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ZKP Understanding Nova (2) Relaxed R1CS

Understanding Nova

Kothapalli, Abhiram, Srinath Setty, and Ioanna Tzialla. “Nova: Recursive zero-knowledge arguments from folding schemes.” Annual International Cryptology Conference. Cham: Springer Nature Switzerland, 2022.

Nova: Paper Code

2. Understanding Relaxed R1CS

  • R1CS
/// A type that holds a witness for a given R1CS instance
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct R1CSWitness<E: Engine> {
  W: Vec<E::Scalar>,

/// A type that holds an R1CS instance
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(bound = "")]
pub struct R1CSInstance<E: Engine> {
  pub(crate) comm_W: Commitment<E>,
  pub(crate) X: Vec<E::Scalar>,

impl<E: Engine> R1CSWitness<E> {
  /// A method to create a witness object using a vector of scalars
  pub fn new(S: &R1CSShape<E>, W: &[E::Scalar]) -> Result<R1CSWitness<E>, NovaError> {
    if S.num_vars != W.len() {
    } else {
      Ok(R1CSWitness { W: W.to_owned() })

  /// Commits to the witness using the supplied generators
  pub fn commit(&self, ck: &CommitmentKey<E>) -> Commitment<E> {
    CE::<E>::commit(ck, &self.W)

impl<E: Engine> R1CSInstance<E> {
  /// A method to create an instance object using consitituent elements
  pub fn new(
    S: &R1CSShape<E>,
    comm_W: &Commitment<E>,
    X: &[E::Scalar],
  ) -> Result<R1CSInstance<E>, NovaError> {
    if S.num_io != X.len() {
    } else {
      Ok(R1CSInstance {
        comm_W: *comm_W,
        X: X.to_owned(),
  • Relaxed R1CS
/// A type that holds a witness for a given Relaxed R1CS instance
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
pub struct RelaxedR1CSWitness<E: Engine> {
  pub(crate) W: Vec<E::Scalar>,
  pub(crate) E: Vec<E::Scalar>,

/// A type that holds a Relaxed R1CS instance
#[derive(Clone, Debug, PartialEq, Eq, Serialize, Deserialize)]
#[serde(bound = "")]
pub struct RelaxedR1CSInstance<E: Engine> {
  pub(crate) comm_W: Commitment<E>,
  pub(crate) comm_E: Commitment<E>,
  pub(crate) X: Vec<E::Scalar>,
  pub(crate) u: E::Scalar,

impl<E: Engine> RelaxedR1CSWitness<E> {
  /// Produces a default `RelaxedR1CSWitness` given an `R1CSShape`
  pub fn default(S: &R1CSShape<E>) -> RelaxedR1CSWitness<E> {
    RelaxedR1CSWitness {
      W: vec![E::Scalar::ZERO; S.num_vars],
      E: vec![E::Scalar::ZERO; S.num_cons],

  /// Initializes a new `RelaxedR1CSWitness` from an `R1CSWitness`
  pub fn from_r1cs_witness(S: &R1CSShape<E>, witness: &R1CSWitness<E>) -> RelaxedR1CSWitness<E> {
    RelaxedR1CSWitness {
      W: witness.W.clone(),
      E: vec![E::Scalar::ZERO; S.num_cons],

  /// Commits to the witness using the supplied generators
  pub fn commit(&self, ck: &CommitmentKey<E>) -> (Commitment<E>, Commitment<E>) {
    (CE::<E>::commit(ck, &self.W), CE::<E>::commit(ck, &self.E))

  /// Folds an incoming `R1CSWitness` into the current one
  pub fn fold(
    W2: &R1CSWitness<E>,
    T: &[E::Scalar],
    r: &E::Scalar,
  ) -> Result<RelaxedR1CSWitness<E>, NovaError> {
    let (W1, E1) = (&self.W, &self.E);
    let W2 = &W2.W;

    if W1.len() != W2.len() {
      return Err(NovaError::InvalidWitnessLength);

    let W = W1
      .map(|(a, b)| *a + *r * *b)
    let E = E1
      .map(|(a, b)| *a + *r * *b)
    Ok(RelaxedR1CSWitness { W, E })

  /// Pads the provided witness to the correct length
  pub fn pad(&self, S: &R1CSShape<E>) -> RelaxedR1CSWitness<E> {
    let mut W = self.W.clone();
    W.extend(vec![E::Scalar::ZERO; S.num_vars - W.len()]);

    let mut E = self.E.clone();
    E.extend(vec![E::Scalar::ZERO; S.num_cons - E.len()]);

    Self { W, E }

impl<E: Engine> RelaxedR1CSInstance<E> {
  /// Produces a default `RelaxedR1CSInstance` given `R1CSGens` and `R1CSShape`
  pub fn default(_ck: &CommitmentKey<E>, S: &R1CSShape<E>) -> RelaxedR1CSInstance<E> {
    let (comm_W, comm_E) = (Commitment::<E>::default(), Commitment::<E>::default());
    RelaxedR1CSInstance {
      u: E::Scalar::ZERO,
      X: vec![E::Scalar::ZERO; S.num_io],

  /// Initializes a new `RelaxedR1CSInstance` from an `R1CSInstance`
  pub fn from_r1cs_instance(
    ck: &CommitmentKey<E>,
    S: &R1CSShape<E>,
    instance: &R1CSInstance<E>,
  ) -> RelaxedR1CSInstance<E> {
    let mut r_instance = RelaxedR1CSInstance::default(ck, S);
    r_instance.comm_W = instance.comm_W;
    r_instance.u = E::Scalar::ONE;
    r_instance.X = instance.X.clone();

  /// Initializes a new `RelaxedR1CSInstance` from an `R1CSInstance`
  pub fn from_r1cs_instance_unchecked(
    comm_W: &Commitment<E>,
    X: &[E::Scalar],
  ) -> RelaxedR1CSInstance<E> {
    RelaxedR1CSInstance {
      comm_W: *comm_W,
      comm_E: Commitment::<E>::default(),
      u: E::Scalar::ONE,
      X: X.to_vec(),

  /// Folds an incoming `RelaxedR1CSInstance` into the current one
  pub fn fold(
    U2: &R1CSInstance<E>,
    comm_T: &Commitment<E>,
    r: &E::Scalar,
  ) -> RelaxedR1CSInstance<E> {
    let (X1, u1, comm_W_1, comm_E_1) =
      (&self.X, &self.u, &self.comm_W.clone(), &self.comm_E.clone());
    let (X2, comm_W_2) = (&U2.X, &U2.comm_W);

    // weighted sum of X, comm_W, comm_E, and u
    let X = X1
      .map(|(a, b)| *a + *r * *b)
    let comm_W = *comm_W_1 + *comm_W_2 * *r;
    let comm_E = *comm_E_1 + *comm_T * *r;
    let u = *u1 + *r;

    RelaxedR1CSInstance {



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