
  • 【back-end】probe //SPI only
  • 【back-end】start
  • accumulate
  • get_output_banner
    enum class Invensensev3_Type : uint8_t {
        ICM40609 = 0, // No HiRes
        ICM42688, // HiRes 19bit
        ICM42605, // No HiRes
        ICM40605, // No HiRes
        IIM42652, // HiRes 19bit
        ICM42670, // HiRes 19bit
        ICM45686  // HiRes 20bit



3.1 AP_InertialSensor_Invensense

 └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensense //构造函数
     └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensense::_init
         └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensense::_hardware_init

3.2 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2

 └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2 //构造函数
      └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2::_init
          └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2::_hardware_init

3.3 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3

 └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3 //构造函数
      └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3::hardware_init


4.1 AP_InertialSensor_Invensense


void AP_InertialSensor_Invensense::start()
    // pre-fetch instance numbers for checking fast sampling settings
    if (!_imu.get_gyro_instance(_gyro_instance) || !_imu.get_accel_instance(_accel_instance)) {


    // initially run the bus at low speed

    // only used for wake-up in accelerometer only low power mode
    _register_write(MPUREG_PWR_MGMT_2, 0x00);

    // always use FIFO

    // grab the used instances
    enum DevTypes gdev, adev;
    switch (_mpu_type) {
    case Invensense_MPU9250:
        gdev = DEVTYPE_GYR_MPU9250;
        adev = DEVTYPE_ACC_MPU9250;
        _enable_offset_checking = true;
    case Invensense_ICM20602:
        gdev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20602;
        adev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20602;
        // ICM20602 has a bug where sometimes the data gets a huge offset
        // this seems to be fixed by doing a quick FIFO reset via USR_CTRL
        // reg
        _enable_fast_fifo_reset = true;
        _enable_offset_checking = true;
    case Invensense_ICM20601:
        gdev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20601;
        adev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20601;
        _enable_offset_checking = true;
    case Invensense_ICM20608:
        // unfortunately we don't have a separate ID for 20608, and we
        // can't change this without breaking existing calibrations
        gdev = DEVTYPE_GYR_MPU6000;
        adev = DEVTYPE_ACC_MPU6000;
        _enable_offset_checking = true;
    case Invensense_ICM20789:
        gdev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20789;
        adev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20789;
        _enable_offset_checking = true;
    case Invensense_ICM20689:
        gdev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20689;
        adev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20689;
        _enable_offset_checking = true;
    case Invensense_MPU6000:
    case Invensense_MPU6500:
        gdev = DEVTYPE_GYR_MPU6000;
        adev = DEVTYPE_ACC_MPU6000;

      setup temperature sensitivity and offset. This varies
      considerably between parts
    switch (_mpu_type) {
    case Invensense_MPU9250:
        temp_zero = 21.0f;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0f/340;

    case Invensense_MPU6000:
    case Invensense_MPU6500:
        temp_zero = 36.53f;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0f/340;

    case Invensense_ICM20608:
    case Invensense_ICM20602:
    case Invensense_ICM20601:
        temp_zero = 25.0f;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0f/326.8f;

    case Invensense_ICM20789:
        temp_zero = 25.0f;
        temp_sensitivity = 0.003f;
    case Invensense_ICM20689:
        temp_zero = 25.0f;
        temp_sensitivity = 0.003f;

    if (!_imu.register_gyro(_gyro_instance, 1000, _dev->get_bus_id_devtype(gdev)) ||
        !_imu.register_accel(_accel_instance, 1000, _dev->get_bus_id_devtype(adev))) {

    // setup ODR and on-sensor filtering

    // update backend sample rate
    _set_accel_raw_sample_rate(_accel_instance, _accel_backend_rate_hz);
    _set_gyro_raw_sample_rate(_gyro_instance, _gyro_backend_rate_hz);

    // indicate what multiplier is appropriate for the sensors'
    // readings to fit them into an int16_t:
    _set_raw_sample_accel_multiplier(_accel_instance, multiplier_accel);

    // set sample rate to 1000Hz and apply a software filter
    // In this configuration, the gyro sample rate is 8kHz
    _register_write(MPUREG_SMPLRT_DIV, 0, true);

