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1. 预付费计量系统实体模型

        A generic entity model for electricity payment metering systems is shown in Figure 2.
Although it provides a limited perspective, it does serve to convey certain essential concepts.
        关于电子式预付费电表系统的实体模型见图 2。虽然有些局限,但是它传递了基本的概念。


2.1. 预付费计量系统实体模型的元素

        The essential entities of a payment metering system are:

  • the Payment_Meter ;
  • the Token_Carrier or Remote_Communication_Services providing the means to communicate with the Payment_Meter;
  • the Meter_Operation providing the means to install a payment meter and to configure its variable;
  • parameters;
  • the Point_Of_Sale where a customer interfaces with the supplier to conduct transactions;
  • the Customer_Information_System;
  • the System_Interfaces where the va



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