Linux内核学习之 -- ARMv8中的Current宏
- 环境
- current宏
linux 4.19
#define current get_current()
static __always_inline struct task_struct *get_current(void)
unsigned long sp_el0;
asm ("mrs %0, sp_el0" : "=r" (sp_el0));
return (struct task_struct *)sp_el0;
从代码中可以看到,这个current宏是通过读取sp_el0的值来获取当前进程对应的struct task_struct。
在x86下,是把thread_info放在内核栈最底端,然后先要找到thread_info再找到struct task_struct。归根结底是因为x86寄存器太少,而像struct task_struct这么重要且经常使用的结构体,应该放到某个容易寻找的位置或者寄存器中最合适,方便快速访问。这是《Linux内核设计与实现》这本书中介绍的方法,通过地址偏移来获取thread_info。但是现在已经不这么做了,等会将介绍现在是如何做的。
在ARMv8中,可以通过sp_el0来存放当前进程struct task_struct的位置的,请看:ThreadInfo结构和内核栈的两种关系。看完这篇文章后,可以知道:
- 存在两种thread_info架构:①与x86一样,放在内核栈最底端,这样做可以通过地址偏移来获取到内核栈thread_info,然后再通过thread_info获取到struct task_struct;②开启CONFIG_THREAD_INFO_IN宏之后,thread_info放在struct task_struct中,struct task_struct
- ARMv8使用的是第二种架构,所以需要通过某个能够获取到的信息来保存struct task_struct的地址
- 在ARMv8中,使用sp_el0来保存当前进程的struct task_struct
- 这篇文章还提到了,进程切换时也会切换sp_el0,时刻保持sp_el0存储的是当前进程的struct task_struct地址。
可以看到,对于arm64来讲,current宏是从sp_el0寄存器中获取的。但是有一点不理解,就是sp_el0不是用户态的程序使用的吗?啥时候被换成用来保存struct task_struct了呢?这就涉及到两个问题:
- 何时更改sp_el0指向的地址?也就是说什么时候使sp_el0指向当前进程的struct task_struct?
- 在使用sp_el0保存struct task_struct之前,这个结构体保存在哪里?
用户态切内核态就几种方法,同步异常、中断等等,这些都离不开中断向量表。关于ARMv8的系统调用/中断等,可以看一下我写的另外一篇博客:Linux内核学习之 – ARMv8架构的系统调用笔记。我们以系统调用el0_sync为例(当时分析系统调用的时候基于linux 4.19内核,现在5.15内核已经不叫这个函数名了):
kernel_entry 0
mrs x25, esr_el1 // read the syndrome register, 寄存器esr_el1是在权限级EL1下可以访问的系统寄存器,该寄存器的相关状态就表明了异常发生的具体原因。
lsr x24, x25, #ESR_ELx_EC_SHIFT // exception class, lsr: 逻辑右移指令,实现将寄存器进行右移操作, 將x25寄存器的值右移ESR_ELx_EC_SHIFT位后赋值给x24寄存器
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_SVC64 // SVC in 64-bit state
b.eq el0_svc // b.eq:表示条件分支指令,当某个条件满足时,跳转到某个地址
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_DABT_LOW // data abort in EL0
b.eq el0_da
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_IABT_LOW // instruction abort in EL0
b.eq el0_ia
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_FP_ASIMD // FP/ASIMD access
b.eq el0_fpsimd_acc
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_SVE // SVE access
b.eq el0_sve_acc
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_FP_EXC64 // FP/ASIMD exception
b.eq el0_fpsimd_exc
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_SYS64 // configurable trap
b.eq el0_sys
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_SP_ALIGN // stack alignment exception
b.eq el0_sp_pc
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_PC_ALIGN // pc alignment exception
b.eq el0_sp_pc
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_UNKNOWN // unknown exception in EL0
b.eq el0_undef
cmp x24, #ESR_ELx_EC_BREAKPT_LOW // debug exception in EL0 el0_dbg
b el0_inv
.macro kernel_entry, el, regsize = 64
.if \regsize == 32
mov w0, w0 // zero upper 32 bits of x0
stp x0, x1, [sp, #16 * 0] // 此时sp已经被硬件自动切换到ELx状态的栈地址(x > 0),比如系统调用,已经切换到内核态EL1
stp x2, x3, [sp, #16 * 1] // 就系统调用而言,现在要做的是保存用户态的x0~x29寄存器的数据
stp x4, x5, [sp, #16 * 2]
stp x6, x7, [sp, #16 * 3]
stp x8, x9, [sp, #16 * 4]
stp x10, x11, [sp, #16 * 5]
stp x12, x13, [sp, #16 * 6]
stp x14, x15, [sp, #16 * 7]
stp x16, x17, [sp, #16 * 8]
stp x18, x19, [sp, #16 * 9]
stp x20, x21, [sp, #16 * 10]
stp x22, x23, [sp, #16 * 11]
stp x24, x25, [sp, #16 * 12]
stp x26, x27, [sp, #16 * 13]
stp x28, x29, [sp, #16 * 14]
.if \el == 0
mrs x21, sp_el0
ldr_this_cpu tsk, __entry_task, x20 // Ensure MDSCR_EL1.SS is clear,这里有个静态全局变量:__entry_task,是个perCPU变量。
ldr x19, [tsk, #TSK_TI_FLAGS] // since we can unmask debug
disable_step_tsk x19, x20 // exceptions when scheduling.
