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motionbuilder.exe -batch -s Script_Path



Flag Options

    Displays this help information and exits. (also -?)

    Starts MotionBuilder in batch mode (without the UI). This flag is
    usually used for executing a Python script, which can be set with
    the -F flag.

    Displays the MotionBuilder build information and exits.

    (Windows only) This opens an output window used by FBTrace in the
    OR SDK, where the appropriate stdout/err stream goes. If you choose to
    use this console output window for Python output, you also need to use
    the -verbosePython flag.

-F [filename]
    This is an alternative way to open a file with MotionBuilder at
    startup. If this flag is omitted, you must specify the filename you
    want to open as the last parameter in the list.

-G [width] [height]
    Sets the window size of MotionBuilder to the values specified. The
    default state is maximized.

    Starts MotionBuilder in full screen mode. This is equivalent to
    selecting Display > Full Screen inside the Viewer. To exit full screen
    mode, press Alt+Enter or Esc.

    Disables all the warnings and pop-up dialogs. This flag is useful for
    automation purposes when you do not want the script to be interrupted
    by dialog boxes. By default, all warnings and dialog boxes are shown.

-T[UI Name]
    Finds a tool with the matching name among the tools that MotionBuilder
    has registered, and if it is found, activates it. This flag parameter
    is case sensitive. Note: There is no space between the -T and the
    [UI Name] parameter.

    Outputs all Python messages to the appropriate stdout/err stream. This
    puts the Python print messages to the window that you activate using
    the -console flag as well as to the Python Editor. This is the same
    location that FBTrace outputs to when using the OR SDK. By default,
    Python output is only presented in the Python Editor.

    Enables warnings about features that will be removed in Python 3.0
    You can use this flag to see how much work will be necessary to port
    code to Python 3.0.

--sdk-begin & --sdk-end
    The SDK plug-in developers can access command line arguments within a
    pair of delimiters (--sdk-begin & --sdk-end). See the
    FBSystem::GetCommandLineArgs() function reference.

Usage Examples

Opens the scene contained in mia_blue.fbx on startup.

    motionbuilder.exe mia_blue.fbx

Launches in full screen mode and opens the scene contained in mia_blue.fbx.

    motionbuilder.exe -S mia_blue.fbx

Launches the script testScript.py on startup and suppresses all message
boxes that the script might generate.

    motionbuilder.exe -suspendMessages testScript.py

Launches the Audio tool located in the sample tools folder on startup.
Note: The Audio tool needs to be compiled first.

    motionbuilder.exe -TAudio

Launches the script Script.py and sends the output to the console output

    motionbuilder.exe -console -verbosePython Script.py

Launches with an active window of 500x500, and opens the scene

    motionbuilder.exe -G 500 500 mia_blue.fbx

Launches the console, the Python Editor tool, and opens the scene contained
in mia_blue.fbx. Note: The quotes surrounding "-TPython Editor" are there
to ensure the Python Editor tool is launched. Without these quotes, only
the Python tool would be launched, if it exists.

    motionbuilder.exe -console "-TPython Editor" mia_blue.fbx

Environment Variables

    The directory specified in this environment variable determines the
    location where MotionBuilder configuration will be stored. If not set,
    configuration files will be stored in document or home directory.

    The list of directories contained in this environment variable
    determines the location from which MotionBuilder will load compiled

    The list of directories contained in this environment variable
    determines the location from which MotionBuilder will load Python
    startup scripts.

    The list of directories contained in this environment variable
    determines the location from which MotionBuilder will load FBX MB
    extension plug-ins.

    (Windows only) Setting this environment variable to 1 allows the
    console to appear, otherwise the console will not appear.

    (Linux only) Setting this environment variable to 1 enables the
    CrashRecoverySignalHandler, otherwise it is disabled.

    This environment variable is used for overriding the corresponding
    setting in a configuration file. Any other value except Yes is
    considered as false.

    The ShowEmbedMediasOption preference item can be used in the SaveLoad
    section of a configuration file to control whether the Embed Medias
    checkbox appears in the Save dialog box. This environment variable can
    can also be used for overriding the corresponding setting in a
    configuration file. Any other value except Yes is considered as false.



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