    // Gyro scale 2000º/s
    _register_write(MPUREG_GYRO_CONFIG, BITS_GYRO_FS_2000DPS, true);

    // read the product ID rev c has 1/2 the sensitivity of rev d
    uint8_t product_id = _register_read(MPUREG_PRODUCT_ID);

    if (_mpu_type == Invensense_MPU6000 &&
        ((product_id == MPU6000ES_REV_C4) ||
         (product_id == MPU6000ES_REV_C5) ||
         (product_id == MPU6000_REV_C4)   ||
         (product_id == MPU6000_REV_C5))) {
        // Accel scale 8g (4096 LSB/g)
        // Rev C has different scaling than rev D
        _register_write(MPUREG_ACCEL_CONFIG,1<<3, true);
        _accel_scale = GRAVITY_MSS / 4096.f;
        _gyro_scale = (radians(1) / 16.4f);
    } else if (_mpu_type == Invensense_ICM20601) {
        // Accel scale 32g (4096 LSB/g)
        _register_write(MPUREG_ACCEL_CONFIG,1<<3, true);
        _accel_scale = GRAVITY_MSS / 4096.f;
        _gyro_scale = (radians(1) / 8.2f);
        _clip_limit = 29.5f * GRAVITY_MSS;
    } else {
        // Accel scale 16g (2048 LSB/g)
        _register_write(MPUREG_ACCEL_CONFIG,3<<3, true);
        _accel_scale = GRAVITY_MSS / 2048.f;
        _gyro_scale = (radians(1) / 16.4f);

    if (_mpu_type == Invensense_ICM20608 ||
        _mpu_type == Invensense_ICM20602 ||
        _mpu_type == Invensense_ICM20601) {
        // this avoids a sensor bug, see description above
        _register_write(MPUREG_ICM_UNDOC1, MPUREG_ICM_UNDOC1_VALUE, true);
    // configure interrupt to fire when new data arrives
    _register_write(MPUREG_INT_ENABLE, BIT_RAW_RDY_EN);

    // clear interrupt on any read, and hold the data ready pin high
    // until we clear the interrupt. We don't do this for the 20789 as
    // that sensor has already setup the appropriate config inside the
    // baro driver.
    if (_mpu_type != Invensense_ICM20789) {    
        uint8_t v = _register_read(MPUREG_INT_PIN_CFG) | BIT_INT_RD_CLEAR | BIT_LATCH_INT_EN;
        v &= BIT_BYPASS_EN;
        _register_write(MPUREG_INT_PIN_CFG, v);

    if (_enable_offset_checking) {
          there is a bug in at least the ICM-20602 where the
          MPUREG_ACC_OFF_Y_H changes at runtime, which adds an offset
          on the Y accelerometer. To prevent this we read the factory
          cal values of the sensor at startup and write them back as
          checked register values. Then we rely on the register
          checking code to detect the change and fix it
        uint8_t regs[] = { MPUREG_ACC_OFF_X_H, MPUREG_ACC_OFF_X_L,
                           MPUREG_ACC_OFF_Y_H, MPUREG_ACC_OFF_Y_L,
                           MPUREG_ACC_OFF_Z_H, MPUREG_ACC_OFF_Z_L };
        for (uint8_t i=0; i<ARRAY_SIZE(regs); i++) {
            _register_write(regs[i], _register_read(regs[i]), true);

    if (_mpu_type == Invensense_ICM20602) {
          save y offset high separately for ICM20602 to quickly
          recover from a change in this register. The ICM20602 has a
          bug where every few hours it can change the factory Y offset
          register, which leads to a sudden change in Y accelerometer
        _saved_y_ofs_high = _register_read(MPUREG_ACC_OFF_Y_H);

    // now that we have initialised, we set the bus speed to high

    // setup sensor rotations from probe()
    set_gyro_orientation(_gyro_instance, _rotation);
    set_accel_orientation(_accel_instance, _rotation);

