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vivado $clog2函数


    * Math function: $clog2 as specified in Verilog-2005
    * clog2 =          0        for value == 0
    *         ceil(log2(value)) for value >= 1
    * This implementation is a synthesizable variant of the $clog2 function as
    * specified in the Verilog-2005 standard (IEEE 1364-2005).
    * To quote the standard:
    *   The system function $clog2 shall return the ceiling of the log
    *   base 2 of the argument (the log rounded up to an integer
    *   value). The argument can be an integer or an arbitrary sized
    *   vector value. The argument shall be treated as an unsigned
    *   value, and an argument value of 0 shall produce a result of 0.
   function automatic integer clog2;
      input integer value;
         value = value - 1;
         for (clog2 = 0; value > 0; clog2 = clog2 + 1) begin
            value = value >> 1;

    * Math function: enhanced clog2 function
    *                        0        for value == 0
    * clog2_width =          1        for value == 1
    *               ceil(log2(value)) for value > 1
    * This function is a variant of the clog2() function, which returns 1 if the
    * input value is 1. In all other cases it behaves exactly like clog2().
    * This is useful to define registers which are wide enough to contain
    * "value" values.
    * Example 1:
    *   parameter ITEMS = 1;
    *   localparam ITEMS_WIDTH = clog2_width(ITEMS); // 1
    *   reg [ITEMS_WIDTH-1:0] item_register; // items_register is now [0:0]
    * Example 2:
    *   parameter ITEMS = 64;
    *   localparam ITEMS_WIDTH = clog2_width(ITEMS); // 6
    *   reg [ITEMS_WIDTH-1:0] item_register; // items_register is now [5:0]
    * Note: I if you want to store the number "value" inside a
    * register, you need a register with size clog2(value + 1), since
    * you also need to store the number 0.
    * Example 3:
    *   reg [clog2_width(64) - 1 : 0]     store_64_items;  // width is [5:0]
    *   reg [clog2_width(64 + 1) - 1 : 0] store_number_64; // width is [6:0]
   function automatic integer clog2_width;
      input integer value;
         if (value == 1) begin
            clog2_width = 1;
         end else begin
            clog2_width = clog2(value);






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