apply_ssbd 1, x22, x23
add x21, sp, #S_FRAME_SIZE
get_thread_info tsk
/* Save the task's original addr_limit and set USER_DS */
ldr x20, [tsk, #TSK_TI_ADDR_LIMIT]
str x20, [sp, #S_ORIG_ADDR_LIMIT]
mov x20, #USER_DS
str x20, [tsk, #TSK_TI_ADDR_LIMIT]
/* No need to reset PSTATE.UAO, hardware's already set it to 0 for us */
.endif /* \el == 0 */
mrs x22, elr_el1
mrs x23, spsr_el1
stp lr, x21, [sp, #S_LR]
* In order to be able to dump the contents of struct pt_regs at the
* time the exception was taken (in case we attempt to walk the call
* stack later), chain it together with the stack frames.
.if \el == 0
stp xzr, xzr, [sp, #S_STACKFRAME]
stp x29, x22, [sp, #S_STACKFRAME]
add x29, sp, #S_STACKFRAME
* Set the TTBR0 PAN bit in SPSR. When the exception is taken from
* EL0, there is no need to check the state of TTBR0_EL1 since
* accesses are always enabled.
* Note that the meaning of this bit differs from the ARMv8.1 PAN
* feature as all TTBR0_EL1 accesses are disabled, not just those to
* user mappings.
alternative_if ARM64_HAS_PAN
b 1f // skip TTBR0 PAN
.if \el != 0
mrs x21, ttbr0_el1
tst x21, #TTBR_ASID_MASK // Check for the reserved ASID
orr x23, x23, #PSR_PAN_BIT // Set the emulated PAN in the saved SPSR
b.eq 1f // TTBR0 access already disabled
and x23, x23, #~PSR_PAN_BIT // Clear the emulated PAN in the saved SPSR
__uaccess_ttbr0_disable x21
stp x22, x23, [sp, #S_PC]
/* Not in a syscall by default (el0_svc overwrites for real syscall) */
.if \el == 0
mov w21, #NO_SYSCALL
str w21, [sp, #S_SYSCALLNO]
* Set sp_el0 to current thread_info.
.if \el == 0
msr sp_el0, tsk // 把得到的tsk,也就是该进程的struct task_struct放在sp_el0中了。
* Registers that may be useful after this macro is invoked:
* x21 - aborted SP
* x22 - aborted PC
* x23 - aborted PSTATE
msr sp_el0, tsk // 把得到的tsk,也就是该进程的struct task_struct放在sp_el0中了。
msr操作sp_el0,把tsk的值存到sp_el0中,所以很显然,tsk目前保存的就是当前进程的struct task_struct。现在解决了第一个问题:sp_el0何时保存了当前进程的struct task_struct。现在问题的关键在于第二点,tsk从哪里得到的呢?这需要看另外一行汇编:
ldr_this_cpu tsk, __entry_task, x20 // Ensure MDSCR_EL1.SS is clear,这里有个静态全局变量:__entry_task,是个perCPU变量。
* @dst: Result of READ_ONCE(per_cpu(sym, smp_processor_id()))
* @sym: The name of the per-cpu variable
* @tmp: scratch register
.macro ldr_this_cpu dst, sym, tmp
adr_l \dst, \sym
alternative_if_not ARM64_HAS_VIRT_HOST_EXTN
mrs \tmp, tpidr_el1
mrs \tmp, tpidr_el2
ldr \dst, [\dst, \tmp] /* 这一句有点看不明白,后续再研究研究,这一句等价于ldr tsk [__entry_task, tpidr_el1]*/
Syntax of the Framework's Macro
The macro syntax is similar to an if-then-else statement and is prefixed with the word alternative_.
For example, the alternative_if is similar to the if statement, the alternative_if_not is similar to
the if not, the alternative_else is similar to an else statement, and so on. The if macro marks the
beginning of a code section, and the else macro starts a new code section. Finally, an endif macro
ends the clause.
大致意思就是,在macro中,这几个函数和if,elss,endif没啥区别。所以这一段是通过这个if else判断是在EL1(内核态)还是EL2(虚拟机),从而获取到对应等级的tpidr_elx,这个寄存器会保存当前运行进程的pid。
接下来就涉及到__entry_task这个变量本身的问题,这个单独写了一篇博客,记录了一下percpu变量的学习笔记:LInux内核学习 – perCPU变量