    // setup scale factors for fifo data after downsampling
    _fifo_accel_scale = _accel_scale / _accel_fifo_downsample_rate;
    _fifo_gyro_scale = _gyro_scale / _gyro_fifo_downsample_rate;
    // allocate fifo buffer
    _fifo_buffer = (uint8_t *)hal.util->malloc_type(MPU_FIFO_BUFFER_LEN * MPU_SAMPLE_SIZE, AP_HAL::Util::MEM_DMA_SAFE);
    if (_fifo_buffer == nullptr) {
        AP_HAL::panic("Invensense: Unable to allocate FIFO buffer");

    // start the timer process to read samples, using the fastest rate avilable
    _dev->register_periodic_callback(1000000UL / _gyro_backend_rate_hz, FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_InertialSensor_Invensense::_poll_data, void));

4.2 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2


void AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2::start()
    // pre-fetch instance numbers for checking fast sampling settings
    if (!_imu.get_gyro_instance(_gyro_instance) || !_imu.get_accel_instance(_accel_instance)) {


    // initially run the bus at low speed

    // only used for wake-up in accelerometer only low power mode
    _register_write(INV2REG_PWR_MGMT_2, 0x00);

    // always use FIFO

    // grab the used instances
    enum DevTypes gdev, adev;
    switch (_inv2_type) {
    case Invensensev2_ICM20648:
        gdev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20648;
        adev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20648;
        // using 16g full range, 2048 LSB/g
        _accel_scale = (GRAVITY_MSS / 2048);
    case Invensensev2_ICM20649:
        // 20649 is setup for 30g full scale, 1024 LSB/g
        gdev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20649;
        adev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20649;
        _accel_scale = (GRAVITY_MSS / 1024);
    case Invensensev2_ICM20948:
        gdev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20948;
        adev = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM20948;
        // using 16g full range, 2048 LSB/g
        _accel_scale = (GRAVITY_MSS / 2048);

    if (!_imu.register_gyro(_gyro_instance, 1125, _dev->get_bus_id_devtype(gdev)) ||
        !_imu.register_accel(_accel_instance, 1125, _dev->get_bus_id_devtype(adev))) {

    // setup on-sensor filtering and scaling
    _register_write(INV2REG_FSYNC_CONFIG, FSYNC_CONFIG_EXT_SYNC_AZ, true);
    // update backend sample rate
    _set_accel_raw_sample_rate(_accel_instance, _accel_backend_rate_hz);
    _set_gyro_raw_sample_rate(_gyro_instance, _gyro_backend_rate_hz);

    // indicate what multiplier is appropriate for the sensors'
    // readings to fit them into an int16_t:
    _set_raw_sample_accel_multiplier(_accel_instance, multiplier_accel);

    // set sample rate to 1.125KHz
    _register_write(INV2REG_GYRO_SMPLRT_DIV, 0, true);
    // configure interrupt to fire when new data arrives
    _register_write(INV2REG_INT_ENABLE_1, 0x01);

    // now that we have initialised, we set the bus speed to high

    // setup sensor rotations from probe()
    set_gyro_orientation(_gyro_instance, _rotation);
    set_accel_orientation(_accel_instance, _rotation);

    // setup scale factors for fifo data after downsampling
    _fifo_accel_scale = _accel_scale / _accel_fifo_downsample_rate;
    _fifo_gyro_scale = GYRO_SCALE / _gyro_fifo_downsample_rate;
    // allocate fifo buffer
    _fifo_buffer = (uint8_t *)hal.util->malloc_type(INV2_FIFO_BUFFER_LEN * INV2_SAMPLE_SIZE, AP_HAL::Util::MEM_DMA_SAFE);
    if (_fifo_buffer == nullptr) {
        AP_HAL::panic("Invensense: Unable to allocate FIFO buffer");

    // start the timer process to read samples
    _dev->register_periodic_callback(1265625UL / _gyro_backend_rate_hz, FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2::_poll_data, void));

4.3 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3


void AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3::start()
    // pre-fetch instance numbers for checking fast sampling settings
    if (!_imu.get_gyro_instance(gyro_instance) || !_imu.get_accel_instance(accel_instance)) {

