Microsoft VBA Excel 规律的Text文件转工作表Sheet
Item | FolderName | Indicator | FilePath | Time |
1 | ROE | C:\User\Path1 | ||
2 | PE | Y | C:\User\Path2 | |
3 | PB | C:\User\Path3 |
Sub Run_Text()
Dim wsRun As Worksheet
Set wsRun = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("RunControl")
Dim cell As Range
Dim folderName As String, filePath As String, fileName As String
Dim fullFilePath As String
Dim newWs As Worksheet
Dim lastRow As Long
' Turn off screen updating to reduce memory pressure
Application.ScreenUpdating = False
' Get the value of the FileName named range
fileName = ThisWorkbook.Names("FileName").RefersToRange.Value
' Get the last row of the Item named range
lastRow = wsRun.Cells(wsRun.Rows.Count, wsRun.Range("Item").Column).End(xlUp).Row
For Each cell In wsRun.Range("Item").Offset(1, 0).Resize(lastRow - wsRun.Range("Item").Row, 1)
If wsRun.Range("Indicator").Offset(cell.Row - wsRun.Range("Item").Row, 0).Value = "Y" Then
folderName = wsRun.Range("FolderName").Offset(cell.Row - wsRun.Range("Item").Row, 0).Value
filePath = wsRun.Range("FilePath").Offset(cell.Row - wsRun.Range("Item").Row, 0).Value
' Create a new sheet with the folder name if it doesn't exist
On Error Resume Next ' Ignore the error if the sheet exists
Set newWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets(folderName)
If newWs Is Nothing Then ' Only add a new sheet if it does not exist
Set newWs = ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Add(After:=ThisWorkbook.Sheets(ThisWorkbook.Sheets.Count))
newWs.Name = folderName
End If
On Error GoTo 0 ' Stop ignoring errors
' Combine the FilePath, FolderName and FileName
fullFilePath = filePath & "\" & folderName & "\" & fileName
' Open and read the file
Dim expectedColumnCount As Integer, currentColumnCount As Integer
Dim inconsistentData As Boolean
inconsistentData = False
expectedColumnCount = -1
' Declare a variable for the file number
Dim fileNum As Integer
fileNum = FreeFile
' Open the text file for reading
Open fullFilePath For Input As #fileNum
' Read the entire file content into a string variable
Dim fileContent As String
fileContent = Input$(LOF(fileNum), #fileNum)
' Close the file
Close #fileNum
' Split the file content into lines
Dim fileLines() As String
fileLines = Split(fileContent, vbCrLf)
For Each line In fileLines
If Trim(line) <> "" Then ' Ignore empty lines
lineData = Split(line, "|")
currentColumnCount = UBound(lineData) + 1 ' The number of columns in the current row
' Set the expected number of columns at the first line of data
If expectedColumnCount = -1 Then
expectedColumnCount = currentColumnCount
End If
' If the number of columns in the current row doesn't match the expected number, record the inconsistency
If currentColumnCount <> expectedColumnCount Then
inconsistentData = True
' Exit For ' Do not continue processing the file, exit the loop directly
End If
' Fill the data into the appropriate position on the worksheet
With newWs
lastRow = .Cells(.Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
' lastRow = 1
For colIndex = 0 To UBound(lineData)
.Cells(lastRow, colIndex + 1).Value = Trim(Mid(lineData(colIndex), InStr(lineData(colIndex), "=") + 1))
Next colIndex
End With
End If
Next line
' Check for inconsistent data
If inconsistentData Then
MsgBox "Please note, extra delimiters have caused abnormal splitting!", vbExclamation, "Data Split Warning"
End If
' Record the time of the operation
wsRun.Range("Time").Offset(cell.Row - wsRun.Range("Item").Row, 0).Value = Now()
Set newWs = Nothing
End If
Next cell
End Sub