    // initially run the bus at low speed

    enum DevTypes devtype = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM42688;
    fifo_config1 = 0x07;

    switch (inv3_type) {
    case Invensensev3_Type::IIM42652:
        devtype = DEVTYPE_INS_IIM42652;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0 / 2.07;
    case Invensensev3_Type::ICM42688:
        devtype = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM42688;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0 / 2.07;
    case Invensensev3_Type::ICM42605:
        devtype = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM42605;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0 / 2.07;
    case Invensensev3_Type::ICM40605:
        devtype = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM40605;
        fifo_config1 = 0x0F;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0 * 128 / 115.49;
    case Invensensev3_Type::ICM42670:
        devtype = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM42670;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0 / 2.0;
    case Invensensev3_Type::ICM45686:
        devtype = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM45686;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0 / 2.0;
        gyro_scale = GYRO_SCALE_4000DPS;
        accel_scale = ACCEL_SCALE_32G;
    case Invensensev3_Type::ICM40609:
        devtype = DEVTYPE_INS_ICM40609;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0 / 2.07;
        accel_scale = ACCEL_SCALE_32G;

    // now we know who we are, other things can be checked for
    if (enable_highres_sampling(accel_instance)) {
        switch (inv3_type) {
            case Invensensev3_Type::ICM42688: // HiRes 19bit
            case Invensensev3_Type::IIM42652: // HiRes 19bit
            case Invensensev3_Type::ICM42670: // HiRes 19bit
            case Invensensev3_Type::ICM45686: // HiRes 20bit
                highres_sampling = dev->bus_type() == AP_HAL::Device::BUS_TYPE_SPI;
            case Invensensev3_Type::ICM40609: // No HiRes
            case Invensensev3_Type::ICM42605:
            case Invensensev3_Type::ICM40605:

    // optionally enable high resolution mode
    if (highres_sampling) {
        fifo_config1 |= (1U<<4);  // FIFO_HIRES_EN
        gyro_scale = GYRO_SCALE_HIGHRES_2000DPS;
        accel_scale = ACCEL_SCALE_HIGHRES_16G;
        temp_sensitivity = 1.0 / 132.48;
        if (inv3_type == Invensensev3_Type::ICM45686) {
            temp_sensitivity = 1.0 / 128.0;
            accel_scale = ACCEL_SCALE_HIGHRES_32G;
            gyro_scale = GYRO_SCALE_HIGHRES_4000DPS;
        } else if (inv3_type == Invensensev3_Type::ICM42670) {
            temp_sensitivity = 1.0 / 128.0;
    // always use FIFO

    // setup on-sensor filtering and scaling and backend rate
    if (inv3_type == Invensensev3_Type::ICM42670) {
    } else if (inv3_type == Invensensev3_Type::ICM45686) {
    } else {

    // pre-calculate backend period
    backend_period_us = 1000000UL / backend_rate_hz;

    if (!_imu.register_gyro(gyro_instance, backend_rate_hz, dev->get_bus_id_devtype(devtype)) ||
        !_imu.register_accel(accel_instance, backend_rate_hz, dev->get_bus_id_devtype(devtype))) {

    // update backend sample rate
    _set_accel_raw_sample_rate(accel_instance, backend_rate_hz);
    _set_gyro_raw_sample_rate(gyro_instance, backend_rate_hz);

    // indicate what multiplier is appropriate for the sensors'
    // readings to fit them into an int16_t:
    _set_raw_sample_accel_multiplier(accel_instance, multiplier_accel);

    // now that we have initialised, we set the bus speed to high

    // setup sensor rotations from probe()
    set_gyro_orientation(gyro_instance, rotation);
    set_accel_orientation(accel_instance, rotation);

    // allocate fifo buffer
    if (highres_sampling) {
        fifo_buffer = hal.util->malloc_type(INV3_FIFO_BUFFER_LEN * INV3_HIGHRES_SAMPLE_SIZE, AP_HAL::Util::MEM_DMA_SAFE);
    } else
    fifo_buffer = hal.util->malloc_type(INV3_FIFO_BUFFER_LEN * INV3_SAMPLE_SIZE, AP_HAL::Util::MEM_DMA_SAFE);

    if (fifo_buffer == nullptr) {
        AP_HAL::panic("Invensensev3: Unable to allocate FIFO buffer");

    // start the timer process to read samples, using the fastest rate avilable
    periodic_handle = dev->register_periodic_callback(backend_period_us, FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3::read_fifo, void));


5.1 AP_InertialSensor_Invensense


  1. 物理坐标Y轴 【变更为】 系统坐标X轴
  2. 物理坐标X轴 【变更为】 系统坐标Y轴
  3. 物理坐标Z轴 【变更为】 系统坐标Z轴反向


 └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensense::_read_fifo
     └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensense::_accumulate/_accumulate_sensor_rate_sampling
bool AP_InertialSensor_Invensense::_accumulate(uint8_t *samples, uint8_t n_samples)
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++) {
        const uint8_t *data = samples + MPU_SAMPLE_SIZE * i;
        Vector3f accel, gyro;
        bool fsync_set = false;

        fsync_set = (int16_val(data, 2) & 1U) != 0;
        accel = Vector3f(int16_val(data, 1),
                         int16_val(data, 0),
                         -int16_val(data, 2));
        accel *= _accel_scale;

        int16_t t2 = int16_val(data, 3);
        if (!_check_raw_temp(t2)) {
            if (_enable_fast_fifo_reset) {
                return false;
            } else {
                if (!hal.scheduler->in_expected_delay()) {
                    debug("temp reset IMU[%u] %d %d", _accel_instance, _raw_temp, t2);
                return false;
        float temp = t2 * temp_sensitivity + temp_zero;
        gyro = Vector3f(int16_val(data, 5),
                        int16_val(data, 4),
                        -int16_val(data, 6));
        gyro *= _gyro_scale;

        _rotate_and_correct_accel(_accel_instance, accel);
        _rotate_and_correct_gyro(_gyro_instance, gyro);

        _notify_new_accel_raw_sample(_accel_instance, accel, 0, fsync_set);
        _notify_new_gyro_raw_sample(_gyro_instance, gyro);

        _temp_filtered = _temp_filter.apply(temp);
    return true;
  when doing fast sampling the sensor gives us 8k samples/second. Every 2nd accel sample is a duplicate.

  To filter this we first apply a 1p low pass filter at 188Hz, then we
  average over 8 samples to bring the data rate down to 1kHz. This
  gives very good aliasing rejection at frequencies well above what
  can be handled with 1kHz sample rates.
bool AP_InertialSensor_Invensense::_accumulate_sensor_rate_sampling(uint8_t *samples, uint8_t n_samples)
    int32_t tsum = 0;
    const int32_t unscaled_clip_limit = _clip_limit / _accel_scale;
    bool clipped = false;
    bool ret = true;
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++) {
        const uint8_t *data = samples + MPU_SAMPLE_SIZE * i;

        // use temperature to detect FIFO corruption
        int16_t t2 = int16_val(data, 3);
        if (!_check_raw_temp(t2)) {
            if (_enable_fast_fifo_reset) {
                ret = false;
            } else {
                if (!hal.scheduler->in_expected_delay()) {
                    debug("temp reset IMU[%u] %d %d", _accel_instance, _raw_temp, t2);
                ret = false;
        tsum += t2;

        if (_accum.gyro_count % _gyro_to_accel_sample_ratio == 0) {
            // accel data is at 4kHz or 1kHz
            Vector3f a(int16_val(data, 1),
                       int16_val(data, 0),
                       -int16_val(data, 2));
            if (fabsf(a.x) > unscaled_clip_limit ||
                fabsf(a.y) > unscaled_clip_limit ||
                fabsf(a.z) > unscaled_clip_limit) {
                clipped = true;
            _accum.accel += _accum.accel_filter.apply(a);

            Vector3f a2 = a * _accel_scale;
            _notify_new_accel_sensor_rate_sample(_accel_instance, a2);


            if (_accum.accel_count % _accel_fifo_downsample_rate == 0) {
                _accum.accel *= _fifo_accel_scale;
                _rotate_and_correct_accel(_accel_instance, _accum.accel);
                _notify_new_accel_raw_sample(_accel_instance, _accum.accel, 0, false);
                _accum.accel_count = 0;
                // we assume that the gyro rate is always >= and a multiple of the accel rate
                _accum.gyro_count = 0;


        Vector3f g(int16_val(data, 5),
                   int16_val(data, 4),
                   -int16_val(data, 6));

        Vector3f g2 = g * _gyro_scale;
        _notify_new_gyro_sensor_rate_sample(_gyro_instance, g2);

        _accum.gyro += g;

        if (_accum.gyro_count % _gyro_fifo_downsample_rate == 0) {
            _accum.gyro *= _fifo_gyro_scale;
            _rotate_and_correct_gyro(_gyro_instance, _accum.gyro);
            _notify_new_gyro_raw_sample(_gyro_instance, _accum.gyro);

    if (clipped) {

    if (ret) {
        float temp = (static_cast<float>(tsum)/n_samples)*temp_sensitivity + temp_zero;
        _temp_filtered = _temp_filter.apply(temp);
    return ret;

5.2 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2


  1. 物理坐标Y轴 【变更为】 系统坐标X轴
  2. 物理坐标X轴 【变更为】 系统坐标Y轴
  3. 物理坐标Z轴 【变更为】 系统坐标Z轴反向


 └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2::_read_fifo
     └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2::_accumulate/_accumulate_sensor_rate_sampling
bool AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2::_accumulate(uint8_t *samples, uint8_t n_samples)
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++) {
        const uint8_t *data = samples + INV2_SAMPLE_SIZE * i;
        Vector3f accel, gyro;
        bool fsync_set = false;

        fsync_set = (int16_val(data, 2) & 1U) != 0;
        accel = Vector3f(int16_val(data, 1),
                         int16_val(data, 0),
                         -int16_val(data, 2));
        accel *= _accel_scale;

        int16_t t2 = int16_val(data, 6);
        if (!_check_raw_temp(t2)) {
            if (!hal.scheduler->in_expected_delay()) {
                debug("temp reset IMU[%u] %d %d", _accel_instance, _raw_temp, t2);
            return false;
        float temp = t2 * temp_sensitivity + temp_zero;
        gyro = Vector3f(int16_val(data, 4),
                        int16_val(data, 3),
                        -int16_val(data, 5));
        gyro *= GYRO_SCALE;

        _rotate_and_correct_accel(_accel_instance, accel);
        _rotate_and_correct_gyro(_gyro_instance, gyro);

        _notify_new_accel_raw_sample(_accel_instance, accel, 0, fsync_set);
        _notify_new_gyro_raw_sample(_gyro_instance, gyro);

        _temp_filtered = _temp_filter.apply(temp);
    return true;
  when doing fast sampling the sensor gives us 9k samples/second. Every 2nd accel sample is a duplicate.

  To filter this we first apply a 1p low pass filter at 188Hz, then we
  average over 8 samples to bring the data rate down to 1kHz. This
  gives very good aliasing rejection at frequencies well above what
  can be handled with 1kHz sample rates.
bool AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2::_accumulate_sensor_rate_sampling(uint8_t *samples, uint8_t n_samples)
    int32_t tsum = 0;
    int32_t unscaled_clip_limit = _clip_limit / _accel_scale;
    bool clipped = false;
    bool ret = true;

    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++) {
        const uint8_t *data = samples + INV2_SAMPLE_SIZE * i;

        // use temperature to detect FIFO corruption
        int16_t t2 = int16_val(data, 6);
        if (!_check_raw_temp(t2)) {
            if (!hal.scheduler->in_expected_delay()) {
                debug("temp reset IMU[%u] %d %d", _accel_instance, _raw_temp, t2);
            ret = false;
        tsum += t2;
        if (_accum.gyro_count % 2 == 0) {
            // accel data is at 4kHz or 1kHz
            Vector3f a(int16_val(data, 1),
                       int16_val(data, 0),
                       -int16_val(data, 2));
            if (fabsf(a.x) > unscaled_clip_limit ||
                fabsf(a.y) > unscaled_clip_limit ||
                fabsf(a.z) > unscaled_clip_limit) {
                clipped = true;
            _accum.accel += _accum.accel_filter.apply(a);

            Vector3f a2 = a * _accel_scale;
            _notify_new_accel_sensor_rate_sample(_accel_instance, a2);


            if (_accum.accel_count % _accel_fifo_downsample_rate == 0) {
                _accum.accel *= _fifo_accel_scale;
                _rotate_and_correct_accel(_accel_instance, _accum.accel);
                _notify_new_accel_raw_sample(_accel_instance, _accum.accel, 0, false);
                _accum.accel_count = 0;
                // we assume that the gyro rate is always >= and a multiple of the accel rate
                _accum.gyro_count = 0;


        Vector3f g(int16_val(data, 4),
                   int16_val(data, 3),
                   -int16_val(data, 5));

        Vector3f g2 = g * GYRO_SCALE;
        _notify_new_gyro_sensor_rate_sample(_gyro_instance, g2);

        _accum.gyro += g;

        if (_accum.gyro_count % _gyro_fifo_downsample_rate == 0) {
            _accum.gyro *= _fifo_gyro_scale;
            _rotate_and_correct_gyro(_gyro_instance, _accum.gyro);
            _notify_new_gyro_raw_sample(_gyro_instance, _accum.gyro);

    if (clipped) {

    if (ret) {
        float temp = (static_cast<float>(tsum)/n_samples)*temp_sensitivity + temp_zero;
        _temp_filtered = _temp_filter.apply(temp);
    return ret;

5.3 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3


  1. 物理坐标Y轴 【与】 系统坐标X轴 【保持一致】
  2. 物理坐标X轴 【与】 系统坐标Y轴 【保持一致】
  3. 物理坐标Z轴 【与】 系统坐标Z轴 【保持一致】


 └──> AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3::accumulate_samples/accumulate_highres_samples
bool AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3::accumulate_samples(const FIFOData *data, uint8_t n_samples)
    const uint64_t tstart = AP_HAL::micros64();
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++) {
        const FIFOData &d = data[i];

        // we have a header to confirm we don't have FIFO corruption! no more mucking
        // about with the temperature registers
        // ICM45686 - TMST_FIELD_EN bit 3 : 1
        // ICM42688 - HEADER_TIMESTAMP_FSYNC bit 2-3 : 10
        if ((d.header & 0xFC) != 0x68) { // ACCEL_EN | GYRO_EN | TMST_FIELD_EN
            // no or bad data
            return false;

        Vector3f accel{float(d.accel[0]), float(d.accel[1]), float(d.accel[2])};
        Vector3f gyro{float(d.gyro[0]), float(d.gyro[1]), float(d.gyro[2])};

        accel *= accel_scale;
        gyro *= gyro_scale;

        Write_GYR(gyro_instance, tstart+(i*backend_period_us), gyro, true);

        const float temp = d.temperature * temp_sensitivity + temp_zero;

        // these four calls are about 40us
        _rotate_and_correct_accel(accel_instance, accel);
        _rotate_and_correct_gyro(gyro_instance, gyro);

        _notify_new_accel_raw_sample(accel_instance, accel, 0);
        _notify_new_gyro_raw_sample(gyro_instance, gyro);

        temp_filtered = temp_filter.apply(temp);
    return true;
// high-resolution packets are always 20-bits, but not always 20-bits of data.
// Scale factors account for the useless bits
static inline float uint20_to_float(uint8_t msb, uint8_t bits, uint8_t lsb)
    uint32_t value20bit = uint32_t(msb) << 12U | uint32_t(bits) << 4U | lsb;
    int32_t value32bit;
    // Check the sign bit (MSB)
    if (value20bit & 0x80000) { // MSB is set (negative value)
        // Extend the sign bit to the upper 12 bits of the 32-bit integer
        value32bit = (int32_t)(value20bit | 0xFFF00000);
    } else { // MSB is not set (positive value)
        // Zero-fill the upper 12 bits of the 32-bit integer
        value32bit = value20bit;

    return float(value32bit);

bool AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3::accumulate_highres_samples(const FIFODataHighRes *data, uint8_t n_samples)
    for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n_samples; i++) {
        const FIFODataHighRes &d = data[i];

        // we have a header to confirm we don't have FIFO corruption! no more mucking
        // about with the temperature registers
        if ((d.header & 0xFC) != 0x78) { // ACCEL_EN | GYRO_EN | HIRES_EN | TMST_FIELD_EN
            // no or bad data
            return false;

        Vector3f accel{uint20_to_float(d.accel[1], d.accel[0], d.ax),
            uint20_to_float(d.accel[3], d.accel[2], d.ay),
            uint20_to_float(d.accel[5], d.accel[4], d.az)};
        Vector3f gyro{uint20_to_float(d.gyro[1], d.gyro[0], d.gx),
            uint20_to_float(d.gyro[3], d.gyro[2], d.gy),
            uint20_to_float(d.gyro[5], d.gyro[4], d.gz)};

        accel *= accel_scale;
        gyro *= gyro_scale;

        const float temp = d.temperature * temp_sensitivity + temp_zero;

        // these four calls are about 40us
        _rotate_and_correct_accel(accel_instance, accel);
        _rotate_and_correct_gyro(gyro_instance, gyro);

        _notify_new_accel_raw_sample(accel_instance, accel, 0);
        _notify_new_gyro_raw_sample(gyro_instance, gyro);

        temp_filtered = temp_filter.apply(temp);
    return true;


6.1 AP_InertialSensor_Invensense

  publish any pending data
bool AP_InertialSensor_Invensense::update() /* front end */

    _publish_temperature(_accel_instance, _temp_filtered);

    if (fast_reset_count) {
        // check if we have reported in the last 1 seconds or
        // fast_reset_count changed
        const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
        if (now - last_fast_reset_count_report_ms > 5000U) {
            last_fast_reset_count_report_ms = now;
            char param_name[sizeof("IMUxx_RST")];
            snprintf(param_name, sizeof(param_name), "IMU%u_RST", MIN(_gyro_instance,9));
            gcs().send_named_float(param_name, fast_reset_count);
        if (last_fast_reset_count != fast_reset_count) {
            AP::logger().Write_MessageF("IMU%u fast fifo reset %u", _gyro_instance, fast_reset_count);
            last_fast_reset_count = fast_reset_count;

    return true;

6.2 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2

  publish any pending data
bool AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev2::update()

    _publish_temperature(_accel_instance, _temp_filtered);

    return true;

6.3 AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3

  publish any pending data
bool AP_InertialSensor_Invensensev3::update()
    _publish_temperature(accel_instance, temp_filtered);

    return true;

7. 总结



8. 参考资料

【4】ArduPilot之开源代码Sensor Drivers设计



  • 使用bard分析视频内容
  • 加载离线镜像包:在线镜像离线为tar包、tar离线镜像包加载并根据imageId打tag
  • INFINI Easysearch 与华为鲲鹏完成产品兼容互认证
  • 【文件上传系列】No.0 利用 FormData 实现文件上传、监控网路速度和上传进度(原生前端,Koa 后端)
  • 获取MATLAB默认配色方案
  • Git初学入门指令
  • Android平板还能编程?Ubuntu本地安装code-server远程编程写代码
  • Mysql综合案例练习<1>
  • SpringbootWeb登录认证
  • 【JavaScript】JS——Map数据类型
  • 视频监控管理平台/智能监测/检测系统EasyCVR智能地铁监控方案,助力地铁高效运营
  • 用23种设计模式打造一个cocos creator的游戏框架----(四)装饰器模式
  • MySQl int(1)、int(20) 的区别到底在哪里
  • JVM虚拟机(已整理,已废弃)
  • Spring Cache快速入门教程及案例
  • Java程序员,你掌握了多线程吗?【文末送书】
  • js取出对象数组某个属性拼接成字符串或者取出某些属性组成新的数组
  • 【C/PTA】结构体进阶练习
  • 将图像增广应用于Mnist数据集
  • scp 指令详细介绍
  • activemq启动成功但web管理页面却无法访问
  • 多人聊天Java
  • 【前端架构】清洁前端架构
  • ubuntu22.04设置国内源
  • JAVA 企业面试题
  • inBuilder低代码平台新特性推荐-第十五期
  • Shopify 开源 WebAssembly 工具链 Ruvy
  • C++STL的string类(一)
  • mysql的几种索引
  • 在数字化转型大时代下,企业进行知识管理的重要性